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very nice
soosquehanna river
Anons here post so much shit about how NY and PA aren't /out/
Then they call me a east coaster for saying how much I enjoy those beautiful, heavily forested states. I live in Colorado kek
How do we cleanse this board?
actually go out in the east and post your photos
I'm not there right now. I'm home
>Anons here post so much shit about how NY and PA aren't /out/

BS. You get nothing but love for the A-decks and PA Wild on this board.
>I live in Colorado
why woud you live in a barren hell hole?
Put em on clutch
A lot of PA land is state game lands or state forest and thus, the trails are unmarked, in poor shape, and difficult to access in many cases. This alone deters access. OPs pic is (legally) an 8 mi hike or (theoretically illegally) a 4 or 2 mi more direct hike where you have to park on a random public street and trespass for a few hundred feet to get to state forest lands
>and thus, the trails are unmarked
The State of PA cant do signs?
I actually was looking around and there apparently WAS a sign in 2021 at the private property/state forest boundary saying "welcome to state forest lands" and the sign is still there like the wooden part but it was like paper or plastic and the actual message part is totally gone now

so basically you park, there's a no trespassing sign and a gate, you walk not 500 ft, and you are mostly in state forest lands the rest of the hike, but, because of this, the hike isn't particular publicized, and the other way to go is up over the other side of the mountain and involves double the length and elevation gain and the trail is in terrible shape.

At least the trespassing way 90% of the hike is just an old haul road that basically goes straight to the overlook, which, again, is totally unmarked, except for graffiti, no signs anyways while hiking except for a couple no trespassing ones right as you start

>The State of PA cant do signs?
they can but if it isn't a super popular thing, they don't
Still seething about that I see kek ;^)
About what? I dont live in CO. The one time i was there it was miserable and dry,
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I specifically wanted to do the Susquehanna on this day because the river level is much higher than usual and I wanted to capture a full river against a green background which is hard to get because in summer usually the rivers are pretty low.
its a nice looking river. would have been better if the sun was fully out for the green. Why so many houses? are there places you can go along the river that are undeveloped
oh I thought you were one of the many anons that keeps getting butthurt about people calling they west dry. you're right it really is
I also specifically chose it because it would be cloudy. If the sun were out there would be tons of glare and you wouldn't see as much definition in the hills.
>Why so many houses?
Because it's a major river flowing within a few hours of a highly populated urban corridor

>are there places you can go along the river that are undeveloped
you can go upstream along the west branch and then that's less developed but not really on the main stem
its a major waterway in a very populated area
they wyoming valley (wilkes barre, scranton, home of biden) is just upstream and it's a big broad valley suitable for agriculture
In fact the sun came out for most of the way back and made the hike hot and miserable. I wish it had been even cloudier. The sun ruins good nature photos.
well its cute thats for sure
there's a much, much easier hike just downstream where you get to see a nuclear power plant next to the river
theres absolutely no signage and little info online but it called "council cup" overlook and that's just a short little walk to the cliffs
less developed, more farm fields
there's also an overlook on the west branch at a hang glider site that is all green hills and patchwork farm fields that you can drive to but you need an suv because the road has big rocks in it (or you could walk the really rocky part)
no. but parts of the West are super wet so theres that. But why do you live there if its so dry and miserable?
I like almost everything about this place other than that. Believe it or not I love the Winters and that by itself is almost worth it. About half of Spring and Fall are really nice too. It's a trade off.
So..its not a barren hell hole? which is it?
if only you knew how to actually take a photo
>The sun ruins good nature photos.
maybe mid-day sun but the golden hour is the best time for nature photos
that's a logistical challenge then you have to start hiking before dawn or hike down in the dark unless it's just something you can drive to

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