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Daily reminder that unless you live in Alaska, Montana, Wyoming, or North Idaho, there is literally NO reason to carry a handgun for self defense innawoods

>b-b-but muh black bears
lmao imagine being scared of a big raccoon, pussy.

Hunting and target shooting is fine, but don't lie to yourself that you're going to be some superhero hiking in the cascades, appalachians, or souther rockies
Why do assholes like you insist on commenting on what is my God given right that just happens to be inshrined in the constitution?
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Based and truthpilled.

Now watch as the southernlet larpers get mad about why they need muh big bore larp guns in mountainlet country
He didn’t say you couldn’t, he said you’re a coward.
Ranchers graze cattle on Forest Service land all over the West. You can be hiking along minding your own business and suddenly encounter a big black bull (bovine) with its dick hanging out.
I'm just afraid of serial killer
>target shooting is fine
only if it becomes law for the state to break a bone for every pound of trash these people dump on public lands
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>all over the West
"the West"
want to know how I know you're not from "the West"?

this anon understands
I drove from Arizona to Montana and back this summer and there were cows everywhere.
Why the fuck would anyone carry a loaded gun with safety off in a backpack? How can people be this retarded?
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I have zero fear of wildlife I just think carrying a weapon is fun desu
This, it's super fun
>be american
>go innawoods where there's no-one around to shoot you
>shoot yourself
Never needed a gun and I never will so I'll never own one. I'm a man of peace, you see.
peace through strength
Based and 5150 pilled
>that finger
Whenever some retard says shit like this I always immediately just think they're murderers who want easy victims when they go Human hunting innawoods.
If you have a gun and you don't keep it on you whenever you're outside, you're a fucking dumbass.
Hell yes it is.
This man is destined to have his last moments thinking "I wish I had a gun" before being raped by forest schizo or urban dweller.
You can't be a "peaceful" man while not having the ability to be dangerous. You're just harmless.
Incel wisdom
It's like Skyrim in my part part of Alabama. Large packs of aggressive, feral dogs. I went hiking once this last year and ran into a pack of two pitbulls and a huge rottweiler

Anyone who doesn't carry is retarded
Some handguns, like the 70 series 1911s, can go off even with the safety engaged. The 80 series 1911 fixed that with a third safety that only disengages the firing pen when the other 2 safeties have been disengaged. But yeah tons of guns can be fired just by slamming them hard enough even with the safety on.
Even if you're not in one of those states you never know what exists innawoods. Grizzlies have been reportedly been spotted as far as southern Colorado. You don't know if a feral dog is in the area. You don't know if someone released an exotic pet out there. You don't know if you'll run into cartel or a serial killer. Better to carry and not have to use it than not carry and wish you had it.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.
Just as true today as 2300 years ago.
Who said it was for self defense I just like shooting at stuff
I've been of this mindset since I started backpacking but I'm getting tired of devoting an eighth of my pack weight to a gun that I never have needed ever, climbing switchbacks I am frequently fantasizing about shedding the weight even though I am the only one in my group carrying usually
Know who doesn't want you to carry a firearm in the woods?
Skin walkers. We see you skin walker and won't listen to your lies.
Skinwalkers are getting tired of getting raped and gaped at gun point by /k/ommandos and became anti-gunners.
Guns are fun, still gonna carry one. Sorry sweaty :3
tons of guns made >75 years ago maybe. modern firearms always feature a firing pin block. shrouding the trigger or using a safety makes keeping the chamber loaded a non-issue. but I wouldn't expect the crybabies in this thread to understand that
Blessed and attuned with nature-pilled
I am prepared. We’ve got mandatory conscription and refresher training for all males round these parts.
Interestingly, the woods is one of the few places I don't carry a gun. Then again if it wasn't private property I probably would, and if I lived somewhere with bears or cougars I probably would.
I would add, if you are able to brush off the political and ideological trappings that have festered on every inch of this whole topic... a reasonable mind would be extremely inclined to carrying a gun in general especially when around other people.

A gun is basically such a powerful tool it's value is irresistible. I mean imagine being in a world where everyone has immense magical powers and you do not? How would that feel? Would it feel good lol? You have to be an actual moron to willingly put yourself in that position. The amount of power that a gun puts in your hand is so massive compared to the unarmed- it's almost transcendental. It almost makes us godlike- really the capabilities of making change qualitatively with that one fairly simple tool/machines. How anyone, with a functional brain would willingly divest themselves of that power is truly beyond rational comprehension.
What is the best place to hike in israel?
The fauna aren't the threat we're preparing for.
Good morning! Quick call. Saars is it true the border is open??
Loaded fine. I would never carry a gun with one in the chamber.
>why yes, I do enjoy carrying 5 pounds I don't need on my hikes.

You do you bro. I like to keep it light.
>migratory nigger herd
These only exist in your head, rent free
Springfield OH sends its regards.
There's nothing wrong with carrying a holstered guy with one it the chamber.
I live near haitians and, unlike the run of the mill chicken washers, these darkies aint afraid of nature. Im seen em buttass naked squatting in bushes waiting for (presumably) white wimmenz
Yeah i live the next town over. Its fucked. Literally the 3rd world in murica, and ive been to many shitholes for work
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I'd rather be called a coward by a fool than eaten by a Bear or Mountain lion.
Go back to gaslighting on /pol/ you filthy kike.
>than eaten by a Bear or Mountain lion.
That would require you to start going outside though
>>2774389<-- you are here
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>These only exist in your head, rent free
you're my little bitch now bot.
continue--lets see what else is in your conditions.
You are doubly retarded.
Both for denying the obvious (first and foremost) and then trying to (according to your low IQ) derail the thread.
>Beep boop beep boop
keep going
>The obvious
Use your words--what is obvious to you?
>Protip: he won't elaborate
Denying that there's purposeful deliverance of shitskins and third worlders to the west that is already collapsing. I won't bother with you anymore. I will just say I hope a nigger rapes and kills your family in front of you and leaves you alive.
oh, that
um, I think you're confused--I was mocking the guy that said
>>Migratory nigger herd
>These only exsist in your head, rent free
because I see darkies even here in my isolated little town in the middle of nowhere.

so, I agree m8, but still a /pol/ thing. I just wanna pack my gat so I can cap a bear if the situation obligates.

