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Fall is here, and with that, wool weather. Post your recent scores.
Topics include:
>waterproof Irish sweaters
>touques and hats
>budget-score 100% wool work socks
>army surplus finds
>washing and care
>dyeing and embellishing
>darning and patching
>DIY projects

Scratchfags must lurk for 2 years before posting.
i havent bought any new wool in years because ive been wearing the same stuff i bought back when i first starting going /out/ . but yeah at this point its all wool all the time, base layers, mid layers and outer layers. in summer its great because it breathes and doesnt smell. in winter its great because it keeps me warm even when its damp. its a miracle fabric truly
recently got a wool denim chore coat (weatherwool)
yeah really damn pricey but i haven't encountered any wool as comfy as theirs (i have pendletons and filsons, a woolrich in there somewhere too), and never knew that denim can come in wool for that matter
Just ordered some korean war surplus wool pants,if I like em I'll get the og 108 shirt aswell
will wool trousers keep me warm after i walk through puddles with them?
If you have decent footwear and socks, yes. Wool stays functional even if it's wet.
checking the trips

Which is more larpy: a poncho or a cloak?
my mum knitted me a green wool sweater, it is probably the best piece of clothing i wear.
How deep a puddle are we talking?
Wool sheds water (to some degree) and retains insulation more so than cotton when it gets slightly wet. It won't help you if it's soaked through. Wool is not neoprene.
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Anyone know of other stuff like varustelekas woolshell line? Their stuff is too tacticool for what I'm looking for I just want a modernish wool coat that preferably drops down to mid thigh
Fred Asbell
I have some german companies for you
And a swedish one
I've completely filled my boot with ice water during a moderately cold winter hike while wearing wool socks + wool boot linings and I managed to hike another hour without too much discomfort. As long as you keep moving your body heat will warm the sock/trousers and the wool will still do an ok job at insulating you from the cold. It's uncomfortable but you won't lose toes like you will with cotton.
Thanks bros this is something to go off of even if I can't be bothered to figure out how to import from a euro retailer
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howdy do fellow woollies
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watched silence of the lambs again last night, first time i noticed clarice wearing a pretty nice looking green wool coat, looks like they brought it back for the clarice show that's currently goin on
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Was very happy when I learned that my people marched with kilts and pipes. Always admired the kilts and pipes, then I grew older and learned about my ancestors from the old country.
That's a duffle coat
Another bargain from a bygone era. Gloverall is the most well known brand but you can find others on ebay for a cheap price. Those are a good find.
>the clarice show that's currently goin on

Oh for fucks sakes
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The kilt traditionally had the cross-purpose as a blanket to sleep outside under.
friendlty reminder that people mostly don;t wear whoooool because it is expensive, heavy, scratchy, and very uncomfortable to wear
Yes, it is indeed mostly poor, weak, thin-skinned people that shirk wool.
That's stupid because you'd be on the cold ground naked.
yeah that's what i thought too lol
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synthlet/cottonlet detected lmao
I'm sorry, anon. You're people were dispossessed of their land and forced to become kelp farmers and shit while their lords replaced them with the sheep they fleeced to sell middle class angelos troon skirts to LARP as the very people (your ancestors) whom they kicked out.
The "clan tartan" thing is also bullshit, made up by some master larpers and corroborated by the greedy mills.
Also bullshit. They "allowed" you to wear the skirt if you joined the army. It's a humiliation ritual.
This guy gets it. Also, if you're 6 foot tall, the "great kilt" doesn't work. Anyone you see doing the all purpose garment thing is a manlet. The mills make the cloth 5 feet wide at the most, usually smaller. An actual man would need at least 66", and that's pushing it.

Just buy your society approved troon suit, but don't pretend it's anything less than heavily sublimated autogynephilia.
>I'm not gay! I'm still cis! I'm celebrating my heritage!
thought provoking post desu
I've given this a lot of thought. I still hadn't actually bought a wool kilt (since the shitty one I got at a ren fair in the 90's) I've bought 2 pv kilts and a utilikilt. I have no illusions why I'm doing it. It's for attention and to put my wife in the mood to peg me (we have conveniently dovetailing gender role issues.)
It's also more comfortable on long drives if you go "regimental" , but that's really an afterthought.

As for wool, I have found that wool blend socks reduce for pain and are more comfortable than cotton. The down side is they shrink, even if you hang them to dry. Knit wool caps are very comfortable and not as bad in hot weather as you might think, but not preferable in summer.

