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Tired of carrying a bulky fleece so decided to spend a little money on a down jacket.
How warm does the average down jacket keep you; I've seen Decathlon ones that say they'll keep you warm at 0 degrees if you're static but other only list fill power and down weight.
>the average down jacket keep you
entirely subjective and borderline impossible to measure
What is the fill power? What is the fill weight? Is it goose or duck down? It's the down water repellent treated? Are there stitched baffles? What is the outer shell made of? What kind of zipper? What is the interior liner?
If you want the basic bottom line:
Down is warm when dry, but loses it's insulation when it gets wet.
Of course other factors also depend, like whether it's been treated etc as mentioned by another Anon.
900FP down
80g fill weight of goose down for a medium
Water repelent
10D Recycled Pertex
Might just go with the decathlon one then
This is why you get synthetic down, which still keeps some insulation when wet and dries faster. Using a real down jacket while doing strenuous activity outdoors is absolutely retarded
I use a $60 300g total weight from decathlon when hiking and rarely even put it on. Useful for temperatures between 10F-40F at camp but below freezing I don't spend too much time outside the tent or sleeping bag. It's too cold when idle for long at those temps.
For autumn hunting and fishing I take a 750g. This one keeps me warm sitting outside at -10C. Too bulky for serious hiking.
Always get a hood with the jacket. Hoodless is useless.
Like the mountain hardware or similar, most jackets of this type is comfortable by itself while your moving around camp in the 30s. It may only be warm enough to stand still in the 40s. You can normally toss a wind breaker or rain jacket over it in cold temps.

Hiking in down is in fact retarded. Generally just a fleece is enough though; hiking in a any real insulation only happens in winter.
Wrong, there are literally standardized tests to measure the insulative ability of down filled goods
It’s not retarded if there’s no chance of rain. How do you know if there’s no chance of rain? Live in California.

>but that means the colloquial wisdoms we have on a certain piece of hiking gear only applies to one region and isn’t actually ubiquitous
The California Influence strikes again.
Anon didn’t even mention rain, and I’m pretty sure he is talking about sweat since he mentioned strenuous activity, but don’t let that stop you from shoehorning in your obsession with California
Anon those tests are sleeping bags and are still ultimately subjective to the user. Jackets vary more in construction, cover only a portion of the body, and the since your likely moving a little can capture more heat. The same loft in a 3season sleeping bag would be overkill in a jacket.
Oh, that’s right. I forgot where I was. I guess the things that normally go without saying need to be explained in detail here for the retards. Specifically, down isn’t meant to be hiked in. Everyone pretty much has a handle on its use (it’s for extended breaks) except /out/, where basic shit is mind blowing and all brand new.

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