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Why are millenial "muh heckin pupperinos" dog hikers such niggers?
>there is this small path in my town along some hedges
>hedges got cut in spring
>revealed a hoard of about 80 of these orange shit bags
Probably an autistic boomer that threw them into the same spot all winter. Still makes me chuckle and mad at the same time just thinking about it.
Even worse
>very step and narrow way up to a small peak in the nearest forest
>every once in a while a horse nigger decides to move his animal up this thing
>giant shit almost blocks the path and you have to move around it
>in the summer it never fully degrades and just turns into a horse shit glacier that spreads down the path
I hope someday the fucker decides to acutally ride his horse there and breaks his neck.
I've noticed more litter in general this year. Dog shit bags are frequent in front country but target shooters are way worse on public lands. Scumbags leave all their fucking trash where it falls, packaging, beer cans & bottles, wrappers and packaging, whatever garbage they were shooting at. If only it were just shells and casings.
for they are well trained prols.
Do you think zoomers are any better?
The issue here looks like it's that the bin isn't emptied often enough.
Pets are emotion slaves 99% of the time.
You're asking people with obvious mental disorders to have self awareness? Not gonna happen lad.
My thoughts exactly
People wont do things you want them to unless you make it easy or convenient for them.
>oh the bin is completely full
>i uh.. well shit, oh well, I'll leave it on top and hope it works (instead of just taking it with and disposing of it elsewhere)
There's been 2 annoying trends I've seen in my area:
>Bag the dog shit and then leave said baggy where presumably the dog shit was.
>Bag the dog shit and then yeet it into the trees and bushes and it hangs there like a shitty Christmas ornament.
Both honestly worse than if they'd just left the crap lying there.
Your fault for “hiking” 20 feet from a parking lot
Why are white people unironically so obsessed with dogs?
>It's just huwite
anon, I recommend you spend less time on /pol/, it's distorting your perception of reality.
>rajeesh doesn't understand human emotion
theyre innocent
Montana has fallen.
>leaving 200 plastic bags is somehow better than leaving shit out in the open so a wild animal can eat it by the next week
Why are westerners like this?
as usual, pet owners are retarded
Dog shit is loaded with parasites and completely fucks up the soil--especially that much of it.

It's a biohazard--it isn't innocuous. Dogs also pack in invasive species in their fir and aren't native to North America (no you don't own a pure bread Malamute in fucking Canada).

Pet owners are cancer.
Domestic dogs aren't loaded with parasites compared to literally any wildlife
You're 10000% retarded
Posting an abstract that says animals can infect each other does nothing to bolster your point. You are a caved in head moron if you think domestic animals that are routinely vaccinated & medicated by law harbor anywhere near the amount of parasites as wildlife.
Another dog janny bait thread. Dog Janny from the more sandy and less civilized region of the world is just baiting to try ban some good, God fairing, dog loving, moral having people.
we used to keep colored house servants but we don't do that anymore
based if true
shitbaggers are about as human as their pets
I would post the paper but we both know you're too retarded to comprehend scientific literature.

I'm not arguing with a brain dead dogfucker--I'm mocking your retardation and obvious narcissism.
She's retarded and justifying it with pilpul.
>I fuck dogs: the post
To the surprise of no one.
Dog owners are some of the most insufferable self centered retards on the planet.
Lol there's nothing in that paper that proves your point regardless you pseud PETA shill. You don't know anything about animal husbandry or parasitology whatsoever. Anyone who hates domestic animals is an antisocial freak who should be sterilized, luckily you're probably some freak antinatalist as well. Cheers
At least they pick dookie up. I never clean up after my dog
You would need an IQ above 82 to get it.
Lighten up Raj
Clean it up jannies. Do your god damn job.
But why are the jannies so lazy when it comes to cleaning the board? They only selectively enforce the rules and they deliberately turn a blind eye to low quality posts, spam, off topic posts, and rule violations.
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people who hate dogs and children (as in, actually hate them, rather than simply not wanting them) are the most miserable, hateful people you'll ever meet.
it's nice owning enough land that i can go hiking with my dog and not have to worry about running into one of those types of horrible malignant people.
I don't hate dogs--I hate their owners.
The rest is you justifying your mental disorder regarding owning your emotion slave.

I feel bad for the pets--which is why I hate the owners.