Election season on 4c is always a shit show. even on the side boards.
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After what I've experienced in my favorite stomping grounds, you would never go unarmed again. To put it bluntly, you wouldn't get it.
I wonder who could be behind this post
If you are attacked by a mountain lion you are unlikely to have time to draw a weapon regardless bro
I dunno I’ve never been to Israel.
>muh God given right
Show me where it says in the bible that you can own a gun, not saying you shouldn't by any means, but bringing God into it is stipid
The retard in the OP post had an ND while the gun was in his pack, I'm guessing because he had a loaded glock with an unsheathed trigger that got jostled by other shit in his pack
Most of the posts in this thread are whining about how mean OP is
these posts are the embodiment of many negative stereotypes about gun owners: paranoid, schizophrenic, self-aggrandizing, delusional, variously
I don’t carry a gun in the woods because of bears, I carry it for when I find you
This post is the embodiment of reddit: gay and retarded
-Because it's fun
-Because it requires very little effort
-Because where I hike I'm far from help in the unlikely event something were to happen
-Because every so often there are reports of aggressive druggies innawoods

but most of all
-Because it makes dorks like you seethe with rage
You've never been on a hike over 3 miles. You are very obviously a memelord living with your mother.
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BE me. spend 3 years in yellowstone without bear spray. Hike alone all the time. Its amazing how just a Harmonica and ranting and raving randomly about Bankers owning america and how this country is full of idiots. Will keep the bears away
this post is the embodiment of many negative stereotypes about redditors: conclusory, neurotic, derivative, pompous, mid-wit, ultimately without substance or originality, bad faith, juvenile, and adding nothing to the discussion whatsoever.
>December 14th, 2023
>no snow at all
>After what I've experienced
>you wouldn't get it
Sure anon
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Daily reminder that unless you live in a scorching desert or an active lava field, there is literally NO reason to wear any kind of footwear for foot defense innawoods

>b-b-but muh rough terrain
lmao imagine being scared of soft soil and pine needles, pussy.

Marathon running and track running is fine, but don't lie to yourself that you're going to be some everest mountaineer hiking in the cascades, appalachians, or southern rockies.
Is he a fool though? The Fudd slogan “need it and not have it” is a logical fallacy (possibiliter ergo probabiliter).
Most of the Wast Coast had an Indian Summer last year.
People get all twisted up with rhetoric and politics on this issue.

Just consider the firearm objectively- like you were a robot or something. It's capabilities, what kind if power it puts in a human's hands... it's a game-changing invention for mankind and it's so simple. Why on earth would anyone be against these things? I honestly don't understand.
>Is he a fool
>better to need and not have
Isn't a logical fallacy and never has been.
Unsurprising a leftist fool doesn't have a basic grasp of logic.
Because they don't want to lug an extra 5 pounds up a mountain?

I carry one when I go shopping. I carry when I travel in my vehicle. I carry at work sometimes. But I don't take extra weight hiking. If I hunted in brown bear country then I would probably take a small 44mag just in case one sneaks up as I am dressing an elk. But I don't do that. You see I actually am looking at it objectively.
>I have no situational awareness
I've already run of a bear with my hiking poles kid--you have zero idea what you're talking about.

When I'm in nature I'm hyper aware, I'm not milling about like a zoomer with my headphones on and my face in my cellphone. Even tiny birds and tree rodents are obvious as shit to me.

Besides, most wild cat attacks where I live occur because some idiot brings their dogs with them where they don't belong--those are what attract territorial predators and entice them to attack.
Objectively I give zero shit what people pack with them at all and neither should you. I know a lot of hikers that are much stronger than I am and they carry more shit: good on them.
this post is the embodiment of many negative stereotypes about newfags: naïve, easily baitable, dumb, autistic, mid-wit, and adding nothing but another bump to a worthless thread

I appreciate his commitment to the bit.
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>waahh reddit
lmao tinybrain gunsoomers can't even come up with unique replies. go back to /k/ if you want to shit up this board with posts about how guns make you a GOD among men
this post is the embodiment of many negative stereotypes about women: pissy, gay, seething, unoriginal, projecting, repetitive, hypocritical and coping.
>go back to /k/ if you want to shit up this board with posts about how guns make you a GOD among men
NTA but nobody sane honestly thinks that. Having a gun with you simply allows you to take decisive life saving action in a deadly situation. Retards will misuse them, but retards misuse lots of other necessary things like cars and fire
Ok dumb nigger go on and be completely obvious to the dangers of the woods, dumb city people like you that don't carry a gun get what you deserve dumb fucking sheep
At this point who do you think you are trolling? Have you ever asked yourself why you crave attention so bad?
that's the point of my post. freaks who are power tripping off their tools need to get 5150'd
cry about it shit for brain. antisocial children like you shouldn't own weapons
t. Never backpacked in a group
We have black bears, boars, mountain lions, meth heads and the occasional nignog in the Ozarks. Plus I always have a gun on me, I'm an American.
Who here remembers the schizo /out/anon who would fire his handgun into the ground while camping to make the voices stop? There's a reason psychiatric holds are a prohibitive category on a 4473
>God given
Imagine being this delusional
It's just an IQlet repeating 30 year old republicunt talking points it's absorbed through osmosis
I never said I was against guns, I just agreed with OP that you’re a coward if you’re scared of wild animals.
>it’s not a logical fallacy
It absolutely is. I even told you which one. Just because animal attacks are possible, doesn’t mean they’re probable. Therefor you’re taking action against an extremely minor risk strictly out of fear. You are a coward.
okay philosofag:

if you bring a gun on a hike and don't need one: you've cost yourself a few extra pounds.
if you bring a gun on a hike and do need one: you've saved yourself pain, and possibly your life.
if you don't bring a gun, and need one: you've lost your life, or suffered some pain.
if you don't need a gun and didn't bring one, you've saved a few extra pounds.

