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Europeans be like “I can’t wait to go walk in the forest”
The forest in question:
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That's still good walkin' on a nice day. Also it's clearly early spring and will fill out more.

pic is my good walkin'
Europeans have no idea what an actual forest looks like because they cut all theirs down centuries ago and are left with soulless secondary plants like this
It is pretty bad in Europe but soulless would be industrially farmed and clear cut woods in monoculture with dead or dying undergrowth and soils or places without any woods at all. I'm of the opinion that people should leave more than half of the forests by area completely alone for hundreds of years anywhere and everywhere on any continent. If you give a second growth canopy and its undergrowth enough time they will eventually start competing for light by simply getting taller and taller and eventually you will have a healthy mature forest again in about 100-300 years, most often by 150-200 years. The undergrowth cycles are important even in forests that are dominated by 1-5 species and it should be left alone for long periods as well, you should only manage invasives or clear it when aiding specific trees or filling in specific canopy gaps.
yes but it doesn't man you can't enjoy a walk in the forest even if it's a barely regenerating dog hair forest
Man I love riding through the pine forest, not only the sight is majestic, but the smell as well
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It’s not a forest though. Calling that a forest is like calling a corn field in Iowa a prairie
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This is how a real forest looks like.
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When you're right you're right
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I like mine.
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So true
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best forests are clean forests
The UK is worse. There is not a single forest. I have visited so many places and it looks too artificial.
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You know Americans actually don't have something like this? For them, it's either a paved road, an ultra popular trail that you have to buy a ticket to walk on and will be passed by hundreds of people on every day, or complete overgrown wilderness that you have to bushwhack. No way to go on a comfy hike or bike ride on quiet side paths.
None of these are forests.
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Most outdoor recreation in the US is found in national forests rather than national parks. Those forests are used for resource collection (timber generally). There are gravel and roads throughout these forest that are seldom used. Pic is a random dirt road in a random national forest the size of which could encompass all of the forested land in your country. There are also hiking trails in most of these forests that aren’t all that popular.
>overgrown forests you have to bushwhack
What even is this? There are states that are almost entirely desert and larger than some European countries.
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>meanwhile the entirety of Arizona
Yeah can't wait to be /out/ there.
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Americans be like:

