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Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread
When are cherry blossoms in fruit?
I live in the southern hemisphere so it's currently late winter here. There's a Japanese garden near my house with several cherry blossom trees, and I'd like to take a couple fruits off it to plant the seeds
Is it overkill to want to move to Northern Canada as an ameriburger just because I don't like the hot weather? I want to do everything I can to not have a day over 80°F if I can help it.
What are some places in America (guessing blm land) where you could probably survive off the land for a bit? Preferably no gun (poor fag mode knife on a stick)
how do i git gud at bowhunting? I just got back from a weeklong hunting trip and all I could find was a handful of antelope that were already 1000 ft away by the time I could give chase
i am planning on going camping in the crownlands in ontario this month solo.
Don't plan on going more than 30 minutes off the main road, and have a spot planned out already. only plan on camping for 2 days.

For gear i have a 2 person tent, sleep mat, sleeping bag, fly tarp, rope, first aid kit, propane burner w/ propane, aluminum pot and cup, cutlery, water filter bag( although I may just bring a 5l with water since it is only 30 min.), flashlight, toiletry, knife, hatchet, canned food, matches, fire starter, deet, compass.

Anything else i am missing or I should consider when going out? I want to get to the point where i feel confident to portage.
My memory may be failing me so take this with a grain of salt, but I visited a Japanese garden some years ago a couple weeks into spring and the Sakura still had a few cherries left
Fellow ontarioanon, grab some of those poison ivy wipes and maybe some afterbite. Where I hike its unreal how much poison ivy is growing, literally unavoidable.
how do you guys cope with the heat of the summer, and by heat, i mean anything above 15c, yes i am scandi, yes i melt like icream in the sun.

normally i just keep a wet bandana on my neck, my food isnt a problem, can ussually keep the drinks on a string in the lake, food in a small cooler ive had for 3 decades, but as soon as it gets above 20c i just cant do anything but sin in my underwear, drink ice water (shh its actually wine) every 30 minutes

would shaving my head and beard help? just strap ice packs to myself?
Unironically go outside
I live in Buenos Aires and temperatures during the summer routinely go up to 40ºC, sometimes more, and it's often very humid too
Sweat is pretty good at cooling you down (it's its whole job after all), so as long as you don't spend too much time under direct sunlight and stay well hydrated you barely feel the heat once you start sweating a bit
Go outside and you will acclimate
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One thing I've always been concerned about when hiking well away from home is getting back in the event I'm unable to drive back. I'm playing with the idea of keeping a lightweight bike in the back of my truck (which has a tonneau cover) if I ever need to make the journey. My hiking grounds are ~48 miles away, and thankfully the ride home would be mostly all down hill. With this in mind, I'm on the hunt for a collapsible or foldable bike that I can just keep in my bed if I ever have to bail on the truck. Not looking for a high end bike; something sub ~300. What should I get?
Me and a friend have been thinking of going camping and trying to make a dakota fire in a property we own (and hopefully convince others to come with us)

What are some basic utensils for cooking in a open fire or in a camping-like setting? I want to do the thing where i make a tripod with 3 sticks, tie them, and hang a pot or kettle from a chain, or maybe use a frying pan somehow
>bros its hot how do i cool down
>just go where it is even hotter
yea, okay, real helpful
So, why exactly should I not interact with cryptids?
found one? let me know
is collecting shed feathers from birds of prey actually illegal or is it more of a commerce/trapping regulation? lots of them on the trails near me and ive always wondered how seriously those regs are taken
is this on a road? even gravel logging roads can be pretty rough with that much downhill on a low end bike, and anything under 300 is going to have fuck all for suspension
they are right you can somewhat acclimate by spending more time in hot weather, but not as much or as easily as one can acclimate to the cold. the only thing you can really do in the heat is stay hydrated/electrolyted, manage your exertion, and take every opportunity to rest in the shade that you can. there is a reason the siesta culture is a thing in equatorial regions
It goes through three distinct road types from the route I've plotted; highway, backroads and side streets. You would be surprised by some of the suspension on cheaper end bikes these days. I'm looking for specific recommendations. I wouldn't put anything more than $300 in my bed and leave it there; just a waste of money at that point.
how attached are you to a folder? I see why you would want a folding bike for this use case but you should be careful with that as a lot of them are heavy trash and I would not want to be on a $100-$250 chinese folding bike at the speeds you are going to be looking at on a long downhill ride like that. if you go ahead with it make sure you factor in the weight of your pack to the weight limit of the bike

putting a quick detach mount on a normal used bike will do the same thing for less money/danger so depending on how much of your route is backroads your best bet is looking through local bike shops for a used hardtail mtb, or if its mostly road the lightest/cheapest thing in your budget is going to be an old commuter fixed gear, which has the added benefit of being able to use counter pressure on the pedals instead of white knuckling your brakes during a long controlled descent.
It's illegal to have them from any source because it's impossible to know where they came from.