your argument is disingenuous because the worst case scenario of bringing a gun with you is the minor burden associated with its weight -- whereas worst case scenario of not having one is death.
(The ND issue in OP's post is a red herring, stupid people do stupid things, the gun is actually irrelevant).
Tl;DR -- it's cheap insurance. Moralizing an inanimate object is retarded.
Nta, 5 lb weight tax in an area with no reason to carry is not cheap, at all
Also NTA but it can be half of that weight for a nice full size .357 magnum revolver. Plenty of capability for not so much weight. Of course everyone needs to weigh the weight tax vs the risk on their own, but I myself am biased towards carrying the extra pound or two to be better equipped
What magnum full size revolver is 2.5 lbs? That's insane and would certainly change the calculus. I have a G20 and I fucking hate carrying it
i guess i don't have much experience with ultra-light hikers or other forms of mental illness; but man, don't tell me it's just about the weight, nothing else in that weight range seems to evoke histrionics in quite the same way.
Getting triggered at the mere mention of weight just reveals your own inexperience. I am going to have to start signing all my posts by mentioning I am primarily a mountain wilderness backpacker at this point. Carrying a gun discretely or indiscretely while still being rapidly accessible when backpacking means you are going to have weight on your diaphragm which fucking sucks during heavy exertion especially as the air thins. It's not as simple as iwb or owb where you don't feel the weight as much on your belt. A monopurpose utility item that you never use weighing 5 lbs is a lot to ask in an off trail environment at elevation
Which idiot/ coward am I?
>live alone in BFE Shasta County
>some neighbors are wagon burning meth enthusiasts
>walk in the deep woods at night, five miles and +1500' vert home from my cousin's place where I take dinner on occasion
>don't carry a gun or flashlight, only a knife. Have to look up at the stars to see where the road is by the gap in the trees
>sometimes hear things that make my hair stand up. Just stop and listen while the adrenaline pumps
>do this for years, no problems
>be driving home one night
>see two GIANT cougars crossing the road, tails looked like 12" dia bottle brushes
>get home, neighbors on answering machine, "Hey anon, head's up- a cougar ate my goats last night and injured the burro"
>fuck this shit, buy new 870 the next day
>heavy but my woods rambles became so much more comfy. No noises made me stop and listen other than a damn turkey startling the shit out of me

>time passes, move to the city
>give 870 to cousin, think he would need it more than me
>camp my ass off, 20X/ year because missing the woods
>never armed with anything but knife, didn't even think about it
>be eternal bachelor, they aren't going to get ME, nuh uh
>meet amazing woman, we're joined at the hip
>bring shotgun and/or pistol with every time because my duty as a MAN is to protect my chickens
>sleep better with shotgun, like a babby
You can be both, but if you aren't ready to kill for your lady, what the fug are you even doing? Solo, who gives a shit if you die a horrible death? Nobody. Have someone you care about? You're a bitch if you don't carry.
What do you weigh?
Weight weenies amuse me, because I carry 250 lbs before clothes, food, water, shelter etc.
Inb4 fat, I can jump twice as high as you and run twice as fast
This is how everyone knows you've never been on a hike in your life.
Best post in the thread, you whiny cunts should read it again
Well, that's the beautiful thing about our country. Feel free to go hiking however you want, with whatever level of preparedness you feel is necessary -- and I'll do the same.
For me, doing day hikes in backwoods southern Oregon, I know I'll most likely not need the pistol, but I'll still take it, just in case.
RE weight: yeah like I said, I don't get it, over my head I guess; quibbling over a few extra pounds is silly IMO.

The problem lies entirely when people of your mindset try to impose it on others.
This >>2774751 is me too. I've worn out more footwear in the woods than your entire tribe of africans will in a lifetime.
T. Timber faller for the entire 90's
You are definitely fat and have never climbed anything in your life
I really had my Colt Python in mind, the manual says it comes in at 2 lbs 10 oz, just a little over 2.5 lbs. Of course that's unloaded so good point. The Smith & Wesson 327 is crazy light though, apparently only 23.2 oz unloaded. With 8 rounds of .357 mag in the cylinder, should come out to about 2.5 lbs.
>The problem lies entirely when people of your mindset try to impose it on others.
That works both ways too.
I'm not saying my way is the only way I am merely stating there are legitimate grievances with weight and carrying a gun isn't always a no-brainer. I'm pretty sure ITT there are lots of guys saying you should always be packing, but no one has said you should never be. It's not black and white.
OP literally said that though, and then lots of autistic screeching on both sides.
Yeah one of these days I am going to have to shell out $2k for something like this. Half the rounds but half the weight is a fine trade off honestly.
To be fair he did carve out grizzly territory, but yeah this is a shit post thread
I certainly think so. I just looked up the weight of .357 mag, looks to be about 0.5 oz per round. 6 rounds in the cyl puts my Python at about 2 lbs 13 oz fully loaded, and 8 rounds puts the Smith 327 at about 1 lb 12 oz fully loaded. Suddenly that goofy ass revolver is looking real nice lol
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Lelz you are definitely five foot three.
Last time up Shasta took me five hours up, two down.
Never @ me again Fluffy you twinky little fedditor fag
you just sound like pussy thats new to living in the woods, im sure big ol' fatty like you could take a cougar hand to hand
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Get back to your corner store Jamal, you're outclassed here
Wow a day hiker with an empty bag how epic. Now try sustaining yourself off trail for a multiday in the mountains pindick. Also where's your gun?
What gun did you bring up Shasta?
>another gunless pic
yikes bro stay strapped or get clapped
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I left my 10mm at home last trip because I had a fuckhuge knoife with me anyways.
Sometimes you just hope Yogi tries for the picnic basket so you can teach him to be wary of stinky boys. Violence is cleansing.
Didn't bring one, there were no fedditurds on the route that day
Then there's the Smith model 66 at 33 oz. With 6 rounds in the cylinder, that's 36 oz, or 2.25 lbs. You're getting 6 rounds of .357 mag in a stainless steel gun with a 3" barrel. And it's way less expensive than the scandium frame Smith 327. So many options for hikers who don't want to go unarmed but also don't want to lug around a ton of weight
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Weight weenies are are just looking to justify their weakness.
Loaded Glock 10mm: 2.5 lbs. That's 1% of my body weight, 2% of yours.
Feeble can't-cunts.
I own a signed copy of Extreme Alpinism by Mark Twight, I know about fast and light and when it's justified.
What's hilarious is that my pack frequently ends up being a smaller percentage of my body weight than some of the moderate UL nerds I know. Inb4 "IMPOSSIBRU!"
Who cares, carry if you want to, don't if you don't.
>Who cares
Apparently you do since you keep posting.
When you backpack in a group you divy up kit and the strongest person still usually ends up carrying more. If someone is beefcake enough to carry your excess excuses for being weak they can handle the 5 extra pounds that will save your dumb ass from an animal attack.
And you have no idea how the constitution works at all. The bill of rights isn't a delegation of rights the government gives the people, it is the enumerated individual rights the citizens delegate to the government to govern. The government doesn't have rights the people do and if the people don't have the right to do something it is immortal to delegate that right to the government.

