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Should we continue cutting down old trees to build better quality suburban homes?
Cut down suburbanites and feed them to trees
So shall it be.
There is zero reason to use wood at all to build a domicile and lots of reasons not to. Stick frame houses are garbage.
Stick frame houses are expensive to heat and cool, are shit in high winds, are overly complicated to build, have garbage structural support for seismic activities or things like trees falling on them or heavy snow winter--only absolute morons build them.

And the world is populated by morons which is why they are everywhere.

Earthen homes with modern polymer sealant are a million times better.

>inb4 retarded boot licking boomers defend (((building code))) and their own incompetence
>eat the bugs
>suck the feminine penis
>live in the mud hut
>buht, BoOmEr!!11
lol, faggot.
I realize you have no self awareness and clearly also have a very low IQ so I'll keep my question succinct:

Why are you so scared of living in a house not made from clearcut trees?
>neanderthal grunts and hoots
that's nice Grug.
I accept your concession.
Thanks for admitting to being 80Iq and spewing tangential nonsense.
I suspect you'll try again, in an even more pathetic and trite way but that's all you're good for.

Earthen home building is better in every way boomer--continue with embarrassing yourself.
>I surrender
acknowledged, now go outside.
OSB is only a small part of the shitty building problem. A much larger part of the problem is that houses are built as fast as possible by the lowest paid wages as possible. The result is the shittiest house possible within the rules.
wood is a renewable resource though
retard, so is coal and plastic
earthen homes meaning clay, meaning brick. modern polymer sealant could easily just be bullshit for the concrete between these bricks
if youd rather live in a toothpick house over a brick one itll be your funeral, not any of ours (it will also be your family's funeral)
You are literally wrong. Plastic, in general, is petroleum-based, and coal is a fossil fuel. You're going to have to weight for tons of plants to be converted over millions of years. A planted forest takes 40 years to be cuttable. There's a big difference. Plus, I like windows, windows that give me a commanding view of my property.
The definition of renewable is that it can be recovered within a human lifetime.

West coast evergreens are not mature until around 200 years and the natural state of west coast rainforests is OLD GROWTH.

By definition west coast forests are not renewable and you're retarded for pretending they are.

Even Pine forests take 100 years to mature--also not renewable. Any idiot claiming forests are monoculture and renewable are piece of shit morons parroting corporate talking points.

Petro was never dead old forests--only idiots believe that. Bio-organic conditions at the consonantal plate level create a quasi organic system that creates oil under heat and pressure. There was never anything fossil about it.
>you cant have windows in a brick house
ok retard
also coal is renewable because it does come back. its just not sustainable because people use it at 10000x the replenishing rate
plastic is the same, its (mostly) made out of something in the same category (technically comes back but not really in practice)
>West coast evergreen
no one is planting this is a paper/timber farm you retard, they use pine that takes ~20 years (not 100 for sure)
>forests are monoculture
they are, this is half the problem with them, theres only one (mono) thing (culture) in the "forest", so only their pine lives there but nothing else that used too
they are, more than coal for sure
>morons parroting corporate talking points
kek ok boomer
>Petro was never dead old forests--only idiots believe that
kek ok retard
fossil fuels are mostly algae and partly wood and a tiny bit other organics (still mostly plant matter though). they arent just made out of nothing due to the heat and pressure of the "quasi organic system".
obviously pressure and heat are what you need to make fossil fuels, but you dont actually need any ""consonantal"" plates to do it (whatever they are lol)
there have been people today that have made their own fossil fuels out of algae that they have grown using that and and an autoclave-like machine (cheap machine to add heat/pressure), and it turns out basically exactly the same as normal fuel (diesel in this case) chemically, except for less bullshit contaminants. totally expected contaminants though.
and actually youve probably head of this fuel, it was called bio diesel a decade or so ago but then never happened because its just so much more expensive to produce it that way
yes. the elites need more money and power and slaves to woek foe them
You don't know shit about forests and are very clearly retarded.

Trees are not monoculture and 99% of the forests on earth take hundreds of years to reach maturity.

You're not just wrong you're either a bold faced liar or so retardedly ignorant with zero understanding of the fundamentals of what makes a forest.

You also don't know shit about organic chemistry or petroleum.

continental plates--nice to know your only real argument is spell checking.

In conclusion: anyone who says a forest is renewable is a liar and you're beyond retarded for reciting research that you clearly don't comprehend at all regarding the production of petrol.
I've yet to meet a boomer that has any idea how long a Doug Fir or Grand Fir actually lives for and most idiot boomers think forests are a monoculture crop.

Just look at this retard that sincerly believes a tree that lives 2,000 years is "mature" at 50... fucking idiots.