No one cares until you try to sell one.
>You would be surprised by some of the suspension on cheaper end bikes these days
they will absolutely go stiff on you before a bike thats $500 more expensive. cheap suspension will either travel further than the tube beyond pressure adjustment or just bottom out once from travel and die.
How do you lads plan an /out/ing?
Do you just grab your kit and head anywhere on a whim?
Is there more planning involved?
Do you have a method or list of checks and balances to select/plan a route for your /out/ing?

Ta lads.
thanks. out of curiosity how do people get busted for this? a fish & game cop sees a feather in your hat and writes you a ticket? does some bird alphabet org no-knock you if you post a feather on your socials? lol
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depends on the scale of the outing. for dayhikes/overnights I just top off my pack and head out, for actual backpacking the bros and I will go over trip reports and chart a caltopo route together
Most fish and game cops can't tell the difference between an owl and an eagle feather--they sure as shit won't be able to tell the difference between a spotted owl feather and a barred owl feather.

The only person I know of that has ever gotten in trouble for this got busted because he was selling things he made out of feathers from a protected species.
yeah that makes sense. I suppose I rather have these species protected than not obviously but it is somewhat annoying to live in a time where it feels like everything is regulated.
because they are imaginary
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Do non-plastic tents still exist for a reasonable price? I'm talking "traditional" materials such as canvas, cotton etc opposed to the synthetic, lightweight material everything is made out of
Western North Carolina
>Edible plants
sassafras, sour sop, ginseng, mushrooms
>Nice weather
>Yeah, I wouldn't worry about it.jpg
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how do I get a qt dryad gf?
Have any of you been to any Texas national forests or grasslands? How do they compare to what’s found in the West?
Reenactors get their tents from somewhere, though I doubt they're reasonably priced due to the cottage industry nature of the hobby.
unless your goal is to hunt you will probably be disappointed. when i lived in central tx i would drive past tx national forests to go to LA or AR ones instead
Sun protective, sweat-wicking clothes. Plan around water and try to not overheat without a plan to cool down. Hammock is the goat in hot weather but you may still want an underquilt at 15C. Tarps have great ventilation and block the sun too.
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Hello! Do you know of any free, simple and low-demanding Android app for a live star map? Something like timeanddate's (timeanddate.com/astronomy/night/) - just a scrollable panorama with constellations and the planets, no HD textures, AR, telescope controls or anything fancy like that.
I'd just like to rotate the map to the direction I know I'm facing and try to work out which star is which. Thank you!
Should I carry a machete or hatchet? I find a lot impassable thorns off trailing, so I always like having a machete. Problem is, it isn't concealable in any pack I have, and I can't really chop wood with it. The hatchet is nice, smaller, can carry it in my pack or on my hip, can't use it to clear brush or my path.
need a sun hat rec
get a new bit
Doing a bit of driving around the eastern part of new mexco, any nice spots to hit up or any campgrounds yall can recommend??
I got this hat, very similar to pic related, I really like. Very conspicuous but it feels 10s of degrees cooler while wearing it.
Any tips for bathing and washing clothes on a multiday hike?
depending on your elevation/climate all the water is going to be far too cold to make bathing worthwhile unless you are a psycho. rinsing underwear/shirt/socks is all ive ever needed, whenever I used to bring camp soap it felt unnecessary. also not worth it if the climate isnt dry enough to make sure those things have time to dry out overnight

the filth used to bother me but you really do get used to it while backpacking
I always take cold (40-60f°) showers normally, so I doubt it'd bother me. I'm moreso worried about my smell.
are you backpacking with girls or something? if you are an especially stinky person just bring a small thing of deodorant (dont forget to bearbag it though). being filthy is kind of an inescapable part of being away from civilization, ive done a dozen or so weeklong backpacks and most odor will come from your clothes (and gear I guess) which is easily handled by rinsing in a lake near a campsite. I do usually bring a fresh pair of underwear/socks for every day im out unless its a really ambitious trip, which helps a lot. also, dont forget to keep a fresh change of clothes in the car for when you get back to civilization but havent had a chance to shower yet
also I appreciate that you are a cold shower chad, but dipping into lakes formed from snowmelt or something like lake superior is harrowing lol, especially if you only get to camp an hour or so before sunset.

