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hey guys. /g/ here. I'm getting fed up with tech and vidya and living in degenerate filth. ever since I watched Varg's videos I really wanted to live in the country living a minimalist lifestyle, and then reading Industrial Society and its Future completely made me lose ALL interest in tech completely. but I really don't know how to get started. I'm completely stuck. I have no car and I still live just a little outside the city. what are some ways I can start living a more minimalist independent lifestyle? I can only thing of using the garden to plant and grow food.
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>how do I runnaway from the shitty life I've made for myself and survival sandbox game irl thread number #6,543,453,456
lets start by going for a walk first, okay?
Minimalism is okay but it is still desiring a material thing, that is, the absence of material possessions is still defined by those very possessions.
Instead just try to live harmoniously with your self. Reflect on your day to day, what does it need? What is disruptive of the harmony of that life?
On a side note, Ted spoke about tranquillity as better than pleasure, but I think he was only half right. Tranquillity is good but it is in response to the discomfort of the modern world and not a stand-alone way of life. Life is not 'tranquil'. Instead, seek harmony. That is truer to nature.
This thought came to me outdoors with a tobacco pipe in my hand so it has to be correct.
weed helped me jumpstart going daily 2 hour walks. Also set some goals, like do your nearby trail to prepare for a trip somewhere nicer a couple hours away.
The more rural and self sustained you are the more things you're going to need to own. The most minimal you can get is an apartment in the middle of the city where you can just buy everything you need ever day and use public transport or walking. If you live rural and want to self sustain you need a whole bunch of space and tools for all the work it requires, which Is a lot. All this stuff also takes up a lot of time, of course it's fun and rewarding but definitely not minimal. You'll be doing a lot of practical consuming even for just things like having sheep. They need fenced, drenched, shorn, fed out in winter, water in summer. You need a big freezer to store them when you butcher them. You'll need to feed lambs should a ewe not be able to look after one of them for whatever reason. They need quite a lot of grass. A country lifestyle is anything but simple.
>what are some ways I can start living a more minimalist independent lifestyle?
First step : Turn off your TV. Turn off your computer. Turn off your wifi. Turn off your cell phone. Do you even know how to turn off a cell phone?

See how long you can leave them off.
You don't want self sufficiency, you want to live in a small community of like minded people with different skillsets who help each other out. You want to spend all day gardening, cooking, maintaining, etc. but not have to rely on yourself for EVERYTHING. What happens when you get sick for a couple weeks or hurt yourself? Communities that share resources and help each other are what you want. You just want to use your time meaningfully. >>2762549 Living like this is retarded and not how humans are meant to be.
This is me my entire life. My daydream is the falkland islands
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Honsest non judgemental answer, just start doing it. Set small goals and achieve them while being gentle with yourself when you fail to meet your expectations. If you can master this process, "what" you are doing is irrelevant. Start small and build up. I can't overstate how important it is to not beat yourself up when you fail, and you will, its a major roadblock for most people. So, find a way to be happy where you are now and keep moving toward your goal.

/out/ wise? My process has been
>losing 40lbs through diet and hiking
>gardening at home
>setting specific hiking targets under full weight pack, looking ridiculous on trails but not caring
>not consooming non essential gear
>learning local plants as I hike
>spending less time on boards that don't support my goals (/g/ /v/ etc)
>spending less time reading news and global shit that has no effect on me
>reading books or listening to audiobooks/podcasts that support my goals
He won't tho.
There are rednecks here that live out in the country, hunt and fish, raise crops and animals, and still do things like play video games and live modern lives. Friend of mine works in the coal mine and plays PC games, is married.
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Well first of all, stop trying to reject this reality in its entirety since it won't go away.
Start changing bow you interact with it. Basically go on a walk like >>2760586 said.

You'll learn to love and appreciate nature the more you interact with it, just find excuses to go outside more often.

And don't ditch technology as a whole. Do you think Mr.Unabomber thought computers as a tool were useless? No! They're extremely useful and powerful. You couldn't pay me to give up my PC, I can teach myself homesteading, research hikes, ask for advice from niggers, etc...

Find better ways to integrate. Maybe find a remote job and move to a quiet town (very hard to do if you're socially inept). Go get a bicycle. Just don't be so dramatic and don't underestimate how much small changes can have on your perspective.

If your upset about sitting inside on a PC all day, sitting on a PC complaining won't make you feel better. Go for a walk nigga
But that also means helping others out every way you can, so basically full communism.
Weak b8, 2/8 not very gr8
I expect better from you
Get your license. Regardless of what some homeless, toothless schizo will tell you, you can't live an /out/door lifestyle in the modern world without a car. And then, just go outside. Use alltrails to find hiking trails near you. After you've done some easy ones, level up to harder and more difficult ones. Eventually you will probably want to start learning about all the plants and animals that you encounter. Maybe you'll want to see which of them are edible and how they can be used medicinally. It's a snowball effect. One thing leads to another, and the first step is simply leaving your house/apartment and walking around in nature.