Everything wrong with modern America is because morons like you never learned the basics of how your government was designed to work.
Bro, if the average baseweight is 20lbs you’re talking about adding 25% for literally no reason.

Post physique. I’m 100% certain you’re a fat zoomer.
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>t. 42 y/o boomer.
and yeah.. got a bit of weight to lose, but happens as you get older
your argument makes no sense though btw. if you're complaining about 5 pounds (if that, not sure how that weight was arrived at for a pistol) on a chest harness or what, you've got other issues.
Czekd, solid post.
I'm just doing a drivebye, the bants take back seat to pics since this is an image board, not a twinky bitchfest boa--- hol up, n/m.
Anyhoo smell ya tamale bitchy faggets
Idk why everyone is throwing around the 5 lbs figure. Anon showed a few posts up that it can be anywhere from 1.75 lbs to 3 lbs depending on the gun. When we're talking weight carried on a hike, that's a huge difference. Especially when there are people chopping their toothbrushes in half to save a gram here and there.
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Stay based anon.
Toothbrush manglers and other gram counting ninnies are exactly who we're belittling.
They can only fight back online, so they're vicious little tits. They lose sleep thinking there's a label somewhere in their pack that they forgot to tear off.
"If I had just cut that toothbrush a little bit shorter, I could have set the 50th fastest time on strava up the Mountaineers Route, I'm sure of it" Meanwhile they weight in at 125 lbs with shoes on
Allow me to retort for the fedditurd:
None of this matters. The entire point is to virtue signal, you see I'M in the mountains all the time going light and fast and you're a filthy casual.
That's it- he's frustrated that you haven't kissed his ring yet, because he doesn't carry an extra 2.5 lbs, because he's off piste multi day magic nigger. Not possible that anyone else here goes far and fast, he's in an elite company of one.
i live in cucknada so we can bring a gun in the woods but its harder

im told that if you have a gun in the woods and don't have a hunting license you're likely to be charged for poaching. So I have to get a squirrel hunting loicense or whatever and bring an appropriate gun.. we can't bring handguns outside of ranges

so I'm allowed to bring a rifle or a shotgun innawoods but it has to be for "hunting" in reality I just want to target shoot without dealing with a bunch of rarted range boomers+initiation fee+training fee+membership fee+tip+tax
/k/ is literally 90% discord trannies at this point
An interesting fact is the last 3 people killed this year by bears were all killed by black bears and all three people used bear spray which did fuck all.
My loaded glock with a full mag and chamber of hard cast +P is 5 lbs, not counting the kit bag or trigger sheath I carry it in
lol and they come here to seethe at people with real hobbies
your mind is literally haunted by ultralight demons. aren't you a little old to be seething this hard on 4channel
>my pack weighs less as a % of bodyweight than ultralighters
Congrats on being an ultralight then retard
imagine being obsessed like some histrionic woman about what other men are doing with their own time in the woods.
Kind of embarrassing to be seething this much about what other people carry anon. It's just a fact that carrying more weight over rough terrain off trail and where you will be scrambling and getting into class 3+ approaches contributes to excess fatigue and is fucking dangerous and you would know that if you tried it.

I like to dayhike too and weight doesn't really matter there but anyone pretending weight doesn't matter while mountaineering et al is inexperienced or arrogant and will inevitably get gut checked by mother nature. This is the same level of retardation as the cocksuckers on this board thinking trekking poles are cuck sticks or whatever. It's beyond childish and reflective of the indoors mentality this board is awash in.
Bear ammo weighs considerably more than basic bitch FMJ, this is less of a factor on revolvers that carry less rounds.
>When you backpack in a group you divy up kit and the strongest person still usually ends up carrying more
I backpack in a group and none of us do this, when someone overpacks we clown on them until they stop doing that
>Kind of embarrassing to be seething this much about what other people carry anon. It's just a fact that carrying more weight over rough terrain off trail and where you will be scrambling and getting into class 3+ approaches contributes to excess fatigue and is fucking dangerous and you would know that if you tried it.
your a fucking mentally ill retard making a straw man in your own head.

>I like to dayhike too and weight doesn't really matter there but anyone pretending weight doesn't matter while mountaineering et al is inexperienced or arrogant and will inevitably get gut checked by mother nature
this is the straw man these guys aren’t yapping about oz mattering while they’re climbing on the fucking side of a mountain with ice picks.

> This is the same level of retardation as the cocksuckers on this board thinking trekking poles are cuck sticks or whatever. It's beyond childish and reflective of the indoors mentality this board is awash in.

making fun of a retard for cutting his toothbrush down to the bristle is a staple of sane humans anon
and i’m sure your repose is going to be something brain damage inducing but you’ll figure it out eventually that ultralighters will never do any hard climbs because they larp on shitty mountains and will die when they need the thicker rope when they chose the lighter one
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>your a fucking mentally ill retard making a straw man in your own head.
Pure projection as all your posts ITT are shitting on some neon ultralighter that doesn't exist here.
>these guys aren’t yapping about oz mattering while they’re climbing on the fucking side of a mountain with ice picks
Cutting down your toothbrush is one thing, but you are associating the most milligram counting UL spreadsheeter with basic mountaineering
You are genuinely retarded if you think people who are into mountains don't give a shit about weight. The entire doctrine of traditional alpineering (arguable the first mountain sport) is designed around being as fast and light as possible. You are a fucking know-nothing
the constitution is reddit, just carry a gun because you want to and fuck anyone who has a problem with it. You sound like a nutter going off about "god given" rights.
This is actually my exit strategy. Got the location picked out, probably do it in 10 years if my life isn't better.
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>more mileage than you
>more remote wilderness than you
>more years of experience than you
>no gun
Skurka moggs all you small-dicked sissies ITT who are too scared to even walk to the end of their driveway without a gun
this. imagine fellating the constitution in current year
>Implying I carry my gun because of wildlife
Nice try fedboi, hope I meet you down a lonely trail some day.
>Sucked more cocks than a pride parade
why is this board so homophobic?
Why do you think about gay sex so often?
Nevermind, I think I know why
nigger we got werewolves
do you blow them or do they blow you?
Both, its really fucking hot too
Skurka breaks /out/ everytime he’s mentioned. He popularized the term “stupid light” while at the same time being an ultralight hiker. He’s done insane off trail hikes in trail runners (google “Skurka Yukon expedition). He’s known as a hiker (because of his firsts) but goes on backcountry ultralight elk hunts. He’s also the world’s greatest bean chef.
Ray Jardine has a few climbing accomplishments, such as being the first person to free climb the West Face of El Capitan. He also invented spring-loaded camming devices, the generic name “friends” actually being the brand name of the design he came up with. So his credentials as a mountaineer are pretty solid.