in the case you do try and bathe, make sure you have campshoes that dry quickly as some alpine and swampier lakes are unpleasant or dangerous to go barefoot into (thick muck, sharp rocks). in the case of swampier lakes leeches are probable depending on where you are so be familiar with how to remove them too
>cold shower chad
I'm just too poor to use my water heater often.
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Asking here because the hunting thread didn't help. What's the scariest/creepiest animal call you can buy? Need for Halloween and want time to practice. Kinda leaning towards getting an elk diaphragm since it's cheap. But I'm open to other ideas.
aztec whistle like 20 years ago when no one knew about it
Oh you mean like those death whistles or whatever? Yeah I guess that could work. Just have to find a place that sells them. Etsy maybe?
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that looks to be the case
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what are these spots?
Hard times create strong men
Thinking of getting a good fixed blade knife. I'm thinking coldsteel tanto or kabar. I habe a small 3 inches already, so something 6-12 is what I'm looking for. Don't want one of those survival knives that are giant with a hollow handle and serrated on the back.
Looks like Leaf mold.
Add neme cake to the watering cycle and cut off the moldy leafs until it recovers.

Unhealthy or malnourished plants are significantly more susceptible to infestation and infection.
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I have a version of this. Mine is 17 inches and easily hidden in a small bag or even in a pocket under a baggy coat.

It's also one of the best machetes I've ever used. Way better than a hatchet.
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What kind of berries are these?
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>17 inches
>easily hidden
I don't fucking believe you for a second.
It'd help if you had pictures of the full plant and leaves, as well as where you found them.
How was your first night alone in the woods?
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I'm 99% sure print on the right is a huge dog, but figured I'd ask, any chances we have a mountain lion?
>print on the right has what appears to be blunt nail marks (dog)
>print is about 4-4.5 inches wide
>yesterday find those pretty sharp scratch marks in hard dirt, were not there 2 days prior
>Mountain Lion sightings about 50km north and 100km east of this trail

I'm 99% sure these are not from a mountain lion, but figured I'd ask
That looks like two plash palatkas put together. They're army surplus poncho/tarps and you can find them around. You could also just get a canvas tarp and learn the different configurations.
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chinese glamping tent
floor is PU though
Canines have 4 toes, felines have 5.
What board do threads about radios occur (amateur, gmrs, cb, etc)?

They both have 5
What do you guys reckon is the best approach to clothing when being outdoors?
>t-shirt / tank top
>exposes more skin to the air to let it cool
>white long sleeve shirt
>long pants
>covers the skin from the sun reflecting much of it
Dogs have 4 on the rear paws, and a 5th dew claw on the front, which never touches the ground. Ergo, all canine tracks have 4 toes.

Someone I went to school with has been missing in Glacier National Park since last Sunday. I know the odds aren't good, but is there any chance he may still be alive?
was he backpacking or day hiking or what
Go find him anon. This is your main character arc in the waiting.
Looking for something very light and thin for insulation between me and a cot. I want something lighter than a sleeping pad.
Absolutely B. Your shirt doesn't have to be white either. There are lots of great synthetic "sun" shirts options or natural fabrics like linen or wool. I think skin covering on your legs is less important in most conditions, so I often just wear shorts. Otherwise, the same thing applies.
Just get a blanky.
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Do I REALLY need to wear a helmet if I'm just commuting in a suburban part of LA? I don't want to look gay nor retarded, this is very concerning.
>caring about what people think
Yes. Always wear a fucking helmet if you're around cars.
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ok thanks guys, now I need helmet recommendations
Basedboy skull. Should've drunk his milk. Couldn't be me. I could fall 15 feet, land head first onto a rock or concrete, then walk it off.
Callicarpa americana, American Beautyberry
Texas Lantana (Lantana horrida)?
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Can anyone identify this? Trying to identify interesting plants in my area only to realize that nearly everything is an 'invasive species' and not listed under native plants. Location is southern ontario.
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bern is a good company that doesnt look too tryhard or make you look like a bobblehead if you already have a large skull

helmet technology has actually improved a lot in the past few years, make sure you get something with a MIPS liner as it reduces the risk of a serious concussion considerably
That's a poplar. Looks like cottonwood to me.
Said every woman I've ever met.
It fits diagonally in a my satchel and like I said it fits under something baggy. Most pockets are 6 inches leaving the rest to hide under a baggy overcoat. I don't walk around town with this in a pocket (I can with the satchel) -- it's for when I'm killing invasive species on public property and need to get it to the work-site or back without suspicion.

