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Hunting season is upon the northern hemisphere. What are you all planning to hunt? Any changes from last year?
>go on first bowhunting trip
>get drawn for deer and antelope
>coworker takes me to all his usual hunting spots
>don't see any deer in the 4 days we spent glassing his go-to area
>blow out tires in the other two areas he's familiar with
>only game i stumbled upon were some antelope that were already 1/4 mile away
>getting drawn for rifle hunting in my state is almost impossible

Our house is on a single income so I might be able to take a week off this year for deer hunting. Id love to go more but have come to the realization that its just a week off for hanging with friends...If I managed to get a deer then thats cool, if not...well...Not much I can do.

>No time to scout
>no idea of where to go thats close by because in BC anything worth while is a long drive away
>Kids (3 of em, all under 6) are too young to come with

I'm also self taught, so elk and moose are out of the question and in the fifteeen years ive been trying to find time to hunt I've never drawn a tag for anything.

Its just a trip where I take my hunting rifle for its yearly walk.
This webm makes my stomach churn more than most of what you'd see in a rekt thread. I remember hearing a story, possibly a myth
>guys wife goes missing
>they find her body brutally cut to bits in the woods
>husband arrested
>they think he chopper her up
>later find out it was a moose that minced her with their hooves
Deer season starts September 21st for my zone. Columbian black tail/mule deer are both in the general area. The bucks I've had my eye on(trail cameras on private 58acre property) are looking even better than last year. There are also two more, 2-3 year olds that I could take. I'll be going out more than once this year, assuming I don't get lucky on my first trip. I have a Dead Down Wind kit that I'll be trying out this year. Scent killer spray, drier sheets, deodorant... that sort of stuff. Depending on the weather, I may try still hunting on one or more days. I have a blind I'll be in the rest of the time. I'll be bringing the same rifle and cartridge as last year, Savage 110 Scout with a Burris 2-7x23 scout scope and Barnes Vortex 147g TTSX all copper in 308win. This will be my second year.
I don't have the heart to kill. How to get over this feeling?
if you don't kill it then a mountain lion or a car will
Worked up some beefier hand loads for my 357 mag that should rival buffalo bore. Planning to use my win 1892 clone again. I have a savage axis in 350 legend that I use as a rainy day/back up. Thinking about getting rid of it and moving to a cva single shot actually.
More importantly, who is ready for small game season to start up?
Yeah hunting is difficult. You have to take your learnings from the unsuccessful trips as cope.
Getting rid of wolves made deer overpopulate and made CWD possible. If we don't hunt deer, they could literally go exctinct in the long run.
i haven,t hunted yet but I'm a canadian nogunz living in ontario. I'm taking my firearms safety course next month. I know I could hunt rabbits or something with a crossbow but desu I need to learn stuff first. is there anything I can do to learn?
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allotment in my moose team is 9 adults + 3 calves this year, on ~4000 ha. population is getting smaller and smaller. there is talk of maybe redlisting moose for a few years to let their numbers swell. the logging companies are against it
clip clop mfer
>multiple bucks in just 23 ha
impressive. here in northern Sweden the roe deer population is sparse. some local hunters went out and nabbed two lynx last winter, hopefully that'll make the roe population improve. until then there's a gentlemen's agreement not to shoot any
your got Zardoz commands it. also it's better to die from a bullet (death comes as a surprise) than to be chased down by predators (death comes as a not surprise)
geese are already in season here. neighbor has a flock of canada geese that visits from time to time. hoping to nab some. got my .222 dialed in. excessive for geese I know, but the next step down is a .22 which is too small. so .222 it is for now
read bewks and try to befriend an experienced hunter to show you the ropes

Here are some of the deer on the property. There's a very healthy population. The does and fawns are not on the menu. All tags in my state are double fork or better bucks only. We've had does with singles and doubles every year since I've had the cameras up. Last years all made it to their one year mark. And this year's fawns are looking healthy too. There's lots of roughage for them on the property. And lots of acorn oaks. It's a nice piece of land, up in the mountains with a year round, cold water creek.

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nice rack
speaking of trail cams, is there any free software trail cams? I've been considering writing something. I have a webcam in my summer house that just dumps video to disk at the moment. don't have a way to filter movement
Also, those deer aren't in any way limited to the 58 acres I'm hunting on. It's in the middle of thousands of acres of forested mountains. They range as they need to. But they're around frequently enough. I just need to be there when they are. I have yet to find any predictable patterns to when they'll be around. So it'll be a matter of putting in the hours and a measure of luck. I have a 6 week window. I'll try and get out 3-4 times, 3 days each, as necessary.
I own 80 acres. All the stands and trail cams are out. 4 nice 8pts so far. Northern MI. The Northwoods. We built 3 elevated blinds. Took 2 does and 1 buck last year this year will probably be the same. Think I’m gunna use my compound instead of my crossbow this season. Been doing a mini cam Hanes routine and running a 5K and shooting my bow every AM.

Only difference between last year and this is I bought a tractor and we planted 4 fields.
Do you hand load? What about 22 hornet?
If you can get to the raw frames I bet opencv or some shit can easily get you to the finish line.
How much did that land cost you and do you use it for hunting only? Is there anything you do to improve it? I'm kinda soft looking bc I'm finally in a place financially to get something.
I've been thinking of asking our team's loader to make some .222 subsonic for me. should just about reach the 200 J legally required with 3.6 gram bullets
yeah opencv is what I had in mind. shame there isn't something ready-made
I've starting mounting VHF antennas on the hunting stands in my group. this year will be the first time a normie will try to use one of them. should be interesting. I've fitted them with SMA <-> BNC converters so hopefully everyone's radios will work with them
take a trip to canada
It's not my property, it's my brother in law's. He paid around $450k. There's a house and several out buildings and other structures on the property. It has several fields that were used to grow weed. There are still 100gal fabric pots in the fields and thick hose laying all over. My sister and her husband aren't growing anything in them, so they're just part of the landscape. They haven't really done much with the place. They've only lived there two years. We will be planting some food plots. Clovers, vetch and chicory. It's illegal to bait or grow corn with the express purpose of feeding or baiting deer. But you can make "wild" food plots, if that makes sense. My sister sent me a link to a sign that read "Baiting is illegal, this corn is for squirrels and chipmunks only! Any deer eating this corn will be shot" lol
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had a close encounter of the moose kind today. 4 prong yearling about to cross the road. I was only driving 60 km/h so no problem braking for the guy. other drivers were overtaking me, not realizing the danger or driving fast at sunset
>$450k for 32 hectares
I can't imagine paying more than $2k/ha for land. ridiculous
It's not just land though. There's a big house(2500sqft) that's also included in that price. It is California priced though, you could probably get it for half that somewhere in the Midwest, and almost certainly in Texas.

There is also an easement road(unpaved) that runs through the top half property, where the house is. It runs down the mountain and to the properties past it(one private and then Sierra Pacific Logging company land)
sounds about twice the size of my house, which is valued at maybe $10k. rural Scandinavia is cheap
Wow, that's insanely cheap compared to US housing prices. My house is only 1240sqft on 1/4 acre, in town. It cost me $200k. My last house, in Texas, was 15000sqft on half an acre and only cost me $95k. I sold it for $110k back in 2015. The current estimate on my 200k house is 320k. And I've received offers for 290k from property management companies that have been buying up lots of land. That's one of the reasons prices are so high, we're competing with corporations for land and housing.
we had a dutch tourist couple visit last year, we told them there was a house for sale in a nearby town for 20k. they asked if we meant in euros, to which we replied nope - SEK. so less than $2k. granted that was a small lot, and the house probably has to be torn down. good for storage though. probably has electricity
my "lawn" is about 1 ha, or 2½ acres. I have 4 or so hectares of fields which I can't use for lack of equipment. there's a whole hectare of saplings which the moose graze regularly, so I'm treating the field as food for the game. then 9 hectares of forest, some of which I'm currently busy "cleaning". also a barn. all in all about $20k
*woops... 1,500 not 15,000 it was a ranch style house not a mansion! Lol
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The guy that replied to you is not me. I’m >>2765645

Paid 120$k. Inheritance $. Place used to be a junkyard. We walked around with the tractor with a trailer attached to it and just kept pulling stuff out of the ground. We could and may farm it for our own food. The argument is ohhh it used to be a junkyard probably poisonous chemicals in there. Yeah well they’re probably in the food from Krogers anyway too. We have mostly just clover and wheat right now. Most of it we had already made trails and have a big 2 track. The west side is mostly woods and the east side is mostly field so. Great for hunting. Super cool to take the kiddos for a nature walk or to get them to hunt eventually (I have 3 boys 5, 3, and 1). Place is 3 hours away from our main home so we go up probably once every 3 weeks. There’s a pole barn on the property which is great .

Already popped some deer last year. I think we got 4 total. This is the aftermath of the opening day heart shot. REM7MM from 35 yards. Poor buck didn’t stand a chance. Fed my family with the meat
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Hoping for at-least 3 deer. I took 3 last year knowing 2024 was an election year. Hoping for the same. I process them myself it’s not hard. Grinder broke though so usually take that to the butcher. Gun season is easier but bow is more fun.

