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/out/ - Outdoors

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>be me
>2 am at home in bed, still cant fall asleep
>'fuck it im gonna try and sleep outside'
>go to an apartment building nearby where there is zero activity at night
>go to the back of said appartment building thats just facing some shrubbery, very quiet
>'people never come here so I should be fine'
>find a spot clear of any insects on the tiles
>lay out a sturdy folded blanket to lay on
>lay there
>any and all sounds alert me immediately and can see my HR spiking on my watch
>cant fall asleep for the life of me, constantly keeping my head on a swivel
>way too alert and sensitive to all sounds, rustling of the wind, distant dog barks etc.
>spider walks infront of me
>freak out, kill it
>soon another spider slowly droops down from the overhang of the building
>freak out, kill it
>cant fucking fall asleep, too fucking alert
>5 am, sun starts coming up
>just go home

Is this why you need a tent? Or am I missing something? To be fair I was just laying there with nothing covering me but it was very nice weather so didn't really need anything. And this was my first ever attempt at sleeping outside.
I'm the same way. I struggle falling asleep whether I'm in my own comfy bed, a hotel, innawoods, truck bed camper, etc. My mind is way too active at night. Ruins my life desu.
Why are you larping as a homeless person, laying on a wall in the city is not /out/ing. I just accept shit can happen and prepare the best I can, usually I convince myself that I have prepared for 60% of possible events, with the goal of 80%. After that you just lay down. It takes me quite a few days before I actually fully sleep like I do at home though. Last trip was 8 weeks with my tent, I did 1 day per week in a hotel/bed and breakfast to actually sleep deeply.
when I'm home and its dead silent I can't sleep, I have to play something out of my phone. when I'm in my bivvy the noise of nature soothes me. plus it keeps the spiders off my face
Get less sleep. I sleep on average 4-5 hours a night. Any more and I'm too well rested, stay up late and fuck up my rhythm.

I function much better and actually have more energy when I force myself not to sleep as much as I could. Sometimes I'll skip a night of sleep to force myself to be tired the next day and get back on schedule.

Also wake up really early, personally I keep my alarm clock set to about 20 minutes before civil twilight. Since that time is constantly changing it's not perfect, I just adjust it every few weeks to keep myself aligned.

Also I don't fully activate until about 2-3 hours after waking up, so even though I get less sleep than the average person I spend the first hours of every day usually just sitting using my phone, drinking coffee, watching birds, sometimes go take a walk outside. I think about what I want to get done today but usually don't get to work for at least 2 hours after waking up, whether it's a work day or a weekend. This seems to be an important part of my process, like I don't need to be asleep but I need some quiet thinking time.

It's been a very positive change to my mental health and productivity to consistently wake up with the sun. Well slightly before it, but I think the exact timing isn't as important as the consistency. I have no set bedtime but I always plan to be awake based on sun time, not clock time.
>sleep problems
Stop drinking alcohol.
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>Is this why you need a tent? Or am I missing something?
firstly, you are missing the wilderness/nature. city/town outdoors is horrible. you sound like a nervous wreck too, when i really can't sleep because i am too fucked i just get wasted. Here's my recipe to a comfy camp sleep:
1. thick comfy bedding, atleast 30mm thick foam mat, 50mm ideally. inflatable ones are ok but in my experience, always burst within a few uses and deflate in the night, you wake up on the cold ground.
2. warm sleeping bag. do not buy chink shit, get something that costs over £50. i have a down sleeping bag, very good, but nowhere near as good as sheep skins, i sewed 5 together into a big blanket and i use that in the winter now, it is often TOO warm!
3. balaclava. make your head comfy, i use a folded scarf of jumper as my pillow too.
4. block out noises. the wind can wake you up, and rain, and other sounds, but a tent does help with some of this. I often sleep in just a simple tarp shelter. but noise does keep me up.
5. if you cannot sleep get up and sit up for a minute, get cosy, read a book or play with the embers of the fire, something chill and calming. pretty soon i guarantee you will find yourself nodding off.
>Also wake up really early, personally I keep my alarm clock set to about 20 minutes before civil twilight. Since that time is constantly changing it's not perfect, I just adjust it every few weeks to keep myself aligned
Get a rooster one day and he'll do this naturally
I could sleep right through it, I use a sonic bomb alarm clock with bed shaker and it is barely loud enough. Maybe if I keep the rooster in my bedroom.

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