Believe what you like but it's a very good solution for anon and you seem to have difficulties with visualization--are you a woman?
Thank you based safetyanon
No but I have an 83 IQ and permanent brain damage.
thanks anon. Ive heard theres some dangerous insects carrying diseases in the woods in this part of the world tho so they advice wearing long pants

Looks like he was dead. So my question is it easy to fall in Glacier National Park?
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>Your device isn't compatible with this version.
Fuck me for not getting a new phone every couple of years, I guess...

Anyway, I did some digging. Installed only what was under 50MB since I figured anything larger would be either bloated or poorly optimized. Some prompted me to download a database upon launch and wouldn't let me use the app otherwise, so I got rid of them. What I was left with in the ned was Sky Map and SkEye.

Both feel like they were made to rely more on the automatic Augmented Reality mode and fancy sensors to have you just point your phone at the sky in some direction and let the app do the rest. But I don't have a phone that sophisticated nor would I want to use it like that. Manual mode does work but it's kind of cumbersome and over complicated. Mainly because you have full range of rotation, as if you're a horizon-less astronaut floating in space that can rotate in any direction, including your own Z-axis, without actually knowing which direction is which, not someone on the ground that just looks left, right and up, as in timeanddate's star map. Maybe this is useful in conjunction with telescopes or anticipating from where stars not yet visible will pop up, I don't know.
Sky Map is simpler, shows only the bigger bodies and has fewer settings to catch your teeth in. But for whatever reason it's inverted so I have to keep my phone upside down to use it. That might just be me, though. SkEye is a lot more dense and fully customizable but once you get the hang of things and get past the steep learning, it works. At some points there's almost too much info displayed but nearly everything has an opacity meter so you can basically hide whatever you're not interested in or can't see with the naked eye anyway. So that's that.
How much do you pay for your gym membership? I'm getting tired of waiting at LA fitness for squat racks to open and there's a nice little local gym 5 minutes from my apartment, but it's 70 dollars/month which seems ridiculous to me, I can afford it but it's nearly twice the price of LA fitness.
np homie. head trauma sucks.

its easy to fall anywhere hiking in the mountains, especially if you overpack or overexert or both. hiking at elevation is way more dangerous than most people assume, and it gets worse the less the trail is maintained or in marginal trail conditions. I think if you are bagging peaks solo in any capacity an emergency transponder is an absolute necessity even for class 2/3 approaches

sorry about your acquaintance anon

>device isn't compatible
a shame. fwiw the desktop version is g2g
>Both feel like they were made to rely more on the automatic Augmented Reality mode
having used a range of these apps, they are all kind of like that honestly
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meant for>>2768425

hit my head enough times that I cant reply properly lol
Should I get a bottle filter or just use iodine tablets?
Iodine tablets are more emergency use for me. I usually filter solids then boil when hiking or camping. Never had a problem in 6 years of outing. All I use is an old rag or tshirt in a bottle, then poor the water into a cup to boil.
Not sure I agree it's a cottonwood but it does look like it's in the willow family. Try using one of the ID apps
Always B, unless you are out in a place incredibly humid. There's a reason people who live in deserts are covered up
Any forest autists here? I want to ask you something. How would you solve pic related?
dress in layers and wash the inner layer/s only. keep them synthetic and quick drying if you can.
Solve what?
I'm looking for a light skillet I can bring for hiking.
MSR Alpine FryPan
Replanted, unmaintained, mono culture (I assume)
Just wait. Or set it all on fire, then wait
Sawyer squeeze is the universal go to and it's carried at Walmart now

Some people hate how tabs make the water taste and also some pathogens survive treatment and boiling water every time you need to hydrate is prohibitive for things like backpacking
He's worried about odor and most synthetic fabrics stink. Merino would be a better fabric recommendation unless he's in the desert or bushwacking
not him but i find that washing my face and/or feet with water tricks my brain into thinking my whole body is clean.
Needs more undergrowth. If it has been consistently sterilized and is in a colder climate with shorter growing seasons, plant some pockets of native shade tolerant undergrowth seeds (flowers, woody and herb forest species, shrubs etc). You can directly observe results from planting undergrowth species in riparian areas within 2-5 years consistently, and the same applies to non-riparian monoculture forests.