The same guy popularized ultralight hiking in the early 90’s. He hiked the PCT several times, with a baseweight ranging from just over 13 pounds to just under 10. His book, the PCT Hiker’s Handbook, was controversial when it was released in 1991, with detractors claiming his advice was dangerous.

He’s also a total fucking weirdo.
Can somebody explain to me why hikers, especially female hikers, are against carrying? You're out in the middle of nowhere surrounded by strangers. Why wouldn't you carry a gun????
>middle of nowhere
>surrounded by strangers
These two things are mutually exclusive
I would also like someone to explain to me why people who are against carrying have a propensity for disengenuous argumentation.

Why do you deny reality for the sole purpose of convenience? Everyone knows hikers encounter each other regularly.
>Everyone knows hikers encounter each other regularly.
Not in the middle of nowhere. Even 5 miles from the nearest trailhead there aren’t as many people.
>aren't as many
Okay, so we've agreed that hikers meet strangers in the middle of nowhere.

Now why, for this reason, shouldn't a hiker carry?
>5 miles from the trailhead is the middle of nowhere
Keep going
>but why not just carry?
Because there’s no threat.
Why do you people assume that driving your ass to some park and hiking is the only form of going outdoors?

I mean you do realize that some of us live in the woods, I don't carry any pack at all in the woods and on a weekly basis I probably spend more time in the woods kek.

If I go walk out my backdoor and spend the day in the woods I'll generally only carry maybe an empty cloth sack, a pocket knife, pruners, and a shovel or machete. Occassionally I might carry a gun if I feel like it. Loading yourself up with gear and walking on a trail as fast as you can is not really what I think if as quality time in the outdoors. I mean I go into the woods and piddle around mostly. Find some thick stuff to poke through. Look at the plants, wade through the swamp, see the change through the seasons, look at the animals, take some pics, look for snakes, mark plants, get seeds get seedlings, pick berries collect other fruits etc. occassionally hunt.

I mean I have nothing against people who like to hike but I DO have a problem with this assumption that what you're doing is the only form of being outdoors kek. In my opinion it is a low quality form of being in the outdoors.

I mean I might carry a gun occassionally but I don't walk on manicured trailes carring a fucking 30lb pack either with granola bars in it kek. If I sleep in the woods for fun occassionally I use a hammock in a little patch of red cedars that I've had in that spot for like 4 months now. If I get hungry I'll walk back home in a number of hours and make some bacon and eggs or something.
>encountering strangers
>no threat
only if hunting
otherwise, i have no need; i don't intend to get into a fight when /out/, and i can run just fine. knife can kill animals in defense
>i dont intend
invalid retort to preparedness considerations
I'm really sick of carrying my pistol, but here's the problem. Between me and "da woods" there are niggers. I don't go through the niggers without the pistol. I don't want to leave the pistol in my car. So I'm stuck carrying it.
Have you tried not being a racist piece of shit?
Just because he's racist doesn't mean he's wrong.
>there is literally NO reason to carry a handgun for self defense innawoods
Cucks like you saying I shouldn't do something is reason enough for me.
Which is why I only open carry my gun during tourist season. Love hearing hose cityfags bitch about it.
Sometimes I feel like if I had a gun I'd feel more comfortable.
Then I remember it's just some other random shit I gotta carry, I'm usually carrying a cutless tho if I'm going off trails and such.
I wouldn’t worry about it.
I’ve never seen anyone with a gun further than 3 or 4 miles from the trailhead, including Alabama and Florida. I’ve seen lots of non-hunters carrying, but they were never far from a road. It makes sense.
I don’t carry a gun to shoot wildlife I carry a gun to shoot homeless vagrants
>I'm an asshole to my friends who do things I don't approve of.
You're an abusive piece of garbage and I hope your friends realize this and stop hanging out with you--if they haven't already.

>If I don't understand at all how our government works I can pretend we live in a collectivist government.
As usual the dumb and industrious are dead set on making slaves of us all.

The government doesn't have rights--the individual does. We don't live in a democracy and people like you are cancer. The constitution created the greatest country in recorded history and your total ignorance, fueled by jewish propaganda, is hell bent on making us all serfs under the oligarchies who hate you.
That's because you never go further than 4 miles from the trailhead, karen.
>When you backpack in a group you divy up kit and the strongest person still usually ends up carrying more.
No one does this except family meme bets and couples. What the fuck are you talking about?
Yes, there is no threat. It’s all in your mind. I can’t change that, only you can.
>No one does this because I don't do this
fantastic cope, I applaud you, I truly do.
This really just tells me you and your friends are weekend warriors that never leave the trail.
>there is no thereat
...so why are you so threatened by people legally carrying guns innawoods?
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>Dude you don't need a gun, nothing dangerous exists anywhere it's totally safe bro
This guy gets it, bear spray has always been a meme marketed to fags who are scared of guns. Thankfully the problem solves itself when they get killed by their own incompetence.
it's the american way, what's wrong, too much freedom for you?
I'm always impressed that midwits love to shit on america all day but never ever tell you where they are from. I bet this is a canadian cuck who pretends their healthcare system doesn't promote doctor assisted suicide or some euro cuck that needs a loicense to own a bread knife.
guns are cool
what if the canadians invade
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>t. Too weak and estrogen filled to carry a couple extra pounds
Wow, anti-gun fags really are betas
Truth. These are the same ultralight fags who ruin pretty much every hiking discussion on this board
>the zoomer retard with zero socialization also fellates autistic legal documents
lmao you can't make this shit up man. you literally don't have friends if you don't know that groups of guys rib each other as a matter of course.

