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my best friend is stuck in North Gaza, what should he do to prepare for the winter?

>inb4 random political takes

in terms of resources, hunting and foraging are pretty much off the table. Fishing and collecting supply drops are rare and not reliable. What do?
hemmm... I'll give it a shot.

Find some cloth in scarf shape, wrap it around his abdomen, will help keep him warm its an old canadian thing. Multiple layers, but there must be air between the layers if the clothes has no insulative property, oversized shoes with a couple of loose fitting socks might be good to keep feet warm but foot layers must not be tightly packed together as they won't provide insulation.

Find any means of making a fire to stay warm as apparently gazan winter goes as low as 13c

collect any items and hoard them to barter for goods. Possibly cigarettes, bullet casings (idk if they'll be any shortage), medicine

also are there no pigeons there to eat? pigeons are good food source
i think he shouldn't be stuck there if he's having trouble
Avoid all old pager loot.
This. Best chance of survival is to get out of that area.
Go to egypt
Birds and other animals have long left he was telling me. bird trapping has been useless so far
Egypt shoots pailes trying to climb over the big ass wall they built.
so yes do this.
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info from a similar situation.
if you can't find wild game or forage you are really fucked but for bartering.
get some warm blankets and dry shelter sorted asap.
Hopefully Iran nukes Israel and Israel uses the Sampson option and they just nuke every Muslim they can reach. World peace can finally be real.
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i just noticed that this black and white text image is 1.9MB ....... fixed it.
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>cloth in a scarf shape
According to WWII memoirs, using newspaper this way is suprisingly effective as well. Just put sheets of it wrapped around you under your clothes.
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to chime in on this, insulation is just trapping air. best to do it with permeable material like natural fibres, or you get really sweaty really fast. that sweat cools on you and you are worse off in the long run.
animal skins with fur, especially sheep skins, are the warmest thing i have ever used. I have 5 Icelandic sheepskins sewn together which I use as my sleeping system in winter. they also make a comfy blanket or epic cloak.
Don't build open fires for heat or cooking. That is sure to attract the IDF goon squads. Keep your flames dim and low, and be prepared to douse them at a moment's notice and flee.
Be sure to boil it for at least five minutes afterwards, filters don't remove dangerous microorganisms.
That document is such a load of shit that I'm now convinced /out/ is full of larpers. My family survived the siege of Sarajevo in Dobrinja 11.
What would you/them have to say about surviving the time period?
>What would you/them have to say about surviving the time period?
they were more afraid of being shot than dying from starvation since the un gave mres and water stations. the times they were worried was during the winter since they didn't have a steady source of heat. the jpg op posted is a load of shit referencing inaccurate meals (un was giving out western meals, not russian "tushonka"), and loads of inaccuracies for example hospitals were under un protection, and the only reason people would ever travel at night was to either a. try to flee the city or b. they were a bunch of retards who were most likely shot by snipers. money was still in use, mostly german marks and french francs but the main currency was cigarettes' and coffee beans.
also the worst thing you could ever have during a fucking active siege is a gun, my fucking family has a story about how they went into a neighbors house and discovered that these people left a gun in their home and when the military from the opposing(that were besieged) side came to search the home for weapons which they usually did, they had to cut up the gun into pieces because they would've killed them under the assumption that they were combatants.
He should survive by canablizeing arab children
>goes as low as 13c
that's not cold at all. even if you're not used to it you're hardly going to die of the cold unless you're naked laying on the street spread eagled.
Yes just leave your fate to the mercy of whatever Jewish butthole wants to walk in and shoot you

Why risk defending yourself when you can let someone else decide if you live or die
A rifle is definitely stop a rocket from hitting you.
Muslims are only half the problem
Interesting. Thanks for sharing anon. Glad your family made it. It had to be terrifying.
Oh yeah, you with one gun is tots going to stop an infantry squad.
9mm sleeping pill

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