Also hoping to pop a few coyotes this year. Maybe some bunnies. We have grouse on the property too but I never have the right caliber weapon w me.
My mistake.....though it was a question for me >>2765523 that's what I get for not following the (you)s. I was talking to someone last night, woke up this morning and saw a question that fit that conversation and assumed.
Drew into a turkey tag this fall
Usually get a Doe and Buck tag
Rabbit, Grouse, maybe Maybe some woodcock
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i am getting excited, squirrel season is in just a few weeks, bring out the 410
Are 10x42 binos enough to glass mule deer? The unit is high desert in SW Wyoming. Also, anyone have any tips other than glass for mule deer? I'm bowhunting the last 2 weeks of September. Never hunted deer before and never hunted a high desert terrain.
Rifle season starts on the 21st next month, this year I'll be using my 308 instead of the 30.06 and camping on the far end of the trail, too many jeepers where we go hunting. I'll park the truck somewhere on the side of a trail and hike each day.
Welcome to actually going /out/side. if you cant handle it just dont go again it's that easy.
Plenty of people have been on my private ranch and decided to never go back because no running water, phone signal or electricity. They also didny like the tons if variables like blowing a tire or injuring yourself on the down hill on one of the steeps hills on our property.
just shoot dude.
anon is gonna blow a giant hole in a deer, kek
not seeing anything is also completely normal.
I go down to my ranch twice a year and in the last 4 years we've only seen a hog and a ram
That's the idea. Drop him quick and there's no need to track very far. I have my dad's old bow, but I'm out of practice with it.
is there any legal minimum bullet mass or energy where you live? here in Sweden for all deer except roe deer soft tipped .308 and similar are legally mandated. for roe soft tipped .223 is fine
I believe 223 is the smallest you can use for deer here in commiefornia. It all has to be lead-free so we shoot pure copper.
EU is moving away from lead as well, starting with lead shot near water. the law is extra dumb though, because as far as anyone can tell it counts any body of water no matter how small. it's also going to obsolete hundreds of thousands of old guns
it's probably good to get rid of lead in the long run, but right now with older shotguns that can't shoot steel you probably have to use bismuth, which is like 5€/shell..
I plan on upgrading from my 6.5x55 Swedish Mauser to some kind of .308, partly for safety reasons
i live in texas so i wouldnt know. I just own a 30-06
this year im gonna go bow hunting (finally)
probably wont see shit
we usually dont see shit
you don't use dogs?
Another Commiefornia native! What deer zone do you hunt? I'm up in C3, in Shasta County.
nah, 50 acre ranch.
only 2 people in the surrounding area use high game fences
everything else is free roam aside frok purple spray paint to indicate land boundry.
shits, hick as fuck out here
Hi guys. Tourist here. I am writing some amateur novel and some part happens to involve hunting. I'd like to ask you a couple of questions if you have time:

What are the implied hunting "ethics" in your group for your activity? I mean: things like "we only kill male deers" or "deers older than X age"

And, are all those "rules" widespread in your area or sort of something personal?

thanks. I've known some small game hunters and they normally have a mindset of "I only kill if we are gonna eat it" but one of my characters is supposed to be an american hunter in the modern day and want to portray it more or less coherently
any of that shit is just angling to make buying any ammo nonviable
D7. I live in the bay area but go out to Shaver Lake with a few people I know in that area. My dad used to hunt C3
Commiefornian again
Only legal deer here are male. Anything legal has to have atleast one fork, size doesn't matter; however early in the season I'll let the smaller ones pass by if I see them and wait for atleast a nice 2x2. If I don't shoot a deer, there will be other opportunities. In our group, if one person takes an animal, everyone gets a share of it.
My advice is to prepare for severe disappointment and not to expect event the slightest possible success based on your description of the circumstances.
There is no practical difference between those calibers, how come you switched?
I believe the junior tags are "any deer" which includes does that are not with fawns. And the buck tags are all double fork or better, no single forks. Age and size is otherwise irrelevant. At least, that's my read of the current CA Fish and Game regs.
ROFL....you've clearly not shot both. Go run through a box of 30 06 and 308 and see which leaves your shoulder sore. Hint, the cartridge of the 30-36 is almost half an inch longer.
Yes I know the case capacity is much higher for 30-06 that's why hand loaders think it's tits. Most factory loads of similar bullet weight are gonna be par for the course.
Because I wanted to buy a new gun and didnt have a 308 yet. Also, I bought the Winchester xpr, which comes with synthetic furniture so it's roughly 2 pounds lighter than my 30.06, which isn't much but adds up when you're hiking with it for 8 hours a day.
§351. Forked-Horn Buck, Antlerless and Either-Sex Deer Defined.
(a) Forked-Horn Buck Defined. For the purpose of these regulations a forked-horn buck is defined as a male deer having a branched antler on either side with the branch in the upper two-thirds of the antler. Eyeguards or other bony projections on the lower one-third of the antler shall not be considered as points or branches.
>either side, not both
Right, but who can shoot those? My tags have always stated specifically double fork or better. Are there single fork tags and I've just never drawn one?
I'll get my tags out tomorrow and look. They're in the safe with the guns.
No, you're right, the regulations say Bag limit: One Buck, forked horn or better. That's a change, It's been double fork or better since I started two years ago. I wonder if it has to do with CDW being detected in the state.
And it's zone spacific, so I was just looking at my zone and assuming. It may have been single fork for you last year.
Going on my first moose hunt this fall.
>impressive. here in northern Sweden the roe deer population is sparse. some local hunters went out and nabbed two lynx last winter, hopefully that'll make the roe population improve. until then there's a gentlemen's agreement not to shoot any
Hello there southern neighbor.
Some of your roe deer have moved up here, and this spring I found a fuckton of signs of roe deer a 15 minute walk from home.
Hope they get a good foothold here, really want to hunt them.
They look tasty.
>rural Scandinavia is cheap
No, only Sweden and Finland.
I had to pay 200k+ euromonies for a small apartment, and I'm a good bit north of anything Sweden or Finland.
Prices here are actually higher than 20 minutes outside Oslo, it's insane.
Mostly due to politicians making property artificially scarce.
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you're just not hungry enough. this is normal. if you were starving you would kill. until then, you don't. if I was actually starving I would cook a cat in a microwave if that's what was necessary. on the other hand, the psychopath pædophile down the street used to cook cats in the microwave for fun.

>tl:dr; all this means is you are not the psychopath pædophile down the street
Swede here. there are hunting regulations saying what you can and can't hunt at specific days of the year and time of day. for example at the moment with roe deer only roe bucks may be hunted. in two weeks (september) roe fawn, and in october all roe are ok. locally we've decided not to hunt any roe because their numbers are sparse. elsewhere in the country, particularly in the south, it's the opposite
if you're really curious the times are here: https://jakttider.jagarnasriksforbund.se/
as for ethics, there's a couple of things:
>headshots are frowned on because you risk hitting the jaw and the game dying an agonizing death from thirst if you can't track it down
>shoot fawn/calves before you shoot their mother
>people will put out feed for the game if the winter is harsh
>if you see injured game, end its suffering asap
>sports hunting is frowned upon
we hunt mainly for food. but some species are a nuisance and there's too many of them to take care of. wild boar is one example. total boar death!
there's also an ongoing conflict with the logging companies, who hate moose and want them gone because they eat young trees. the hunter corps on the other hand want a health moose population that can be "taxed". this results in a "sexist" split between the two camps: the logging companies want hunters to shoot cows to slow reproduction. hunters prefer bulls because it doesn't affect reproduction and as a bonus you get antlers
the authorities actually problematize the price of lead-free ammo, so it isn't that simple. if you have a shotgun stamped with a fleur-de-lis then you can run steel and copper shot in it. it's only really people with old as shit guns (like me) that are properly affected
you mean up in like Finnmark and Troms? I'm surprised they survive that far north. they're having an increasingly hard time here since winters have gotten colder (down to -42°C last winter)
also whitetails are moving into Norrbotten from Finland. they're considered an invasive species at the moment
>Hope they get a good foothold here
be careful what you wish for
>I had to pay 200k+ euromonies for a small apartment
I mean yeah, apartment prices can go really high since they're usually in big-ish cities. compare property prices in bumfuck nowhere instead
That's awesome. What are you planning on using?

This will be my first year hunting and trapping. I had to be up at midnight August 15th to get a fall turkey tag. I recently got a clay pigeon thrower and found out I suck. So no wing shooting (pheasant or duck) this year. A guy I work with does a lot of coyote hunting so maybe he'll take me out for that. I might try for rabbit and squirrel while checking the trap line.
>if one person takes an animal, everyone gets a share of it.

>>headshots are frowned on because you risk hitting the jaw and the game dying an agonizing death from thirst if you can't track it down
>>shoot fawn/calves before you shoot their mother
>>people will put out feed for the game if the winter is harsh

Thanks lot. This information is not only helpful but also very intersting to me on a personal level.
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tell us more
here's an example of me and the neighbors putting a bale of silage on pallets for winter. the idea is that the deer and moose are able to reach it despite the snow depth
oh and I'll be mounting a salt lick right next to it. a veritable smörgåsbord for our two-toed friends
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Duck pheasant and rabbit. Theres a couple small rivers near me I can kayak. Also about 1.5 hour drive north of me the conservation authority owns plots of land you can hunt anything on, $60 for the season. Theres a meandering river through there and some ponds/wetlands. Probably just bring half a dozen decoys for that and wander from spot to spot.

Hoping for woodies and mallards but ill take any dabblers.
Get a shotgun or 22lr for rabbits. Take ontario hunter safety course online. Download 2024 hunting regulations, it shows dates for everything, animal limits what you can use to hunt etc. It varies Depending on where you go hunting. Province is broken down in to wmu, wildlife management units
Is a yugo sks suitable for deer hunting?
for smaller deer maybe, like roe. not powerful enough for red deer. you'd need a full power cartridge
>7mm mag for a whitetail at 35 yd.
Why are flatlanders like this?

>What are the implied hunting "ethics" in your group for your activity? I mean: things like "we only kill male deers" or "deers older than X age"
I only take shots that I believe can kill an animal quickly and humanely and in times and locations that give me leeway on locating the shot animal if it manages to run off. Aside from that, there aren't really many ethical concerns - just legal and practical ones. Setting aside hunting for meat I also kill vermin (starlings, sparrows, feral cats/dogs/pigs, etc.) and animals that are obviously extremely ill or seriously injured.