all your whinging about rights is bullshit. the only thing of any importance is power and it has always been that way. the holy constitution could burn tomorrow and nothing would change at all
the weekend warriors are the ones expecting other men to carry their weight retard
I carry a gun and my pack weighs less than yours faggot
I don't carry a gun and my pack weighs more than yours you big homo.
oh, um, ok
why are you so mad again? I'm a little confused on this?
>I am an expert on weekend warrrioring
I believe you.
t. asks his friends to carry his pack like a bitch
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>t. cant into green text
oh my oh my
why are you so mad anon? Why do you hate the constitution and why are you so triggered by guns?
Can you circle on the doll where the gun touched you?
>You are an abusive piece of garbage for joking with your friends!!! Fuck you!
>um wow OK, why do you care so much?
the amount of retards on this board is crazy
I have more firearms experience than you I am just not retarded and realize they are merely a lifestyle product for 99.98% of people, this thread included
>nail: head
lel, uMad
>I have had more fire arms experience than you
I really, really doubt that. I don't need to carry anything but I don't care if others do. 40MM MK19s are my fav but the M2 still has a special place in my heart. I let the other guy shoot the belt of SAW tracers, it looked cool though.

A10s, Spectre gunships, even danger close A-10s

Fun times.. but na, you are a little kid with a bb gun to me.
gonna deprive this shitposting child citing call of duty from any more (You)s. Hopefully your parents shut off your internet
Look how mad you are.
I even shot 155mm, 105m, 60mm and 40mm on the old M16 under carry platform.

Sorry to bruise your ego but I'm the real deal and you're really not as cool as you clearly think you are.
yeah I'm sure you can cite the twist on an M16A4 or how many grains are spec for M855 or M193 without googling it you zogbot larping retard. if you love the constitution so much why don't you post something actionable and specific about it so I never have to read your shit posts again
Gotta shoot somethin'.
If you want peace, prepare for war
>he mad
head spacing timing gauge!
I have nothing to prove to you--you're the one who made the claim you knew more about guns than me.
It was an M4 with the grenade launcher; my bad. I had to run a range for TPT (training practice rounds) before moving to the explosive rounds.

A 105 uses cheese charges that look like giant tea bags full of gun powder that you cut off the excess (and burn later) depending on the range you fire.

I only shot the towed type of 155 and that is all seperate loading--the explosive charges are big puck like bags.

The gunpowder used in artillery isn't the same as the commercial stuff it has microperferations.

If you watch an AC130 gunship at night there is no mussel flash. If you have NVGs on you can see the 30mm gun firing--looks like a laser beam.

Smoke rounds are base ejecting and there isn't an minimum safe distance like there is for HE rounds: I almost got hit with a smoke puck on a danger close mission.

Apache helicopters use the same radios as the ground forces but if you have close air support you need a FAC or TACP with a different radio because the freequencies are different. Target talk ons obligate units of measure established each mission.

I could go on but your very obviously delicate ego is already at the braking point.
yeah, didnt ask, not reading your cope
even on the off chance you aren't a larping child I hope you die waiting in line for the VA
get fucked either way
I still don't understand why you're so mad?
You must be a cop if you hate private gun ownership so much.
no, cops, like yourself, are low IQ enough to think the constitution is some sacred artifact to sexually service. real heads know none of that shit matters
>Incoherent raging
>Fuck the constitution
So I'm a cop/larper/gamer
What does that make you?
someone who actually goes outside lmao
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>NO reason to carry a handgun for self defense innawoods

...no more or less than anywhere else. I think people that carry guns and spend time in the woods can be annoying about it because of muh libtards and then try justify carrying with inane arguments about woods animals which would probably be much more effectively deterred by bear spray

anyways carry a gun innawoods because larping is fun :)
I despise the 40mm grenade it's just a dumb platform even from the mk19. But Christmas Eve many years ago we just got to dump every 40mm grenade we had into an already riaded compound and it was a glorious sight. But we didn't have any mk 19s mounted the day before when we actually raided the place. It's a retarded weapon.
I never said it was good. I like it because it's really fun. I brought it up because that dude was having an incoherent autistic melt down and most people never ever get to see a MK19 in person, much less shoot one.

You're right though--they're pretty dumb otherwise.
Finally a good post ITT
>incoherent autistic melt down
look man ive meticulously handloaded for dozens of different calibers including smokeless and black powder for a decade or so, I think it's fair to say thats more firearms experience than most people, even your average milfag, and probably you too seeing as how you only listed one kind of rifle in your CV up there. you got me beat on crew served and heavy weapons though, for your sake I hope you werent on the gunships you mentioned or theres a good chance you have blood cancer because the .mil is a shit institution that doesn't care for its own people

none of this countermands what my actual point was though: guns are toys for most people even if they swear otherwise. having some goofy internalized narrative about gunning down a charging animal in the bush or defending the republic red dawn style or otherwise is just delusional
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because every forest has the most dangerous predator to have ever walked the earth
>155mm chambered m16
Prove it, post your machinegun howitzer.
>My firearms experience?
>Uh yeah I watched an A10 do a gun run once so yeah I'm pretty experienced with guns you could say
God damn, this is the cringiest thing I've ever seen. Imagine actually posting this. Jesus.
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Didn't read don't care. You're incoherent and rambling because you have a delicate ego and small brain. You are insincere in your arguments and incoherent in your responses to anything I've posted.

I award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul.
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Ok retard
It applies to you as well.
>Posting an image on a website known for image editing as proof
lol, you're every bit as retarded as I correctly identified you as.

Stay mad midwit.
why the fuck you packing a pistol in your bag? How you gonna shoot the damn cougars when you have to dig it out from under your jerky pack?? This guy's a retard, but not as retarded as everyone else not packing in a known apex predator area.
Yeah mate I'm every poster in this thread and we're all making fun of you
>Little dog still yapping incoherently
lol, you're so cute. 10 yapping little dogs vs one yapping little dog--still little yapping dogs.

