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mojave, great basin, sonoran, and chihuahuan only need apply. all other regions are void.

what is the best region and why?
Black sand open desert is tits.
Sonoran is the only place I've lived that shows up in every nature documentary series.
Chihuahuan has greatest diversity of cacti, and I think greatest plant biodiversity in general, so that's my pick. Over 150 species of cacti in the big bend region of TX. It's just missing saguaros for some reason
The Great Basin and the mountains.
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I like them all
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Deserts have top tier plants desu
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Just wish I could go get dehydrated out in the desert rn
What about Anzo borrego?
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Sky island in Tucson on Mount Lemmon
how can anyone not love all of these? they are such beautiful regions
I want to lay in the night in the desert, staring into the unpolluted sky and balls high on shrooms.
Deserts for this feel?
A sky island is by definition separate from the surrounding desert. I mean yea a lot of the mountain west is technically desert by yearly rainfall or whatever but OP made it pretty clear this was about proper desert. Even went so far as to exclude all the wonderful cold deserts and xeric shrublands...
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Still counts desu
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Why no Colorado Plateau OP? or do you count that as part of Great Basin?

Anyway it's Sonoran for me, especially the lower elevation northwestern section close to the Colorado River. I like how it's a super barren landscape but still has a lot of big columnar cacti, ocotillo, etc. Something about that balance is more interesting to me than either the low scrub deserts or the thicker, higher elevation, cactus/mesquite forest near Tucson.

Pic related, Rawhide Mountains in La Paz County AZ
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Here's a cozy canyon camp for you anon
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and a magic moonrise
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I love my desert. The Mojave along the Eastern Sierra Nevadas, centered around the city I grew up in (Ridgecrest). To the East are the pinnacles you'd know from countless movies. The northwest has fossil falls--a canyon of smooth black basalt carved into the ground beneath a massive cinder cone you can run down. Red rock canyon with its beautiful cliffs and spires. The old aqueduct like a border wall blocking the canyons. Death valley. That week when all the flowers bloom. The looming mountains covered in snow.

I think I just talked myself into moving home.
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Desert storms are so comfy it's unreal
Stupid ipleb
Very nice
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Shhhhhh, this is a posi thread
one of the most beautiful regions in the world
>great basin
fuck off we are full
The Chicago PBS affiliate (WTTW) aired a documentary about the region around the early 2010s, which I can't find anywhere online in recent searches. Fascinating region in general, but what I remember most is a tall shrub with violently exploding seed-pods, which is common in the region. Any links would be appreciated.
*also anything of documentary length and quality pertaining to Mt. Fuji.
I'm most in love with temperate climate lowlands, and would never feel quite at home in deserts or highlands. Not to say that I don't appreciate the beauty of places very unlike the ones I'm used to. Likewise, a friend of mine, who settled down in Estes Park, during a visit back here, was freshly impressed by the general and intense greenness of almost every land perspective, the way the suburbs were richly canopied.
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the desert is strange, intense, and difficult by nature.for some people this attracts for some it repels. personally I think tits a blessing, seeing places with more mainstream consensus on their beauty (colorado, california, montana, etc) get turned into crowded playgrounds for rich tourists makes me glad that most americans just want to roll through once on their ATVs and then forget the place. I guess southern Utah deserts are pretty fucked now but even then most people are going to mountain or riparian areas and not barren low des.
There's something alien about deserts I find alluring. The cacti, fluctuating temperature, the odd spot with lush greenery. The countless mysteries and historical mythos they hide. All around beautiful places behold.
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How overrated is Havasu Falls?

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