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Is it accurate?
Let me guess you live in Texas?
I like the amount of nature in Florida even though it's very urban there's a lot of trails and stuff everywhere. It's kind of boring because there's not much seasonal change. New England is nice too because of the seasons you get hot and humid summer weather, cool breezy fall, and winter is kind of variable now, if it's above freezing it's icy but wet, if it's below it's nicer. Spring is just like mud and dead grass until May.
With cuts to the UAS, a lot of those positives will likely be dipping by two points within the year.


If you like long, moderate-strenuous hikes and mountain scrambles then this is the place for you. Enjoy these areas before they eventually catch fire and close. And when they re-open, you can scramble over the fire damage no one is going to maintain.

A lot of non strenuous hiking trails are overgrown and graffitoed, mostly serving as bait for paint huffers, thieves, and bluetooth speaker bro's.
Hasn't most of California'd wilderness burned down already
ah yes my favorite thread :^)
No, but some good chunks of norcal were fucked throughout summer. There's still a lot of good desert spots that get overlooked because "zomg it's hot you guys."
I’m flattered that my home state is one point above minnesota, michigan, and south dakota, but I don’t really see why
I guess it does have some cool cliffs on the lake michigan and lake superior coasts
1+ months of /out/ activities in: CA, OR, UT, NV, NC, WV, NH, ME, TN, VA.

1+ weeks of /out/ stuff in WA, ID, MA, PA.

Yes, this is very accurate from what I've seen. California would be a 10 if it had the population density of Wyoming.
>the 111th largest National Forest in the US
>a couple square miles with some interesting topography and a bunch of tourists
>a canyon 300 feet deep and a mile long
Almost every state has all of these or better
>White tail deer capital
The ones in that region are bigger, and I'm sure that's part of why it's a 1 and not a 0, but every state in the lower 48 has whitetail deer. It's not particularly special.
Forgot 1+ month in AZ and CO and 1+ week in NM
ah, yes, the literal bait thread, containing the image that was literally made as a joke, that is continually reposted asking if its "legit"
how about you get some new material?
maybe remake the image, but not as bait?
oh, wait, you don't go /out/, so you wouldn't know where to start...
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Kansas has free campgrounds in almost every county, often near a beautiful lake. Zero my ass.
Michigan and Minnesota are better than Wisconsin.
Why are North and South Dakota so high? The Black Hills and Badlands are only a small portion of the state at large. North and South Carolina should both get bumped down a point.
Pennsylvania has great wild spaces, mostly state forest.
arkansas and missouri both have some decent long distance trails. the canoeing in arkansas though is legit. makes it a 6 minimum for me
It's very accurate, only east copers disagree.
Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, California and Alaska : 10
Everything else: If you find the right spots it's a 10

There you go, it's been answered. You can stop being autistic now.
I'd say Arkansas is a generous 3
your spindly ass ankles couldn't handle hiking the northeast
Brugly chill your "mountains" are like 6k feet tall
Even if we take that as fact, how does "easier to break an ankle" in any way make for better /out/ lmao?
It doesn't.
California is a hard 4 imo
texas has some good parks, it's just the campers here that suck
camping is considered a family activity and cheap vacation option here in texas
this means every park is filled with a hoard of retards
>this means every park is filled with a hoard of retards
I have yet to find a camp ground where this isn't the case.
it's simple
it doesn't exist
in texas at least
there's a lot wrong if you look at the fine details but the big picture it paints is accurate.

my fixes:
hawaii increased to 6.5
california decreased to 7.5
washington and oregon increased to 8
montana increased to 8.5
alaska increased to 9
michigan might deserve to be bumped up slightly
florida deserves a bump the hiking isn't great but the other /out/ shit to do there is being under valued
most of california is mids but it also has some of the best /out/ in the country. big state.
What are the best small to medium size towns in appalachia to be centrally located to a lot of great out stuff?
There's no way California is below Montana, let alone Washington or Oregon which are both basically smaller subsets of what California is.
washington is the only state in the country with every biome on earth in its borders. there's no way california comes close i've spent a lot of time in both.
>every biome on earth in its borders
This is lazy bait Tbh
Lmao, it shit is about as accurate as /k/'s camo maps.
Camo map?

So this person thinks the entire AT averages about a 2?
He's not wrong
you are embarrassingly bad at math
you have shit taste


When I would go hiking in Western Pennsylvania, the rolling hills and dense forests would create an environment where you could walk just 10 minutes from a trailhead and feel like you were in the middle of nowhere because the vegetation would completely block out the sights and sounds around you. It is like you would be enveloped in nature, even if you were just 40 minutes from the city.