What was your point again? Oh yeah, you never had one. lamo.
My point is you're a disabled halfwit and should stop desperately replying to everyone as a form of attention seeking. We both know you won't though
>yap yap yap, bark bark, yap yap
what was your point? right, you never had one
>ree my personal attack was my point
yap yap yap, bark bark
>100000% lack of self awareness: the post
Mr. Cervix will you please tell us more about your firearm experience watching planes fly?
yall must not have wild boar
in the south our woods are silly with them and they will FUCK YOU UP SON
lmao ITT the only two posts with OC content are the only good takes. Bonus points they're also gunowners who have a realistic and healthy attitude towards firearms, not some weird political obsession >>2776122 >>2774035
A double reply, I must have riled you up. Hope you got a nice disability % after getting paid pennies to stand next to a howitzer all day. I think that might have something to do with why you think every post replying to you is incoherent actually
How many boar have you shot in self defense anon?
Seriously, get help
>Only posts that conform to my world view are good, the rest are le bad because I say so
You're the duck the construction tranny aren't you
Learn to proof read homo. Stop feeding retards tangents to circle jerk about.
>Everyone who disagrees with me is the same person
fukkin lmao
Back at ya Mr psychopath
I would include places like MN with wolves, bears and moose. dont want to get stampled
Nice try. Stop larping.
you've never come across an angry moose before huh? lol.
I'd wager you haven't either (since you're posting here =P)
What would you even need to bring in order to realistically stop an angry moose from wrecking your shit? As in, if you're getting charged by one; gun or not, you're well and truly fucked.
i've come across many moose but never an angry one. My nephew got charged once. They are not to be taken lightly - esp at 1400lbs lol


this woman dumped 6 shots from a pistol and it did nothing.
thats why you carry a 10mm in bear & moose country
there is a high possibility you get bludgeoned or mauled to death before even a 10mm stops an animal that large, unless you are actually rigorously practiced with the weapon you are carrying, which is another reason this thread is filled with larpers
>duck the construction
The problem is the breast plate and shoulder blades on the front will stop a bullet. That's why you're supposed to take broadside shots. If it's charging you you are going to need more penetration to break through the bones and into the lungs and heart. But the other problem with anything over a .40 is you can't fire it both rapidly and accurately.
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This is what you're hitting.
yeah man its a crapshoot for sure, there are lots of videos of guys in thick brush getting jumped by a huge animal. that doesnt necessarily mean carrying a defensive weapon is a fools errand, but it does mean that if you dont have a setup that lets you draw and present quickly and you arent practiced with it, you may as well not bother. for some people peace of mind is worth the weight but I wouldnt call it a forgone conclusion that every hiker should be packing. but that really isnt a satisfactory answer for a dopamine slum like this board
Every adult should have a gun within arm's reach at all times
Wut? Blackbears can attack too. This kid saved his dads life.
Did you actually read that article? Like, the first fucking paragraph?
>When Ryan Beierman crossed into a tiny clearing in the woods near his cabin in western Wisconsin, the wounded bear he was tracking was crouched under an oak tree, looking him in the eye.
>the wounded bear he was tracking
>wounded bear
This is delusional
It's so bad with gunfags it's impossible to tell what's bait and what is sincere
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>black bears only attack when wounded
So? He was innawoods. Needed a gun for a black bear attack. what the fuck is your point you stupid cunt?

as far as the lower 48, i can understand carrying a gun if you're doing serious off-trail/multi-day trips in extremely remote environments. i can not understand carrying a gun if you're on popular well-traveled trails unless there's a recent history of grizzly/cougar attacks.
>there is literally NO reason to carry a handgun for self defense innawoods
I don't actually require a reason to carry a handgun in the woods. Or a rifle. Or any firearm I like.
262 replies and not a SINGLE mention of bear cans, bear bags, bear-safe campsite practices, bear mace, or literally any other common practices for protecting yourself from wildlife. Are you ALL bushcrafters and paranoid racists? Jfc.
If an animal kills you in the woods it'll be a human 9 times out of 10
>what the fuck is your point you stupid cunt?
They were hunting bear. They shot the bear. They didn't kill the bear. They only wounded the bear. They followed the wounded bear. Only then did the bear attack.

Had they not been following a wounded bear, they wouldn't have been attacked. Had they not wounded the bear, they wouldn't have been attacked. Had they not been hunting bear, they wouldn't have been attacked.

Is this really so hard to understand?

inb4 some dumbass pipes up with "but you shouldn't leave a wounded animal! Following the bear they failed to kill is the correct thing to do!" Yes, and had they not shot at the bear in the first place, the bear wouldn't have been wounded and they would never have been in danger.
how often do bears attempt to eat people sleeping in tents?
like straight up rip through the thin fabric and fuck you up?
The assertion of OP was that a gun was only neccesary if in grizzly country- insinuating black bears were no threat and never attacked. Obviously, that is ergregiously false.

Is that so hard to understand?

Apparently you don't need a reason to post either.
Nonsense. There are plenty of wolves and bears where I live (Dolomites, Italy). Never seen a single one of either species, even though I'm up in the mountains whenever I can. I hear them very often, sure. But that's it.

We'e had 2 people die by a bear attack in the past half century in this area. One was an old guy taking his dog for a walk and the dog just wouldn't shut up. The other was a retarded jogger with his headphones on (both killed by a bear). Nobody ever had any problems with bears apart from those 2. Nobody ever had problems with wolves, ever. Apart from farmers, and they've got much bigger issues aka wild boar and doe.
>Apparently you don't need a reason to post either.
or you're too stupid to grasp the reason I posted
bears rarely "eat people". If they attack you in your tent its cuz you were a retard had food in or around your tent. But it does happen


This dumbshit had food in her tent
>Never seen a single one of either species
your anecdote does not an argument make.
we had a black bear attack a kid in his tent a few years back.
As you say, the kid had food in his tent. He survived though. Just got chewed up a bit.
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befarout,,,'Spot tangled in barbwire,,,cut deeeeeeply from struggling,,,blood,,guts,,,,
,,,,,pull BIGUN,,,aim,"we'll meetagain Heaven,,all horses go to Heaven,,,,bye."
Um I'm sorry... but I don't see an argument in that post sweaty :)
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>bear cans, bear bags, bear-safe campsite practices, bear mace
Where are you supposed to keep the food?
why would a bear smell food but he doesnt smell human scent as food?
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Carry a derringer and never worry about weight again.
>he doesnt mountain fast
Just get stronger instead
Sounds like he just tossed it in there with a round chambered, this is why we follow basic firearms safety kiddos. Don't know why he stored it with one in the chamber anyways, he's not gonna be able to get that firearm out of his backpack in time for that to matter lol.
¿Porque no los dos?
In a bear bag. Then you hang the bear bag in a tree using cordage. At least 15 feet up, at least 5 feet away from the trunk. The bag should is supposed to be hung at least 150 feet from camp. I’ve done way less than 150 feet before and been ok.

