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What would you use in case you come across one of our furry friends? I currently have a Remington 870 in 12 gauge and I'm saving up for a 44 magnum of some sort, not sure which one yet. Also not sure if this was more of a /k/ thing but I figured I'd try it here since it has to do with defending against beasts while /out/ting.
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Imagine being such a pussy you can't go outside without "muh big bear gun"

>b-b-but muh black bears
lmao imagine being scared of some oversized raccoons

I already know you don't even live within 500 miles of grizzly territory, because anyone who lives in grizz country isn't a citidiot soiboy faggot who's scared of some animals like you
>pic related, you will never know this feel, pussy
Fuck black bears, I scared one off when I was a preteen. The only things in Colorado you have to worry about are mountain lions. I intended on doing some serious backpacking over the summer in Alaska. If you don't carry a gun or at least some bear spray for the shit up there your retarded.
>muh alpha
kill yourself as soon as you get the chance
According to your hand you were either fingerbanging Ms. Smurf or picking huckleberries.
.38 snub, but it's not really for bears. I've drawn on pic rel a couple times but didn't fire.

I have one, as a matter of fact. I'm just not sure it would work. I came face to face with a moose during mating season and they acted like they were going to charge me. when I had it, it felt severely insufficient. luckily they didn't do anything, but I'm still unsure, considering that I've seen it been incapable of piercing car glass.
Yeah, right, City boy probably never even seen the outside of your mother's basement.

Black bears are easily scared off just yell real loud and make yourself look big is usually enough. Confident with that than any sort of gun would do as long as it makes a loud popping noise, it'll be good enough to scare most of them off.

But yeah, if you're going through grizzly country you need a bigger gun else them MFS will just plow right through you.
That should be pretty good for moose and even bear for the most part, the loud sound and the relative pain of getting a shot tends to scare them off just remember the run in the opposite direction once they start booking it as well.
You fuckers can have a Casull 454 revolver and play like you are as skilled as John Rambo but you didnt notice the crackhead jizzing on your backpack, that you were wearing, in Target.
how do you carry your firearm? i have a glock 19 i could fanny pack or a mossberg shockwave i could gunsock and stuff in/on my pack.

anyone else have better ideas? dont wanna be too overt nor spend $200 on a fancy purpose built rig
I typically carry my pistol in a holster I carry on my right side when I bring it at all and my shotgun or rifle on a sling which I also keep on my right side.

I would get a holster for your pistol so you can get it quickly in a pinch if needed. A chest or belt holster would work and you can generally get them pretty cheap.
I only have cattle, Mexicans, black bear, mountain lions, and the occasional jaguar to worry about.
Barsony flap holster.

$40 kydex inside waistbelt holster. On my right side because even my G26 gets in the way if i bend forward, sit or squat.

I would never recommend off body carry unless you are doing a good set of labour. And even then not around other people. It seems like as soon as you put your firearm in a bag everyone wants to fuck with it. Also a quick response is not possible otherwise.
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Are intermediate cartridges good enough to kill them quickly and effectively? I have a tricked out AR-15 and all the kit for it but I always figured it didn't have the stopping power.
Glock 20 Gen5 10mm
Surefire X300 Turbo
Tangodown ACRO plate
Aimpoint ACRO P2
Underwood 10mm hardcast 200gr. Coated
US Duty Gear “als” holster
Safariland UBL low
IMI pistol lanyard
>iwb innawoods
cuck state?
>incapable of piercing car glass
Choose better ammo like Buffalo Bore or Underwood 158gr SWC +P.
A can of bear spray which actually works, unless guns that typically require multiple well placed shots.
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I carry a super Blackhawk, if you don't use a iron too often you may want a good double action though. Any wheelgun in .357 or up will stop bears pretty reliably.
This is also a great suggestion if you don't shoot often.
Damn that thing must feel like an anchor on your hip. I dont even like walking around with my snubbie on my belt.
Chest rig works best.
OP here, I'd agree. It's a lot more accessible with backpacking gear on. The last time I went hiking I realized I'd be fucked if I had to pull out a hid gun quickly. Once I get my 44 I'll be getting a chest holster. Last time I saw a cheap one was around $50, but someone might know of cheaper.
Today I remind them.
Would a 4.10 pistol be good enough to kill a brown bear though? I'm looking for a last resort pistol that can fend them off. I have a 4.10 and It's a pea-shooter.
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44 magnum, or 10 mm glock with hardcast ammo. I prefer the glock because I have 15 rounds and can reload faster.
I kind of want a lever action 45-70, but I am afraid I would scare the normies and it's overkill for my area, which only has black bears.
Proper ammo selection is a must, no hollow point shit, you want penetration.

Pic rel, my sw 629 with the ammo you want
That's about what I'm thinking. I have a Henry 45-70 and that will put a hole through anything at close range, that or a 12 gauge slug. When I shot a deer with it, the organs were obliterated.

I wouldn't be afraid of normies. That gun is fucking cool and everyone knows it. Even if its overkill, it will work and look badass while doing it.