It took centuries to build up the soil in the old growth coastal forests and these morons cant comprehend it's going to take a few 100 years to destroy that soil (or they don't care).
Don't take the bait. Everyone knows the guy you are arguing with is a troll or a retard. Timber farming has been around for along time. Timber farming is saving national forests because they flank protected lands and farmers deal with pests in an exacting manner while various forestry agencies him haw about the effects of doing anything. No, I am not for cutting healthy old growth. But only an absolute tard thinks tree farming hurts anyone. It sequesters CO2 at a faster rate than any other industrial activity.
oh, hi again east coast tree autist, you've stopped trying to molest children. right?
>not an argument
I accept your concession
>We've always done it this way
God damn you retarded boomers are incomprehensibly delusional in the face of overwhelming facts.

Tree farming hurts everyone you disingenuous piece of shit. Logging the coastal rainforests and filling wetlands creates climate change

Managed forests DON'T store carbon you retard--they cut them down every 50 years and the net loss of biomass has been in decline for a hundred years.

Old growth sequesters the most C02 because you're too stupid to realize this but older trees grow more annually than smaller trees. Surface to volume ratio is a thing.
>If I conflate a pine forest with a coastal rainforest I can tell more lies
Very dishonest of you
>Forests are monoculture
They're not and there isn't a biologist in the world that will tell you they are--you're lying
>Forests are renewable
Nope, forests mature after hundreds of years: by definition not renewable.

>Petorl is old wood
it isn't and not a chemist in the world will tell you it is.

Everything you've said is a half truth of bold faced lie.
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Most trees have lived for 600 years, we know this because a handful of international American congressmen planted them all. That's long enough of a time. It's a new tree's turn to grow
We do a little trolling, jekejejkeke
biomass to ethylene is a trivial process
but bombing the arabs and buying oil is cheaper so noone bothers
Why americans do their houses with shitty wood instead of bricks and mortar?
Correct, you can still use wood for frame work however, cutting out wood wall paneling in the build process reduces the wood needed for any house by 30-50% right off the bat. I posted this in a thread previously on this topic.

-roman concrete (wasn't invented by romans however, add two kinds/sizes of finely grounded volcanic ash to the standard portland mix, add salt water)
-pseudo ancient (megalithic) geopolymer of the limestone type (sodium silicate, sodium carbonate, calcium carbonate, crushed limestone, ionized salt water, crushed volcanic pumice) can be caked in an erosion resistant geopolymer after hardening
-adobe/mud-straw brick (ideal in drier and hotter climates), you can also make this yourself with sand and normal soil and straw bales extremely cheaply
-straw bale blocks caked in a geopolymer mix (ideal in drier temperate and drier hotter climates, steppe climates)
-use polygonal cyclopean walling techniques for hardstone blocks to increase structural integrity, use at least two different sizes of blocks and stack them together like a puzzle set with or without mortar, in seismic stress zones this technique holds far superior to conventional brick stacking

Geopolymers work better in wetter and colder climates, especially if you use polygonal/cyclopean stacking and add sodium silicate, ionized salt water, and volcanic pumice to the mix, when done right you get a stone that is more erosion resistant that natural limestones and even some granites, ie it will last thousands of years and your house will fall apart structurally long before the stone breaks down.
same question, even those walls can be holed with a punch
>Why do americans still use shit wood construction
Two reasons:
1) Any income a state makes off of housing goes directly into the CAFR and not the general fund. Since most Americans are idiots and don't know the difference General Fund and the CAFR the state just banks logging income while increasing taxes.
2) The state controls building codes which basically force you to use wood construction.

It's literally that simple to understand and yet well beyond the comprehension of most boomers who cant comprehend how to wipe their ass or build a house without deforesting half the planet.
FUcking logging
States make money off of logging and that goes into the CAFR and vanishes like fucking magic.
>The state controls building codes which basically force you to use wood construction.
And why do they force you to use wood?
>so is coal and plastic
Not since God invented fungus that can decompose plants
>But why male models
They don't force you to use wood "per se"
They just make it VERY expensive to use any building method not explicitly defined in the building code and those explicitly defined building methods are all antiquated stick and pole frame construction.
You're talking to a dude that thinks oil is dinosaur bones.
Live in Florida for a summer--there are endless types of mosses molds and funguses that can and do eat plastic.

Hell, there are tons of foods that have petrol in them already like bubble gum and food dyes and canned food. Mineral oil is used a ton in the food industry.
>Be a kid
>Road trips through Oregon were always magical
>"Look at all the forests and fields, mom!"
>Be adult
>Realize that all the "forests" I've been seeing are tree farms of a single species
>The fields are clear cuts
>Not magical anymore
There used to be old growth on the East Coast and in Europe. Why are we living in the concrete dystopia timeline?
i went down a 4 month rabbit hole of wanting to build my own eco friendly house on a piece of land. I only came away from it that everything I want to do is completely illegal even if I made it perfectly i would have to pay 30k here, 30k there, 40k there, to a bunch of uneducated morons and bureaucrats so that I can live legally. At least I did a tonne of research

the whole thing actually spiraled me into depression for a bit. I realized how modern society is really just all about taxes and consooming and nothing else
oh and i want to correct myself. even if I built it perfectly, it would STILL be illegal
There was a war long ago between the demon worshipers and nature worshipers and the demon worshipers won. You're living in the aftermath of a war erased from history.

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