A practical tip: it's get easier to wear shorts and knee high wool socks on a cold morning and change your socks when it gets hot than to change pants to shorts.

While I do this for practical reasons on appropriate days, I have noticed younger women initiating conversation and smiling at me. I can't say for sure if they are turned on by it as I'm not about to fuck up my job and my marriage to find out, but I like the attention and that's good enough.

I really want to wear the wool kilt socks unfolded as thigh highs, but I think that's pushing it. I wasn't kidding about the autogynephilia. It's a line I won't cross though. At least not at work, not yet.

Also, fuck clan tartans. Look at the House of Edgar hebridean and 1783 tartans. They are designed for aesthetics over bullshit tradition.
The only reason most of this stuff has been accumulated under the female banner is because the craftsmen and later industries view them as having greater access to disposable income coupled with more frivolous spending habits, they are a convenient way to dispose of market surplus while still letting them fully exploit the male market that would ordinarily pay less due to lower demand compared to supply. Effectively all the fashion industry needs to do is call things gay and the insecure men are forced to spend more to acquire things from the reduced pool of things that aren't gay.
Wear whatever you want as long as it's decently fitted, works for you and doesn't try too hard to fit into marketing memes like pretending to a woman in order to enjoy "female" things.
Then why am I aroused?
You watch too much porn and should stop before it gets worse
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wool blanket, no pajamas gang report in.
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On this week my fiancee finished my wool beanie. It is double layer, thick and very warm. Looking forward to winter and colder weather. I also bought myself Austrian shooting mittens to be used with the Finnish army M/91 leather mittens.
Pic also contains the wool neck warmer that she knit me about a year ago. Next, I'll have to try get her to knit me a wool shirt, but it might be too large of a project.
Kek it's the wooly head shrinker again.
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I wish I had someone that knit for me. By the way, if your girlfriend is interested there are machines on the market that can knit tubes quite rapidly, so hats and socks.
Plastic ones seem fairly priced.
Different considerations for different conditions.
You produce less heat and your blood flow is slower when you are lying down and sleeping, so you're more concerned with trapping heat and not wearing constrictive clothing than you are with wearing something that won't get in the way and which can be adjusted to fit your activity level. In that regard a blanket is a good configuration because it is loose and can create an air pocket that your body heat can warm up.
If you were paying attention, I mentioned getting a shitty kilt from a ren fair in the 90's. This predates "too much porn." I don't like porn. It's fake. I legit get turned on by the idea of wearing thigh highs. No videos required.

Anyway, this reply was off topic.
Getting back on topic, if you've ever wondered what you get when you order a wool jacket from one of those paki sites, I can let you know.
I met a guy in person who was connected with one of these paki tailors. He took my measurements and I ordered a jacket through him. Pic related is the result.
I got a refund at least.
Greatkilts are a metric fuckton of fabric that you can wrap all around you, it's not just a blanket.
>wool hat
>wool top and bottom base layers
>wool lined pants in winter
>wool socks
>wool fingerless gloves
>wool scarf
what else do I need?
Depends on what you're doing. A jumper or cardigan would be nice if you don't mind the weight and bulk.
Sorry man. A sexual stimuli somewhere in modern media imprinted on you during a critical period and is non expungeable. Repeated iteration of this abuse will result in worsening symptoms. Happy for you that you've made it work but you are walking a tightrope.
Isnt this more of a /fa/ topic?
wearing the right clothing can be a matter of life or death /out/side. Might as well also look great when your out there.
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How much money is that liberal arts degree making you?
Lol dude the imprinting phase in male sexual maturation is well attested. You must be pretty pornbrained to get butthurt over a post like that


