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/out/ - Outdoors

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bros, camping is about to get a whole lot easier
They already have one pointed at your moms hairy natch
fantastic. man made horrors beyond my comprehension
On the plus side, anti-satellite weapons just became 2A.
>I can call Rod of God on bears and shit
they should scale it up bigly ao you can call in death rays
Can't wait to use this to fake UFO encounters
If you're using the app, that would imply you have your phone. Why not just use the phone's flashlight? Or, since you have service to use the app, just call for help?
the tech will be used for parks and bigger venues
you cant just call in light at night wherever the fuck you are on your app lmao
I hate the antichrist. This is the future democrats want.
It's what libertarians want - to sell whatever the fuck they want regardless of the consequences and if they got it for free even better. The future democrats want is one where you have to clear it with them first and they're right. This is the kind of thing that needs red tape.
I'm excited to see the inevitable civillian space race this would bring about.
Either to block these or destroy them.
I reject and hate the antichrist
Libertarians don't want to put rounded corners, handrails, and wheelchair accessable asphault ramps on absolutely everything. They want the weak to just die.
>On the plus side, anti-satellite weapons just became 2A.
nope it will be like direct tv, they can shoot the radiation at you 24/7 and if you receive it without paying them you get in trouble somehow. If some of this sata-light (trademarked) hits you m, you will need to pay 89.99 a month for the privilege.
Also remember Jewish space lasers are totally not real
unless you reflect sun, physically impossible. I fucking hate how retarded people have become to believe this.
oh and that """beam""" reflected from a mirror in orbit would only last a few seconds before the satellite moves on, you would need a swarm of mirror satellites to make even remotely viable.
Imagine sitting with a group that doesn't know about this, calling down the light, then screaming once it hit.
Sounds like a great way to mini bloo beem some boomer campers into heart attacks kek.
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>managing to be just as retarded as the idea itself by making the dumbest arguments against it.
yeah, it's space mirrors dumbfuck, the soviets were a bit obsessed with it for illuminating cities and it keeps coming up, and keeping a beam on a point on a spinning globe would be simple caliculus after the much bigger mass and scaling issues that always kill the idea.
yeah and the point is that it's unrealistically dumb as fuck moron
Every once in a while I get the urge to escape this planet. That's not a suicide metaphor by the way. No. Literally. I want to steal a spaceship and get off this rock. Away from these people. Get to some uninhabited earthlike forest plant an just chill the fuck /out/.
I would already be there
You could use two adjustable mirrors, one that constantly points at the sun and one that constantly points at the target on earth. The adjust to bounce the light off each other. You'd possibly need more than two to get it right. You could beam light for the entire time you have visual on the target, which can be a couple minutes. A magnifying glass on the front would make the thing very powerful.
A LEO satellite should remain in view for 10 minutes average, that's what you get with starlink.

The idea is to launch a entire swarm of them like starlink.
The execution is trivial, they just have a large mirror.
In practice, it will only work up to like 3h past sunset or before sunrise, past that you might struggle with full coverage and brightness will be reduced.

The problem is that the mirror has to be giga efficient and unimaginably flat with very few imperfections, or it will be dim and scatter the light. The sun is basically a laser, because it is so fucking far away, all the light is traveling in exactly the same direction. With a perfect mirror, the light will all bounce off and continue all in a straight direction and hit the earth with a beam of light the exact dimensions of the mirror. That's the general idea.
We need to invest in finding a stargate.
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Yes, broadcast my live coordinates to a satellite for a space flashlight. Maybe they can send a search and rescue team if I really need assistance, or a search and destroy team.

>The idea is that you open their app at night, click a button, and they use a satellite to track your exact location so that they can kill you with a missile in the dark.
Will /out/ also be on Mars? What kind of hiking trails can you find on the red planet?
Libertarians would build a golf course in Yosemite, a water park on the Grand Canyon and pave a Walmart parking lot over every last forest in the world if it meant increased quarterly profits for their favorite corporation
they already know exactly where you are
as an amateur astronomer this idea disgusts me beyond belief
whoever came up with it should be buried alive in the concrete of the twin towers
man hated God s light so he made his own
Wow, sounds great for wild Europoors campers trying to not get caught
Sounds like the ultimate meme
>Order one of these to shine on my paranoid neighbor
>Buy some red and blue lights
>Hook them up on a car battery and timer
Of course not. Libertarians wont build a ton of extra infrastructure to tailor to 0.1% of the population who is disabled AND goes around to shops and stuff.

Instead they will make and sell devices that let disabled people navigate the able bodied world. The way it should be desu.
There would be mech suits
This is literally part of the plot of that shitty 1997 Batman and Robin movie.
Explaining the joke ruins the joke
And at least 2 Bond movies
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>They want the weak to just die.
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there is a golf course on Yosemite. Yosemite is the worst national park I have ever been to. It has everything from full fledged hotels, convenience stores, libraries, golf courses, the fucking works. It's crowded as fuck, I don't know why anybody would go there
>man hated God s light so he made his own
That's some poetic shit, anon.
Imagine if America hadn't invented national parks
glownigger type tech
That would be based.
>expected something else from a place called “Yo Semite”
who cares about camping? this would be a wonderful tool to further my psychological warfare capabilities against my polish neighbors.
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