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Man, the English countryside is so beautif-ACK
Moors, bogs, marsh, grey, desolate, ugly. If i could describe the England in one word it would be SHIT.
There’s a reason all Ingerlanders choose to hike in the Alps, Carpathains, Pyrenees etc
Some parts are nice some parts less so. This is the case with every single country in the world.
southern england is the best place to walk in europe its just a shame we don't have any rivers clean enough to swim in
it's so ackiful
i think that's beautiful
poor England. the countryside is full of moors and the city is full of Moors
moor and heathlands are awesome ecosystems. sure, they aren't the most flashy and obvious, but they are unique and support a lot of the UK's endemic species. you sound like the kind of person who only finds nature beautiful when someone tells them it's beautiful. maybe you should stick to national parks and paved trails?
that's not so bad if it keeps people out
based naturalist
I wish I had that but the government is determined to tarmac over everything within a 50 mile radius of London. Can’t fucking wait to move out of this shitter country.
literally where do poms go outdoors on their shitty island? all the forests have been cit down centuries ago
I wouldn't trade it for the world. I love being English.

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forests are overrated
I find patches of woods among farmland on google maps and camp there. it's not ideal but I make do.
I dream that one day replanting all our lost forests will gain traction politically.
This is what I do literally. I do that following rivers as well finding spots no one goes to.
It looks so lush I would like to experience it
This but unironically
Oh, wow, you're right. It's bad enough that you should probably go back to Pakistan.
You aren't British. Stop larping.
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Nah lad
>You aren't British
no u
The beauty is in the spookiness. Same with Maine.
Put em on clutch
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This was today. September doing alright.
How close are you to the nearest city?

From here, about 40 miles.
Foggy marshes and bogs are soulful, fuck you
Who the hell would wanna pretend to be British
Lad. No. Just, no.
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Disregard modernity, return to BOG.
i wouldn't call that ugly, but the moment it becomes uncomfortable, it would be hell
its like a desert, it can be very interesting, but if you're baking, you just wanna leave
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Pic related.
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great dun fell
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high cup nick
>n-no, where are my sweeping vistas and snow covered peaks!?
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ingleborough and pen y ghent
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towards snake pass summit
>Americans when there isn't a concrete trail with markers, fun facts about the local fauna and a designated photo-taking area with concession stand (30m from the car park)
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But you just described bongland tho...
You have in charpatians but those are cold.
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heading north from hebden bridge
>quoting yourself
Anon no
I love it. If you don't like it, please just fuck off. I'm sick of Johnny Foreigner shitting up the place.
The worst thing that can possibly happen when hiking is encountering a Muslim, and it keeps happening to me in England. It's not right.
Mass migration is an ecological disaster and negatively impacts the /out/ experience. He's on the correct board.
the anon is right
Brown hands
Who /bogdweller/ here?
You're more used to vast deserts, ahmed, of course
You should go back and enjoy the scenery there
Take your fellow rapists with you as well
>Moors, bogs, marsh, grey, desolate,
I fucking love moors ,bogs, marshes, and grey desolate lands.
Tourist spotted. I can probably count on my hands how many black or asian people I've seen while /out/. They literally do not do it. It's rare. They also don't tend to own dogs.
He's not completely wrong though. I've noticed a massive increase in browns going outside in the UK in recent years. 5-10 years ago the outdoors was nearly 100% white, not anymore though.

Thankfully they only seem to go to the really touristy bits that are easy to get to from Manchester, Birmingham, London etc. like the peaks and lakes (pretty much just the area round Ambleside/Windermere). You'll basically never see them in Northumbria or the highlands for example
The human species is an ecological disaster and negatively impacts the /out/ experience.
I'm not a tourist. I'm English (genetically) and lived here my entire life. Whilst it is true that there are some less frequented areas, there are now large parts of the Peak District, Lancashire, Yorkshire where I have personally encountered large groups of them in white outfits and bin bags, shouting in foreign languages and throwing litter.

They most definitely do go out, they're just human after all. The only good thing is that they don't tend to go far. So if you trek out further into the wilderness you won't see them, but you still have to get through the parts where they are first and it is depressing and ruins the rest of the hike.
>I'm English (genetically) and lived here my entire life.
What an odd sentence.
Racism twists the mind into strange knots
Bit harsh mate
>southern england is the best place to walk in europe

What makes you think so? Genuinely asking
I'm from another European country and while I don't buy into shitting on England for its lack of outdoors (not your fault population density is super fucking high and forests disappeared ages ago + you have your own interesting ecosystems I wouldn't be able to find in my own cunt) I definitely wouldn't put it on top of a list of "best Euro countries to walk", even less so the southern part where most people live and agriculture reigns supreme

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