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Need some shoe recommendation both for running and hiking. Thanks.
you couldn't use the 3 other shoe/boot threads?
Vibram Five Fingers
1. go to a shoe store
2. get professionally fitted
3. run
4. repeat until happy
>professionally fitted
AKA stand on the machine that tells you if you need arch support.
>trusting a machine
wew lad
When I ran XC in high school, most of our top runners used Brooks. I just had some basic adidas after my puma cells were stolen at a meet.
Index, ring, middle finger. Place under arch snug, not firm, that's how arches should feel
The best trailrunner i ever had was the altra lone peak, the blue ones. Everyone i work with tells me altra has fallen off in quality though. I've been using a pair of Topos more recently, pretty happy but still miss my altras. Really not liking the recent trend of the flare at the bottom of trailrunner shoes, these topos have it a little. Maybe having a wider base is better but it just looks so stupid, like clown shoes or fashion basketball shoes. Hokas seem really bad for that. And just ugly in general. I have a pair I have yet to use because they look so bad.
But ultimately I work an /out/ job and most of my coworkers wear altras, hokas, topos, or la sportiva
It's good I like running and hiking in it but if the terrain is hard (rocky as hell) it can hurt running. Also if you hike long you can get tired and start to get clumsy and kick more things.
The longest I hiked in Five Fingers was around 22 km but last 2 km wasn't fun.

I'm also looking for a zero drop trail runner with a little bit more protection that the five fingers but not overly cushioned.
>I hate having toe room because it looks kinda goofy
Who the fuck you trying to impress out on the trail? I only buy clown shoes. The toe box is the real reason to buy altras or hokas. Zero drop is a meme I can take it or leave it. But I love letting my toes flex and grab.

Saucony Peregrine are good all rounders.
Altras for me. I prefer the Superiors but the 2024 model is pretty ugly and boring looking even if they perform amazingly well. The new 2025 Superior yet to be released look fucking great however. Pic related.

The rumour is Altra have stepped their game up for the 2025 shoes following the mass exodus of customers from their 2023/24 line up being so poor so I'm excited to see how they fair.

I was going to try Topo but the arch support is a no go for me even if they fit well and appear robust af. Tried a pair of Hoka on today as it goes and they're much too narrow in the toebox.
I'm not talking about the larger toe box. I like altras for having that. I'm talking about the flare out around the bottom of the heel. Hokas have it much more than altras, and are starting to look like those Balenciaga meme shoes
What are everyone's thoughts on Salomon's trailrunners?

I had a pair of speedcross or supercross or whatever-the-fuck-cross that I wore on a two-month long hiking trip in Nepal and they were crazy comfortable but they were practically falling apart by day 60.
Liked them enough to buy a replacement pair when I got back to civilisation but I couldn't find any with normal laces, only the QuicklaceTM system which I didn't like the look of.
I buy Salomon mostly because as a brand I know they the true to size for my feet and I am used to their sense ride line. I have always liked their quicklace and never understood why some have issues with it

Do not bother with the speedcross, its a meme. And the supercross is just a cheaper knockoff of that. Their line is pretty extensive, I was in Chamonix for UTMB week and funny I saw many wearing the Genesis

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