"An on old growth forest in a foreign land? Better turn it into toothpicks heh heh, we all gotta live off something! Time for this land to get d e v e l o p e d."
Have you guys considered being nice instead of bickering? I'm glad all of you are able to enjoy the forests and other natural features in your respective locales to the best of your abilities. And hopefully they'll only get even more enjoyable in the years to come. :)
Fuck off faggot.
European be like “old growth forest? What is that?”
no u
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'mericans be like "muh virgin forest"
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AZ (about 30k sq mi) has twice the forest area of NV (about 16k sq mi), they can't even be compared climatically either because even the lower Sonoran desert gets 2-4 times the annual rainfall of the wettest locations in the low and high elevation deserts of NV, and the upland areas of AZ are the wettest areas (thousands of sq mi of continuous land with average precipitation greater than 20 inches, some areas above 40 inches) of the entire SW in the warm season bar only Utah, parts of NM and parts of California. There are at least 8 different natural forest types in Arizona, the largest type by area is upland non-riparian mixed pine-oak forest (roughly 70/30 conifer to deciduous). Arizona was also one of at least 6 US states that got measurable snowfall in August 2024 (CO, WY, MT, ID, AK, AZ), by getting 0.5 inches above 11,500 ft on August 31, 2024. There some places in central AZ mountains that do not see humans walking on their surface for more than a decade (principally inventoried roadless areas and wilderness in mountains), even parts of the eastern Superstition mountains (the wilderness and forested areas of that range with little known ancient stone henges and 200 ft waterfalls).
>Amerifats be like “I can’t wait to go walk in the beach”
>The beach in question:
That's an east coast (mid-Atlantic region especially), Florida and Texas problem largely. You can have miles of beach to yourself even in southern California, but most especially, northern California and Oregon.
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no our "forest" looks like this
>OP not understanding that there are managed and unmanaged woods, and old and new ones in both categories, as well as mixed ones and monocultures
logging companies are hard at work turning all woods into managed young ones, preferably monocultures. this is biting them in the ass because of the bark boring beetle
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>omg so crowded!
Pic is Santa Rosa Sound, one of the most pristine beaches in the US. Is near Pensacola, FL. Just stop being lazy and walk a mile. This was Memorial Day weekend.
Damn. Eurotard btfo. Will he ever recover from this?
All I see in those pictures is a bunch of replanted forests and houses and ski lifts and shit
Only about 10k sq miles of Great Britain are forested. Less than Nevada, a literal desert.
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About half of the upland pine-oak forest area of Arizona are mature stands in the same configuration as they were after the younger dryas. The other half was disturbed by humans at some point in the last 150 years and regrown. The average stand height in certain geographically large areas near the Rim is 90-110 feet and the average stand age in these areas is older than 150 years among ponderosa, the white oaks (and other oaks), maples, aspens, sycamores etc in these forests fill in gaps in the canopy and are often younger than 150. In riparian areas the ratio of conifer to deciduous trees is often inverted, 70% deciduous 30% conifer and this decreases with distance from drainages or canyons, many pristine riparian areas hold old growth deciduous and mixed forests (some trees older than 400 years old among oaks and sycamores, average ages over 130 years old among mature specimens). The pre younger dryas forests of AZ and the southwest in general were predominantly lower and mid-elevation spruce-fir forests and everything above 1500m was in the sub-arctic taiga or aspen parkland regime, when things warmed up the lowland pine-oak forests migrated and became highland pine-oak forests.
>OP not understanding
Obviously. But this is a dick swinging contest, not an IQ test
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Wrong. I'm a high info old fag on this board.
Anon you forgot that there is no Arizona.
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>>the american dream
How many old growth forests are left in North America? How many are left in Europe?
Noooo, SoCal beaches are fucked during the summer and holidays. It like going to a concert. Might get lucky on a weekday during the summer, or when we get warm spikes in Nov and Dec. But the Pacific is very cold during this time and you need a wetsuit. Also forget spring all the human waste gets washed out with the rain.
Is this what you’re reduced to? Using AI garbage to argue with people on the internet? Are you mad because we have pristine white sand beaches that offer solitude even on busy holiday weekends while your country has rocky garbage and no forests? Keep seething.
Don't go to LA beaches, go a little further north or a little further south. NorCal and Oregon beaches were the most deserted I've ever been to, even in summer. The water temps along the Pacific are cold to everyone on the east and gulf coast, even in summer, but I enjoy it.
is it at least woods
No forests in the US (and I'd wager anywhere in the world) are industrially farmed monocultures even if they are secondary growth, you might have tree farms but most timber isn't coming from those, you're a moron spouting buzzwords
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>No forests [anywhere in the world] are industrially farmed monocultures
Sweden ha literally half a million hectares of contorta pine[1], a species that isn't native to the region. do you have any idea how modern forestry even works? it's very much industrialized
[1] https://www.skogforsk.se/kunskapsbanken/kunskapsartiklar/2020/sjalvspridning-av-contortatall-i-sverige--omfattning-och-riskhantering/
Beech is bad, because, well, well it just is OKAY!
>shits himself, while eating McDonald's in his car, star spangled banner on the radio
Looks more americlapistani to be honest
not to mention beech is the original species for many areas.
arguing with americans is kinda futile, see my post >>2770852 what they are doing to their "superior" forests
Forest walking is fucking shit. All you see is trees. I much prefer walking on deforested mountains where you get long views and vistas.

The experience of being in a small forest or a big forest like in America is identical - just trees around you. I don't get why it's something to boast about.
Just shut the fuck up. You're insufferable and no one likes you. I bet you don't even go /out/. You just come on here flinging shit and bickering.
Why are we being so fussy about forests

>replies to a bunch of pics of forests
Like are you a Californian who doesn't think anything beyond sequoias are actual trees?
I grew up around a ton of forests of mostly lodgepole and quaking aspen and I love them. I'd love to see the sequoias and redwoods too
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looks comfy to me
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>All you see is trees.
Fucking what.
>habeebing this actual bullshit.
you are so fundamentally wrong that i will refuse to explain why and simply call you a fucking cum chugging retard.

verification not required.
It was somewhat tricky to make the transition from car camping in state parks to moving to state and national forests. There aren't great resources available to actually find out how to get to certain places which acts as a gatekeeper. I'm actually grateful for it now though, because I rarely see anyone in the national forest I live next to.
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So many google pictures. Does no one actually go out?
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But my pictures are my own
Bitch about it. I steal photos from Alltrails reviews all the time and there's nothing you can do about it.
>another shitpost thread about how others /out/

