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Which one to choose and why?
based. based and trash
oh gee i wonder?
>drinking from plastic
Hard to take this post seriously
>not microplastic-maxxing
can't you just swallow your own saliva?
I use bpa free bladder when i travel so i dont have to share my water and a double walled ss bottle for in house cause it keeps the water cold for like 15 hours. I went camping once in my life and used a bladder, that smart bottle looks gay.
6L bladder main + 500mL Nalgene emergency supply in case bladder is punctured. I'd have to wait for rescue or move by night to get out on 500mL of water.
Being gay is ok.
I too use a bladder but sometimes i bring a smartwater bottle for extra, especially cuz some of the room in the bladder is for ice.
Bladders dont work if its below ~ 20f cuz the hose will freeze
hard to take this board seriously honestly
there is no middle ground here
it's either
>the stupidest outdoors shit you've ever heard

>the most experience outdoors shit youve ever heard
and the latter is usually called out fo trolling on a regular basis
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Finnish army canteen, stowed upside-down in winter.
I just don't like the wide-mouth bottles for sipping on the way.
>The hose will freeze
They make insulated covers for them and you can just blow the water back into the bladder to empty the hose. No guarantee that some inconvenient part of it won't freeze though and it will definitely be useless if you forget.
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whats wrong with normal water bottles? you wanna buy 6 nalgene bottles for a 6 day trip?
is the concept on refilling a bottle so foreign to you?
bladders suck. nalgene is superior in every way.
Why do they suck?
Have you ever been outside in your life?
have you?
Anon if you hate the board that much then why do you post here?
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because i like seeing you guys argue about mundane shit
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Yes but only while bikepacking. I'm gonna switch to backpacking/trekking so I'd like to know why bladders suck.
now u answer seriously
lmao yeah just hope that you will find water and dont die.
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bladders are gay, its like tents. bring a bottle and a tarp, everything else is larping.
Steel canteen for holding freshly boiled water and 2 Smartwater bottles, one with the sawyer mini.

I just can't get into this bladder stuff but I can see the use cases. The nalgene bottle seems too brittle(yes, I'm rough with my gear occasionally, deal with it) but for a day hike it seems fine.
The clear nalgene bottles are for Instagram thots and all trails posers. The opaque bottles weigh a third of the clear ones and are very hard to destroy. They are made of softer plastic so they deform instead of shatter and technically you "can" boil in them. I don't recommend it I'm sure it leaches plastic. But since they are lab grade they are meant to withstand autoclave temperatures. It's a very tricky little dance getting them to the exact spot next to the fire that is 300 degrees but it can be done.

But other than your nalgene ignorance this is the only person in this thread that I think goes outside. Bladders are good for certain situations, but they are just a pain in the ass on trail. I also take a clean canteen stainless for boiling if needed and 2 smart water bottles with a Sawyer. And I keep my nalgenes in my car camping box.
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>The clear nalgene bottles are for Instagram thots and all trails posers. The opaque bottles weigh a third of the clear ones and are very hard to destroy.
Fuck I didn't know that. The ones I have here >>2787984 are the clear ones I guess, is picrel the opaque one?
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>Bladders are good for certain situations, but they are just a pain in the ass on trail.
Pain in the ass to refill? If so, the Source ones actually have a cool gadget that works around that.
Not just to refill but they take up valuable inside pack space, they are hard to clean, they are heavy, the hose is annoying, there's tons of problems with them. But yes that's a big one.
the more time I spend outside, the more I realize this is true
>mosquitos are just a meme bro
You've never been outside. Also every single frog poster is a moron.
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Had two of the green "glow in the dark" ones ones lost in a Norwegian mountain, the other in the mysteriousplace known as my parentsbasement, now I just have theese tall fellas
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>not le heckin mosquitos!!
why are you even outside if youre gonna sleep in a closed room?
Hmm which will i pick, the bottle of water, the bottle of water, the bottle of water, or sneaking to some stream forbidden to use under threat to sneak a whole lot of bottle of water to bring back for all of you. I had to wait 900 seconds to make this post, could take run a whole lot of canteens to the nasty stream for thirsty anons in that time. I could fill a whole platoon thristy mouths and I have done it before. And will do it again. Fuck the bottle you use, show me the empty bottle
I just don't like nalgenes at all their size is very awkward :(
Bladders are convenient for summer hiking where you don't have to worry about it freezing, but I usually bring a secondary bottle with some kind of electrolyte mix as well.

