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>Tara Dower completed the Appalachian trail in just 40 days becoming the fastest person to finish it
Male bros it's over, how are we coping?
How many patreon simps were on her support team?
By holding the FKT that actually matters, the unsupported one
That's a dude innit?
For clarification she ran the Appalachian Trail. She did not carry a backpack and hike it.
Are those Hokas?
>Already coping
Even though she wasn't carrying supplies with her, to complete it in 40 days she still was running on average the equivalent to two marathons a day. Pretty impressive.
>how are we coping?
What's there to seethe and cope about?
How about just be nice instead?
Dunno whats wrong with these guys, look at those calfs.
Good for her, also would
The male self supported FTK beat her time by like 5 days.
How big was the support group?
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No, she holds the outright FKT for the AT

That's actually someone's son.
I couldn't even make it to blood mountain, too much uphill. Fuck the AT
>how are we coping?
She's a lesbian
>its a record
>*if you categorize it and exclude everything that doesnt fit this precise category

The most pathetic kind of record

t. First in the world at making this post, its an all time record, nobody has ever made this post faster or better than me, I'm number 1!

Thats how dumb that shit is
>There was no reply
>gets proved wrong
>starts cope posting
kek. She has the fastest time on the at no matter the category so cry more bitch.
fastest time of the people who give a fuck about time?
If you don't give a fuck about time you aren't going to have a support team.
People who care about the time are the ones that are going to do it fast, yes. Your average /out/ist that is going to take a .22 and hunt squirrels along the way(probably a coof tourist that doesn't even know this) is not breaking any fkts.
>no backpack or gear
>ran from town to town with support crew
what's the point?
Altra Experience Wilds

She has a sponsorship
To be the fastest person, keep up
2-3 people in a van essentially. I think some are missing out how much it takes someone to run some 50 odd miles every day for 40 days straight
What's the point tho? You're not enjoying it or camping at all. You may as well just be running along an arbitrary roadway for 41 days lol
It was all to make you ask this question
If you're fat, just say so bro
No lads, he's right.
Women are faster than men in distances over 195 miles.
Imagine the smell
She accomplished a great physical feat. Can you stop being a huge bitch and just acknowledge it?
its an impressive running feat but i don't give a single fuck about running in the first place.
the only category that actually would actually matter to me for appalachian trail would be solo hiking with caches but no support.
the purpose of these trails is to enjoy nature, not to mindlessly push it ffs.
even thru-hikers are cancer, not to mention these muh-best-time retards
not really, look up the records of any 200+ miles race and the best times will always belong to men (with quite a bit of margin too), which makes the feat of the chick in OP all the more impressive

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