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What does he keep inside it?
Also, I'd love to take a look at the dagger he's got in his sock.
johnnies and/or pure, uncut colombian marching powder
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He released a picture on insta a few years ago
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Bought recently polish army surplus officer sweater. 90% wool. Very warm and comfy, but sleeves are a little too long.
So, unemployed?
Nice score, Anon. The sleeves are meant to be folded or rolled, and made long, I think.
Can anyone recommend a good pullover/sweater maker? I love been browsing the aran wool Irish website at they seem legit but JC if anyone has gotten from them before and if they liked it?
Their socks are good so their jumpers are probably also good. Literally wearing their socks rn as I post this.
>Aran wool website
I'm finding this shit cheaper other places, at least the hats.
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They are great. Order a size down from your usual shirt size or they may be too baggy to comfortably wear backpack over.
>has a shart in his sleeping sock
>wool literally never the same after properly washing
>now he has a shitty lumpy uneven wool chud sock
Wool fucking sucks lmao.
Make that shit washable like my t-shirts and we'll talk.
>He doesn't know how to wash wool
Look at him
Look at him and laugh
Nice haul there
How do you wash wool?
Washing machine (front loader, not those ridiculous top loaders), wool cycle, low temperature. For heavy soiling, use gentle hand washing at the affected places.
Only got a top loader.
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Recs for button down wool shirts? Plaid or checked, preferably.
EU or US?
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Does anyone know good retailers for merino underlaters? Merino.tech seems cheaper than smartwool and others but I don't know if they are the cheapest and also curious about quality/dollar ratio.
Good luck finding one, though I think north America still has some manifacturers.
If you can cope with zippers and oversized cut, I recommend Swanndri.
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Why did you photoshop their heads to be bigger?
Pendleton. I'd buy something cheaper and with kess brand recognition if I could find anything but Pendleton is the only one I know making what I want.
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Decided fuck it and spend $560 on this jacket from Micklagård
>I wish I had someone that knit for me
Nothing stopping you fro knitting for yourself.
Thanks, Anon.
>korean war
About 10-15 years ago I found a bunch of army overcoats going for about 25 bucks at a milsurp store in NJ. Might be even older though, I just looked up pics and the Korea ones look like they're not entirely made of wool. This one looks like pic related and the description of the pic says WW2.
What are some good military surplus options for wool? Specifically sweaters.
Some options look comfy but I want to make sure its a good thickness. I saw the U.S. 5-button pullover in person and it seemed really thin and light.
Pic is French
The best one I ever got was sourced from the London Met Police.
Milsurp market is dead, anon. Bought out, done and gone. Anything you think is milsurp now is just cheap production crap marketed to look like milsurp.
>Milsurp market is dead, anon.
No it's not. You can get brand new 100% wool sweaters for less than $40. And for everything else milsurp there is still a ton. Milsurp shops pop up online all the time. It's a better market now than 20 years ago imo. You get high quality shit these days with more options for brand new stuff that will actually last (waterproof rain coats as an example).
Milsurp firearms are dead, tho.
>100% wool sweaters for less than $40
Mmmmh... link? :-)
Anybody try waterproofing their wool? How do you do it? Beeswax dissolved in turpentine painted on? Boiled linseed oil? Soak in lanolin? I don't want dwr or other harsh chemicals.
I got a tight weave mulsurp jacket and after having washed it I definitely don't want to wear it as is in the rain. Weighs like 20 lbs wet.
you want a wooly pully
bongs know what's up
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>we only ship within the USA
Prince Charles having a cheeky squeeze of Dianna's supple commoner arse, I see. And while standing right next to his sister, that's saucy.
Wait, it's his son William with the commoner wife. None of this even matters - fuck the royalty - excuse my Britishness.
any recs on wool knee highs? Been looking for a pair for a while out in the wild with no luck, kinda ready to fold and just buy them online.
nice score, been hoping to pick one of these up for a while now.
I got these. They're for the inside pair. I wear 2 pairs of socks. They're actually on the tin side. They look pretty good of you're into that sort of thing, but they are too thin for cold weather, even as an inner sock. They are definitely too thin as a stand alone sock for anything but fashion.
There's a set of argyle and military and I'm thinking of ordering some of those. It might take weeks, but this thread is so slow I might actually get back to you.
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I got this wool cap from a local vender recently. It's been keeping me warm this fall/winter. its also fairly good in the rain here in the PNW keeps me warm even when mildly wet and drys easily.
I Like these. spendy but awesome
Going on a hike with some friends soon. Planning what to wear. It's a dry, hot summer here (Australia). I have a thermal, long sleeved, merino baselayer top from Aldi. I'm not sure of the GSM, but it's "Crane Performance". That's about all it says.

Anyway, my question is about the SPF. Do you think it'll be good enough to just wear on the hike for sun protection? As in nothing else but the wool t-shirt as my shirt. It's very fucking thin, so my guess is that's it's at most 150gsm.

Apologies for not giving much more information, this is basically all I know about it
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Not strictly /out/ but I have just attained some Harris Tweed trousers.

They will do me well as winter approaches Snowdonia
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This anon >>2786839 is absolutely bang on. All you need is a wooly pully. Still the greatest and cheapest wool milsurp garment on the market.

That being said, if it weren't for the £70+ price tag, I would be super tempted by the Austrian equivalent (picrel)

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