I use a pair of opaque wide mouth nalgenes for winter hikes.
dunp froccposter
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Lately I've just been throwing one of these on a shoulder strap. I wish I could find something like it in stainless steel, but everything is either plastic crap or bulky insulated crap.
You dont plan your trips or what?
Finding water is not a matter of luck, usually you plan the trip around water sources.
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>plan your heckin triperinos
i just go out into the wild and walk. lmao.
whats the point of being in the wild if everything accounted for? might as well camp on your front lawn.
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>plan your heckin triperinos
i just go out into the wild and walk. lmao.
whats the point of being in the wild if everything accounted for? might as well camp on your front lawn.
Show us 3 pictures of your 3 last trips you larper.
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>takes his phone out
lmao even.
posting it on reddit? faggot.
Lying on the internet.
Stainless steel or tin canteen.
Because I enjoy having sex, and couldn't do that if I was impotent.

>plastic, plastic, or plastic

You can get a glass water bottle for around $25.

>being gay is OK
Yeah but he said it looks gay. Looking gay is not ok.
>drinking from plastic
metal or glass niggaz, drink from it
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Interesting. I didn't know that about the opaque ones. Certainly would be lighter than my steel canteen. I guess I've always just poorfagged it and went with whatever I could find at the thrift stores.
Won’t water leak out of those holes?
Dont be ridiculous
They're actually ice catches. The ice fills the hole and keeps your water cold without taking up unnecessary room in the bottle.
I use bottles like the nalgene but with a smaller hole thing in the cap because it's nicer to drink out of. Lately I've been cutting down on my base weight relentlessly and was considering going full UL with the 1L smartwaters (they're just as reusable as other plastic bottles) but kinda hate the idea. I heard the retro semi-opaque nalgenes are a little lighter so I may go with those though.
>inb4 get stronger
I've come to realize being stubborn about slimming down your weight is retarded. I have peaks to climb and my knees are happier with every gram I can shave.
There's more to your health than just your knees. If you go out regularly (which I doubt, since you'd be trained enough to avoid injuries to your knees if you did), you're going to want to think twice about what chemicals your canteen ight leach into your drinking water. That means either glas or stainless, and since "unbreakable" glas (aka borosilicate lab glas) is fucking expensive, stainless is the way to go.

Just like using an ultralight pack is a retarded idea, as even though it will bring les load on your knees, the unstable design will bring way more stress on your back than a framed pack of comparable size, even if that frame adds another 0.5-1kg.

Instead of wasting money on crappy UL gear, try improving your skills so you need less gear in total.
Case in point, my normal (non-winter) overnight loadout is mostly milsurp and barely weighs 2kg, water and food included.
It's literally just a canteen pouch on a sling with a stainless canteen / pot / cooker set, a water filter, a spoon, a lighter and some noodles, plus a knife in my pants pocket.
That's literally all it takes to get by in non-freezing temperatures below the tree line if you know where to find fire wood and natural shelter.

