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you guys got any pictures of instructions like rope knots, traps, basic shelters, scavenger stuff, home made rope, water purifiers stuff like that
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anon if you want to learn, you should get off the internet and start going outside
Id just like some pictures and instructions I can print out to follow along to well I'm idling at my camp or hut
buy a book retard
there are books on tying knots
there are books for everything

buy wax coded string snd practice
General craft ideas for long winter nights and actual helpful infographics incoming.

Absolute state of this board. Dead internet theory strikes again.
Imagine thinking you are brilliant because some YouTube video recommended to you by the algorithm told you everyone else is a robot.

You are a redditor tourist and you don't belong here.
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thank you!!
8/8, that's it from me

>im not a bot im just retarded
Keep thinking that jack. While you post old information because someone told you too. You're the real genius here.
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>look mom i posted some internet infographics i'm a real outdoorsman now
here, you forgot this one
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>i dont want to use my brain and open a book therefore everyone who does must be an npc
>you must think you're X and Y and I bet you think you're etc. etc.
Go outside once in a while, all this online arguing won't do you any good.
literally just went on a hunting trip the other day
>Absolute state of this board. Dead internet theory strikes again.
Show us some of those sweet stump seats and rustic furniture that you've made, anon.
Or do you just have a folder full of infographics that you've autistically collected but never put into use?
Hey, you leave my fanny pack and fingerless gloves alone.
You can't just be an autistic faggot and then ask me for pictures of my stump. You should really take me out for dinner first.
he just has savant syndrome
>OP: Hey I need info
>Retards: go read a book
>Anon: posts images that are probably ripped from old books/otherwise identical to what you would find in a book
>Retards: reeeee!!!

do you think that reading off paper is superior to reading off a screen or something?
>images on MY image board?
those infographics are useless considering you tards are gonna start posting about your gayass $400 minitable and $3000 worth of gear that you use once a year in your reddit tier 3 day outing on public land with phone signal and running water restrooms not even a mile away.
everyone that goes outside can see right through your gayshit. Half of you tards dont even know how to properly start a fire without something like a butane torch or lighter or lighter fluid.
Maybe start with that before learning to carve furniture?
>wahh wahh im better than you wahh
go back
the absolute state
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/out/ seems to have an issue with
>retards who ask half a question, then freak the fuck out when you don't answer the 7 other ones they didn't say, then refuse to tell you what the other dumb fucking riddles they're hiding are
>assholes that when you mention you're getting into outdoorsmanship, tell you the only thing you need is a knife (if you're a pussy), and that if you even think of bringing a lighter, an axe, a phone, a backpack, a tent, or a trauma kit, you're a city dweller who need to kill themselves
i know this was always a thing, but it seems like they're starting to be the only people here, other than those in a couple generals
have they finally ran everyone else out?
do they realize they're worse than l*dditors?
Bubba back in my day we were sent out naked to kill illegals near the border, we were only allowed a waterskin and an itchy wool cloack.
We'd pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and make our own knife by chipping rocks or discarded glass bottles.
These petty internet squabbles are nothing to us of the old school.
>have they finally ran everyone else out?
Unbridled stupidity will drive out the smart.

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