This isn't good advice. The problem isn't the technology itself; it's your addiction to it. You need to put yourself in situations where you either won't have access to these devices, or won't be tempted to use them constantly. You're not going to accomplish anything by sitting in your room full of all your little devices and trying to will yourself through it.
Don't get fixated on minimalism. Not having excess stuff to worry about can be nice, but the advantages don't always outweight the disadvantages. For example, having a car is worth it, even if you could just ruck your shit everywhere (which I've done, and liked, but it's limiting).
I'll join in the boasting:
>started beekeeping at 14 (because I wanted to make mead, and buying enough honey for a batch was about the same as buying a small hive)
>borrowed land from an old lady at 16, growing cabbages, potatoes and tomatoes on there in return for giving her two jars of tomato sauce and a jar of honey each year
>moved from short "hikes" of ~10km to weighted rucks of 30-40km
>bought shitty truck and fixed it while working on my thesis for university
>bought land from relatives that had no use for it
>had to move abroad for two years during covid to get employed (yeah, not proud of that). Couldn't legally drive there, so I ended up rucking every time I bought groceries - 10km one way, with 20-25kg on my back.
>spent approx. half of my savings from that period on a good bike, multiple bee hives, chickens and a coop and some trees to plant on my land
Now I'm that cliched guy who's riding his aircooled naked bike to work in every weather, lives partially off the land (still buy meat, dairy, flour and yeast, and some veggies until this year's crop comes in)... and is still khjv, because it turns out the only women you meet when you're spending more time at the farmers market than in some overrun club are well above 50 years of age.
Next step is going to be pretending to be some retarded hippie, join tinder and some other dating sites and see how many girls fall for the "nature lover" meme before they realize that I didn't just rent those chickens for a photoshoot.
what bike
you sound jewish
You sound like a moron
Don't fall into the trap of "I NEED this gear because it will make me a better /out/ist"
To quote the jist from Uncle Ted when an anon wrote to ask him this very question:
Start walking until you can do that comfortably.
Personally, I say go for a walk and have a bird watching app installed that can identify by them their songs. Then find a nice quiet spot and just sit there for a long minute while the forest adjusts to your presence. Then enjoy the show.
Move to the falkland islands
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True minimalism shouldn’t be about adhering to any prescribed instructions or trends, ignore anyone who tells you exactly what you need to do. Minimalism is about asking yourself what YOU need! As yourself what is important to you and how much you’re willing to give up.

My own practice is to go through my day and identify what is essential to me. I’ll give you some examples but this is neither an exclusive nor exhaustive list and this is personal to me so may not work for you.

> wake up
Okay so you obviously need something to sleep on. So bed / sleeping mat / hammock - essential
> coffee
I need some kind of vessel to drink coffee from. Great, I’ve got a cup!
> get dressed
Yippee! I own some clothes, that’ll do. Personally I’ve gotten my wardrobe down to enough outfits to cover me a week and a lounge outfit for when that’s all in the wash
> go outside
Time to put on my shoes. I go hiking a lot so I own hiking boots but generally I’ll wear sandals or trainers on colder days
> go to work
I work all over the country so I tend to use public transport. When going short distances, I either bike or hike. Bikes are easy to maintain and don’t drain your money like a car. Although, cars do have other advantages which I’m sure others will espouse
> work stuff
Here’s where I’m struggling. I currently have a 35L backpack that contains all my work gear and a 65L rucksack with the rest of my possessions in. Up to you how minimal you want to get but I would suggest this is a good setup. I clip the smaller bag onto the back of the larger one when travelling
> hark, a phone call
You probably want to keep in touch with people if Uncle Ted hasn’t totally freaked you out. Fuck Apple / Google and co. You can get an old cheap Nokia from any thrift store or if you really want to shirk it all, some pay phones still exist
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> food
Owning something to eat from doesn’t have to mean lots of dishes. Camping sets are great because you can cook and eat from the same thing. In terms of cooking your food, if you have access to a kitchen amazing! - otherwise small gas cookers are super cheap from outdoors stores
> storing food
This will depend on if you’re in a house or not. If you travel like me zip lock bags are your friend and eating on a budget will mean you’re getting stuff regularly and it shouldn’t go off. Discount sections of supermarkets are great and often mean you don’t have to think about what you’re going to eat!
Fuck TV, fuck YouTube (aside from informative how to’s) - get a library card. Less stuff to horde but access to a wealth of knowledge. If you really want a film they often have dvds too
> sleeping
You’re all done with the day! If you have a bed to go home too amazing but if you’re escaping it all then hammocks, tents or sleeping under the stars are great options but that’ll depend on your

Congrats! You’re living minimally. In my opinion any mod cons beyond this are unnecessary but you may need things for your own circumstances.
Enfield 650. Legally, an Interceptor GT, but heavily modified. For example, the stock seat was way to hard, so I threw on a used interceptor seat that's twice as thick. Added an open air filter (well, as open as is street legal here) for some extra power, mirrors that allow me to actually see stuff behind me, small saddle bags to carry my lunch and some spare fuel and engine guards. Still planning to add a different exhaust (mass moto hotrod, which looks like stock headers with the cans removed) so I can use full-size saddle bags for trips and don't have to use my truck for getting groceries anymore.

