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i saw a black squirrel today!
nigga thats nuts
>t. Just moved to Bellingham.
"Big" Bob LeMonparté

USAF 1978-1978
New Jersey National Guard Tryouts 1981
I see them on occasion (Georgia).
I keep meaning to look up if it's an age thing or subspecies or what
If in the US or Canada, it's just a melanistic squirrel AFAIK. White with red eyes would be albino. All white without red eyes or white with patches of original color are piebald. Sometimes you also get some genetic freaks missing one of their three (?) fur colors and they look really weird. I had one local that was missing its brown hue (Eastern Grey) and it looked neat. I guess you can get melanistic, etc. Fox Squirrels too. Wonder how you can tell them apart from Eastern Greys in that case? And I've never seen a melanistic, albino, or piebald red even online now that I think of it. Wonder why Greys seem so much more likely to have those mutations?

Also there are pockets of squirrels with said mutations. Canada has a ton of black squirrels IIRC. Some cities have tons of them as well.
Nice. Squirrels are the electric guitar solos of going /out/.
I wish my stupid govt' would just come out out and declare free hunting on invasive grey squirrel
a college in ohio released a bunch of black squirrels that they bred at some point. You're welcome.
That was Kent state and it was the 60s. In the 1920s the guy who invented chiroquacky released a bunch on arsenal island between Illinois and Iowa. They quickly got off the island and have spread in every direction since.
Melaninated squirrels act like their melaninated human counterparts. They’re invasive and far more aggressive and then they attack the local squirrels and then breed them out.
nigger squirell
lol i was going to say, do you live in the vicinity of the fraser valley or what
Ontario anons, why are most of our squirrels black?
Maryland here. Up until about 15 years ago I had only seen a couple of those in my whole life then I started seeing them all the time. But now I havent seen one in about five years.
Quick, call the copse!
Nah, Danish, our pretty large red squirrel population is being hit pretty hard by the greys, same with the shitty American signal crayfish threatening native crayfish
I trap them, kill them and eat em, illegal to release them once caught, free meal for me
cool! haven't seen one since i moved from northern WI
>subspecies or what

mutation found in gray squirrels & random.
and there it is
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I've been feeding the squirrels peanuts.
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really awesome
loads of black squirrels around Kent, OH
>boomer-tier filename
Nice touch
Boomer Bob is right THOUGH
Someone's been feeding them around here too. I gave them a few as well; they've been getting friendly. Also fucking checked x2.
>ayo nigga let me in
>i know u got dem nutz bruh
Fucking Netflix

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