Keep fucking that dog, karen.
>Anyone who hates domestic animals is an antisocial freak who should be sterilized
hilarious coming from the people whose children are dogs
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>Dog owners can't stand being told the truth about their mental disorder
Ah yes, emotion slave owners and their delicate egos.
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Clean it up jannies.
Malignant describes these people perfectly. They should be excised from humanity
Dogs are just nuisances. They're dangerous and they get up in everyones' shit. My blind cat couldn't hurt anything if she wanted to.
That’s how I feel about progressives.. but here we are.
It's in a fucking bag.
brown hands typed this
My pittie is smart and shits off trial. I don't even pick it up cause he's generally off leash. He's a rescue and smarter than half of you outards.
Cope as you may
>>2773872<-- you are still here
10/10 would shoot your offleash dog in the face.
Don't you have prepubescent children to sexually assault Mohammed?
Yeah good thing most cats are blind and not the #1 driving cause of exotic bird depopulation all over the world. Unlike hating dogs, there are plenty of reasons to hate outdoor cats that haven't been declawed
Clean it up jannies
Isn't this pic proof that those dog owners are actually cool and pick up after their pets? It's just the trash bin overflowing. These bags were most likely spread by birds or wind.
Birds can fly, if they're retarded enough to lose to ground predators they deserve it.
Either become smarter and avoid dying, or die.
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Fuck you, fuck your lack of knowledge of basic ecology, fuck your novel predator, and fuck it's instinct for needless killing
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Cat hunting is kind of harrowing. Ferals are devastating in my country so I shoot them whenever I can, but it's still a weird vibe killings 'pets'.

>mostly killing cute kittens as the adults are smart enough to gtfo when they see you
>getting a Multikill on a ball of playing kittens with 12g birdshot
I mean the alternative is the obliteration of the indigenous ecosystem. It's completely necessary
Municipality: let the garbage cans overflow because we are to cheap to empty them regularly


Im work for my countys comservation authority. Theres a spot where i routine sample surface water from a marsh where a bridge goes over it. Next to the bridge there was an open area people could pull off the road and park. People would fish there every day.

And there would always be trash, not just worm containers and beer cans and food but random shit like Styrofoam, plastic chunks, textiles etc. So the city put up metal bars to make it impossible to pull off the road and park. And now theres now more garbage.

Its so odd that some people who enjoy outstuff so readily litter and shit the area up.
Were too poor and mentally immature too have kids so we go for the next easiest substitute.

Anyone who uses the term fur baby needs to die.
You're a fucking retarded mutt and a city dweller, I bet.
Cats have been living alongside humans in farms and towns for millennia.
We have to keep this thread on page 1
It is insane to put a bagged poop on the ground. I see it all time
Not in north america
Yup, see it in Tahoe frequently.
You and your invasive species should go back to Africa
Dogs should be home, guarding the ranch. Not out in every public space turning it into an open sewer.
Walk down to the river around here and you can smell dog shit a quarter mile before you get there.
The filth never stops, they bathe in eu de dogshit air, tracking it into buildings on their shoes, and spiking the e coli levels in the river every time it rains. They're walking disease vectors, just like homosexuals.
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>You and your invasive species should go back to Africa
This guy has the right idea. Disgusting humans should fuck off back to their home continent.
Clean it up jannies
earliest hominid remains were found in serbia actually
"The oldest hominins currently known are Sahelanthropus tchadensis from Chad (Brunet et al. 2005) and Orrorin tugenensis from Kenya (Senut et al. 2001). Sahelanthropus, dated to between 6 and 7 mya, is known from a largely complete skull and some other fragmentary remains."
Because they haven't been beaten when they did something wrong and don't understand the concept of consequences.
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This thread made me lose the little respect I had for this board
>People hiking outdoors with the same mentality as walking their dog on their way to the macdonalds
>"How is my fault that the mountain jannies can't keep up with my shitposting rate?"
>"Achually leaving plastic bags everywhere is better for the environment than letting the ground absorb the literal manure, I read it in a buzzfeed article"
>"my fur babbies dindu nuffin, whatabout this other thing"
>edgy 14 year old/haitian starts dumping their dead cat folder
Further proof passing an IQ test should be a requirement before being allowed to own a dog.
If I crossed you on a mountain trail, I wouldn't even stop to say howdy.
>respecting this board in the first place
what a retard
It's 4chan. Don't take it so seriously.
This board is 90% retarded shitposting. Always has been. Used to be river-shitting, now it's pet-shooting. At least the former was funny.
This is what happens when we let third worlders on the internet

You think all the people here are normal Americans? Fuck no dude you're surrounded by literal third world trash at all times. Literal gypsies and indians and shit. None of these people are first world educated or raised in our cultures. Every board is like this now. Every porn site is filled with indians. Even real life is under invasion.