>And, are all those "rules" widespread in your area or sort of something personal?
Pretty much everyone everywhere follows them; those that don't are an unfortunate and obnoxious minority. There's plenty of quibbling over what exactly the bounds of an ethical shot are (mostly centered around how much firepower is enough for a given animal at a given range; an endless debate with no answer), but the kind of people who say "fuck it, if you shoot it anywhere it'll die eventually" or "I don't need to see the whole animal to tell what I'm shooting at, I know what antlers look like" or who poach for fun or who go hunting drunk or high or who glass for animals with a rifle are generally regarded as shitheels. I suggest taking a hunter safety course; you'll learn a lot about what the SOP for hunting is.
I'm already thinking about next year lol
Now that I have some idea on how to do things I'll apply for more areas next year. Hopefully I get drawn to areas closer to home so I don't have to blow any vacation time
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>self taught
Was raised to hunt as a redneck
Since we were kids, and sharing game meat
It's a means to save money, to survive on little money, like fishing/trapping
If you clean your own game, meat and hides can more than pay for ammo and gas
People who run commercial operations make a good living just from hunting as well
Others treat it more like a vacation, and other hunters will guide/outfit them for a fee
There are city people who will really pay hundreds to hunt a deer and that's just fine
Then there are people with hunting land and regularly bag deer for next to nothing
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It's proportional to skill as well, a mountain lion for example has a precious pelt, and some pay thousands for a guided hunt. To solo hunt a mountain lion is no simple task, while rednecks are bagging deer at like 4-6 years old.
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A skilled hunter can handle any game on their own, can kill cleanly with a single cartridge and clean their own game. In other words, to catch and prepare wild game for a wild camp, to cook over a fire.

Whether you are self-taught or raised to hunt, you can be skilled hunter. If you can solo hunt a mountain lion in a bivy, for example, you are more skilled than the average hunter who bags a deer once a year from a stand.
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Sup hunter bros. I got a dumb question maybe.

What's the scariest/creepiest animal call that you can buy? I need it for Halloween and want enough time to git gud with it before then. Was poking around the Cabela's site but there's no audit samples and looking up individual youtube videos takes forever. I feel like an elk bugle has the creepy factor I want. But maybe a predator call? What're your thoughts?
Man I hate those cynergy models. Something about those lines just don't appeal to me. I much prefer a regular ass citori.
you should be fine, I wouldnt recommend using anything lover tho. scout the area well before hand, find their scrapes and track backwards to see if they are possibly bedding in the unit. If you see a water source in the area park your ass within your range and sit
Koala bear
My tag <D7> doesn't say anything about the fork requirements. It's been a long day.
>compare property prices in bumfuck nowhere instead
For an actual house, we're talking 300k+ here, and that's going as far from the town as realistically possible due to commute.
Shit's fucked up here, and I'm not even in a big town.
Going on a public land hunt in northern Norway, more specifically Finnmark.
Will be using my trusty Tikka in .308 winchester, with 168 gr ABLR.
We are hunting a pretty wide river valley, supposedly a very good area with a lot of moose.
Pretty excited for it, as it's my first big game hunt, with the exception of some seal hunting.
my summer place is an hour from the nearby major cities. there's a bus, but that's about it. nearest alcohol monopoly is ~30 minutes away. not sure how that compares to where you're at
how many people and how large an area? we're ~20 people on 4000 hectares
I wanted a Citori but cheaped out. I mostly use it for trap though. Ill probably be taken my franchi affinity in the field.
I live in the world's northernmost city of 10k+
My commute now is about 15 minutes, I want a house that's not further than 30-45 minutes away, more and the fuel cost and lost time makes it not worth it to me.
Property prices here are manipulated by our local politicians, they don't regulate enough land for building houses, so property prices are inflated as hell.
sounds like an enterprising fellow could buy up land, chop it up, build houses on them and sell them for less than the going rate and still make a tidy profit
No, because it needs to be zoned, and most of the land here is public protected land that you CAN'T buy.
Many farmers try to get their land zoned for residency, but unless they have friends in politics, it's just not happening.
I see. better befriend some politicians then }:^)
I'll probably just order an elk diaphragm and see how it goes. It's cheap enough.
>elk diaphragm
I thought you meant a literal elk's diaphragm at first before I looked it up lol
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Me too, imagined some dude using it as a balaclava or something.
Morbid stuff.
Picrel, what I imagined except a literal elk diaphragm as a hood.
kek, would definitely up the scare factor.
Based puddle hopper. Do you get questions why you're using an o/u for ducks? Because I sure as fuck do.
> Because I like it that's fuckin why
what's wrong with over/under?
Not a damn thing. Ppl who primarily just hunt just generally prefer semis since you get one extra shot and they are generally easier to reload if you hunt in a blind with many other ppl. I prefer o/u and SxS myself but yeah from a practical standpoint the semis are "better" and some ppl can't understand why you would choose something else. Same when you hunt with a single shot and shit.
Coyote season started up last month but I haven't been able to find a single one in my usual spots this year. Spotted tons of deer and one bear though so this fall is going to be fun.
read "death in the long grass"
semis are more expensive so there's that too. how often does one need more than two shots? doesn't seem like often
Holy shit
The best and most popular hunting rifles used by actual hunters are from the 50s and have been handed down in the family.

All the rich cucks that hunt for sport use semi auto because they're garbage marksmen and hunt for bragging rights and trophies not for the meat.
there are plenty of good reasons for having a semi auto. in our moose team it isn't uncommon that some animals take 2-3 shots to bring down, even if well placed. an automatic rifle means a faster second and third shot and less time away from the scope. prices are also dropping to where a good bolter and an SFAR differ by maybe $500
in fact here, let me show you:
1 USD ≃ 10 SEK
If it takes 2 to 3 shots you're using the wrong caliber. I can also get off 2 shots rapidly enough with a bolt action--which is what most non retarded hunters prefer.
ah, that makes sense, you eurocucks don't know shit about guns.
class 1 ammo typically ranges from 6.5x55 up to 9.3x62, soft tipped. moose are big animals and will take a while to die even if you hit right. sometimes you hit bone and sometimes there's shit in the way. they are also rarely stationary since we use dogs
.308 is like the most normal default round to use for deer, what are you talking about?
>Take longer to die
...um, how bad a shot are you? Heart and head shots are nearly instant.
>we use dogs
That's what I'd expect of someone hunting with an auto.
you're welcome to try and track down moose on 4000 hectares of dense forest
yeah, if you hit it. at 100 meters it's what 4 MOA? on a moving target. what usually happens is you hit the lungs and the moose runs away and lies down hoping to heal its wounds (sårlega)
>head shots
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Are pistol crossbows powerful enough for hunting, or just a meme?
Went on a scouting trip this weekend. Saw a lot of cattle and no mule deer. This was on BLM land in a Western state. How much do grazing cattle affect deer habits? This hunt unit has elevations ranging from 7k ft all the way to 9k ft with sagebrush draws, aspens, and thick timber. I didn't venture much into the timber as I didn't want to bump any animals bedded. The cattle were mainly grazing on the areas surrounded by the timber it seemed.
>BLM land
NTA....Bureau of Land Management(public land) not Burn Loot Murder
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Eat what you kill. I personally am not super strict about utilizing every organ or anything but I know guys who experiment with every bit they can get. They shut down all the butcher shops around that used to process deer because of Chronic Wasting Disease so we butcher the carcass ourselves. A lot of guys have moved to the “gutless method” which is instead of pulling out the guts out of the front and taking the whole carcass home you just zip down the spine, quarter out the legs at the hips and shoulders, back straps, neck meat, and head.

Only shoot bucks if we can but we will cull an obviously sick or injured doe without a second thought. No point in letting an animal suffer through winter. On my property we use trail cameras and are super selective about our “hit list” and often name the deer. Picrel is a prime buck who is a shooter in our book. Behind him is a young basket buck with some more growing to do. It would be poor form to shoot the buck in the back as he is just now hitting the age where he’s really going to start making an impact on the herds genetics whereas the guy in front has almost certainly bred does in the past. Overall I really enjoy watching these guys grow up from fawn to yearling to basket buck to bruiser and occasionally full on grandpa bucks.

Our system isn’t uncommon. Everyone wants a bigger buck. You get bigger bucks by keeping the herd as healthy as possible to produce more big bucks and potentially a true freak. It’s pretty rewarding.

You want an interesting hunting ethics question? Two identical bucks are fighting and you’ve got a shot on one. Do you shoot the winner or the loser? Almost everyone says the loser. How does your answer change if one buck is bigger than the other? Thats where it gets interesting to me and I have had this happen. It’s an interesting philosophical dilemma with no right or wrong answer imo.
Predator call for sure. The raccoon kit one is pretty unnerving.
Your entire scenario is a dilemma indeed. Deer are over populated most places. In these areas such as where I live, if you hunt public land there are many deer but many will be small and you hardly ever see a big one. The amount of selection you describe in the long run does result in bigger deer indeed but at that point it's pretty much like you are engaging in a form of deer communal free ranged deer herding/farming with an occasional cull/harvest. The whole notion seems weird to me.
this to an extent is what the Sámi do, but even more developed
Sámichads also piss off landowners
Drew a bear tag in WI this year, going to start baiting this weekend. I’ll do that until I tag out, then switch to grouse/woodcock/hare. 1 week waterfowl hunt in ND at the end of September and I think I’ll try to shoot a sharptail in NW MN on the drive out. More small game in October and I’ll probably go pheasant hunting down south a little too. Rifle deer in early November. Once I tag out on deer I switch back to grouse/pheasant until the new year. Going to be a good fall.
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>only shoot bucks if we can
If you’re talking about white tails, you’re doing it wrong. You have to let little bucks grow. The population is supposed to be 1:1 male to female. The heard is better off with you taking a doe than shooting a spike or basket rack. This is an outdated conservation mindset that does not hold up. Shoot the fuckin does.
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Tf you laughin at?
retard doesnt understand how bullets work
you could aim for the heart and hit the lungs this shit isnt like the movies where they aim for the head 1000yards out and the bullet travels in a perfectly straight line.
Stop hanging out on /k/ and actually go shoot guns
this depends on how large their numbers are. if the deer population is large enough then do shoot the does. by comparison here in Sweden the moose population is in such a decline that we'd rather not shoot any for a few years, or only shoot bull moose. sadly the forestry companies own half the land and want the moose eradicated, and they use their ownership to bend the hunting corps to their will under threat of withdrawing their land from the independent hunting teams
that anon probably thinks you have time to faff around with your sight, that the game is perfectly still and that there's no wind
We have an over abundance of bucks. Dont ask me why but the ratio is weirdly male dominant.
shooting those cats is gay and a trophy hunter thing, regardless of what "conservation" cope people want to spew. humans have eliminated antural large predators(and even smaller ones) from almost every developed nation, then they complain about pest animals needing to be culled because they have no natural predators to keep them in check. people would rather protect a goyslop livestock animal even if it means eradicating predators. now in most places they are trying to reintroduce predators to fix what humans have fucked up. people really are dumb.
Amazing ignorance to this post. California banned cougar hunting in the 70s and the state has no accurate idea of how many exist now. Colorado you can hunt cougars and it helps immensely in knowing accurate population numbers and help keeping the ecosystem and species of various animals in check.
>Eat what you kill
1950s fudd nonsense that only serves the purpose of virtue signaling.
I shoot deer because it's fun and for a cool trophy, like everyone else. I'm just honest enough not to give some Nobel savage line about "using every part of the Buffalo".
Deer are so overpopulated in my area that it averages 50 dear per square mile, some countries have 90 deer per square mile. They are destroying everything and there are no natural predators left to deal with them. The only thing the stopped a mass reintroduction of wolves in my state was white women, the farmers were actually for it unlike most states.
So kill them all and feed them to your dogs
I hear ppl eat these things guys and all.
Anyone into trapping?
I hear those cali cucks end up paying out the ass for "professional" companies to come in and deal with the problem lions and *gasp* they kill roughly the same number of lions that hunters killed back when it was legal. Fucking urbanites man...
You will be blessed with happiness and peace of you reply "RUN LIL NIGGA, HE COMIN'!"
never been hunting before, too busy with work. Now things have slowed enough. Many years ago I bought a gun, but never had time to hunt. Is it powerful enough? Its a 338 winchester magnum, what king of stuff can I hunt with it?
>338 winchester magnum
more than enough for moose, probably bigger game too. but if you don't know you'll probably want to take a hunting course
>hunting course
what do they teach, getting a permit, or where go, or when to shoot? Seriously are there different kinds of courses for different seasons, games?
depends on where you live I guess. in Sweden it tends to be one big course that covers everything: big game, small game, birds, ethics, guns, dates, times, how permits work for different kinds of game
Yeeep that's why they call it "hunting" and not "catching"
heh heh heh yeeeep
there is overpopulation of deer, that's why we have to hunt them. guess what eats those deer? conservation logic is created by retards who just create solutions to problems that they themselves created. nature was balanced before humans arrived. gee, wonder why? fucking retarded domesticated golem.
Not that anon but nothing eats the deer in my area because all the larger predators got cleared out 100s of years ago.
Its like eating qual id imagine