Homosexual activity
>literally does not enjoy /out/

The absolute state of omeganormalfaggot newfags is hilarious but also disappointing
>he takes his phone /out/
says the fucker buying biomass deforesting the new world to do some pilpul carbon neutrality shit
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>constant drone of planes under flightpath
Based. 4chan should never be a hugbox, but bickering for the sake of it is mega gay.
Whenever you hear mutts shit-talk Europe, remind yourself that they don't have real blueberries and they'll never get to taste it.
I grew up with wilde hucklebreeze and those are just about as good

Also youse guys don't have cranbreeze so there!
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Next you'll make this exact same thread but about a specific state, or about the endless coast v.s. coast conflict. It's the same horseshit endlessly on repeat on this board.
>You're wrong but ummm I'm not going to tell you why!!
Americans drive on the beach, they don't walk anywhere
Should someone really write a concise argument with verified proof showing there are unpaved roads through the vast National Forests of the US? I thought it was common knowledge.
There's tons of wild blueberries in North America...
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lel, gr8 b8 m8, 8/8
The term "MVUM map" should solve it pretty easy.
How else do you play chess against a computer in the tent at night?
Why has no one asked why OP had to use a stock photo to start this bait thread?
An american trying to shit on europeans will hardly travel to europe and take pictures of european forests to do so.
Then how can they know, without any personal experience?
Motor vehicle use map map
>noooo you HAVE to walk places like a carless hobo you CANT use your much more convenient vehicle that’s designed to get people places you just HAVE to walk 3 miles to get places
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centuries of regrowth is a little better than the sorry state of burgerland. the prairies no longer exist and the western forests are glorified timber farms
you guys entered iron age like 300 years ago
explain what this pic is supposed to mean
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Australian's be like, I can't wait to easily walk through the forest, I can't wait to easily find anywhere flat without vegetation to set up me tent
The black is the density of the forests.
We really did fuck them.
The infographic is a bit of a hyperbole because it's not like everything is barren everywhere, but relative to the density they had hundreds of years ago it's not too far off.
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on account of the leeches, snek, spiders, monitor lizards one must tread carefully and hammock is a must
It's a map of virgin forests. It doesn't have anything to do with density.
>itt people discussing virgin forest and beaches
>australians not posting
we know whos going to btfo everyone
Maybe, but Americans have no idea what a farm is. Their industrial agriculture is even more soulless than European managed forests.
>no trees
>taken from a fucking car
You wanna try again?
>Euro posts an unpaved road and says Americans don't have this.
>Somebody rage spergs because anon doesn't /out/ however some home body with no outside pictures wants others to.
There's plenty of trees in the distance though admittedly I didn't feel the need to get the ones right there as the view was more impressive. No, I don't want to share more pictures with you. But you should go get some fresh air and take a nice walk outside, for once.
why cant we all just get along?
Lol, this is the German experience.
It's not a road dumbass and cars are not allowed there.
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Holy shit dude you killed him. You literally murdered a man.
That sounds dumb and boring.
how long have you lived in az for
i grew up on a road like this t. american
Yeah and it took us less than 300 years to figure out that cutting down all our old growth forests was a bad idea. Apparently Europe never caught on.
Its more akin to the tree farms we have in south Carolina. You can tell because they all look quite young.
> We

it's not yours clown. you own nothing, it's owned by your masters that also own you, your kids and your property. start behaving like the prolateriat that you're.
Wowm nice forest OP. I would love to have a few square miles of trees like that around me, but it's just not there. You people are right about this -- I think there might be a secret law that prohibits more than 100 trees being together in one place, and even then they have to conform to being a certain height/width. Why else do we live in a landscape of a handful of trees here, a small highly-walked woodland (150 square meters) there? I want to be able to walk 5 miles into the trees and set up camp on a small cliff side but I'd have to go from England all the way up to somewhere like north west Scotland, to the highlands. Up there they still have a lot of remote land that I would like to explore, but it's more of an undertaking than having it nearby that's for sure.
People were essentially like the dwarves until the late 20th century.
its a virgin forest map you lying bomb idiot.
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A modestly long time, several decades. Rural. I've been to literally every corner of the state as well. Most metropolitan city Arizonans have never even stepped foot 1 mile from a paved highway before and the woods frighten them (a good thing IMO, keeps the forests healthier).
>oak, spruce, beech
wtf ?? this is a native forest with native species. tf is your retarded ass complaining about ?
That is most definitely not a native forest you retard. You have never set foot in a forest that isn’t a tree farm and it seriously shows.
just because a forest isnt virgin doesnt mean its non-native. It was planted with native species in that area thus it is a native forest.
That’s like saying a corn farm is a “native grassland”
except those are all native species in europe lol. Pic looks like czechia, which is true, czech woodlands are very managed and alot of them are spruce monocrops, not native to their areas.