Also, your knees are literally made for walking. If you have proper shoes (= flat, flexible soles) and walking posture, and if your muscles are trained well enough to support your joints, you're not going to get joint pains until your in your 80s. Most joint problems come from improper movement patterns, where the joint is crushed together instead of folding the way it's meant to. A classic example would be walking in such a way that the heel makes contact first (removing the dampening effect your calves have) while the knee is still fully stretched (removing the thighs). That forces the meniscus to take all the strain, and will destroy it over time.
Glad that works for you, but I do mountaineering and not larping with milsurp.
It depends on what your doing, I can't comprehend bringing a steel bottle for backpacking.
Are you carrying like 6 bottles?
I cant think of many situations where a bladder is more inconvenient than anything else. The only downside is refilling, nothing else impacts the field at all. I'd much rather have a bunch of water on me in an ergonomic location than carrying multiple extras water bottles. Not every location has frequent bodies of water where you can refill.
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>are you carrying 6 bottles
yes, i carry as much as i will need. again, im not a larper carefully planning his trips. is it /out/ if everything is accounted for? is it /out/ if you have a tent, a gas stove and a turned on phone? ffs thats just camping. /out/ is being in nature, making a fire, sleeping under the stars or a tarp, phone turned off.
most of the time just water bottles. smart water seems like a scam. bladder/camelback is fine if you're into that I guess
Why bring a tarp or wear clothes then buddy? Youve never been outside
>/out/ is being in nature, making a fire, sleeping under the stars or a tarp, phone turned off.
Yeah and you know what's even better than all this? Doing it for multiple days, which requires a way to refill that water while in the woods. Are you gonna carry 30L of water for a week long trip in the woods, faggot?
You are the biggest larper in this thread.
>30l for a week
lmao what? a liter a day is enough to survive. whatcha doin, carrying a shower?
>a liter a day is enough to survive
confirmed larper that doesn't leave the trailhead
confirmed water retaining fatass. a liter a day used to be the norm 30 years ago, they keep upping the number.
They keep upping the number because everyone is fucking fat, retard.
More mass more you have to do for everything.
Gotta work out more, eat much less, drink more water etc
Bladders are great for fast day-hikes since you can keep sipping water without needing to stop, trail runners nowadays seem to mostly use stuff like pic related for the better weight distribution but for walking it's overkill
Nalgene is by far the best plastic water bottle. Fewer features = fewer ways it can break. You should aim to drink from glass, stainless steel, or copper. But if you can't bear the extra weight go with the Nalgene. Just don't make/put anything hot in it.
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yuck! stop being a fag about how many grams you're carrying and use a metal bottle
>no need for gay plastic Sawyer filters, just boil
>no need for a mug, can boil water directly in it
>it will last forever, dummy
plus titanium bottles are roughly the same weight performance as gay xenoestrogen leeching nalgenes
I carry two 1.5 liter smart water bottles with a sawyer squeeze. I'm typically flying in so I like the convenience of buying them at a 7-11 and throwing away inexpensive bottles so I don't have to tote them everywhere.
Long hikes are not the norm. You need more water. You can get away with that if you're being a couch potato.
Im not gonna boil 5 liters of water
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Want me to go back to this? No way in hell, just shoot me, one right at the back of the ear, 90 degrees up towards the scalp, a quick POW and it's all done, funerals up to the family
This thread is somewhat retarded considering there sre varying methods of purifying water available.
When something says it's BPA-free, what it means is that they use a similar hormone disrupting chemical that hasn't been as rigorously studied as BPA.

Anyone who drinks/eats out of plastic deserves their infertility and man boobs. You've had ample warning.
I've had Cryptosporidium, my fun little new friends, turned out to be not fun at all
how did you get it?
aside from drinking dirty-ish water
>aside from drinking dirty-ish water
Brother, you already know how
ok but like.
What i mean is, did you just straight up drink it or did you boil it first, etc?
smartwater most of the year
opaque nalgene in the winter

he either does more serious stuff outdoors than you, or you live somewhere like the pnw where water sources are everywhere and don't require any planning.

they mold and you can't fill them in as shallow of water sources.

bruh buy a water filter. carrying all your water on you at once is one of the biggest noob green horn memes in existence.
>/out/ is being in nature, making a fire, sleeping under the stars or a tarp, phone turned off.
you live in an incredibly temperate climate and only go outside on fair weather sunny summer days. and you're young and inexperienced.

bad idea.

the anons who tell you not to care about weight live in very flat very temperate climate regions. and they typically have very little experience.

>Just like using an ultralight pack is a retarded idea
le inexperience.
when you go ul the last thing you're supposed to purchase is your backpack. by the time you own a ul backpack your base weight should be low enough that you don't need a complex suspension system since your bag's like 10lbs and hardly puts strain on your back to begin with because of its light weight.
weight is everything, but i spend all my time summiting mountains that are taller than most anons have in their state/country. some people are just more serious than others and that's ok.
ul backpacks do have shit suspensions though and can be improved greatly. you are right. its often neglected in the race for the least grams and because you can get away with poor design since base weights are so low.
there's no reason a backpack has to be made of of 1000 denier nylon in order to have a better suspension. you could easily design a pack like that and put it to market. zpacks did but it has an issue with squeaking.
but i can tell you first hand i do ul backpacking and i also do bushcraft larp stuff. i have separate sets of gear. i can't even imagine doing the things i do with my ul stuff lugging around the traditional gear. even if i was a huge strong dude its irreparable damage to your knees on descents and i almost exclusively do mountain summits, usually opting for the direct route.
>inb4 get stronger
the guys who tell you to get bigger/stronger didn't think their critiques of ultralight through very well because getting stronger doesn't solve the issues ul solves. sure if you get stronger and bigger the 70lb backpack becomes easier to carry. you also become heavier, your pack becomes heavier and there's no work out at the gym for your knee meniscus. if you /out/ with any regularity your knees will thank you. i have a friend who's a former nfl linebacker with a fucked knee and despite being a huge swole dude he's effectively a gimp.
>when you go ul the last thing you're supposed to purchase is your backpack