But seriously isnt an adult deer enough to fill your freezer for a year? Or at least half a year? Thats great $$$ saving
Semi autos would be good for boar hunting. And small game, semi auto 22lr why not.

I dont see they'd be any good for ungulates though after the first shot they bolt unless you drop them where thry stand.
I actually have a semi auto too. Ill probably use both for fun.

Its nice to have a 3rd shot in the semi, but its also nice having different choke sizes in thr o/u.

Also my o/u was over 1k more expensive than the semi so i hesitate to get it dirty

Nah there are some insanely expensive o/u made for clay target shooting, were talking 14k plus.

But you can buy both $800 semi or o/u, the quality is just bad. For me i wanted a decent semi auto for hunting but didnt want to go crazy. I got a franchi affinity gor 1.5k. My o/u was 2.8k.
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When does Federal Agent season start?
Venison gets old fast and I'm rich enough to buy my own groceries.
My guess is only squirrels and other small rodents.
If that's your main source of meat it goes pretty fast unless you're not a big meat eater and try to stretch it. My family of 4 can eat two to three mid sized deer easy over the course of the season and off season which would be less than a full 12 months. I imagine 2-3 big ass Alberta freak deer would last us the year with a bit extra.
I started getting into SxS. Those old timers had it right the SxS is superior for hunting. Just feels so great in the hands. I prefer o/u for clays and I'm about through with semis and pumps. I just have one to have one in the collection and the semi is my HD gun.
this is a gun thread fur fag
trapping is a form of hunting you mongoloid
Go to /k/ if there's an issue nigger
don't reply to zogbot tourists
What's the reasonable size range of animals in NA that you can hunt with 7mm-08? .308 sounds like a potent rabbit tenderizer and the .03" difference surely wouldn't change that for 7mm-08.
You're looking at animals around 300lbs tops. Most deer, but probably underpowered for elk.
>3,171+ Joules
legal for Moose in Sweden
What's your range that you will shoot is more important. Inside 100yds you could take anything including meese with it. With the largest freak Alberta white tail deer I'd say you'd be good to about 3/4 hundred with good bullet selection and placement. You may still go beyond that if you are lucky/ an exceptional marksman.
What's the lower end of the range? Something fox-sized seems like a good idea in my context but I wouldn't want to vaporize it.
You could shoot a fox with it. You'd have a big hole in the exit wound that would damage a lot of fur though and I'm not sure why else you'd hunt fox. They hunt.....cull coyotes with 308 all the time. But if you're hunting for fur, I'd use the smallest effective round. They make a .223 bullet, called a varmint grenade, that's a copper jacket with lead powder inside. Small entry wound and immediate energy dump. You wouldn't want to eat the meat though. It's designed for minimal penetration for pest control and hunting fur species. They may make them in 7mm too. But if you're hunting for meat, I wouldn't go smaller than a small pig(100ish pounds).
Any WA anons have advice on getting started in upland bird or waterfowl, no dog or boat?
Not a WA anon, but... Look for local groups. Check the notice board at your local gun range(s). It's also the one thing I still use Facebook for, fishing and hunting groups. Good Luck!
Bullet selection matters. Not sure about what the lowest weight bullet you can get be in 7mm-08 but the lighter the better if you're going for fox. If you hand load then anything is possible. Can't speak more to it since I don't have that caliber. I prefer 243 win.
>doe bear.webm

Damn, I wouldn't have thought a bear would pursue that fast for that long.
>property management companies that have been buying up lots of land.

It should be illegal for corporations to own housing.
this moose is considering if it should attempt to eat him.
Kinda feels more like glorified pest control?
depends on what you trap. you can also trap for fur
>>Dad used to take me fishing all the time as a kid
>>I sat in the front of the boat and played Pokémon blue under a blanket (pretty sure he just wanted a body to run more lines)
>>Christmas present at 12 was a 28” mav 88
>>Takes me out duck hunting and I can’t hit shit and bog camping in MN sucks
>>Mom and dad divorce
>>Pops gives me a Marlin 30-30 for deer but I was never that serious about it and pretty sure he was just using me for tags again
>>Play wow and talk shit to my mom till college and gtfo
>>Start getting back into hunting, hitting up the same wildlife management areas dad was 40 years ago
>>Blast a 10 point buck on public land, feels good, tastes good
>>Decide to try turkey for the first time
>>Bust out the old mav 88 and pattern it day before shooting time
>>Patterns like absolute dogshit and pappy brought an auto benalli and bolt action 36” 10 gauge
>>Used to shooting rifles so I drop the ball trying to take a 64 yard shot

Inner nigger would say ask to borrow the 36” bolt 10, but if I spend $40 on a turkey choke for a 12 gauge 28” I should be good this fall, yeah?
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>64 yard shot with a shotgun
you as rifle if you're going to shoot that far, idiot
Well I never hit shit with the shotguns duck hunting and no didn’t know I was supposed to shoot at stuff within decoy range. Pops drove 7 hours just to sit 15 feet away with no gun and call for me. Felt pretty fucking bad
Looking at getting this
practice with clay pigeons
Ah yes, practice with something five times larger a turkey head. I drill clays, I shot from too far out with the benalli
Are you homos going to answer my question or not?
Anyone used a crosman pumpmaster 760 for small game? I just found my old one in a closet
I shot a rabbit 8 times with one when I was a kid up at the cabin. Brought it to my dad and he cleaned it, tossed the carcass behind him and it nailed my half sister’s Subaru. She started screaming that we were both animals and it left a sweet bloodstain on her passenger window, tasted pretty good.

I’d get a .22 or 410 for rabbit and up.

Also I figured out you can use crossbows in the fall for turkey so I’m skipping buying a choke, thanks for nothing homos
Don't know if they make one, but cougars sound freaky. Their screeches sound very similar to a woman screaming bloody murder
It's similar to a 30-30, so it's perfectly suitable for most deer. If you have to use it for elk or moose, I'd be more selective on ammo than a standard soft/hollow point. Not saying it can't be done, though
>I shot a rabbit 8 times with one when I was a kid up at the cabin. Brought it to my dad and he cleaned it, tossed the carcass behind him and it nailed my half sister’s Subaru. She started screaming that we were both animals and it left a sweet bloodstain on her passenger window, tasted pretty good.
7.62x39 is right on the limit of being suitable for moose. you should really use a proper rifle cartridge. the .30-30 is more suitable. if you want a Soviet gun for moose then a Mosin-Nagant is the obvious choice, or maybe something like the Los (if you can find the ammo)
>7.62x39 is right on the limit of being suitable for moose
>30-30 is more suitable
Do you suffer from severe brain damage?
7.62x39 is NOT suitable for moose, and .30-30 is just outdated american 7.62x39 with worse range.
6.5 creedmoore or .308 is what I'd consider an ethical limit for moose.
Bring enough gun, don't make animals suffer unnecessarily.
Even with those you should limit your range and be very selective about your bullet choice.
>7.62x39 is NOT suitable for moose
I was going to say this before I took a gander at Wikipedia:
>10.0 g (154 gr) SP 641.3 m/s (2,104 ft/s) 2,056 J (1,516 ft⋅lbf)
the Swedish legal limit for moose is 10g 2000J (or 9g 2700J), which is why I said right on the limit. but! this applies at 100m range which, looking closer at the sources, is just 1543 J for 7.62x39
Good man.

...or are you planning on sitting in a hide like 5 feet away? If so fuck you. If not tho then good man.
>30-30 is just outdated american 7.62x39 with worse range
30-30 has taken thousands of moose in Canada and Alaska, and they're not any tougher than they were 100 years ago. You'll have to get within 150-200 yards depending on the bullet, but most moose are taken within 100 yards due to the areas they live in
in my experience cattle dont affect deer much at all. I routinely see deer in the cattle pastures with cattle present.
I hunt in a similar area, 8-9k elevation in California. Seen cattle free ranging the last few years and it never affected the amount of deer. In one meadow there was a bull with a few cows and deer were laying down less than 100 yds away. Always see more deer in the liminal areas than out in the open.
I've seen mule deer bucks grazing practically shoulder to shoulder with cattle.
Should you be shooting moose at 300 yds with a 30-30? No of course not. But at 100 yd and in you can absolutely use it for moose. Bullet weight and diameter are similar between 308 and 30-30. Eat shit no hunt.
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Any /out/ists care to share some general hunting tips?