In Southern California, most of the vegetation is shrubs that don't block the sights and sounds of society. Nothing is more anticlimactic than hiking for 2 hours and still just seeing strip malls and highways in every direction. You can do better if you take a long ass drive into the forests that are more elevated, but even then you have to deal with...

1. Hoping that it isn't on fire
2. Sharing the trail with an army of loud ass people hiking too, even worse if they are rocking a Bluetooth speaker or trying to get shots for the 'gram
3. Methheads smashing into your car and taking everything.

I get that people enjoy the variety of things you can do in CA, "You can ski and surf in the same day...yada yada" but as someone who enjoys the feeling of solitude on a long ass hike, that is not something I can find in this state.

Maybe I just don't value what other people value...

Head out into the mountains where there's no cell signal. If you see anyone else it's likely they'll be solo as well and not bother you.


I've left my car parked on the side of the road near some very sketchy trailheads and nothing happened. Just don't leave expensive shit and credit cards inside. That's what they're after. Leave the the glove box and center console open to reveal nothing of value if they case your car.
Yeah, I'm a SoCal native, have also lived in NorCal, and now in Central Oregon. CA has some absolutely spectacular /out/ but I think people really fail to consider how inaccessible it is if you live in one of the major cities. There are places that are awesome for a multi-day camping trip where you can justify a 4+ hour drive but if you just want to do a day hike or an overnight, most of what's in reasonable range is pretty mid, especially because of traffic, and a lot of the better stuff is also overcrowded to the point of ruining the experience.

I think giving CA an 8 but OR a 7 on the OP map is unfair, they're at least even because while OR may not quite match the best of the best CA locations it makes up for it in how much more densely packed it is with good /out/, I'm in Bend and I've got a huge diversity of really good /out/ places within an hour and a lot of them are totally deserted outside peak tourist season. I'm much happier having the quality of skiing we do here than the supposed SoCal alternative of spending an hour at dogshit Big Bear or Mountain High and then driving all day in traffic to make it to a dirty cold beach filled with bums and and tourists by sunset too. (Incidentally in 30+ years in LA I never once encountered anybody who'd actually tried to do it either, anybody local knows how ridiculous and miserable it'd be to try.)
>Yeah, I'm a SoCal native, have also lived in NorCal, and now in Central Oregon.
You transplants make me livid.

As for your first point, yeah, my preferred destination is Idyllwild. Originally I went up there because my wife's parents live by Indio and we used to visit them often. My mother-in-law also likes to hike, but the desert is fucking brutal in summer. So we drove up the mountain to Idyllwild and its cooler, plus it has more trees and wildlife to check out than the desert does. Overall, it's a chill spot and a decent little weekend getaway town, but from LA, it's a 2 to 3 hour drive, depending on traffic.

Point 2, I follow the rules of the city, keeping nothing visible and nothing I'm not willing to lose in the car. Plus my car is a piece of shit, so they will probably hit someone else. This logistically can make hiking a pain in the ass, though.


You are right, CA has a lot to offer, but it is not very accessible. If you live in LA and want to go to Yosemite, that is a 4.5 to 5-hour drive. By comparison, on the East Coast, if you were living in the NYC area, a 4.5-hour drive could take you to spots in CT, RI, MA, NH, VT, ME, upstate NY, PA, NJ, DE, MD, and VA. CA is big as fuck, and as such, it has a lot to offer, but you need a lot of spare time and a lot of gas to access it.

The next time I move, I am going to look for a city that has a lot of accessible trails with good foliage near them. I am getting sick of sitting in traffic for a combined 3 hours, just to go on a 2 hour hike lol
Maine should be the lowest score. It sucks, don't go there
>the desert is fucking brutal in summer