Since it's air cooled and two cylinder, it's easy to work on (three cylinders upwards sucks, since you always have to remove the tank and ften the exhaust, too) and it's got ABS (which is a lifesaver above 100kmh) and none of the needless "help" other modern bikes have.

Not exactly minimalist (be a good goy, use the train...) but cheap, easy to maintain and will probably last me 20-30 years on the first engine - and after that, I'll throw on a big bore kit (which doubles the power and contains all the parts that are likely to fail before that point) and keep using it until retirement.
>what are some ways I can start living a more minimalist independent lifestyle?
start using your fucking head for one
Thank you for this wikihow article on how to be a vagrant rapist.
That enfield won't last you 30k kilometers mate.
Do you post in dbt?
Honestly, that's what did it for me. Found a park close to my house that had a couple trails, walked every day, eventually stayed out longer and longer, got more comfortable being around people due to said walks, got a small delivery job, now making a bit of income and working on going /out/ for all nighters. There's just something about being outside in nature that genuinely puts you at peace.
>"stop wanking your life away and get some sunshine!" is nose goblin propaganda!
congratulations, you're a retard.
One step at a time anon; don't give up on what you are passionate about. The goal isn't about minimalism; it is about rediscovering joy in the simpler things, and ultimately, rediscovering ourselves. Good luck.
Weed is also good for blowing out your brain cells too.
hook line and sinker. You guys are too easy
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Numpty bump
all it takes to be in the outdoors is stepping out your front door.

i dont agree that tech is evil because war is inevitable and ur enemy will use the latest and greatest if u dont. u don't have to use it u can contribute to society without using it if u want. its not 'less than' tho imo. ita better in some ways worse than others

not OP,
I honestly think you're on to something.
I spend a lot of time thinking about similar stuff.
I usually call it self reliance though.

people are led by external forces so much.
" I watched a YouTube video and it told me I should life a minimal life, then I read a book and it it also told me I should life a minimal life, 4chan, tell me how can I start living a minimal life" not to shit on op but even if the intention is good, this is still the pinacle of inaction and beeing controlled.

OP your also on to something, spend some more time thinking on what exactly bothers you and how you can make your personal life better.

as another anon said, maybe start by going on a couple of walks.
>That enfield won't last you 30k kilometers mate.
Already did, I'm at 35k rn with no problems other than having to change tires soon.
Main reason I picked that model over other comparable ones (moto guzzi v7, bmw r90) is because it did way better on 100k km testing, so I'd expect it to last for 150k upwards on the first cylinders - and at least another 50k on every cylinder size after that (3 for the original cylinders, another 3 for the big bore kit, so around 450k, at which point the transmission will probably start failing too).
>Do you post in dbt?
No, why?
why do you look to a literal murdering degenerate for life inspiration?
hello agent Harris
go outside and let sunshine touch your sickly pockmarked hide son.
>I posted it again
Get help--you have a clear mental disorder.
At a more practical level:
Get rid of social media
Get rid of your TV and avoid people that watch it
READ every day
Walk every day
Drink more water
Start taking Omega-3 (most depression people have is because their brain is malnourished).
Shrooms are better. Everyone should take them at least once a year and no more than 3 times a year.

Weed becomes too much of a crutch for most people.
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Based big brain take
>This isn't good advice
Yes it is word salad lady.

The problem absolutely IS the technology. Most people do NOT have the intellectual capacity to navigate the internet and should NOT be on social media nor have easy access to the internet.

You have no idea how anything works at all. Your life is saturated by things you don't understand and those things rule your mind.

If you don't understand how something works: you sure as shit shouldn't unquestionably make it a cornerstone of your behavior.
>I come to /out/ to troll
>I live to harass whites and cause trouble
Yeah, I think you're perception of this is rather flawed and people like you should be pogromed.
You have no idea how the internet works, and yet here you are.

Nice reddit spacing btw.
>You have no idea how anything works at all. Your life is saturated by things you don't understand and those things rule your mind.
Why are you being such a dick
Is being rude to strangers the only thing you enjoy in life
But before that, you should go to a psychiatrist, get your head checked, and then take some SSRI's. Then go for a walk
go take a hike
How exactly?
>I have no car
You have to fix that first. It's not just about letting you go further away for hikes and shit, it's about having a sense of independence and control in your life. Being able to go where you want to, in the city or out of it, on your own terms is hugely important and will probably help your mental state if you feel trapped.

Once you have one, start going further out into the country for longer and longer hiking and camping trips as you improve your fitness and skills.

And yeah, definitely growing some food in a garden is a good thing to do in the meantime. Don't focus on living the life right away, focus on acquiring the skills to do so years down the road. You have a long way to go.
This, it's always a good idea to reach for pills before you even try to sort out your life naturally.
t. american
>you can't live an /out/door lifestyle in the modern world without a car
Yes you can. Your feet will also last much longer than a car.
me me me me me me me
he's right though you really talk like a jew
>t.hobo who lives in a tent under a bridge
Isn't it interesting how brown 'persons' tend to think encouraging someone to try to be an autonomous, functional adult is "jewish".

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