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I want to build a city there.
>I want to move to a remote and delicate ecosystem so I can fuck it up and make it what I want it to be
ah, the locust mentality is alive and well.
It would exist in harmony with the natural landscape
Existing in harmony with it would be you not moving there and making a fucking city there, Parasite-kun
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>How do I move to the Falkland Islands?
It's easy, friend.
Want to know the real reason why the Brits hold on to those specs of land? Not out of national pride or strategic value. They do it because they're even more dreary than Great Britain. Overcast,windy, rainy, cold that's not cold enough to be festive but too cold to be comfortable. It's a truly miserable place. That's why the Brits love it so much.
Don't you mean Islas Malvinas
Brit self-deprecation and misery is truly super comfy.
Comfy but there's no firewood, it'd be grim in the winter.
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I would go back to britain and enjoy british summer, as their winter is in summer time
According to the news you could probably just post a racism on Twitter and the UK will arrange your flights from anywhere in the world. There’s discussion of them building a city of sorts there now, but doesn’t sound great for getting out and about.
I hope it happens. It's fake news but I'm glad to see falklands trending for something. Population needs to hit 10,000 to start an economic snowball effect.

I'm completely gobsmacked that their isn't more investment there as even a guy with limited wealth could utterly change the course of history by building a few seaside condos
It's actually pretty easy to get to. Just fly to puntas arenas in chile and there's a cheap direct flight from there
I would actually support argentina getting it back
>building a few seaside condos
Who would buy them?
>How do I move to the Falkland Islands?
>I want to build a city there.
Sure, right after you fit the square peg in the circular hole.
Hey man if we can build a city on fucking mars we can build one on the Falklands. Just watch.

argentina can't run argentina
>I want to build a city there.
Anon, this will cost you a lot of money, u sure?
If the population could just hit ten thousand, the population will reach critical mass and the city shall build itself. Come with me anon.
Be employed by the UK government or the Falkland Islands Company or become a family member of someone who is
We love our miserable, rainy rocks. Just look at the endless disputes over this one with our fellow rainy rock appreciators (Irish, danes and Icelanders)
true I myself am a connoisseur of rainy rocks
You gotta stop playing video games and larping on basket weaving forums first fella.
Why not both?
There may be oil
(Now looking out for pleasure)
Under Rockall
(It's at the end of the rainbow)
There may be oil
(The happy ever after)
Under Rockall
(It's corked up with the ether)
There may be oil
(It's corked up with the ether)
Under Rockall
(It's corked up with the ether)
There may be oil
Exactly we have liquid gold surrounding the falklands yet noone wants to drill
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A very nice rock.
haters gonna hate

Great band
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Yet a mars colony is going to happen. If we can settle mars we can settle the falklands
Yes, we get it, you don't give a fuck about nature and care about explorational conquest more than petty details like a functioning environment or understanding how a water shed works.
Which fuckin islands are you talkin' about?
Google it.
Eyy man, which fawkin' island yous talkin' about? There's islands all ova da world!
¡Las Malvinas fueron, son, y serán argentinas! Also they're filled with unexploded bombs and landmines, so good luck to OP with your ideas of building a city there. Also, the British government will never let you move there, OP.
Argies have no claim whatsoever. They might as well say the king of Spain gave them title to the moon.
True explorer and pioneer species genes. Wonderful.
watch this and say that again
we get it, you love LA.
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This is an island thread. At best I love Catalina.
too small for my taste but I see you
>Hey look I posted it again
Get help, karen
>if we can build a city on fucking mars we can build one on the Falklands
We cannot build a city on mars, anon. It's important to me that you realize there are no cities on mars.
You're acting like elon musk doesn't exist. It's literally his life's mission. If he can do that, I can do this.
I actually hope argentina gets it back just because of the geopolitical storm it would cause. It would get things in motion
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i think you are too harsh on britain. It isn't different to anywhere else in northwestern europe really
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When I said their winter what I meant was the falkland islands. The winter of the falkland islands happens during british summer. Beautiful photos fren. Here are some falkland islands dolphins

I remember the days those coasts had evergreen old growth forests... so long ago everyone has forgotten .. but I didn't
>evergreen old growth forests
no such thing in the area these photos were taken, only juniper and yew are native in the area and they weren't present here. Alot of the area is natural heathland and there are valleys going inland with the deciduous forests. I do imagine the land above the coast would have also been forested before agriculture, but this deforestation definitely did not take place within the lifetime of any living person.
my mistake, I misunderstood the comment. thank you
He hasnt, and can't. Simple as.
You don't know anything.
That entire Island was clear-cut for two centuries before you were even born.

A yew is an undergrowth tree--it only later became a primary stand tree because it took much longer to grow, it doesn't grow as tall, and the heartwood (the most useful part) rots out as it ages--making it unsuitable for construction.

You don't know how to listen to the story the trees tell at all.
He can and will and so will I
Cities and city states were historically formed as centers of agriculture and trade, trading grains and animals or goods by sea. You can't just start a city if there is no need for one, and you need agriculture to develop even a small town or farming community.
Your language is hateful and against Jesus Christ. You speak like the slave owners who have oppressed my people for generations, like the people who have attacked my family for their race. Repent to Christ and stop your hate and sin.
The most core economic activity is agriculture, farming and fishing. A fishing village revolves around producing fish, a farming village revolves around producing crops and animals.
That is why we must drill for oil in the sea lion oil field. Oil will be the falklands' main export.
Am I just pissing in the wind here?

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