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i just tried this today. it's amazing and a gamechanger. just naturally breathing with your nose while looking at fish and such. how the fuck was this not invented earlier?

but what i still dont understand is if i can go fully underwater with it, with the top part underwater too. i tried briefly but i felt like i couldnt breathe. how does it work?
>doesn't know how snorkels work, even with a massively over built hipster shit one.
zoomies were a miostake.
yeah i dont. the fuck are you gonna do about it
its fine anon, they are made for breathing underwater after all. it just gets a little harder because of higher water pressure. so what you need to do is dive down and then breath in really hard.
>nobody cared who I was until I put on the mask
since the ball stops the top thing when you go underwater, you should be able to breathe the air left inside the mask for a couple minutes.
are these ones with the two tubes better than the one with a singular tube?
>breathes through a snorkel with his nose
u wut?
How tf do you purge your mask when water gets in?
does not work with bearb
it's automatic. there's a valve
>>massively over built hipster shit
read negro, read.
Those masks are literally death traps and every reputable dive shop I've ever used bans them on their boats.
breathing is... le death trap
beware the CO2 buildup...
What exactly do these do better than traditional mask and snorkel?(besides being something new to consoom)
based tacit exit-bag marketing strategists
They sell these mini air canisters you can pump with a bike pump.
Jesus fucking Christ.

OP: “Just naturally breathing with your nose.”
Retarded child: “he doesn’t know how snorkeled work.”

So you see faggot, OP knows exactly how snorkels work. By claiming he doesn’t, you’re necessarily saying that you do in fact breathe through your mouth when using a snorkel.
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>you do in fact breathe through your mouth when using a snorkel
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lol, calm the fuck down geneslop, anal bleeding isn't a substitute for thinking.
Your whole face is in one chamber so you can use your mouth or nose to breath.
I still have this from the corona days
>inhaling with your nose with your face underwater
There is a reason swimmers reverse their breathing
trash. What's the point of snorkeling if you can't pick up various items of interest from the sea bed and bring them back to your wife?
If I remove the mask will she die?
diving further than 4' with it sucks. the air in it keeps you floating its truly made for only surface snorkeling. rental shops here in hawaii dont rent them after fat tourists started asphyxiating in them.
it's more an issue of it pressing against your face with pressure. which seems counterintuitive as the surface area is bigger and should be distributed to your entire face instead of just around the eyes but surprisingly it's worse.
Why does it have to look so phallic?
I own this and love it. I use mine for spiny lobster grabbin and shallow spearfishing. Breathe big breaths and you will not have a problem. People have come up a few times at public spot to tell me various rumors and safety though lol.
If you can't hold your breath for at least 5 minutes you're basically a woman
Because anon likes to gatekeep information, apparently they are dangerous because people use the face chamber as an air tank. The problem is you'll start getting CO2 issues almost immediately. As noted by others, it's possible to keep "breathing" because the snorkel seals itself when you dive.

So basically if you're a retard and stay down under trying to use it as an air tank... you will... le die

I can see it being dangerous for children, teenagers, drunken idiots or femoids with no survival instincts but otherwise sounds fine.
now those are apparently ACTUALLY real dangerous and can rupture your lungs even not that deep and should probably be illegal. theres a youtube video about it..
The pressure would be transmitted through the edges of it, which are basically the perimeter of the shape. So, as the mask increases in size, the pressure distribution area increases more or less linearly.
But the amount of pressure differential is based on the volume of air inside the mask, and it's a much larger volume than in a smaller eye or eye-and-nose mask. Worse, as the mask increases in size, the volume itself is increasing basically quadratically.
tl;dr the mask is distributing pressure more, but the amount of pressure it needs to distribute is disproportionately higher. I agree that it's counterintuitive
q.q only 3:30...
a normal snorkel is easy enough you fucking dork
also if you used a normal snorkel you just blow the water out with your mouth after going under...there's no way you can get enough pressure to clear the snorkel with this POS
Swimmers don't breath underwater.
how are you supposed to easy the pressure when you can not hold your nose to blow.
Useless shit. Made only for surface shorkeling
It's some retarded fag tool for the completely retarded generation tiktok. It has no use or function beside making you look like a fucking retard.
Because none of those dumb retards free dive, and are scared of holding their breath more than 10 seconds
Sniff some water and you'll understand why
this soundsv pretty safe, since we have evolved a CO2 detection system
you will feel like you are suffocating, so you will instinctively surface and tear the mask off
u need to be able to push the water out with force like from the mouth. U may drown if it gets stuck on your face and the air tube is submerged or u will run out of oxygen inside it and suffocate
I think you might get issues even faster than that. The person is breathing in and out in the container because they're under the assumption it's safe to do so. I have a feeling that with a container that size, just a few breaths is likely to drop the oxygen concentration and increase the CO2 concentration enough that if they don't realize immediately that something is wrong, they run the risk of CO2 poisoning. If they aren't a skilled swimmer, and happen to be in an area with a moderate current, I could imagine that even if with residual oxygen in their body, the sudden nausea, headache, fuzzy thinking, and pain from the poisoning could hurt their ability to realize what is happening and efficiently swim to the surface. They would probably have only a few seconds to realize that they're feeling weird because the air inside their mask isn't good, and if they don't have that sudden insight, they could pass out. Or panic, in which case they'd breathe even faster and definitely pass out.
I don't know if they would be able to breathe again if they floated to the surface with that mask on, but I wouldn't bet on them recovering. Seems like a viable death trap to me.
it can't happen faster than when you hold in your breath (it adds at least a little bit of volume to your lungs)
and even when you hold in your breath you feel out of breath before getting disoriented
sounds like fudd
do you have shares in a crematorium or something
just try it out in your bathtub with your mommy standing guard and you will know if it's safe
Now that I'm more awake, I think you're right. The mask is essentially just extra air volume for your lungs, as you stated, so it should be purely advantageous. I was coming from the perspective of "breathing in CO2-rich air", but those effects are obviously delayed until after you've "exhausted" the air in the mask.
I've got one of those. It's litterally impossible to breathe into it while under water, not even a breath.
anon you realise our whole idea of choking is based around elevated levels of co2 in our blood
you WILL feel like youre choking, just try breathing into a bag and see how long it takes before its uncomfortable
Muttbrained response
this is snorkling for retards
you cant dive with that stupid thing
but if you are happy with snorkling at the surface I guess this is a comfy solution
don't dive in it. it's not made for that. you can't equalise, the snorkel will flood, and god knows what else will happen even at 2 bar of pressure.
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shhhH! shut up!

ITS OK OP go underwater for 30 minutes nothing bad will happen i swear!

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