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Do people still Hitchhike these days? nevertheless, would a person in 2024 even pick up a hitchhiker
Does it depend on the state? It's illegal in alot of places so is it even worth the risk.
I am sure if anyone has tried it, they will be on this board. How often do people try and rape you?
carry a big backpack so it is obvious you are looking for rides
stick your thumb up
be patient
carry a gun
>carry a gun
national headline waiting to happen
>It's illegal in alot of places
lol really?
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completely illegal in the red states
Colorado, really?

When I lived in Vail there were people who did it from Minturn everyday. Busses have gotten much better in the mountains in the last 10 years but I still see people doing it.

Western CO still has friendly locals who will check on you if you're pulled over on a dirt road (like, still on the road but stopped, not off the road for camping), it used to be like that in Nederland and Rollins too but the Front Range got invaded by cretins, drug addicts and van life influencers since the gay jewish emperor took over and nobody does that in those parts anymore.
It’s illegal on all interstate highways in every state. The FBI got together with the US Dept of Transportation in the 1960’s when the interstates were being built/expanded. They took two unrelated murder cases of hitchhikers and made it a national story. There was nothing spectacular about them, they weren’t related, and there was no pattern. It was just used as a scare tactic to keep pedestrians off of the interstate.

At the same time, vehicles were becoming much more widespread and affordable. So while there was a concerted effort via propaganda to get people to stop, no one needed to do it anymore. The propaganda won out, it became part of the cultural milieu, and now everyone thinks maniac psychos are picking up hitchhikers for rape and murder, which is a pretty sexy fantasy but doesn’t acktchually happen all that often.

Then again, the maniac psychos have been subjected to the same propaganda. So when they go looking for a victim, they’re going to the place they’ve been inadvertently told to go: the highways.
can't verify, just found it online
I havent seen a single person doing it on the highway though so
Doubt it, i could get get a hitch anywhere within 15 minutes, very friendly state

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