I grew up hunting, but spent a good portion of my life living in a country with strict firearm laws. Now that I'm back in the U.S. of A., I'm making an active effort to get back /out/. I went turkey hunting last spring, which gave me a great wake-up call--I remember lots of what my dad taught me, but have forgotten even more.

I just applied for an antlerless draw in West Virginia, and will be heading there for both grouse and antlered deer later this autumn (firearm, and muzzleloader). I don't expect to have lots of luck, which is fine by me--my biggest priorities are (1) dark skies, (2) not seeing any other people.

If I get drawn for antlerless, I'm tentatively planning to camp in an isolated, semi-developed National Forest spot. Going to treat it as a scouting expedition and mark any spots that seem interesting on my GPS. Would like to camp and hunt off-the-grid later this autumn (legally, of course--everything I've described is permissible under WV state law + relevant National Forest rules).

Just looking for general advice on whatever the fuck you think somebody should know. I went hunting plenty as a kid and teen, but--last turkey season aside--it's been ~16 or ~17 years since the last time.

Picrel is my cheapo noobgear. Obviously have a tent and shit, looking to get a bigger backpack to hike, a larger and lighter tent (I'm still using a 1-person tent my dad gave me like 20 years ago), a text-based satellite communicator (I'm married), and so forth. Any non-meme advice is welcome.
Only 2 and a half weeks until the first day of my deer season! I'll be setting up my blind this weekend. I've got trail cameras on both locations I'm considering. Both are heavy traffic, near a creek. I've seen several nice bucks in the area and there are lots of does to keep them around. The oaks also grew a ton of acorns for them to eat this year.
*Heavy animal traffic, not human. This is on private property(brother in laws)
You can totally bag a moose with a 30-30 at 300 yards. Bullet construction is key, as well as knowing how to shoot it.

>Any /out/ists care to share some general hunting tips?
bring some loperamide and you won't have to poop in the woods. not viable for multi-day trips though
>Going to treat it as a scouting expedition and mark any spots that seem interesting on my GPS
do some openstreetmap mapping while you're at it
>larger and lighter tent
pop-up tents are pretty handy. look up how to fold them beforehand
Extremely illegal here in Norway to hunt big game with .30-30
It's a marginal cartridge for big game, you either have a bullet that expand adquately, but lack penetration, or you have adequate penetration, but lacking expansion.
Those monoflex bullets in >>2771354 do look quite promising though.
I have no issues taking moose with a 6.5 creedmoor or as is quite popular here, 6.5x55 swede, which when loaded for modern guns rival the 6.5 prc
Not gonna hunt with any bullet with shit velocity and bad bc, at least not something as small as a .30 cal bullet, I'll do everything in my control to reduce the chance of leaving a wounded animal in the woods.
That you make it a point of pride to show you are an utter retard with no moral compass is something you are free to do.

I just saw this thing shilled by a guntoober. Has anyone used 5.7 out of a short barrel for small game? Looks to hit around 1700fps, around .22mag from a rifle. With a folding stock and suppressor this would be pretty neat.
>hunt leader decided we should start tomorrow's moose hunt at 05:00 instead of 06:00
retvrn to tradition
You seem unable to grasp the concept that just because something is illegal where you are it may not be illegal elsewhere. You also have your head so far up your ass you are actively ignoring the many examples, even some posted here of people successfully doing the very thing you claim is ineffective. Like c'mon bro you don't have to use it if you don't like it but it is absolutely disingenuous to keep parroting the same line when countless people have proven you wrong.
>64 yards.
>hurr durr that far use a rifle
kill yourself that's less than 200feet you fucking idiot
NTA, but that's beyond the effective range of most birdshot. Maybe with magnum turkey loads with a good choke. You could effectively hit something at that range with a slug, maybe well patterned buckshot with a flight control wad. But they were talking about hunting ducks with what I'd assume to be standard duck loads. So 64 yards is well outside of the effective range. If a pellet hit something, it would still have enough energy, it's just unlikely that you will hit anything with the amount of spread ant hat distance. But yeah, that rifle comment was pretty dumb too. Extremely inefficient for the intended purpose.
>maybe using good ammo and a good choke.
yeah man. you got it. also there's been alot of improvements on heavy birdshot cause of weird state regs
You can also kill a moose with a .22lr, just because you can, doesn't mean it's optimal.
You get much less room for error with something that is barely able to do the job.
Use a bullet that opens easily, might not get through shoulder, use a hard bullet that penetrates well, most likely won't expand on a lung shot.
Use enough gun for the job, no good reason not to, other than some imagined survival scenario.
Dude stop digging your own grave at no point did anyone suggest that you should use a 22lr for moose lmao. It's a ridiculous comical example no one would do. Contrary to that 30-30 is acceptable in many places IF you choose the correct bullet and shot. I'm not saying it's the ideal or even preferable choice, but many people prove it can and is done (and effectively I might add) every single year. It's not for you legally and personally, choose what you like but it's disingenuous to suggest it is an ineffective cartridge.
the only acceptable moose cartridge is .50 BMG
> I shot a rabbit 8 times
Is that because of the gun or your accuracy at that age?
I don't hunt anymore. Much like the lakes, the valleys, the mountains and the trees they're a part of a dying world. A wild place without us. I raise my own meat, hogs and chickens. And buy local beef and lamb. I butcher the hogs myself, but the chickens I send out and get back gutted and plucked.
upland? Eastern washington. Knock on doors and ask if you can walk farmer's fields. Ideal is sugar beets but those don't exist anymore. Medium/small farmers are a better option. Waterfowl you can hunt public land along the columbia or on the coast. You can also hunt the pheasant release sites in western wa but then you are dealing with western wa tags and dates. Pheasant don't naturally survive on the wet side so they're all raised birds. If you don't have a dog for upland, walk field edges and ditches and be ready whenever you come to the end of a ditch/fence as that is when they bolt. Wild pheasant love to run, raised birds tend to fly. You can get pheasant to bolt if you stay still for a bit, so walk 10 feet, stop a second, repeat ad naseum.
>but it's disingenuous to suggest it is an ineffective cartridge
Sure, it will kill just fine with good bullet in the right spot, but it's still quite sub-optimal.
Range is very limited, bullet construction and shot placement will leave much less room for error.
I wouldn't use if for moose even if it was legal here due to the constraints, and I'm very confident in my shooting, but would love a .30-30 for smaller species of deer.
Lever actions will always be the coolest hunting rifles to me.
Mostly critical about it, since many here are new to hunting, and something that's more forgiving will be more ethical, for obvious reasons.
A buddy of mine has a .375 CT that's registered for hunting, I think that will work as well.
>muzzle velocity > 10 kJ
should be almost sufficient
Yeah, he's using 400 grain Cutting Edge Lazers at over 3k ft/s, should put down most things, assuming bullet expands.
Seen deer shot with .50 BMG, and it was less effective than .223, not enough resistance to make the bullet expand at all.
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>be stationary shooter (passkytt) this morning
>in wooded area, so unobstructed vision range is maybe 200 meters tops
>don't hear any of the dogs, decide to stretch my legs for a bit
>see cow moose walking past
>reach for hearing protection and gun and quickly unsafe it
>she's already gone
at least I got to see something, unlike yesterday and last year's entire hunt. don't let go of your gun for even a second, bros
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Ha, I had something like this happen to me last year. I was walking down a path with my gun slung when I heard deer walking; I immediately shouldered my rifle and crouched down only to realize that I had stopped right behind the only fucking juniper on the entire path and had no shot. By the time I crept out from behind the bush the deer were gone despite the fact that I don't think they saw me.
the lord giveth and the lord taketh away
shot my first bird today!
in fact it was the first living thing I ever shot at intentionally
Anyone have experience hunting in Long Island NY? Funny idiosyncrasies due to population density but I’m told there’s good duck, quail, and deer in places
what kind of bird?
I have no idea, cant find it
I knew it fall down after I shot it out of the sky
no its trapping. different tools used. you aren't one of us.
thats not hunting, thats wanton killing. what kind of psychopath just shoots a random bird out of the sky for fun. you are fucked
yeah I'm going to agree with >>2772279 . this is just sporting
I was going to eat it
Hunters. They're good eatin
Seconding >>2769064. Predator calls. Anything that mimics a screaming rabbit/made for canines (coyote calls good) sounds like a little kid being murdered
>sounds like a little kid being murdered
the new novel and updated version is better, its called "Easy School Hits"
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how has the moose hunt gone, /out/sisters? my team felled 12 animals on 4000 hectares. better than last year, and with far less time invested! partly due to the hot weather
>Easy School Hits
Can I come to Sweden to hunt moose?
Are EU citizens allowed?
That would be so cool.
>Can I come to Sweden to hunt moose?
>Are EU citizens allowed?
>That would be so cool.
there's a process for it. you need a "European gun passport" (Europeiskt skjutvapenpass) I think. or maybe you can borrow a gun, but you need a loicense for that too (lånetillstånd, https://polisen.se/tjanster-tillstand/vapen-regler-och-tillstand/lana-vapen/). and a team to hunt with of course

I don't even care about shooting. Just want to be along for the hunt. I actually never shot a gun before, but I have be on many hunts and love the whole thing.
Well definitely look into it.
oh and if you're "within arm's reach" then you don't need a permit to borrow a gun. so you could for example follow a dog handler and borrow one of their guns
there's plenty of tasks that don't require a gun. for example you could help a stationary shooter spot. and also help carry stuff. and help with slaughtering and butchering. there's lot of prep before the hunt as well
how do moose hunts go?
do you trek after them or do you just camp and wait for them to pass by?
in my team we're about 20 people, of which 5 are dog handlers. we position the other 15 around whichever area we're hunting and then release the hounds within the area. the job of the dogs is to find the moose and bark at them, to either get the moose to stay still for the dog handler to shoot it, or to drive the moose towards the stationary shooters (passkyttar)
the dogs will tire after one shift (4 hours or so). if there aren't enough dogs then drevjakt can be used. not sure what the English word is, maybe "push hunt"? the setup is similar, except you have a line of people with a few hundred meters distance making noise trying to drive the moose towards the shooters
oh and sometimes moose just show up right in front of you when you're stationary. this happened to me a couple of days ago. they quick and sneaky buggers, so I didn't have enough time to get my gun ready. I could only notify the others by radio where it went

I see. Thanks for the explanation. I did not realize you go out in such large numbers.
yeah it's almost a business. in the slaughterhouse we have a walk-in fridge, an overhead crane, a bandsaw, a reciprocating saw, big fans, rails for sliding carcasses along on hooks, an industrial meat grinder. come butchering day the entire place looks like a scene from Dexter, for sanitary reasons. we're calling in reinforcement due to the amount of meat we have to deal with compared to last year
the hunting stands can get quite elaborate as well. most are raised, are protected from wind and some also have roofs. I've started putting up antennae in some of them
Decided while freezing last year during deer season never again. Took to eBay to snag up vintage wool hunting clothes.

