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i can't wait for winter to come so the normies stay inside
i dont know what planet you've been living on but everyone has been staying inside due to the insane heatwave and 100° temperatures.
Once it gets cold everyone will be outside
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luv me stove
luv me axe
luv me sled
simple as
So all I need to get started winter camping is a hot tent with a wood stove, right?
I've been watching a lot of Yuru Camp and Matthew Posa and winter camping looks super comfy if you've got the gear for it.
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Looooove winter. And love going out in the night as well, not an annoying butthurt normy for miles
All you need is warm clothing, a sleeping pad, and a sleeping bag. A tent if it is snowing.
>slips off a cliff because he doesn't have micro-spikes or an axe to arrest ice-falls
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If you are using microspikes as a traction device near cliffs you already have a problem
is nobody going to ask why anyone is sleeping at the edge of a cliphe?
that's not the point the point is any sort of slippery icy muddy hills are hell in winter without spikes
la ninya here
It has actually been about 5-10F cooler than normal where I'm at in the SW for the entirety of August to now. Hasn't even touched 90F and I'm not at high elevation. Humidity has been higher to, and the sun just generally feels weaker than it used to.
The winter snow is the best time for lion hunting.
but why :[
Fuck em that's why
Better fur with the winter coat
Around me you see more people out in the winter than in the summer.
Because their lives are empty and destroying beauty comes naturally to them.
i dont speak illegal what is ninyuh
winter has always been the white man's season
sooooooomer has always been for nignogs and jigaboos
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To be fair, I'm pretty raycist myself so I'm disappointed I don't know a non Spanish word for it used by "scientists."

The south pacific ocean has cold and warm cycles driven largely by the trade winds that influence precipitation in north America.

It goes in cycles that can last a months to a few years and we're going from a "warm" cycle to a "cool" cycle.

What that means for north american weather? Debatable on the specifics but it generally means moisture will be pushed north to WA and OR instead of going through CA to Texas and winter is going to be wetter.. maybe colder?
nah normies have some sort of gene where once it hits 65 degrees they go into nesting mode and just consume goyslop on the couch all winter
actually camping in winter, even car camping, is unpleasant enough to filter 90% of people
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it's true. even when you get nice and cozy the hardship is amplified, water and sweat are so much more miserable, snowy boots, ice that clings to everything so you can never pack your things up dry, collecting farrwood and maintaining a fire when the ground is frozen and all the deadfall is under snow, etc.

It's a right pain in the dick
Winter? What's that? We don't get those anymore.
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ßump for more wint'ry goodness
thank you for the input snake
sounds awesome! the more miserable i am when camping, the better!
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I detect some sarcasm here but frankly I enjoy a little discomfort purely for the unique experience. Nothing beats being out in a rain storm in the woods or having a campfire amongst a landscape of rolling snow
vvintir is nice when you can be comfy. it is silent like the desert.
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discomfort doesn't necessarily mean misery
just have to have the right gear and process enough wood to run the stove all night and then its comfier than any other camping
You I would /out/ with.
Comfort is more often than not getting used to getting used to the uncomfortable.
Badassery is recognizing it won't kill you and laughing at it while asking for more.
snow is nice, but around here winter is pouring rain 24/7
I live in a trailer innawoods & winter is the only time I can get out & explore. It's all bug infested dense woods & granite hills between swamps here & when it freezes over I can roam about 40k acres on snowshoes from my backdoor. It'll be nice to get some exercise again
Anon has no testicles, so he's looking for some. Seems to be a catboy
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Lion backstrap is super tasty.
but it's so tiring to walk in deep snow man
Your skis or snowshoes bro?
i'm poor
Snowshoes can be snagged cheaply from Amazon warehouse or various gear exchanges, especially during the off-season. You can also DIY them pretty easily although with somewhat cumbersome bindings
Cheap snowshoes are a misery.
Save up and buy something that will last--stop buying cheap garbage and being the reason corporations keep making cheap garbage.
I didn't say cheap snowshoes anon I said you can get a deal if you pay attention to used or open box gear sites
can't fucking wait holy shit
That looks extremely comfy, anon
don't tell me that those are...
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Not in NC. Pisgah and the smokies get absolutely crowded to the point your dickhead will pop bro. Fall is such a peak time for the mountains and innawoods in general. Are you retarded? Is this b8? Or both?

Why wouldn’t most people wanna hike in 40 degrees? It’s amazing. Tell us you don’t /out/ without telling us kek
No bugs though. This is big depending on where you live.
OP probably doesn't live in an equatorial swarthoid shithole and is instead somewhere north of the Mason-Dixon in a place with enough of a winter to filter the normies. Down south you have the opposite problem: the degens who hide from the summer heat in the North hide from the winter cold in the South.
Real /out/ chads transcend that homosexual babble and are /out/ all year innarain innasnow innaheat

Stop being gay about how you /out/ and try to actually go /out/ fags. It’s p cool.
I like being gay. Being gay is not a sin.
No no you misunderstand anon, I don’t mean literal homosexuality. I’m talking about gay retardation, duh

What are you, gay and retarded? Kek
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Winter is my outdoor season
What a faggot
i miss being over in nm, hopefully i can get back out there for a bit this winter
cotton denim jeans lol
one pair of jeans and one pair of snowpants
>ah, it's dark already, you can see the stars!
>only 8 more hours till bedtime!
Real. Can't wait for some quiet desert camps this winter.
Imagine the parasites.
more like lion hunts you
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Same state as your pic related. I usually end up with several local mountain ranges entirely to myself in winter because most people in this state (about 90%) don't live where it snows and don't know how to drive in the snow. Tranquil snowy winter forests alongside partly frozen creeks is where it's at in winter IMO.
when does winter start? is november too cold to sleep outside with a 0ºc comfort sleeping bag? in the alps at 2-3k elevation
Makes you appreciate the comforts of home more too. I always loved the ritual of getting back to my house, washing up, getting a hot beverage, unpacking/sort/drying out my kit and storing it away for next time. The contrast of prolonged rugged discomfort followed by civilised luxury makes both more satisfying

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