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Is there any care or maintenance required for ceramic or controlled oxidation coats?

Should I apply a thin coat of mineral oil to my tools or will it damage the finish?

For example a Leatherman in Black Oxide or a Strongarm's Ceramic Coating?
ceramic coating (does this actually exist?) shouldnt need any coating or care. sharpening knives and whatever might be a pain though, and if you bend the metal your coating will likely flake off

by controlled oxidation do you mean something like blueing and the aluminum oxide powder additions? neither of them will need extra care. they will actually need much much less
blued firearms from the late 1800s have done much better than non treated ones, and the aluminum oxide addition is added to padlocks, chains and the like fairly often because its an incredibly absurdly hard material for how easy it is to add (you also call aluminum oxide either ruby or sapphire depending on contaminants)

basically i think that if they are coating your tools in something its unlikely to be to make it worse
Keep it away from salt/wash it after use in salt water

Wipe with oil soaked rag then remove excess

Use it enough that you fuck up the finish and stop caring
last line here holds the most truth
Just put on some oil you’d be ok with ingesting, presumably it’s used rarely to make a sandwich, those things seem handy but rarely are.
It’s not going to damage the coating.
t. Commercial fisherman

Its funny how a lot of people spend more time worrying about edge retention and longevity when all you need is a $10 home depot dewalt knife that you dont care much about damaging or loosing. If you spend that much time worrying about something you arent actually doing anything.
I don't lose knives. Not everyone is thoughtless and irresponsible like you anon. The only knife that ever vanished on me turned out was taken by my brother. I don't "worry" about losing my knife because I have a good set of habits that prevent me from losing things in the first place.

The first rule of camping: Know where your shit is.
I find a little gentle rub down with some super fine steel wool and mineral oil helps keep the anodization/oxide finish looking nice Op.
>those things seem handy but rarely are.
they are not that useful for bushcraft, but for mechanics and electricians work they are absolutely great
>hiking pliers
You've never been outside in your life.
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>just stick you hand in there bro
>getting a 60+ dollar multi tool rusty when cheap hook pliers, or your backup pair of needle nose pliers exist
You obviously go fishing a lot.
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>Caring for Black Oxide and Ceramic Finishes
Just throw it in a pocket. That's it
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So now you are saying that you are carrying TWO sets of pliers after making fun of them?
I'm saying I carry the right pliers for the job. Yes in my tackle box is a pair of hook pliers. I don't carry a multi tool right now but if your job makes one convenient go ahead. I do keep one in my glove box.

What exactly are you wrenching on 10 miles down the trail?
You are the only one here talking about hiking. OP might carry his multitool just in case his dirt bike shits the bed in the middle of nowhere, who knows? Whole point of multitools is having them just in case something happens and you dont have access to dedicated tools. Dont be a dick.
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It's a fucking tool. If you're worried about the paint and scratches, keep it in the packaging and don't fucking use it at all. If the paint isn't wearing off on your tools from use and everyday use, you're a sissy.

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