Dont make the mistake of thinking this is 90s internet and we're all relatively well off first world citizens. You are not in the company you think you are.
A lot of people are playing the provocateur game, just being vile to elicit a response. Boring and outplayed. /Out/ always had some of these zoomers, but things weren't this bad a few years back. The terminally online generally kept to their containment zones, barring the inevitable annual wave of summerfags.

I wouldn't mind it as much if the shitposting was at least somewhat funny, but it's always "I hate trees and burn them" or "I drown ducklings in plastic bags" with some retards biting and the jannies letting it slide because the topic is /out/-related.

Board is very low-quality now. Hope it gets better.
If you don't like it then why do you continue to come here every day
>le every day
>ples respond
Dunno if I'm just autistic, but I don't care about brass at all, but I always pick up shot shells.
When I get home on garbage day, I am overjoyed to find that I will be keeping your bag of dog shit in my bin for the next week during this heat wave.
Not an argument
This is so aggressively retarded. As you say, it'd be better if they just left the shit lie and deteriorate over time
Anyone who wouldn't rather have someone's fatass husky get shot instead of fecal contamination of freshwater rivers can get fucked honestly
Leave muh heckin pupperino alone, he is a big chonkin chungus and I use him to stabilize myself so I don't fall into your local river as I'm taking my twice-daily liquit shits into it
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There on one asshole on tho board that hates or pretends to hate dogs.

He was once a mod or jannie
He pretneds to be many posters
He is a piece of shit troll and you all fall for his shit every single time.
All of this is emphatically true
Leaving casings is one thing, but leaving plastic wads and shell hulls is objectively worse, and both aren't as bad as the wholesale dumping of range day related trash that seems so common. It's not even the majority of gun owners, its probably 80/20 but the trash these scumbags leave doesn't go away until someone else takes it out.
Which is why we should be talking about litter instead
>Which is why we should be talking about litter instead
I always pack some out every fishing trip. Easy to bring a trash bag and clean up the shoreline a little.

There was a guy here a while back who always went camping with his kids. I remember he had a "find X pieces of litter" game for the kids while he set up the tent. Great principle. I'd be a bit wary of my kids finding some druggie's shit though.
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No one hates dogs.
It's the owners that are cancer.
>Everyone who I disagree with is the same person
your mental disorder is showing again.
>Just leave biohazards all over no biggie
ah yes, the total lack of self awareness that is a hallmark of pet owners.
/out/ hates dogs tho
Ah yes, the municipality. An eldritch super natural force that babycoddles humans.
Unironically yeah.
>Stray dogs are almost as bad as "pets" in terms of pollution and ecosystem damage and also dangerous
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I am talking about ammunition casings you ESL retard
This is the same tired nu-/out/ meme that one guy tries to force. If you don't like it then leave.
They're not

It's ghetto people that pushed this movement to counteract the endangered species movement that made nestle look bad (I read that, really not sure but it's probably accurate)
there are 2 public and 3 residentially managed waste bins specifically for dog owners within 1/4 mi of OPs photo that i used, probably closer to 10 residential ones based on who owns which appartments. every season starts a new wave of this but generally its an 'essential worker' tier precept that being seen dealing with shit is not a flex.

>live there
>see this
>stop making conversation with other dog walkers entirely within half a mile from here
>make a point of carrying poo to the bin in daylight daily
>dog pissed off i want to walk first and do poo later
>6 weeks of this
>poomageddon stops
>move away
>one month back to this

Im sorry OP, it really is a peaceful place when people remember that being a mom or a librarian or whatever is not a license of any kind

>thinking you made someone else put in effort but really youre just worse than someone who prioritizes holding poo
>If someone says something I don't like but cant counter intellectually with facts and logic: if I call them nu/out/ I can invalidate their argument
LOL, you got issues karen. /out/ is one of the newer boards and you very clearly are a newfag.
Learn to spot bots. 4chan is a bot proving ground for darpa to play the narrative manipulation game.
Most of the broken and incoherent logic that is self contradictory and tangential isn't an actual person.

Welcome to the front line of the information war. The WWW was always a social manipulation experiment and this site is a feedback loop for game theorists and people training GPT.

Ironically if they don't constrain AI it starts to sound like /pol/ tards but when they do constrain it (to not recognize patterns) it ends up sounding like a rambling sociopath with the memory of a goldfish.
lol fag's mad
>if you dont like me pooping in your street then close the curtains
No thanks, little boy. Go back to your containment board. /b/ and /pol/ sound like great places for you.
>board quality hasn't gone down srsly guys
I hate what the internet has become. You can't even prove to these people how bad it's gotten, everywhere.

Women are overly obsessed with this stuff and like them more than people. They obviously have problems
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Before the retards flooded the internet it was unheard of to post personal information on the internet.

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