But youre acting like Westren europe is the only europe. Go visit a bulgarian , bosnian, latvian, hungarian , romanian, etc (i can go on) forest and come back on this thread.

I come from Romania, Im in a developed area (timis county) and the main forests here are oak ones. Theres alot of deadwood, even stag beetles around here. Wildlife, you gotta be an absolute retard to not see it as it comes at you. and this is a very agricultural part of Romania
Retried European didn’t even bother to respond with some kind of cope or “acktchually” bullshit. The other anon is right; he’s fucking dead.
I'm worried about Romania because of how quickly they were destroying forest there. People actually got killed for trying to stop that from happening its crazy. Other areas of Europe with native broadleaf forest seems mostly guarded because its so rare. Spain and France actually give me hope though, French forest is mostly deciduous and same with Spain where nature is somehow surviving and recovering despite the heavy exploitation.
Who told you that? We have plenty of trails like that here in the midwest.
Cmon anon
...anon what do you do for a living?
Nah dont worry its overexaggerated by NGOs (greenpeace, agent green) and media in order for them to privatize it to their companies. They have also been. caught lying and making up data.

The murder that happened that youre talking about happened in Maramureṣ, which is a dirt poor area filled with ukrainian mob and isolated villages. Maramureș is where pretty much more thsn 90% of the illegal incidents happen.

Romania has pretty much the least illegal logging in balkans. Kosovo, Serbia and Albania have much higher.

We kicked out the austeian company and the new forestry code has banned clear cuts in ~60% of the romanian carpathian forests.
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Go away, you damn robot.
Crazy how fucking obsessed amerigolems are with Europeans
They're jealous they can't just go out and enjoy the countryside, they need to drive for hours to find a place place that's not a city or a highway surrounded by corn fields and then it's full of people (and possibly niggers).
that can't be in America, its too white
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>live 30 min away from one of the sickest forests and 2 hours from a gorgeous primal mossy rainforest
>live in america
>see eurotrash talking shit
>niggers (possibly)
I hate everything that you chose to be. because its wrong.
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posting the real forest in question
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so pretty
>real blueberries
what is a real blueberry?
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whatever it is they put in these pie-zanos
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>never genetically modified
>never sprayed with anything other than deer piss
>never cultivated, grows wild in the woods and during season is picked by drunk peasants and sold by the roadside
>tastier than anything americans ever managed to grow
i-is this you

based blueberry brotector
ah, based.
i like bilberries better myself. similar situation except i am the drunk peasant.
So what? Still a true /out/ist if they enjoy it. If you do t enjoy spending time in that type of environment because it doesn’t have a view or the elevation isn’t challenging then you’re a pretentious faggot and you can fuck right off.
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A lot of American forests are scraggly second-growth hardwoods as well, with few trees of sizable girth. Picrel is an abandoned road in the Blue Ridge foothills of Virginia.
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oh man something about this photo really makes me miss north american forests. the sun coming through deciduous trees, the crunch of the leaves under foot, all that fresh air
really interesting, thx for posting
those are some big pines
>laughs in thimble and service berries.
okay retard.
That forest looks terminally ill. It's hard for plants to not look pretty though. I still vividly remember being wowed by a palm monoculture nearly a decade ago.
The whole "muh blueberries!111" thing is such a meme, you know what we don't have, but should? Blackcurrant. It's banned almost everywhere in the US. Probably because it can only be grown in the whitest parts of the world, and of course our government hates anything white
It's literally in Maryland lel
>covered in tire tracks
>Europeans have no idea what an actual forest looks like
As an American who loves forests and the outdoors, I'm gonna direct you to >>2772634

There are no "actual forests" left in the U.S. outside of a few very specific areas of the Northwest. That pic of remaining old growth forests in 1990 is very out of date (34 years old) and there is much less of them now. You have likely never experience an old growth aka "actual" forest because we cut down literally every forest on the entire continent.
Of the mutts and their lies
>Can't see the forest for the trees
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Oh man you're missing out. Homemade blackcurrant yoghurt is the best.
Yea in some parts where I live the best forsted areas are unbearable overgrown jungles with ticks and mosquitoes by the thousands. During the summer season it's not even worth bush whacking.
said no one ever. the only time you walk through a forest is to get somewhere with a view, preferably above the tree limit. forests in itself is the most boring /out/ you can find and their only use is for firewood and building materials.

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