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What compels people to camp at really crowded campsites that you have to reserve years in advance?
Urbanoid brainrot.
because there's no other place to go.
Yellowstone is a good example.
The nearest free dispersed camping is a very long drive from the park and those are filled up too.
And you go get stuck in the long line at the entrance booth every day you come back to the park.
Walk into the wilderness for 4 hours and camp there
Because it's easy. For most people going to these places is a once in a lifetime vacation and they want it to be a vacation, as in not work. For a family who gets one outdoors trip a year the easiest thing is to reserve a developed vehicle campsite in the place they intend to spend their time

I take my daughter. If I went to someplace with no electricity and ask her to shit behind a tree, it wouldn’t happen. Instead I take her to a campsite with power and our little camper. I make meals on the grill which she loves and we watch movies at night. Hopefully, I’m giving her great memories and she will want to take her own kids camping someday.
>The 400 ft long RV with a loud generator
>The retards that have bright lights
>The screaming and crying children
>The drunk retards bellowing into the night
>The person that has loud shitty music
>The weed smokers that stink up the nature smell
>The communal outhouses overflowing with shit and horse flies
>The dumbfucks that leave their food out to attract wildlife
Industrial sized campsites are pure hell.
I wouldn't suggest walking around off trail in yellowstone.
The last time I stayed at a normie mass campsite some guy decided to stay up all night and start yelling at me every time I started snoring.
You are. Unfortunately most of /out/ were raised by single mommies so they didn’t experience this. My dad bought a used Apache Mesa hard side camper that he took us camping in throughout the 80’s and into the 90’s. I have lots of great memories from that time, unlike these fags who hate fun.
I have camped at multiple very crowded backcountry campsites because they are on the way to a popular objective. i.e. Trail Camp at Mt Whitney, Camp Muir at Mt Rainier, etc.

I have only ever camped at a crowded drive in campsite in Juneau, because there was simply no other place to sleep in my car.
The last time I stayed at a normie mass campsite some fuckwit was snoring so loud he woke everyone up and they start yelling at him
Is this bait or do you actually not go outside
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>tfw being an eufag who can't even camp legally outside camps and would be fined heavily

You could always 1776 your baddies. Or move.
If I wanted that many strangers in tents around me I'd go to a rave and least be as high as everyone else so I wouldn't care. That just looks awful.
*gets mauled by grizzly*
>What compels people to camp at really crowded campsites that you have to reserve years in advance?

My wife and I are going to do exactly this for this weekend. The camp site is completely booked. A lot of us booked our respective camping spots 6 months ago which was the first day the camp site would take reservations for this weekend. The campsite is 20 minutes from the campus of our college and our football team is playing a home game. The campsite is on a beautiful popular lake.
It is going to be great fun as a lot of people I went to school with will be there and the weather is supposed to be very nice. 60 degrees in the morning, 80 degrees F in the afternoon.
We will be grilling out together at the camp sites, Swimming at the lake. Going into town and the game. It will be great fun.
>Because they're lazy both physically and intellectually
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I am looking forward to seeing my friends this weekend. It is going to be so much fun. :)
It's weird how no one tells you about these get togethers.

t. cartoon watching 4chan incel
>really crowded campsites that you have to reserve years in advance?
Name one
Real camping is hard work and can even be dangerous if you don't know what you're doing. Paid campgrounds in parks are for people who are too lazy/inept/dumb to do real camping, but still want to experience something resembling nature.

Don't complain. They keep the backcountry sites relatively vacant. Can you imagine if all these people started renting canoes and hogging up all the backcountry camp sites in Algonquin or whatever park?
So you actually have never been outside of your little suburban bubble once in your life, noted.
hoooooly fuck you're old
I don't think you can do that here in America easily either. All the land is owned and public parks usually have a curfue.
Is this bait or do you actually not go outside
This is really riding the line between parody and reality. Good job if it's bait. Have a good time if it's real.
Says the mutt with jaywalking laws
>Subhuman calls american mutt
every time
You either don't live in America or are very retarded if you actually think this is true (or both).
Yeah it sucks being part of the generation that was able to easily buy a home and has disposable income.
>and look what we did with it
Boomers are cancer.
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No clue honestly.
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I prefer the privacy of a wild camp, even just a bivy, can carry and hunt, cook on a fire or stove.
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A bivy can even fit in a cave, very lightweight and versatile shelter, easy to conceal for stealth camping.
Idk the 5 times I've booked a "full" backpacking site in the GSMNP no one else is ever there
It's bizarre
Not the same thing.
Most of these things only happen in the camp ground that exists rent free in your head
Anon is Gen X, you dumbfuck
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Can you snipe a fascist guardsmen?
Fight the zionists and be brave.
Can you bivy in a tunnel?
Can you bivy in a cave?

Can you navigate by land?
Without electronics or signal emission?
Can you read a map, compass, coordinates, landmarks?
To store and find strategic guerrilla arms and improvised munitions?
Since normies got into camping during the coof there is almost always at least one asshole with loud music at every campground. USFS needs to ban electronically amplified music at all times.
All you need is the courage to tell them to shut up
People are surprisingly easy to command
That almost never works. Anyone over 18 who thinks other people want to hear their music is likely a violent psychopath with a developmental disability. I've had rednecks scream "this is America" and reach into their jacket like they were going to pull a gun. I've had spics threaten to kick my ass 3 on 1. Now I just call a ranger.
ive done this many times and it never works as the other anon says. most chuds have such little brain matter from repeated covid infections that its impossible to reason with them, no different than talking to a mentally handicapped person or a drunk.
Not to be rude, but I just want your thoughts on something. Eventually, in the best case scenario, there's going to be a guy doing all that, but he's also fucking your daughter. Worst case scenario, the it'll be your daughter doing all the work, getting fucked, and beaten. How do you feel about your daughter's future and its lack of certainty?
>The nearest free dispersed camping is a very long drive from the park
Bullshit. The park is surrounded on all sides by National forest that are filled with campgrounds and dispersed camping. You can disperse camp with in a few miles of the park. Moreover, a certain percentage of camp sites in the park are reserved for firts come first serve walk-ins

>you go get stuck in the long line at the entranc
i've never waited more than 5 minutes to get in the park.
there is a small beach camp i used to visit with my family every summer. unfortunately, it's been discovered (thanks internet) and now has an online registration system (thanks internet) and reservations must be made a year in advance (they book immediately).
>what compels people
we're all just chasing a feeling, i don't know. camping on the beach is cozy. or was cozy until every boomer got an rv. falling asleep to the sound of waves crashing is a luxury that is not accessible to most of us. anyway, it's nice to be /out/ while still being able to shit in a toilet sometimes.
Eastfag detected.
This is a really funny post
you can do it but if youre caught you can get fucked if they want to charge you or fine you, youre on the whims of whatever dickhead

its like when talking to my blackie neighbors who think they didnt need a license to fish, like you wouldnt be immediately ratted out
I guess it works because its me doing it
Sorry anons
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its fun
>hecking sexo is like so bad.

Go back to /pol/ with your Insecurities.
How did you book a site that was full?
You're clearly upset that you will never get to be the girl in either of your fantasies.
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It’s a shame, really. This is what they took from you. Look at the cost. When you factor in inflation, these started at $5,800. Thats insanely cheap. You couldn’t even build a cargo camper for that price (that’s a cargo trailer converted into a camper). A “solid state”/hard side camper today is $24k plus tip. You can’t even touch a typical new “soft” pop up for under $13k. And these Apache campers weighed about 1,500lbs, easy enough to tow with just about any truck or midsize suv.

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