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I moved to Washington state for the beautiful forests (which are completely valid and breathtaking) but why are there so many ugly obese people??? Don’t even get me started on the liberals, crackheads and ghettos.

What happened?
I got a theory
>hits pipe
Supposedly the bible says that leviathan comes from the sea and begets behemoth, the beast with seven heads that breaths fire. Well this area is a subduction zone where deep sea meets active volcanic zone. A funny thing I noticed is when I look at the map of the area, I count roughly give or take seven big volcanoes visible up the PNW coast, starting with Mt. Shasta in the south and ending at Mt. Garibaldi in the north(which recently became unexpectedly more active btw). So you have a place physically doomed to inevitable destruction (plate tectonics subduction) that also just happens to coincidentally seem weirdly cursed when it comes to people's mental health and life outcomes.
are u use to being surrounded by more attractive ppl anon?
Hmmm… I see where you’re coming from. What a creative noggin you have there. But to counteract your theory, if that were true, why is the nature so breathtakingly beautiful? Wouldn’t the people in theory, also be beautiful?
The devil has used beauty to tempt men to their doom since the beginning. Lust is a deadly sin after all. But there's more to it. If I remember right it's in Revelation that the end times will happen in a desert east of Eden. Washington just so happens to have a big dry spot, the badlands, right next to the east of the verdant raincoast. I wonder if this place, despite it's wonders, is a biblically cursed place to be where the final battle happens. Just a thought anyway, could all be coincidence. I've just been puzzling over the state of this place a long time and this is the best I've come up with. If you want a scientific take on it, then I would say maybe it's constant seismic infrasound exposure driving people nuts subconsciously.
how did you not know of the crack hix innastix?
Could you go into detail more about, “seismic infrasound exposure”? Why do you believe Washington state has a lot of seismic infrasound exposure?

Random fact, I came from Southern California and I personally did not like the heat of the desert and lack of forest so I moved near the the most beautiful I visited (HOH Rainforest).

I guess people in California are more beautiful and while living there I did not really notice. California also had drug, homeless and ghetto slums problems but not like Washington. California was also liberal but not to the intensity of Washington. I guess I’m just going through transplant shock?
washingtonians hibernate during spring fall and winter so they are ugly and fat and barely lose any uggo chub in summer
Please go back.
I’m going to bring all of my family and friends just because you said that :)
If go /out/ and are surrounded by fat people, you probably aren't really /out/. Washington is filled with mountains. The vast majority of fat people do not climb mountains.

Washington is enjoyable all year long. Just learn to ski and replace hiking with ski touring.
When I am in /out/ WA the people are smaller and the views of the forests and mountains are godly! The cities are full of repulsive obese people, drug addicts and ghetto neighborhoods. I’m just shocked that the cities are worse than California is all… I was not expecting that.
>Going to Seattle in early September
>Planning on going to Olympic National Park, not really sure where aside from the most foresty/jungley part (which I assume to be Hoh Rainforest)
>Always thought it was like an hour from Seattle
>Finally Google Maps it
>It's actually more like four hours even without traffic
So uhh, am I supposed to book a hotel/Airbnb/something on that side? I don't feel like driving there and back in one day. That's probably more time driving than hiking at that point. And if I'm all the way out there I might as well visit Forks for the Twilight memes, right?

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