Alternative strategy is a bear can, which is a hard-sided container specially made to be impossible to open unless you are a human with thumbs and tools. You put it far away from camp before sleeping.

These and other practical bits of actual /out/ practices that /out/ will call you a nigger and tell you to Kys for saying lol
Based digits. I carry 50 lbs minimum on my long treks and never have the kind of problems these weak ass UL faggots on this board have. I guess I'm just too fucking masc and swole to be concerned with shaving weight like a scrawny bitch.
If I can get around 50 lbs dry for a week long backpack I'm ecstatic. "Just get stronger" is bullshit when you are pushing 60-70 lbs or worse when fully loaded on the initial ascent into the mountains. Most I've carried at the start of a week was 90 and it was not an experience I'm keen to repeat. Everyone who talks shit about planning around weight on this board is a larper who has never done more than a 3 day in front country with negligible elevation change, let alone any foray into a challenging environment where water or warmth is hard to come by or special gear is necessary. In those kinds of environments every pound saved means extra water, fuel, safety gear, or food. The extra speed, lower fatigue, and less bulk that comes from having a lighter pack in general are all things that recommend caring about weight as well.

If you are a dipshit kid who has never been injured or felt wear on your body from days of serious exertion you come to online outdoor forums to talk about how "masc" you are because of your heavy pack though
When did bear bagging become controversial on this shithole board? How much worse can it get at this point
Yeah I guess at least that's enough to shoot yourself with when a bear you can't do anything to decides it wants to peel your succulent calf meat off of your shin bones
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I've yet to meet a libcuck that wasn't totally dishonest about fire arms in the US.
Based chad
Seething libcuck. My record for a 7 day was 100 lbs and I was at 2400 meters above sea level on average. It's rather amazing how comfortable you are talking out your ass.
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love the post keep up with the energy!!
The left cant meme: the post
I love that you just proved me right about you lying as well.


lets debunk another lie told in this thread:


>libcucks who hate guns tell endless lies
...it's all so tiresome
i was just scrolling the catalog and saw a memejak. I dont care about cougars bears moose or guns. Im around them plenty. Just dont care
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>Makes shit meme
>Get's called out on making a shit meme
>LEL I don't care I was just pretending to be retarded.jpg
oh, eh, sure thing.
>I've yet to meet a libcuck that wasn't totally dishonest about fire arms in the US.
shitty memejak
thread about larpers
thread about guns rights on out
got mad at a picture with a moose with a gun
i actually dont know how you got mad at the picture, i didnt even read your post when i made it
>I just came into the thread because
mental disorder confirmed.

based tbvh
post your 8k mountain kit or forever be a larping baitfag
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stay mad libcuck.
>no kit
thought so faggot larper
>If I can't do something it is impossible for others to do that thing
at this point I think you're either a third worlder who doesn't care at all about the thread and are just here to harass white people or are a GPT sent as an attempt to normalize attacking gun owners with incomprehensible nonsense that is based on emotional and personal attacks and devoid of actual content.

Libcucks can't win any argument based on factual discussion and any attempt to have a sincere conversation ends up like this--you being dishonest and lying using pilpul as a primary tool.

There is an off chance you're just a deranged libcuck who is incapable of winning any actual sincere debate on gun owenrship so you do what has been done in this thread--spew all sorts of lies and nonsense because you're unhinged.

Stay mad. lol.
>all that text
>ur mad not me!!
ok seething poltard. I dont give a shit about your dumbass politics but I know you haven't carried shit in the mountains, let alone a 100 lb pack for alpine backpacking, and you should go back to whatever shithole you crawled out of. this is (ostensibly) a board for people who go outside
dude i want a burger :(
Yes, your incoherent logic is a hallmark of GPT.
I like LARPing as a cowboy.
Carrying a gun and larping is fun innawoods. It's a great way of exercising while keeping that trigger finger happy. Also, we got honest to God wendigos up here, wouldn't wanna be caught with my pants down
>carrying a gun innawoods
Because I grew up there, and I've seen what goes bump in the night.
carrying a gun innawoods is the same as concealed carry. it's a little about practicality but mostly about rustling commie jimmies who hate freedom which is super based. people being extra butthurt warms my cockles.
Same--I don't think people actually realize how many crazies live in national forests... and I'm not talking about the good kind.
>I've seen what goes bump in the night.
Flying squirrels
>Flying Squirrels
added to the list
Even as a cucked Australian I'm embarrassed that you even consider that a weapon
Are you planning to take on an old lady with a teaspoon or something?
I have panthers and pigs where I live that will eat you and rattlesnakes and copper heads that will bite you. Your removal of my gun rights is a direct attack on my right to live and I will respond accordingly.
people like this guy
who I ran into a few times after which I determined to start carrying innawoods legality be damned.
Exact case in point. Tonight a racoon got in my guinea cage and ripped o e of its wings off and was eating it alive when I heard it and ran outside. I chased the fucker in the woods and blasted at it and got a good shot.

Firearms are necessary for survival where I live and you trying to take away guns is a direct attack on my livelihood.
I carry a gun because the park I mostly hike in is close enough to a city that there are niggers, at least for the first mile or so of trail. Not really worried about bears, they are generally cool if you leave them alone. Big cats are rare here, but do exist, but I also know that if a cat wants to jump me, I'm probably getting fangs through the back of my head/getting my neck snapped before I even know the cat is there. So the gun is for niggers. And it helps ensure faggy college kids avoid me. Boomers from out of town think it's cool since they are usually visiting from blue state hellholes where it's illegal to carry a gun.

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