I wish I had someone tell me this before I started buying shit for the AT next year. I think I'm ok generally but my sleeping bag is overkill. It's a Marmot "Never Summer" 0 degree bag. Fucking massive and tough to pack down. If I can't make it work after buying a compression sack for it I may need to buy a new pack slightly larger than 50L. Sleeping bags/quilts seem to be the toughest problem to solve for UL loadouts.
Keep projecting, buddy.
>your bag's like 10lbs
Compared to what? The overnight loadout I mentioned of 2kg (~4 lbs) of shitty milsurp?
Cause using a backpack, UL or not, for short trips like that is plain retarded.

Or are you talking about a longdistance loadout? I'd love to see you carry enough food, changes of clothing etc. for 14 days in an ultralight backpack. Bonuspoints if you can do it in winter.
>there's no reason a backpack has to be made of of 1000 denier nylon in order to have a better suspension.
Absolutely. My framed pack is a heavily modded Alice, with magnesium frame and proper straps (both from excess production from a special forces contract - the only good thing to come out of me living on Okinawa for a while), and the original thin bag. Weighs about as much as an average frameless bag, but is comfy enough that I can and have carried upwards of 20kg in it for mid- to long distances. Not on a hike, though, but lugging groceries home. because fucking Japan wouldn't accept my drivers license, and bus companies there don't believe in timetables, apparently.
>issue with squeaking
apply some bowstring wax for synthetic strings and it'll go away for a while. It's a constant issue with metallic frames. glass fibre frames are better.
>i can't even imagine doing the things i do with my ul stuff lugging around the traditional gear.
Then you're probably using too much gear. For a overnighter, it shouldn't matter, and for longer hikes, most of the weight is food. Besides, if I can match the weights most ULs in this thread claim with milsurp (a winter, 1 week loadout is ~7kg for me, summer overnighter 2kg as said before), even if you add the 1kg I reduced by getting a better frame for my pack, I still don't see what the point of UL is. I mean, apparently, every UL-fetishist is carrying more, in less comfy gear, while also paying 10 times more.
>there's no work out at the gym for your knee meniscus
Except there is. I#ve literally written half a novel on the topic itt already:>>2788335
tl;dr: Get proper shoes, learn proper movement patterns, and your meniscus won't be damaged from walking. The stresses it sees during running (even with proper shoes and movements) are at a level where you'd need to carry multiple times your bodyweight to reproduce it by walking.
I have to carry over 9000 liters of water because it's hot af in Florida and I'm afraid to drink stagnat swamp water even if it's filtered
you don't go ul in the winter you own separate gear for that.
>Compared to what? The overnight loadout I mentioned of 2kg (~4 lbs) of shitty milsurp?
you shouldn't buy a ul backpack until your base weight is like 10lbs.
>Or are you talking about a longdistance loadout? I'd love to see you carry enough food, changes of clothing etc. for 14 days in an ultralight backpack. Bonuspoints if you can do it in winter.
its even easier to pack in food for long trips when your base weight's low. that's one of the main advantages of ul. i don't even take a cook kit with me that's all weight i can dedicate for food.
>changes of clothing
changeS? multiple? for 14 days? that's a lot of unnecessary shit you're carrying around.
yeah you can mitigate knee damage, fair. but there's simply no way around: 70lbs pack hurts your knees more than 10lbs pack.
i get your point about overnight not requiring a lot of gear if you live in a predictable temperate climate, stick to fair weather days to go out, and only do short trips. not super applicable to me the weather here is very unpredictable, there's only a small window during the year where its safe to cowboy camp, and i mostly do longer 2-6wk trips.
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I like this one myself. Even offers some protection from rockslides.
I like it, can I get a link for the canteen?

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