If you're in a place like Germany that is so massively retarded at the management level they introduced monoculture non-native North American pines to what was formerly native beech-oak forest which has a completely different soil nutrient regime and undergrowth regime and will change the climate locally (which is ironically the excuse they used to plant the non-native pines, muh global warming, well guess what those non-native pine monocultures will make the climate drier, so both colder in winter and warmer in summer compared with a native mixed conifer-deciduous and native beech-oak forest), then yeah you might as well burn or cut some of it and start replanting the native forest species.
>If you're in a place like Germany that is so massively retarded at the management level they introduced monoculture non-native North American pines to what was formerly native beech-oak forest which has a completely different soil nutrient regime and undergrowth regime and will change the climate locally (which is ironically the excuse they used to plant the non-native pines, muh global warming, well guess what those non-native pine monocultures will make the climate drier, so both colder in winter and warmer in summer compared with a native mixed conifer-deciduous and native beech-oak forest), then yeah you might as well burn or cut some of it and start replanting the native forest species.
Yep, but the picture is from Norway or Sweden and they did the same thing here. Is it possible for one or a few people to help restore native forest? Maybe through less-legal means
Yes. I've been doing this for years. The most important part is to aggressively kill invasive species until the natives crowed them out.

You also want to put tons of bird feeders up--the birds will bring in plant species so you can focus on killing the invasive species.
People who think forests are a monoculture crop are cancer and I wish it was legal to euthanize them for being a net drain on nature and society.
if it's a non native tree species with no undergrowth and shit soil this is unironically not a bad option.
ID apps are shit.
Plant ID books with taxanomic break downs will equp you with the tools to identify plants while ID apps will just give you the answer and stunt your ability to identify plants by charachteristics.

Two identical plants having completly different soil and light conditions might not even look remotly the same to the ID app but if you know the charactteristics of the plant you'll ID it every time--especially if you are learning the local plants and not dealing with imported (((Decretive yard plants)))
How do you do it? Won't some forestry faggots eventually notice? I understood that it would be easier to plant them on richer brown soil but thats often in farmland so idk how to protect them there. Maybe I could plant in some areas where they clear cut, replace the pine plants with oak/beech/ash. Since they don't expect to cut anything there again in some time.
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These things blow hot air into shoes to dry them faster. Can I use it to dry my gore tex trail runners? Or will prolonged exposure to hot air damage the gore tex or shoes themselves? I'm a poorfag so I'd rather air dry my Asics for a week if it makes them last longer.
I told the city and parks crews what I was doing and they thanked me. The IVY already got so bad in one park it tipped over trees onto park facilities (Ivy chokes trees out of light and adds significant biomass as it grows and eventually tips over the strangled trees).

I also wrote one of the conservation management trusts that owns a bunch of forests for conservation--they also didn't give a shit. You're basically doing them a favor and they know it.

I also do stuff on school property and teachers also are very appreciative.

Basically if you can explain what you're killing, how to identify it, why it's "bad/invasive" you'll be at worst ignored at best thanked but still largely ignored. Most locals know what's invasive and legally landowners are supposed to be removing things like scotch broom and hymalian blackberries... so you're not just doing them a favor you're helping them with code compliance for free.