I will be the warmest itchiest fucker in the woods this year.
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Yeah I was thinking that too after looking more up. I might order a foxpro one from Cabela's (cheaper than amazon for some reason). Or is there a different brand I should look into?
Are you the nothern swede that often post on hunting stuff here?
If so, pretty interesting to see the difference fomr how we have it in northern Norway, Finnmark specifically.
Everything here is public land, so hunts are distributed by a lottery system, so there are extremely few stands.
Logistics are done by team, usually 5-10 people, and you might be as much as 600 km from home for your hunt, so it can be a challenge.
I'm pretty lucky, got a hunt just 100 km from home, so not that far, and the leader of our team lives very close to our area, and he's got an old barn where we can process the meat.
We'll be doing a mix of spot and stalk, post hunting and there might be some drives with dog.
Still 3 weeks left until my hunt.
>Are you the nothern swede that often post on hunting stuff here?
>Everything here is public land, so hunts are distributed by a lottery system, so there are extremely few stands.
here it's based on property rights. this has the effect of the logging companies having an immense amount of power. "land votes", as far as Swedish hunting internal politics is concerned. like, literally. if there's a dispute within an ÄSO (älgskötselområde, moose care area) then a vote can be called and the amount of votes everyone has is proportional to the amount of land they own
the distance to the hunt depending on luck sounds awkward
Lots are drawn for evey hunting area, but if you really want a hunt, you apply for all of them.
Otherwise you have lower chance of getting a tag, especially here in the west of the region where population density is much higher.
More moose and less people in the east, so much higher chance of drawing a tag there.
What do you guys feel like has been the most life changing piece of equipment you've purchased that's helped you're success rate or hunting experience?
> For me it's been a heated down puffer vest. I can spend more time in the woods and sit quietly and still for hours.
I brought a lawn chair to the spots that don't have a proper hide with a seat. my backpack has a built in seat but it has no back support, so the chair is a big upgrade. gotta figure out a way to strap it to my backpack
New hunter here in the northeast US. I'm going to start pheasant hunting this fall with my 12ga. I'm pretty set on ammo and confident in my skills at the clay field, I've got all the blaze orange but it's not clear to me what I should do for hearing protection (if anything). Obviously I don't want to go deaf, but I also want to be able to hear the pheasants moving around in the cover. At the range I typically use foam plugs + electronic muffs but I don't think I should hunt like that. What do you anons do?
This year I bought a winchester xpr with a ceracoted barrel, because I was told people could see my other rifle shine from a few hundred yards, and an insulated bomber jacket to replace my sweatshirt that didn't help me when it was down in the 20s.
So wrap an old shirt around the barrel. Rub some dirt on it. Who spends hundreds of dollars on a new gun because theirs is shiny? Retarded
Someone who has the money to spend, and wants something in a different caliber. Seethe more.
Does your other gun have a stainless barrel or something?
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Sold the 700, but still no
non hunter here (but casual fisher)
I never understood why people specifically go for the biggest bucks possible for two reasons. First, they claim it's to control the deer population, but the mating gap will just be filled by another, scrawnier buck. Shouldn't doe hunting be what actually makes a dent in the deer population? Second, if the biggest bucks are most hunted, then wouldn't it follow that over time bucks (and deer generally) get smaller? I.e., due to evolutionary pressure from hunting? Wouldn't we want to engineer larger and more magnificent animals? I'm upset I can't see irish elk walking around New England.
i've always shot shotguns with no earpro, in the open with birdshot i don't think they're loud, as the shooter. if you're standing right near someone shooting, then it gets a bit loud
I just rattle canned my savage axis
Same experience here, but I served in the artillery when I was younger so my hearing might just be fucked regardless so it seems less loud
I have a 350 legend bc fucking straight wall area, which I use for deer and a 357 carbine for close up brush or bad weather. I kinda want a 30-30 but I feel it's a little redundant. Could go 45-70 but it's a bit much for where I am as there are no dangerous game, my 357 would fuck up anything here game or otherwise. What do? I don't give a shit about ammo cost bc I hand load. Which should I go for?
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More a trail cam thread question but that thread >>2719020 has been dead for a while. How do you guys set your cams so they don't scare deer? The only thing I can think is to git gud at camouflaging the cameras but that's a ton of extra effort that may end up covering the lens, sensor, or IR LEDs when the wind blows; I've also tried to camouflage with surrounding brush in the past and they spook anyways so it must be the lens and LEDs. Thinking back on it, no other animal cares, just deer getting scared of a camera they've walked by for a month or more daily. They get interested in it and sniff it and then every now and then just jump and run. Sometimes they avoid them about 20 feet away. Sometimes I've had deer fully stop coming through an area because of one noticed camera. I have to put them real low. If they're set above about a foot they get kinda spooked. Anywhere near shoulder height and they're extremely scared. Can't imagine any higher would be better, and it'd be bad for camouflaging it as well. I have a good spot but the contents of the video are lacking. Great information if I wanted to hunt deer there but terrible as they tend to do little but walk through and sometimes sniff the camera in the spot I have it. I do catch hints of interesting things happening but far enough away that I don't get to see much detail.

I see guys getting videos of deer online where they seem to not even notice the camera. What am I doing wrong here, if anything? I've played with angles before but there's only so much that can do; you can play with the direction the camera faces to see if you can record deer from a blind spot but often the path is used in both directions so it's not very helpful as they eventually do find it. Here's a pic of an extremely grainy robin in bad lighting conditions.
Funny you say that as I'd love to DIY trailcams too. If I could buy a bunch of components and slap it together I'm sure it would way outperform the shitty x picture burst for y seconds and 10-15 second 480 to 1080p video with 5-15 second pauses as it saves. Arduino, raspberry pi, something like that. I've had the thought in the back of my head but I think the biggest issue would be the NV filter flipping. I guess you could just put two cameras in the thing, one with and one without an IR filter and use some daylight and heat sensors to decide which to record with though. Hell, it'd be more rugged than the wimpy little IR lens flip mechanism that dies in the cold on the cheap ones. Shame no one seems to have done it. Ditto electronic calls. I can't believe no one's ripped the software apart for them and made one open source with some kind of royalty free sound libraries. I mean proprietary sound file types, really?
Would be fine for heart and lung shots. A lot of the old 760s before the redesign (late zinc early plastic receiver era around 1990-2000) were smoothbore though so accuracy may leave something to be desired. Might as well get something a little higher power as well, like a 1377 or 1322 pistol with a stock. Irons suck on that though IMO.
I was freezing my ass off one year with a totally dead forest. Went to check my phone for one second to see if anyone had tried to call or text (on silent, hadn't checked for over an hour easily) and a fox walked by about 15-20 feet in front of me the moment I got it unlocked. Couldn't believe it and I've never had it happen again.

