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ITT we post our /OUT/ing plan with info, maps pics etc, and then post an after action report on how it went and our experience
We'll start down at the lake and walk all the way up to the end of the valley, sleep there, the next morning we'll leave our rucks down and climb the last steep rocky incline to get to the ridge at 3000m and see the glacier, then come back down.
this last part is unsure as my friend isnt a regular outsit like me and he might pussy out of it even if it's a chill thing to do, and has a lower fitness level, but he's still capable of this bc we've gone out other times.
theres a refuge midway through so we might chill there for a moment and it's also a safety measure in case anything happens we can go there.

I'm considering giving a couple of items to my friend to unload some weight as I'm carrying almost all the shit that we'll be sharing, but he's less fit than me so if I overload him he'll get tired and will want to stop, there's a small river running all along the valley so I'm bringing the bare minimum water and well refill on the go

I haven't gone yet so I'll post my report when I come back, I'll go in a few hours, havent slept for shit bc i had trouble catching sleep

OP pic >>2775085 is the path
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LENGHT: A to B 22KM/13.5MI - TOTAL 44KM/27MI


TARGET ALTITUDE: 2500M/8200FT end of DAY1, small trip without rucks onto the ridge at 3000M/9800FT on DAY2 morning


WIND: up to 40/60KMH - 24/37MIH so pretty strong and the windchill make perceived temperatures much lower


-carinthia goretex bivy
-carinthia defence 4 sleeping bag (inside bivy)
-arktis stowaway windhsirt
-arcteryx atom hooded (I could leave it at home since it's not really necessary but I just got it and in summer it was too hot to use it so I want to try it out)
-beyond clothing lvl7 monster parka
(inside compression sack)
-1 spare shirt
-1 spare underwear
-2 spare pairs of merino socks
-1L steel nalgene canteen
-folding arms cup (nested into nalgene)

-thermarset sleeping pad

(plastic bag)
-Sawyer mini filter
-2 platypus water bags

-nvg (inside padded pouch)
(inside big magpul daka pouch)
-utility light
-garmin gpsmap65s
-4 spare AA batteries in plastic wrap

-6 big zipties

-helikon tex mess kit
-asoto windmaster stove
-gas can
-space blanket
-1.1L water canteen nalgene oasis

-2 chocolate bars (day 1/2 breakfast)
-4 "sandwiches" with cheese and porchetta (meat) (day 1/2 lunch)
-4 sausages (day1 dinner)
-2 tomino cheese (it's made to be grilled) (day1 dinner)
-2 redbulls big can
-6 crunchy olive bread (snack)(to be shared with my friend)
-6 packets powder coffee

-outdoor research Poseidon gloves
-fleece watch cap
-small roll electrical tape

-1 bic lighter
-cammenga compass
-Garmin foretrex 801
-paper map in plastic holder
-crye combat pants
-pcu lvl1 shirt
-boonie hat
-merino socks
-leather boots
-nomex flyer gloves
-nuts (snack while walking)
forgot I also have goggles for the wind
I mean I've packed in a fair amount of alcohol myself but redbulls?

And you say you want to lose weight, you could rethink some things. No need for a headlamp and another light, you seem to have a lot of water containers for a trip with regular access to water. If you going to an actual glacier i wouldnt even bring a filter thats the cleanest water there is. And do you really need both paper map/compass nd a gps? Especially when the terrain looks so straight forward - you're in a single distinct drainage and on a trail.
you will never be a soldier
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went for a short hike in a river last week

gear: rubber boots from decathlon, whatever pants, whatever shirt, carhartt quarter zip, carhartt rain jacket, decathlon rain poncho, stoeger xm1 air rifle in 5.5mm, morakniv companion.

got off my car and started walking the river bed, it's kind of a river delta? a confluence of a big river with a smaller one that spreads over a large area. as result the area is undeveloped, no houses or roads, barely any trails with a patchwork of woody, bog/mashy and rocky river bed areas. it was raining on and off and at one moment cleared up a bit and was warm, but then it started raining again (nearly the end of winter here)

walked about a mile in and rested and ate my package sandwich. chilled for a little bit lying on the sand when some random boomer walked by with like 10 pittbuls, two of them started barking at me, got my knife and airgun ready just in case, boomer looked at me with a dumb face, carried on

decided to cut thru the forest, hard bushwhacking thru forest, bog, some awful fields of rotting giant rhubarb plants, when i connected a stream i followed it to get to the main river. at one point i slipped and fell and ripped a huge hole in my pants, which kinda capped the exp a bit, as i'd want to get tack to my car asap to avoid embarrassment. also in the area the small stream connected to the river, i got trapped in like quicksand or something and had to crawl in all fours out of it, getting sandy mud all over me. after that, walked midway back to the car, rested under a tree, ate my second packaged sandwich, shoot some cans i found with my air rifle, walked back to my car and went home.
i can smell the terrone from here
>writes a mile long blogpost about walking on a trail that follows a wide valley
>brings with him a normie because he's too scared to go solo
did you bring the pizza cutter Gennaro? you have to be prepared for the glacier
This fella loves to eat silt
He's 100% correct you military larper
Glacial meltwater is full of silt. You need to at least let it sit for a while for the silt to fall out of suspension.
>nooo don't bring a spare flashlight :^)