I'd rather do it though because they spray poison and my methods are more effective and much less toxic.
You're better off just stuffing dryer sheets in your shoes after you're done wearing them. It will kill molds, absorb moisture, and keep your shoes from stinking.
My question is kind of off topic but have no idea where to ask it. I plan on sleeping with an open window this winter since I can't breathe with a closed one no matter how clean the room is. How do I prepare myself both with clothes, blankets and even physically for it?
Crazy post for so many reasons but do you not have a comforter bro? Blankets? Just get enough for however cold it will be. Failing that a 150+ gram merino baselayer set will be useful
I know it sounds crazy but I'm tired from waking up with my nose full, getting nothing from my sleep and feeling as if I were suffocating. This has probably caused me enough brain damage already. I will obviously get enough blankets and thermal clothes but am not sure if the air is going to be too cold, especially when I'm sleeping and I have to kind of softly seal myself because if I start moving there would be cracks that will fill up with cold.
There's nothing really to do about your face beside a hat or face covering if it's cold enough. If you're really committed you might look at a heavy fleece or wool blanket, that seems to stay in place. You could also go full madlad and get a nice winter sleeping bag.
sounds like your house is full of mold, get an air quality test
Wanted to add some yard waste to some old potting soil. To make sure unwanted things were dead quick, I boiled it. I'm aware that probably removed a lot of nutrients because the water was a very dark opaque brown after that.

Would it be worth it to bottle that "tea" and use it for watering later? Would that cause the soil to smell bad in an indoor environment? I set it aside for a couple days and it started getting small bubbles on the surface, so I wasn't sure how long it would keep if it was even usable at all.
I started going on 3 hours hikes into woods to pick some mushrooms and my mood has improved a lot and i've also noticed i'm horny all the time (i'm not complaining). I fap three times a day and i'm constantly fantasizing about sexy situations and getting myself a boner. Is this normal?
>You could also go full madlad and get a nice winter sleeping bag.
Is that the best option and what would be a good one in my case? I have no idea about these things and that's why I'm asking about a specific model.
It could be it or perhaps there's no way air can pass when the windows are closed?
That would depend on your budget and your typical winter temperatures. I would aim at least 15F lower comfort rating than you typical lows. For what its worth I doubt that it's the miasma of a sealed house. A mold test would be simple and worthwhile.
There is zero reason to get a winter sleeping bag for this use case. You are not limited by weight or packing size, most winter sleeping bags have shit breathability and will just cause problems, when again, you don't have to pack or carry it. A suitably warm down comforter and a hat/scarf is all you will need
What is normal anyway Anon? It sounds like you feel there's an improvement so you carry on.
What unwanted things were you trying to boil out of the soil?
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Does something similar grow in the US? I can't much imagine peaks without the mountain dwarf pine, but wiki tells me that "pinus mugo" is only native to europe.
It was the yard waste that I boiled, not the potting soil. As for what I hoped to get rid of: bugs, bug eggs, live seeds, any active molds, etc.

I fully dried it after boiling it to make sure that it didn't start molding after that.
pine forests are common at the treeline in the mountain west
Doug Fir, Grand Fir, and Silver fir all all in the Pine family. Giant Redwood, Coastal Redwood and Cedars are in the Cypress Family.
Coastal Pine--Pinus Contorta--is a dwarf pine common to the coast of Washington and B.C. and notable for growing gnarled. High elevation pines and cedars at the timber line are naturally dwarfed.
Sorry if this is off-topic, figured this might be the best place to ask. What is Lupin doing in this scene in Castle Of Cagliostro?
You can treat it with Hydrogen Peroxide instead--lots of information on that in the innerwebs. It essentially explodes insect eggs in soil while also hyper-oxygenating the organic matter.

I would put a layer of neem cake near the surface when you repot. Even if the soil is devoid of insects the Neem cake will act as a long term repellant as well as a slow release fertilizer.

On paper Neem has very low fertilizer value but in reality it is slow release over time so the values are very misleading with regards to how much nutrients the plants actually absorb over time.
True, but there's still the issue of weed seeds.
They aren't much of a problem as you might think. The germination rate in ideal conditions is going to be about 1/3 to 1/5th and most of them will be too deep in the soil to germinate properly. Just pull them out when they pop up and after the first 6 months the ones that survived will be gone.

Boiling the soil isn't actually guaranteed to kill them depending on the volume of soil you're treating.

