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Hey guys. Right now I'm on Mt.Fuji, near 3.000m mark. After staying at the resort for 3 hours I started feeling symptoms of altitude sickness. I have asthma so I use my inhaler to get better. When I lie down it gets a bit harder to breath, and I don't seem to be able to sleep. I'm not a light sleeper at all. I have a little headache that feels like nothing to be honest.
I was thinking of leaving my hut in 5-6 hours to see the sunset. But the hike is going to take 3 hours and the elevation I will have to traverse will be 700 meters more.
Do I wait? Do I try to acclimatise? Do I ask people for medicine? I started drinking more water because I was sweating bullets. I'm not used to hikes but I really want to get to the top and descend. Will I die if I do that? Please advise.
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Nah bro I'm fat af. Still, any real advice?
Push yourself, pass out and make the others carry you to the summit
Nice death desu
Any serious advice?
>Do I ask people for medicine?
Yeah, if you can get your hands on some diamox that'll help.
Ibuprofen and paracetamol can both be taken for the headache.

Whether you hike out for the sunset is up to you - how bad you're feeling, how tight a schedule you're on and how rough/dangerous the terrain is.
I'd probably go for it. As far as altitude sickness goes, the vibe I'm getting is that your case is pretty mild (maybe uncomfortable, sure, but not dangerous) so your choice is feeling uncomfortable while you sit around the resort or feeling uncomfortable while you hike up a mountain, imo there's something rewarding about pushing through discomfort. There's also the fact that exposing yourself to the extra 700m of altitude during the day may help you sleep better tonight and feel better tomorrow, there's a reason for the old mountaineering maxim "climb high, sleep low" (although strictly speaking that's more applicable to actual high altitude mountaineering than the situation you're in).
Don't push yourself too hard though. If you start to feel significantly worse then turn back, the sun'll set again tomorrow.

Hydrate well and avoid alcohol.

I dunno though, I don't get altitude sickness below 4500m.
Thank you very much for the advice. It's just that it's not that easy to breath. But as is understand HEPA is developed after 2 days of being on high elevations. I have been what, 8 hours here? Head doesn't really ache to be honest, it's just me getting used to breath here. I will probably try to ask some foreigners for a pill If they have one. Or check local first aid.
Important update
I drank a lot of water in the last 1,5 hours. Breath got much better. I feel much better.
well, did you drink more and drown?
Altitude sickness is a result of lower hemoglobin density due to lack of acclimation (generally). When the oxygen levels are less dense, our bodies produce more hemoglobin to compensate, but the adjustment takes time.

Being dehydrated or having poor cardiovascular health make it worse, but aren’t the cause.
Did the same to watch the sunrise on mt teide. I didn’t stay overnight tho I just chilled three hours on the mountaintop and froze my fucking ass off because I got up there way too fast, my lungs were burning like shit the whole way up tho because I was acclimatized to literal sea level. Too late for advice anyways, did you make it tho?
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Aoi, this website isn't good for you.
Based Hydrator Man
>my inhaler
You have an IAQ issue and the asthma is a reaction to mold, take if iodine every day for 6 weeks, it will help you
>get in better cardiovascular health
>stay hydrated
>take Cordyceps
Is OP still alive?
y-yeah, he's still alive having a blast in anime club with some cute 2d idols, hehe
>thread disappearing soon
rip anon i guess
But I want to know.

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