Skinwalker talons wrote this post. I carry a pen light in my pocket and a spare for everyone in the group and you can't stop me

>you have too many water containers
>but also, just get all your water from the glacier, mayne
>there is no need for a filter

Skinwalker wants you dehydrated so you fall for their tricks and mimicry more easily

Totally right about the redbulls though. The thinking man transfers a liter of gin into a plastic container, ensuring maximum party supplies for minimum weight
the weight was fine in the end, very easy hike, I'd say I was at 20% effort
the terrain is just go forward or backwards but I brought the foretrex to see how far points were and to measure my distance and time, elevation etc
lol I will be in a few weeks stay mad faggot
still seething rent free in your head stay bitter fag
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very cool place, I would advise to go with normies that dont want to walk as it's easy as fuck, no incline, very beautiful place
>very easy hike, I'd say I was at 20% effort
Niggre you hiked up a valley on a well established trail.
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in fact it was very easy, never claimed the contrary, I had to choose a very easy one due to my friend being a normie not trained person, and he still wanted to stop early because he was too tired
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what can you kill with that air rifle?
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The wild ponies are kinda cool but you're literally just off the visible normie trail.
he's a terrone, what did you expect
small game mostly, doves, hares, nutria, stuff like that, or hogs and small deer if you headshot them (deer imo don't think is very ethical, i wouldn't do it).
I know as I said it's an easy trail that I chose because 1 it's a very cool place 2 my friend is incapable of doing more difficult ones, the original goal was to get to the end of the valley where and then climb up to the Crest the next day, in the end he wanted to stop 3km short of that bc he couldn't go any longer, so in the end on day 2 I went alone to get to the end of the valley so that I at least completed that part, and then we went back.
why not a 22? unless you're not American ofc
I'm not american. An air rifle is considered a "toy" and while I do have firearms (9mm and a 12ga u/o) being caught in random public land with a shotgun by the police is a bit dicey. At best they don't care, at worst you committed armed trespassing and risk 10yrs in jail.
>an air rifle is a toy
>Completely unregulated by the (((ATF)))
I mean if this is what everyone believes than I'm ok with it.
Bruh we used to shoot each other in the ass with air rifles when I was 10 for fun. Enjoy your pigeon lunch.
I'm not in the US, I live in Chile. Here "real guns" are tightly regulated, while airguns are not. I also have a .30 cal air rifle (Umarex Gaunlet SL30) which is more or less as powerful as a .22LR, for which I needed zero paperwork. While for my 12ga over and under, I needed a safety and gun law exam, small game hunting licence, psychological evaluation, detailed background check, etc, etc. The same is required for a 22LR rifle.

With something like a Daisy Red Ryder sure, but airguns vary widely in power, from "toy" BB guns to as much power as caliber-equivalent rimfire or black powder calibers for big bore. Actual pellet guns are not toys, at all, and should be taken seriously, as a shot in the head or vitals will kill you. A Red Ryder has like 2 ft/lbs energy, while my .22 XM1 has 40.
Terrone di merda is back again with his embarrassing trips. Good grief you're such a clueless cringeworthy clown.
>did you bring the pizza cutter Gennaro? you have to be prepared for the glacier
>Everybody pointing out I'm a lolcow is the same person
The army is quite literally 90% terroni, they'll take any slob meeting basic requirements right off the street.
What corp have you chosen and for how long, anyway?
Please, never stop making these threads.
Forever remember that Italy couldn't even occupy Greece in WW2
Italy can't do fuck all as long as it ties Cisalpines with terroni trash, these threads are an example why.
Read about the attack on the italian base in Nasiriyah if you want a laugh.
Every time an Italian gets uppity with me I just imagine being an American fighter pilot Chad killing 95 of them
Sounds like insecurity, anon.
bunch of bitter fags in this thread
Here's one^
Cool thread op was wasn't gay today
there is a stream with gold in it that i want to check out, its been a decade since it was checked. the trails were all scrambled by growth , new ones were made and old one were obsfucate i think to hide hunting cabins marijuana and such, i couldn't find my way to it. i have been messing in that part of the forest since i am 8 , know the basic direction no matter if i am on the trail or not but not this time... spent an hour and a half out there sweating and nope. found more long abandoned hunting towers and camps but no ancient landmarks that made sense to me back then like the odd field of dry long grass in the middle of the forest that tells me i am about half way there. i think i could use a drone to orient myself. or some detailed satellite photographic map but i couldnt find one. is there an app that could help me with this?
How do you export the map like this?

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