I've tested this.
It's not the soil that's getting boiled, just a bunch of leaves, grass clippings, etc.
More of a complaint. For context, I'm a white, 6 foot hairy man who looks literally like an unkemot caveman. I wear black hiking pants or black jeans, black leather boots and a black fleece or shell coat most of the time with a black and orange backpack. Didn't really plan that I just happen to find black looks clean longer and I don't need to think about colors.
>go to grocery store
"Hi sir, where can I find refried beans"
>go to Costco
"Excuse me sir where are the patio sets"
>today in the woods
I saw 7 groups of people and three of them had questions for me
"Do you know what kind of mushroom this is?"
"Are there any more open areas, the forest is really dark"
"Do you know if there are bears in the area"

What the fuck to I do bros I go to the woods to be alone and my wife thinks its hilarious. I'm nice to everyone and don't want to be mean but fuck me I shouldn't look approachable. What do I do?
grow some social backbone and be friendly to strangers in the woods
looks like some kind of weird hand pump bellows
Are there any /out/ Youtubers worth watching that are
>genuine i.e. not fake trust fund babies cos playing
>know their shit, but also know how to produce a good video
>not degenerate

I like Outdoor Boys. His videos are perfect. I am searching for stuff like that. Maybe with more hunting or homesteading too.
I too like this guy. He's obviously wealthy AF to do all this airplane taxi and boat renting but its a great channel.
>Throws his 3yo in a sleeping bag in grizzly territory and eats delicious meals
>drags entire group of family and friends into the woods and keeps a great attitude while taking care of everyone
>goes to church even when he's /out/
He was a lawyer, but he only did traffic fines, so I don't think he got rich from that.
He probably got rich from Youtube.
He used to have a fishing channel too.
I believe his wife is also employed doing something brainy.

What I like about his hunting videos is, he actually makes a meal out of it at the end.
Every other "hunter" Youtuber will carve a piece of meat haphazardly and throw it disrespectfully on the fire.
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does anyone have any preferred dehydrated food brands or resources to make them that isn't locked behind a 5 paragraph explanation of auntie maybels stockpiling for the rapture or require a gorillion dollars in extra appliances?

tyfyt stay comfy, here's a white phos milky way
I suggest just buying a food dehydrator and DIY.
According to people who knew him he was a pretty experienced climber and was attempting a difficult summit, unfortunately that's the way it goes for extreme sports, even the most experienced people get caught up in difficult conditions.
This. Way cheaper and healthier in the long run, and you can customize your meals by ingredient and amount.
There are two primary types of food dehydrators and I recommend buying both types as they are inexpensive.

Type (1) fan on top and type (2) the fan on the bottm

If you're using only a few trays the difference is almost immaterial but when you get in to large batches or stuff that is just "big" and takes up a lot of space you want to combine the top and bottom into one stack.

Thanks for listening to my ted talk.
Does anyone have a link to a lecture series on youtube about west coast deforestation changing the weather patterns? Someone recommended it in that shill thread about how "people pay to much attention to trees" and it's not in the archive anymore
Those appliances cost less than that tube tbqh
for some reason i was thinking those big ass rectangular tray dehydrators or a freeze dryer which i dont really care to give up the space for. however i realize im dumb and those circular stacking ones exist. thanks for the replies

yeah but a dehydrator doesnt let me see stars like this

what menus do you go for? im not opposed to beef stew/spaghetti/chili and the like, it's just boring. id like to see what others have done
I suck at hunting so don't listen to me, but the guys on YT say to work in teams with radios. You have to move in close without having a line of sight to the animal, so your buddy on the radio tells you if the animal is moving.
>yeah but a dehydrator doesnt let me see stars like this
some might consider eating more important than having top of the line NODs
Maybe casting a copy of the ring.
some would consider having a sense of humor also important
To be fair, NVG's are fucking incredible for star gazing. I'd give up a few meals if it meant getting a set.
There's a difference between getting a set and getting one of the most expensive versions on the market and then complaining that a sub $1k dehydrator is out of your price range
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>for some reason i was thinking those big ass rectangular tray dehydrators or a freeze dryer which i dont really care to give up the space for. however i realize im dumb and those circular stacking ones exist. thanks for the replies

He already admitted that was dumb. Please read the thread before jumping to conclusions m8.
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What’s up /out/?
I was recently backpacking and picking up trash I found along the way. Start to think about how I have microplastics in my body and I poop and pee that stuff in the woods. Have a great idea, empty one of my water proof bags and start to pee and poo and the bags to carry out. On my drive home I just empty them in a public dumpster. So /out/ who else packs out their body waste?
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They already have things for that, and these are even required in some places. These even have kitty litter type stuff in them to prevent odor
I keep gloves and a ziploc in my backpacking kit to pack out other peoples (usually OHVers) multi year old shitpaper that they don't bury and it blows around and gets caught in shrubs and pollutes the scenery. I try to pack out as much trash as I can in general and it pains me when some of it is too bulky or heavy to realistically pack out.

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