Small spike seat, folding seat, or tripod seat (whichever you can find, but pole spike has been nicest). Heated jacket to protect from the absurd wind gusts, literally a noname Chinese brand one. Shooting sticks followed by quick adjust V top tripod. Call it cheating or whatever but squirrels are small targets. Great for quickly adjusting aim when hunting foxes from a seated position too.
never got what the hell the point is of allowing calves or cows. you shoot the next generation and then you wonder why there are no more moose.
the bucks are big because they're in their prime and have not yet gone into return
you're right about does doe. if you want to reduce their numbers, kill the femoids. or really kill any deer you see, based on what I've heard about how much of a problem they are in the US
the .45-70 has the yeehaw aesthetic. a few people in my hunting team have each had a lever action gun in that caliber
I found this article a week ago about reducing the amount of energy required to boot a raspberry pi, from 9.5J down to 1.4J (!)
it boots in just under 3½ seconds. so you could have it start every 60 seconds or so, take a picture, and go back to sleep if there's no movement. a good alkaline D-cell holds 27 Wh. put four of them in there and you could power it for almost two months (55 days)
>I mean proprietary sound file types, really?
do you have more information on this? I work with FFmpeg and could maybe give reverse engineering them a shot
>a fox walked by about 15-20 feet in front of me the moment I got it unlocked
lol that sucks
the population can tolerate the loss of calves. the reason we shoot cows is because the forest companies demand it. the hunter corps would rather just shoot bulls and calves, and keep productive cows alive
>''push hunt''
I think the term is ''driven hunt'' or ''drive hunt'' where you the people are walking through and making noise to drive the animal out towards the shooters. Here in Latvia we do the same thing every autumn/winter when all the leaves have fallen.
I wish this moose wasn't so tame, or at least so curious about people. I can sense how peaceful it is, and that is nice, but you fear that these outgoing individuals will encounter shitty people, not just people trying to hunt moose.
most moose avoid people. even the local "apple moose" who visits my neighbor every now and then will run away if he spots people or dogs
He's ESL give him some slack we know what he meant
the other anon probably has English as a second language as well considering they mentioned Latvia
some of these terms get tricky to translate. for example "råälg" for moose that cross a property boundary (rågång) into another team's turf. some are easier: fjoling = yearling
Ok, that makes sense. Maybe what I'll do is have the electronic muffs in my pocket and throw them on if there are other hunters uncomfortably close by. That shouldn't happen anyway since I'll be innawoods in a borderline nogunz state in new england. Might even take off on a weekday to really make sure
don't be lazy when it comes to your hearing anon
Should I split the difference and do electronic earbuds?
> fine for heart and lung shots
But not head shots? Is that an issue of power or accuracy?
earbuds do help in my experience. better than nothing. buds and a silencer maybe?
you don't aim for the head, retard
Can't hunt with a silencer, sadly. My state is the only one that allows silencers, but bans them for hunting.
I should have specified - I meant electronic earplugs as in ear protection. Not hunting with airpods haha
that's dumb. here in Sweden there's enough boomers that have pressured the goberment to allow silencers. it's also better for the dogs. I predict a move to subsonic rounds over time. for moose that'd have to be something like .510 Whisper
yeah you need something that seals well
It's very dumb. But that's Connecticut for ya.
>here in Sweden there's enough boomers that have pressured the goberment to allow silencers. it's also better for the dogs.
It's better for literally everybody. In the US, silencers have been strictly regulated since 1934. Legislation is often introduced to deregulate them, but the political willpower is not there because too many people think silencers make your gun a completely undetectable, perfect murder weapon like in da moviez.
oh yeah my noguns friends are surprised that even a silenced .22 makes some noise, nevermind a full powered rifle
>it boots in just under 3½ seconds. so you could have it start every 60 seconds or so, take a picture, and go back to sleep if there's no movement. a good alkaline D-cell holds 27 Wh. put four of them in there and you could power it for almost two months (55 days)
You might be able to have a sensor running on lower power to alert the pi and boot it but that's still pretty slow; similar or slightly worse to my current game cam reaction time lol. Not terrible battery life though.
>do you have more information on this? I work with FFmpeg and could maybe give reverse engineering them a shot
>(see disclaimer top of page)
IIRC in the manual in the it says the only way of getting sounds on and off the call is to use their software (Windows only, maybe Mac, no Linux) and supposedly the files are proprietary in some way. What really sucks is that they don't fill your call to begin with so you have all these sounds you COULD use right off the bat for free but you have to intall the software and customize it for some retarded reason despite there being free extra sounds that are even listed on the box. There's also the paid ones as shown in that link. IIRC you can also put MP3s into their software to convert it for you whether you have the call or not. This may be a good way to figure out what they're doing to the file since you know what the input looked like.
>foxpro """free"""
>All sounds are in FXP format which is only compatible with select FOXPRO game calls. FXP files cannot be listened to on your computer or played back on any other devices. These sounds are compatible with all FOXPRO game calls except the following: 38, 48, 416, 532, ZR2, and Deadbone. The voiceover will not be present on the downloaded file.
No experience with these.
>*We recommend using a Windows operating system for downloading sounds. Apple/Mac computers are not compatible with the sound files*
>*All sounds have been encrypted to ONLY play on Lucky Duck Branded E-Callers*
Never had one but the bigger amount of prey distress the Hunter's Specialties one had by default (non paid) was one of the reasons I bought it over this as well as the price. I also think that THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS is a little fucking much to ask for a sound file pack. Seriously I get that the sounds take a lot of effort to record but their calls are easily $150-300/ea, then this year's sound file pack is $300 is a little fucking much. No wonder they can afford to sponsor everyone. It is "only" $4-8/sound but still god damn. To use that sound pack I would've already had to have bought your $130-500+ call.
Most manufacturers have proprietary sound files which is funny; a lot of them end up using the same sounds from the same source for rabbit and prey distress. Shit, I think some of them may be royalty free; there's a couple sounds that are commonly uploaded to youtube that I instantly recognized on my Johhny Stewart caller. Some, though, are for sure under license; for example, there's a guy who raises coyotes on his land and has a bond with them. He helps raise them and uses this experience to understand coyotes better and also record noises for e callers. I forget his name ATM. Frankly the easiest way to rip sounds may be to just buy the calls, snip the speaker wires, and connect it to a recording device or computer, though be aware this is likely amplified and would probably do bad things to a computer if directly connected lol. from there you could record each sound and label it as it were on the caller; they're often pre-split into folders as well. Not cheap, not fast, but it'll get you all the sounds without the hassle of figuring out the filetype, as nice as that would be.
Use some Howard Leight Impact Sports. It's what I use for my .223 while hunting and anything else at the range. Electronic helps hear stuff, albeit not perfect. Sometimes you hear distant noises as really close. Sometimes it's hard to figure out left/right to a pinpoint like you would without earpro. They're the most compact ones I could find; still can get pushed by the top of the stock and not seal perfect but it's as good as I could find. As someone who hunts with 22 it's why I got a silencer but I understand shotgun silencers aren't the best even if they were cheap and no stamp were required.

Actual no shit electronic in-ear protection? Sure. If you mean being a retard and putting in airpods (I've seen this at the range), no.
Small target, low power. They just move their head a lot. You can do it, but I'm not intimately familiar with the accuracy of a 760 like I am the other 10 pumps. A slight movement that still results in a hit to the brain may impact something important but not immediately important in the brain. In a 22, the extra power would likely make this a non-issue, but low power air rifles make this a valid concern. A slight movement that still results in a hit to the chest is more likely to impact any part of the heart and lungs which are very important and it's a bigger target. The downside is they may run a couple feet before falling which may result in them getting caught in branches or making it back to their nest, or worse, their hole in the tree. Be aware of the bones in the arm and the shoulder blades. Also be aware of the angle you're taking the shot from. If you're shooting a squirrel with its back to you climbing a tree, you're unlikely to hit anything but one lung. Whereas a squirrel sitting side-on you may hit both lungs and maybe even the heart. Weird 3/4 angles and in-betweens make it hard to judge. Add in front to back angles and you have to learn to avoid shooting into the stomach/guts as well, work around wherever the arms may be, and try to make a shot that hits as much of the lungs and heart as possible before exiting. It's (IMO) a decent challenge mentally even with .22, not to mention an air rifle. The head/skull also has similar challenges and thick and thin spots that may deflect or greatly slow a bullet.

That fucking sucks. I think mine banned silencers until about 15-20 years ago and electonic ear pro until quite recently. Very frustrating.
>You might be able to have a sensor running on lower power to alert the pi and boot it
oh yeah there are dedicated movement sensors that don't use too much power. those only work up to a certain distance however. one thing I'm thinking of is covering large areas by putting the cams really high, like the trees around my fields. the upshot is that game that is just walking around not spooked are unlikely to cover several hectares quickly. on my property I can see where the moose sleep (älglegor)
>IIRC you can also put MP3s into their software to convert it for you whether you have the call or not
if you can generate some files before and after going through their tool you could open a feature request on trac.ffmpeg.org. there's always the possibility that someone is curious/bored enough to take a stab at it. maybe even a student. no guarantees of course
you can even find free calls on wikimedia, see for example: https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?search=moose&title=Special:MediaSearch&go=Go&type=audio
>though be aware this is likely amplified and would probably do bad things to a computer if directly connected lol
building a cable with some resistors to attenuate the output to 600 Ohm line in is ez
did a quick search, PIR sensors use fuckall current
>Low shutdown current of 2.16 uA (PIR sensor remains active in shutdown)
an series of 18 Ah D-cells will keep this bad boy powered for.. 951 years! they'll probably self-discharge before that
>Howard Leight Impact Sport
That's exactly what I have, funnily enough.
>Actual no shit electronic in-ear protection? Sure. If you mean being a retard and putting in airpods (I've seen this at the range), no.
Yeah, I clarified in my other post >>2773785

>I think mine banned silencers until about 15-20 years ago and electonic ear pro until quite recently. Very frustrating.
Wait a minute... are you saying your state banned electronic earpro?? Or am I reading that wrong? If so, where the fuck ?
Here in Commiefornia, we can't have silencers for any reason. We can't even have threaded barrels! Or flash hiders....or ar-15s with detachable mags...or adjustable stocks... And all because retards think guns work like they do in the movies. I fucking hate this state's retarded gun laws.
*You can have adjustable stocks if it has a magazine that cannot be removed. It used to be one or the other, but now I'm pretty sure all ar's require non-removable magazines. It makes zero sense.
>you can even find free calls on wikimedia, see for example:
I might have to check that out; thanks anon. Also, as for the sensors, look for heat (occupancy) sensors. The modern game cams use them and they can go pretty far. The problem is if something gets warm in the sun, they can get set off by a combination of that and movement of leaves. Also they think the sun is an animal sometimes lol.
>are you saying your state banned electronic earpro?? If so, where the fuck ?
I can't find it in old hunting regs ATM using google & before:(date) but I distinctly remember reading something about it; may have been a theoretical technicality under other banned electronic devices in the past. I also remember possible grey zones with silencers but that appears to have been cleared up around 2009. My research about all this was done nearing 10 years ago so it's a little hazy. To add on, it's currently illegal to:
>text or use a handheld radio to inform someone about, for example, a deer, coyote, or even a squirrel coming their way
"4) Portable, two-way radios and cellphones may be used for general communications with another hunter, but may not be used to direct or alert another hunter to the presence or location of live game or wildlife."
(page 16) https://www.pgc.pa.gov/HuntTrap/Law/Documents/Digest%202024-25%20updated.pdf
>Hunt deer with a semiautomatic rifle...but not a semiautomatic shotgun
"Semiautomatic rifles may not be used for hunting deer, bear or elk. Hunting with semiautomatic handguns is prohibited. Semiautomatic centerfire shotguns that propel single-projectile ammunition can be used while hunting deer, bears and elk."
(page 16 in Hunt Trap PDF)
>Hunt on Sunday*
(*See page 4 for VERY recent exceptions in HuntTrap PDF)
>this little retarded addition:
"Dogs cannot read no-trespassing signs and do not heed fences."

