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/out/ - Outdoors

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If I want to forsake humanity and go live in the wilds in Siberia or Hokkaido
How should I prepare?
What should I bring?
I'm 99.99...% recurring serious
It seems more clear and more clear continuously that returning to nature is the only way to avoid ragnarok
The first thing you should do is stop posting on 4chan, but that's not going to happen so this whole thing is a larp.
Just recommend a book or a source
I'm serious
I know if I go without preparation I will die
Are you Russian or nippon?
I live in Japan
Tbh no amount of books is going to save you. Would be the same as reading a self help book to find happiness or a book on sports and fitness.
You need to go on outdoor trips starting with 1 night and then continue expanding until you know what you need and what works for you in your climate.
Do what 99% of the consume fags here never do and take an outing and make a thread here posting screen shots and your pack and we will give you advice based on performance and not based upon hypothetical bullshit. Just because some fag read the SAS manual and has all the gayest gear doesn't mean he could survive a day in siberia.
Unless it's in the se part of Siberia near vladivostok I'd say your ass is toast.
It sounds like you just went through a breakup or got in a fight with your parents and just need to slow the fuck down and refigure out your life which a day or so out in the wild will help you find.
You can download pdfs or epub of books for free off annas archive. Even if you dont have a kobo libra you can find extensions to read those on browser.
For mental of why some survive and some don't I'd look at deep survival be Laurence Gonzalez
I'd find a pamphlet of wild plants to your area. We have them here in pacific Northwest of us but the best honestly is finding someone that knows what they are doing and going on an outing with them.
And I've seen Japanese camping and wouldn't trust 99.9% of them since jap camp is not too different than car camping.
The us armed forces manuals are a boring dry read. I heard one friend suggest a boy scouts manual before.
I also know it's Jewish TV but most people don't have the grit to survive 100 days in adverse climates like you mentioned. If you are going to become homeless start in Southern Japan. Most of your country is cities anyways, and then move north with experience. Japan has tons of wilderness due to everything living in cities.
The people you see doing this shit on YouTube aren't in Alaska. They are usually in walking distance to a town and doing farm work or something of that nature on the side. They probably have a support network as well if things get bad.
If you want to talk and bs about life then make a throwaway proton email and post it here if you wanna rant or something.
Just japananon@proton.me or something.
It's 5 am here so going back to bed. Take care.
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Is this the same guy that kept spamming the board every day in July with these threads
This is like, the second time ever I've been to /out/
So no
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>/out/ erryday!
how about you start off with taking time off from the internet, and going for a walk?
Winter in Hokkaido is fearce.
It's Japan, dude.
Really? I've heard Siberia is nice in the winter though.

instead of shutting these people down why don't we encourage people to change their lives around and do something.

I feel there was some decent advice already.
start realistic, move somewhere rural and get out experience.
you won't be able to fix your issues with one book or one tip, but you can do actionable steps to change your life, move to the country side and get outdoors experience.
Op is this you and what you setup?
Yeah. Ops best bet is to find some type of temp work unless he goes to an area that is producing lots of food and decent weather most the year which isn't Hokkaido or siberia. He could even do Hokkaido in summer months and southern Japan in winter months.
>Op is this you and what you setup?
Yes it's me
Laptop on a coffee table in kabukicho?
Or do you mean the email?
I have a proton visionary account and collect custom domains as a sort of hobby

If you want more, should I post a photo of my asshole and residence card?
Because they don't want to change, they are addicted to the idle fantasy dopamine kick, and they are trying to get others to validate their fantasies because they get less squirts every time.
Getting better starts with less screen time and more light exercise and fresh air.
Advising something big like moving as a first step just provides more things to fantasize about when many of them are living with their parents still.
valid point,
still I feel there's some value in encouragement.
pretty sure I started as a lowly daydreamer myself.
I'm about to move to one of the least populated places of Europe in 2 months ( don't bully please, fuck visas).
I've been dreaming about this for at least 10 years and have been working on it for at least 5.

but it probably started with stupid maladaptive daydreaming.

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