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/out/ - Outdoors

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Currently doing an incel walk in the woods. Anyone wanna join?
Looks west coast? locale?
Boulder, Colorado
Only fat cunts and Jewish shills call people incel. Stop judging yourself by the pussy metric--only woman do that and there is no reason to ever give a shit about a womans opinion.
Am I going to end up in a rape dungeon if I say yes?

>there is no reason to ever give a shit about a womans opinion.
only an incel would say this
Don't forget
>bluepilled cucks
>borderline incels who got lucky one time and let it get to their head
Based. I'm more of a nightstalker now. Normies are everywhere in the woods during the day, only true chadcels hike the night.
That's just called hiking, and it's good for you physically and mentally. Is good exercise, jogging trails is a good time as well, don't have to call it a negative thing. God bless.
In his defense, younger generations (zoomers and millennials) have been conditioned to believe that every activity needs to be social and that doing anything alone is abnormal. See >>2768185 from another thread
How do I go for a chad stride instead?
>Fat female hands typed this
Hell yeah brother
incel is a state of mind, not necessarily a diagnosis of your sex life
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>still thinks there are actual females on /out/
Incel is literally short for INvoluntary CELibate
yeah and bastard technically means someone born out of wedlock but that isn't the de facto definition anymore.
Chad is a state of being
If you are a Chad, any walk you go on is a Chad stride
So what do you call someone who can't get laid to save his life but doesn't have the attitude of someone who posts on incels.is? A foreveraloner?
>Fat female hands typed this
I don't have to care at all about a mans sex life and I don't. Only you fat females and kikes have to define people by who and how they fuck... while ironically pretending it also doesn't matter.
Incel is literally the pussy metric used to mock males for not having sex. Only fat females and kikes want to define male validity by the pussy metric.

We do live in a gynocentric world and woman are stupid as fuck crowd followers who only have value because of their pussy and kikes know defacto that woman are crowd following idiots... so it's only natural that attacking male value on the pussy metric is the preferred strategy of the slavers and their pussy having idiot followers.
Lynch (the person for whom the mob was named after) literally wrote a book about how to breed endless slaves and KEY is to emasculate men and elevate woman to positions of social authority.

Women will raise emasculated weak males out of fear and obedience and key to endless slavery is to empower females and devalue males.

Now you understand why kikes love Incel so much--woman parrot it because they're crowd following morons.
Book name? I'm interested
If you want to get laid you need to pretend to give a shit
Quite the opposite you have to be confident and not give a shit. The fucking state of things.
My buddy and I were just talking about this. I used to be a huge fuckin guy before I started going /out/ and even then I still got laid regularly. I’m not going to sit here and act like I didn’t score way more after I lost the weight but still. Even 300 plus losers can get laid if you just talk to women and have confidence.
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Get high with your ancestors
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Full /out/ log
anyone that walks in woods are CHUDS
No you
>t-t-there are actually females really talking to me!
take you meds faggot.
>Take meds
Ok, Rabbi, thanks for proving my point.
Same Rabbi posting.
>Reee pussy metric goy, reee
>aaah the jews hate it when we have sex and reproduce!
>no wait, the jews love to mock us for lack of sex in order to encourage us to have sex and reproduce
the absolute delirium of you people
Would you *really* want to hang out with people from this board?

Think about it
>Would you *really* want to hang out with people
Good point.
I take a hatchet on my incel walks. if they have a problem with me existing I have problem with them existing
didn't read don't care
your pilpul is vapid and meaningless:
Only fat cunts and jewish shills unironically call people incel.
sure you did rabbi, sure you did.
Who's admonishing you?

Tell them that you don't like slowing down your pace to accommodate them

Who cares? Just ignore them or tell them to fuck off
can I bring my gf?
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will come to get you soon self doxxer
you protest too much
You eat to much, fatty.

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