It used to be illegal to:
>Use an air rifle for hunting despite it being legal in 40+ other states
§ 2308. Unlawful devices and methods.
(a) General rule.--Except as otherwise provided in this title, it is unlawful for any person to hunt or aid, abet, assist or conspire to hunt any game or wildlife through the use of:
(5) Any device operated by air, chemical or gas cylinder by which a projectile of any size or kind can be discharged or propelled.
(hunt with an air rifle despite it being legal in over 40 states at the time)
the TI page I linked is for a PIR sensor that is exactly this. it claims a detection range of 30 feet
the sun is slow moving enough that you can filter it out. leaves in front of a warm thing not so much. you can also add some stuff to the sensor to limit its field of view, for example a lil' brim to block out the sun
>text or use a handheld radio to inform someone about, for example, a deer, coyote, or even a squirrel coming their way
do they expect everyone to hunt on their lonesome?
>semiauto slugs are allowed but not rifles
it's like they *want* poor shot placement
>Hunt on Sunday
of course. YHWH forbids it (well, on Saturdays)
Any other brits here?

I have my shotgun licence and was looking to do some hunting. Ideally would like to try deer but seems like that's mainly in Scotland, grouse shoots seem to be very pricy and almost cheating.

I used to know some people who were beaters for the grouse so they got to shoot for cheap but apart from that seems like an exclusively rich sport here, anyone have any experience or advice?
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Wow that's annoying. I will try to one-up you with some more CT bs. It is illegal to hunt with a centerfire rifle or a handgun on state land - you can only do it on private land of more than 10 contiguous acres with written permission if it's not your land. All firearm deer hunters on CT state land (the vast majority) are forced to use shotguns loaded with slugs. There's no distinction for semiauto, manual, or revolver - just straight up no rifles or handguns on state land unless rimfire and hunting small game. And of course, no suppressors.
>the USSR had better hunting regulations than Burgerland does now
fucking amazing
Oh man that reminds me how we can only hunt squirrels with rimfire, air rifles, and shotguns here. Doesn't matter what it is, if it's centerfire you can't hunt them with it. And the air rifles can only be .177 or .22 for squirrel. If groundhog, it must be a .22. No bigger, god forbid.
>A manually operated or semiautomatic air rifle or manually operated air handgun that propels a single-projectile pellet or bullet for small game in calibers from .177 to .22. For woodchucks and
furbearers, air guns must be .22 caliber. BB ammunition cannot be used.
>A person using a handgun for hunting must possess any required state/town permits to carry.
Wait, wait, do you have to have a fucking LTC to open carry a revolver for hunting? Holy shit even PA isn't that cucked lol. I can throw a revolver on my hip once I get out of the car and say "I'm using it to hunt coyotes." We do have some retarded things like a Sportsman License that I still to this day do not understand what it does. You can buy one, two other people get copies of it, it does...something...and it "is not a license to carry". Being an open carry state I still cannot figure out what the fuck it does. Oh and as of a year or two ago you can't hunt turkey with a .22 anymore so you have to use a shotgun.
this weird stag got curious about the big fire.
you can't carry your guns in public? how are you supposed to transport them around?
here in Sweden it's not uncommon to see hunters carrying guns, even in cities. perfectly legal. certainly raises eyebrows though
>Wait, wait, do you have to have a fucking LTC to open carry a revolver for hunting?
Yes, but in CT the permit to purchase a handgun is also a permit to carry the handgun. Well, technically there is another permit that is only for purchase and not carriage, but nobody actually goes for that one since it's retarded and the same effort either way. The result is that most people with a handgun in CT nowadays already have the permit to carry it, since they needed that to buy it in the first place.

You will find that even though America has laxer gun laws than Europe overall, we have localized instances of profoundly retarded and draconian laws. Until very very recently, NYC was worse than the majority of the EU in terms of gun laws.
>Until very very recently, NYC was worse than the majority of the EU in terms of gun laws.
and in some ways it still is worse. Like 10rd capacity limit on handguns, the strictest assault weapon ban in the nation, 5rd capacity limit on rifles and shotguns, etc etc
right, because burgerstan is a federal state, a lot of stuff is up to the states to regulate. the EU on the other hand has handed down a bunch of nonsense here for some reason, like the 2+1 cartridge limit on birds and bears. why the limit on bears should be lower than on moose (5+1) I have no idea. there was even a widely publicized case last year of a guy who was mauled by a bear. politicians seem to think hunters deliberately miss or some shit
anyway these kinds of discussions are interesting. especially when the average /k/tard thinks everywhere but the US is noguns
what do y'all wear hunting?
I'm artillery anon. I don't wear ear pro when I hunt with my 22lr or 357 mag. But any shotgun or caliber bigger than 357 I will use it. I basically don't hunt without my electronic ear pro if it's a shotgun, that's why I wait till it gets colder to go out. I've shot the shotgun and my 350 legend with no ear pro and it was uncomfortably loud. Plus the damage is cumulative, take care of your hearing. Permanent eeeeeeeeeeee is not fun.
There is no education requirement to be a politician
The point is they're doing something and something can be anything. Everyone just demands they do something so they did. No one demands that it makes sense and certainly no one gives a fuck about actual outcomes.
Damn I'm an MD fag and like more than half the state used to be shotgun but then they surprisingly allowed straight wall. Now I hunt with 357 for brush and 350 legend if it's more open
We can carry our guns in public, in fact we can open carry handguns on our hip and (theoretically) rifles on our back, loaded and chambered legally. You're not going to be carrying a rifle or shotgun slung over your shoulder anymore in the cities (legal, though too many "concerned citizens") but in soft rifle cases unloaded are okay. Handguns on your hip would be fine too. The stupid part is that PA considers a handgun concealed once you get in a vehicle which makes our permitless legal open carry (in holster on hip) of a handgun only possible in very few situations such as at the range (after getting out of the car), while hunting (after getting out of the car, may be restricted to legal hunting handguns?), on property that will allow open carry/you have permission for (after getting out of the car), or open carry only to places you walk to since entering a vehicle makes it illegal concealed carry without a license even when carried open on the hip.
>§6106 - Firearms not to be carried without a license
>A. "Offense defined".--
>1. Except as provided in paragraph (2), any person who carries a firearm in any vehicle or any person who carries a firearm concealed on or about his person, except in his place of abode or fixed place of business, without a valid and lawfully issued license under this chapter commits a felony of the third degree.
>2. A person who is otherwise eligible to possess a valid license under this chapter but carries a firearm in any vehicle or any person who carries a firearm concealed on or about his person, except in his place of abode or fixed place of business, without a valid and lawfully issued license and has not committed any other criminal violation commits a misdemeanor of the first degree.
>B "Exceptions".-- The provisions of subsection (a) shall not apply to:
>4. Any persons engaged in target shooting with a firearm, if such persons are at or are going to or from their places of assembly or target practice and if, while going to or from their places of assembly or target practice, the firearm is not loaded.
>8. Any person while carrying a firearm which is not loaded and is in a secure wrapper from the place of purchase to his home or place of business, or to a place of repair, sale or appraisal or back to his home or place of business, or in moving from one place of abode or business to another or from his home to a vacation or recreational home or dwelling or back, or to recover stolen property under section 6111.1(b)(4) (relating to Pennsylvania State Police), or to a place of instruction intended to teach the safe handling, use or maintenance of firearms [...]
>9. Persons licensed to hunt, take furbearers or fish in this Commonwealth, if such persons are actually hunting, taking furbearers or fishing as permitted by such license, or are going to the places where they desire to hunt, take furbearers or fish or returning from such places.
>11. Any person while carrying a firearm in any vehicle, which person possesses a valid and lawfully issued license for that firearm which has been issued under the laws of the United States or any other state.
>12. A person who has a lawfully issued license to carry a firearm pursuant to section 6109 (relating to licenses) and that said license expired within six months prior to the date of arrest and that the individual is otherwise eligible for renewal of the license.
(cont once more)

It's mostly certain states that have exceedingly retarded laws but every now and then you'll run into a state law so retarded you wonder how it remains. Like our shitty "legal open carry" that really appears to be mostly "legal open carry within walking distance."
>15. Any person who possesses a valid and lawfully issued license or permit to carry a firearm which has been issued under the laws of another state, regardless of whether a reciprocity agreement exists between the Commonwealth and the state under section 6109(k), provided:
>i. The state provides a reciprocal privilege for individuals licensed to carry firearms under section 6109.
>ii. The Attorney General has determined that the firearm laws of the state are similar to the firearm laws of this Commonwealth.
>"Sportsman's firearm permit".--
1. Before any exception shall be granted under paragraph (b)(9) or (10) of this section to any person 18 years of age or older licensed to hunt, trap or fish or who has been issued a permit relating to hunting dogs, such person shall, at the time of securing his hunting, furtaking or fishing license or any time after such license has been issued, secure a sportsman's firearm permit from the county treasurer. The sportsman's firearm permit shall be issued immediately and be valid throughout this Commonwealth for a period of five years from the date of issue for any legal firearm, when carried in conjunction with a valid hunting, furtaking or fishing license or permit relating to hunting dogs. [...] (this paragraph will be continued next reply)
>1. (cont) [...] The sportsman's firearm permit shall be in triplicate on a form to be furnished by the Pennsylvania State Police. The original permit shall be delivered to the person, and the first copy thereof, within seven days, shall be forwarded to the Commissioner of the Pennsylvania State Police by the county treasurer. The second copy shall be retained by the county treasurer for a period of two years from the date of expiration. The county treasurer shall be entitled to collect a fee of not more than $6 for each such permit issued, which shall include the cost of any official form. The Pennsylvania State Police may recover from the county treasurer the cost of any such form, but may not charge more than $1 for each official permit form furnished to the county treasurer.
I STILL do not know what the fuck a Sportsman's firearm permit is or why 20,000-40,000 people have one over a normal license to carry which is $20 BTW; it sounds like a shitty version of a LTC that only allows carry to and from the trapline. More can be read at this link. I've finally found the "secure wrapper" part I knew existed too, §6106 - Firearms not to be carried without a license, under section B, Exceptions, number 8. TY anon for making me look.
Surplus camo. Cheap RealTree. Thrift store camo. Camo jumpsuits/mechanic's suits with underarmor underneath for tick protection while not totally dying of the summer heat. I have some neat vintage stuff I'd love to wear a couple times but I don't want to destroy it in the brush.
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my regular work pants (black), jacket (dark blue) and an orange cap
Cheap cargo pants and jacket in realtree edge. Carhartt shirt in green or brown, work boots.
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taking a break from vacuum sealing about half the meat from this year's moose hunt. we got ~46 kg each total. how's everyone else doing on the meat front?

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