Thanks for the ammo recommendations btw.
He's right though, black bears are pussies and you're almost certainly not going to run into a grizzly in the lower 48. Also be realistic, you don't have either the nerve or the aim to take down a charging bear head-on.
You want to know how to stop a charging bear? Take away his credit card
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In the lower 48, probably not. I'm going to Alaska after I graduate from college since I like to backpack in vast wilderness areas and hate the ways small towns have been fucked by California in Colorado. why would I risk not having a weapon? I have to worry about moose during mating season and mountain lions down here, but that just doesn't require the same level of fire power. I've shot multiple animals before, why would I hesitate when it comes to something that wants to kill me? I'm not a retarded city dweller. I'm looking for something that can fuck a grizzly up for not too much money. preferably a pistol, because I have a lot of shotguns and rifles
I live in griz country and I dont even have a gun. keep your head in a swivel is my motto lol.
>you're almost certainly not going to run into a grizzly in the lower 48.
unless you happen to be in their habitat
how come this level of homosexuality doesnt exist on other boards
why /out/?
I punched a bear in the nose once and it ran away.
Imagine being so unhinged and mentally deranged that you care at all if another person /out/ has a gun at all.
Anon, what kind of (((person))) cares at all if you have a gun in innawoods. If they aren't a bot it's a Karen or gun grabbing kike. Real men don't give one shit if someone else is packing. Criminals live in liberal city hellholes and don't hike.
nta but i live in WA and you sound like the cucks that get mad af when i walk around with a ar10.
Anyone hunt bears? A tag came with my license
5.56 will never be as gud as 7.62x39 against bears but I wouldn't feel undergunned with one. You can put a lot of rounds on target quickly. Inuit shitskins used to poach polarbears with .22 hornet which is weaker than 5.56, for reference.
I like the idea of a Redhawk in 44mag. The Glock 20 won me over with weight, capacity, and ability to mount a light. On longer treks I carry it in in a razo holster mounted beneath my bino harness. I trust it would do fine if I keep my cool.
When I'm camping near town I keep a yugo AK close by, but that's more because I can. I'd expect to have to use it on a crackhead long before a bear. An AR would probably be fine but as with anything bullet selection matters.

I have a Rossi R92 in 44mag that is short, light, and was quite cheap. If I felt I had to hike more than a day in country with aggressive bears it would be either that or the 20 gauge. Bears aren't magic. With proper ammo selection I'd be confortable with 40 S&W or 9mm+P, especially considering the black bears here tend to be small and frightful.

One of the guys in my elk camp carries a 45 Colt Blackhawk, the other carries a fuckin Makarov. There really isn't a wrong answer and you should be skeptical of people that treat these sorts of things as black and white.

If your serious about carrying a firearm practice is essential.
Everyone thinks they can shoot until it's at a moving target under immense stress. It's important to be honest with ourselves about our skill level, there's nothing wrong with bear spray until you're confident you can make hits.

You're a dork.
That's good to hear. I might start bringing it now. Thanks, anon.
I can definitely see the benefits in those options, I'll have to consider the balance for pistols between magazine capacity, power and affordability.

What would you say the cheapest way to practice is? I'm a college student and I can't shoot regularly. I'm a good shot, but I've never shot under pressure outside of shooting running elk and deer and I don't actively practice.
Henry Steel Lever Action .45-70
I've got the brass addition
Snap caps and Ben Stoeger videos helped me a lot. Reading about target focus and dryfiring is really the best you can do.

The worst thing you could do in many areas is buy ammo locally. You end up shooting less and paying 2.5x for the same shit. Save a few hundred bucks, hop on ammoseek and buy in 500-1000 round chunks.

Dryfire trainers (like the Mantis that every guntuber shilled for a while) are gay and retarded. It's cool that it racks the slide for you, but the recoil impulse is different and the apps are more or less useless. That money is better spent elsewhere.

Nothing replaces actually running drills, but I understand having other stuff going on. Not trying to be a dick but I never got anywhere with marksmanship or hunting until I made them serious priorities, and not everyone is willing to sacrafice their lifestyles to do that.

Bear spray is cheap and relatively effective.
Sure I can try that once I have access to my guns. Thanks!
>>2782786 (OP)
these threads are always hilarious. i love picturing some autistic dork walking around the woods in camo with a rifle because he's afraid of black bears. those things live in my back yard i get a couple feet from them all the time. if its not emaciated or diseased you have little to worry about.

none of you guys live in grizzly country i do and you don't need a gun rofl. for polar bears you do. grizzlies? hell no rofl have you ever even been around them before?
you especially don't a rifle like i see anons posting saying they do on here. that's jokes and there's a good chance it wouldn't even help you in most grizzly attack situations, which usually take place in your tent at night. bear mace or a sidearm would be more effective in a realistic scenario.

skurka didn't bother taking a gun when he circumnavigated the yukon.
his gear list:
i'm very very pro 2a and guns. i just think you're a clown for thinking you need a gun in the woods in washington. there's only one tiny patch of woods in the very very northern side of washington with 54 grizzly bears living in it.

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