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>tfw no car
how the fuck can I be out in the wilderness
they trapped you fren. you are no better than a chimp in a zoo. but the car is a trap as well, you have to serve them to get it and it runs on blood of iraqi babies. the world is just hell at this point. go watch onions green.
*soi-lent green
>what is hiking
>what are trains
>what are busses
Unless you're living in central tokyo or on the american east coast, you can getpast the suburbs with 1-2 days of hiking at the very most, and probably an hour of bus or train travel. Just stop making excuses.
A car is literally the shittiest way to get to the real wilderness, not that tourist trail crap, for that you want either a proper loadable bicycle or some low/mid displacement dual sport, something you won't have to leave somewhere when you go in. If you live in amuricuck go with the dual sport, if you live in a country which has good railways, go with the bicycle.
The people here who humblebrag about having moved to the West Coast USA are the worst posters here.
>just bike there
Europeans really have no idea how big the US is. It’ astonishing (not the size of my country but the stupidity of foreigners).
its time to take the bike pill
The stupidity of Euros never ceases to amaze me. I was in a volcanic area over the weekend to see some mud pots. There was a (hot) creek flowing out of the area, protected by a boardwalk. One of the German tourists leaned off the boardwalk and stuck his finger in the creek. You can't fix Euros. They've never been exposed to any kind of /out/ in their home countries. As a result of that, they have no situational awareness and no practical knowledge.
We can't really be responsible for you being a weakling with no aerobic capacity, and if seating in a motorcycle saddle for few days is also a problem for you, you probably should go see a doctor or something. Lose some weight, get some stamina, distances stop being all that scary when you get fit. Also, US is not THAT big, it's roughly 4500km east to west, that's less than a nordkapp run for me and i don't even live all that far from it geographically, people do that stretch on bicycles for fun you fitlet, you really need to get your shit together.
>OP is worried about not being able to get out for the weekend
>”huh huh just bike from coast to coast”
See, this is why the rest of the world is laughing at your education system, reading comprehension seems to not be a thing with you people. I made it quite clear that if OP is a burgerite he/she should opt for a light motorcycle, even on a lightweight one you can cover 500-600km a day easily, smallest ones aren't fit for highways but there's not much fun in riding on those anyway, and you can get a sensible used one for peanuts if you look for usability rather than bling. Getting a lightweight motorcycle, even a 125, is a cheap ticket to going to some pretty awesome places, you can literally cross the bigger states in less than 2 days on a moped. For euros the thing is way more convenient, even if you go with a bicycle we have a massive railway network, you can finish work on friday, pack up, catch a train in the direction you want and you will end up in an easily bikeable distance from anything you might want to visit, if you are so inclined and have a bit of a longer weened, you can catch an overnight one and visit stuff in a different country, spend a weekend there and be home early monday. You need to start thinking outside the happy meal box.
have a friend
There's even hiking in some metro areas. Chicago Outerbelt comes to mind.
>can easily cross the bigger states in two days on a moped

You do not ride.
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>American education bad!
Also taking a moped on an interstate is a death sentence.
>You do not ride.
You have no idea boio. But one day if you grow a spine and a pair maybe you will get it.

>Also taking a moped on an interstate
Read what you are commenting on first, i said clearly small bikes are not fit to go on a highway, you do have regular local roads there, don't you?

As i said before, reading comprehension, laughable...
>cross the bigger states in less than 2 days on a moped.
The only way to do this is on an interstate.
He keeps referencing reading comprehension. Perhaps he should try and comprehend a road map.
Ridiculously false, in fact, if you are to pull off ultra long saddle days you want to keep away from highways because they are monotonous as all fuck and will put you into road trace sooner or later and that's one of the major ways people die on long rides. But if you want to break it down, shit i had as a kid did hold 60kph easily over distance, something like a 125 scooter will hold 70-80kph without breaking a sweat (a decent one, none of that chink shit), one of the actual small displacement bikes (like a 300 from crapslist, if in good condition) will keep you going 100kph+ all day easily, rest is just developing an iron butt and some experience to be able to handle a day of riding without zoning out and crashing. Whether you believe it possible or not doesn't matter, you have to try to know, regardless, i still say a small motorcycle of some sort, even a big scooter is the easiest way for OP to escape the urbanite pen and see some green.
Europeans have no response to this
Buy a house in the wilderness (right next to it) but then you still need a car because there's no stores nearby and no public transport. However it can be a very shitty car that barely works, as you have a stockpile of food at home and no emergency could necessitate a car faster than you can obtain one.
You'd think if it was big, there was plenty of space to put /out/able areas next to population centers.
I have an idea of it actually and I'm unironically very envious of how much wilderness americans have.
Yeah, that level of retardation is astonishing, even considering it's from americans.
Taking anything but a white Ford Explorer is a death sentence on the interstate because people are so goddamn aggressive and cops mostly don't care about the bullies, especially the truck bullies that ride side by side and cut you off with a giant semi.
>or on the american east coast
Depends on your location. With a bicycle you could reach reasonable distances within one day of cycling, with a moderately large equipment load.

I sometimes go to my grandparents summer cottage with a bicycle, it's 95km away so a one days trip with plenty of food breaks and easy pace.
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college is a scam, this is well known
t. failed high school
alright you got me but in my defense i had to help pay bills and if i dropped out i could work more
There was; we put suburbs and agricultural areas there instead.
>US Blacks testing higher than Greek Chads and Illyrian Bvlls
Uh oh, eurosisters?
The only thing I'm jealous of Euros for is how easily you can visit other countries. Visiting another country (that isn't the southern Canada or northern Mexico) often means at least 12 hours of flying at least a quarter around the world.
>just walk for 2 days straight to the trailhead and then walk for 2 more days straight back home bro
Has anyone here tried renting a car for an /out/ing like a pickup I guess or something that can handle a rough dirt road?
I've done it in the past when I didn't have a car. It's expensive but if it's your only way of getting /out/ it's worth it once in a while.
It's annoying af even in europe. You waste precious time by waiting at the stations and moving slowly.
>I want to hike
>No, I don't want to walk, I just want to hike!
Move your ass, fatso.
some of us here have jobs retard and don't want to waste precious holiday by just mindless transportation
>can't be arsed to sit in a bus for 1-2h
Enjoy your city then.
>he think's it's just 2h ride to outdoors in the US
holy shit you're dumb, I'm eurofag but still know it's impossible.
Maybe if you moved your ass to finding a job and having an actual life outside of your needle littered city park you'd understand why what you're saying is so retarded.
Who said anything about interstates? They exist to connect cities, not to access wild places. If you want to go /out/, you get off the freeway at the first possible opportunity...or better yet, never get on it in the first place.
Two hours is perfectly reasonable...if you live in Denver it's more like half an hour to get into some wild country. The problem is, buses connect cities, they don't go to wild places. National park shuttles (like the one that serves Yosemite) are the only American buses I am aware of that exist specifically to transport people from population centers to nature.

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