Definitely. I grew up in Imperial county so the heat doesn't bother me all that much. A lot of people won't hike in high heat, but I'm the opposite. I'm all over hot weather, but I'll sit it from late fall until DST kicks in. I love the heat.
Yeah nah brugly, not reading allat
PA bros...
t. Northwest PA tard. lot of forests, lakes, and streams
you need to get off the internet for a few weeks to fix your attention span
>you could walk just 10 minutes from a trailhead and feel like you were in the middle of nowhere because the vegetation would completely block out the sights and sounds around you
its like that in the rockies too. Although, often the trailhead is in the middle of no where already so its not hard lol.
its filled with dipshits who think "bushcrafting" makes them cool
this "fuck off we're fuck" stuff always makes me want to go
Maine is full of massholes, that should be enough of a deterrent. Acadia was cool though. Everyone should visit.
even the small towns up north?
It does.
They pass through for tourism but don't stick around.
The UP deserves its own score separate from lower mishy
UP alone is easily a 7
It's all one state bruh.
It doesn't* Bushcraft is a cringe larp
We had 10 times the transplant problem any state does now, prior to covid when the flow reversed, so I get it. I try not to be one of the obnoxious ones. Honestly though here in Bend the worst people I encounter are the Portland refugees, they're the only ones that bitch about Bend not being like where they came from and push to turn it into another shithole, most of the out of state people are more like "fuck that, I left because of that bullshit.'
Don't care.
A separate.
You say Yosemite is 4.5 hrs away like it's the only thing within that range? A 4.5 hrs driving circle of la has more acres of public land than one of NYC, many more acres of wilderness, and many more different biomes. I'm not advocating for living in LA it's shit but its also shit to pretend that there are more things to access from NYC just because its in different states
You can get to some beautiful parts of pa in 4.5 hours from nyc, philly, or bmore - they call them the endless mountains for a reason
I'm the original creator of this map, I made it very shortly after the creation of this board which has to have been almost 10 years ago at this point. The fact it still gets posted should make it obvious it's quite accurate. There's not much I'd change at this point, I think the great lakes states are maybe a bit too high, Ozarks/Appalachia bit too low, Vermont/NH too high, PA could go to 3, it's all decently close though. If you only like to do one thing, sure the numbers could be different. If you are only into hiking for instance, Florida would be a zero, but the map is about all outdoor activities, hunting, boating, climbing, OHVs, and freedom to do it (public land).
Ask how I know you have no idea what the endless mountains are.
I can think of some endless mountains, Rockies, Sierra Nevadas, Cascades. If you mean "Endless Mountains", a uniform area of a hills that are highly populated and majority privately owned, I am aware of that area yes but would not rate it highly in comparison to actual mountains.
They are absolutely not highly populated and many of them are public land.
Actually, I'm the original creator of this map. I say that Wisconsin should now be a 10.
Kek nuclear response
Depends what you're looking for. I think the west has better mountains, but the east has better forests
The east has more luscious hills. If you are obsessed with numbers and bragging, the west is for you.
Every western state has a dozen areas larger, more rugged, and more sparsely populated than the endless mountains
As i said, if all you desire is numbers, competition, and bragging, the west is for you. If you prefer quality, head east.
>if you want something quantifiable, the west is better
>if you want the magic property only I know and can't explain though, the east is better
>source: me, someone who lives there and is butthurt
Not needing a permit that’s only good for one day to do a hike is nice.
>thinks he can correctly score states
>has never been anywhere or done anything
You should be happy that the place you think is great is actually a 2, imagine all the actually good stuff you have to explore. Never understood this attitude. The best outdoor states aren't the best places to live necessarily anyway, I wouldn't want to live in Utah but it's my personal favorite place to go /out/
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I’ve been places.
There won't be a good response to this. They will only seethe.
nice quiet forests, beautiful forests with lots of different colors, a variety of shapes from jagged peaks to rolling hills to more trapezoidal shapes. Getting to watch the colors change and the seasons go by.
>nice quiet forests, beautiful forests with lots of different colors, a variety of shapes from jagged peaks to rolling hills to more trapezoidal shapes. Getting to watch the colors change and the seasons go by.
But enough about the Rockies
There’s more water to play with in the east.
>ND higher than TN and OK
ND might have better fishing that's about it, OK at 0 is retarded
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I have roots in PA (near Scranton) and cherished memories of going there as a kid but for me it just can't compete with the majesty and drama of western mountains. The whole visual of jagged peaks towering above high desert plains really gets my sense of adventure going in a way the ones of the East don't.
t. stuck in bend cuz his parents are there for retirement
Kek you fucking killed him
Yeah, I'm that anon. I would have told them to fuck off if it were somewhere I wasn't alright with being though, and everywhere else I was looking at when I didn't think my folks were going to be a factor was also in the PNW or mountain west and I'm probably going to stay in that region when I move on after 2-3 years. (Really wanna do Alaska but that's a big move.)
>the susquanana guy
there is more snow to play with in the west
Have fun hiking through knee deep snow into July!
Not compared to the UP. Sault Ste Marie usually tops charts for snowiest US city.
>Sault Ste Marie averages 120 inches of snow per year
>Mt Baker in WA averages 688 inches
no responda
Bumping the correct thread
Nj is 3-4 minimum and that’s me lowballing
NJ is a 1 and that's a hard 1 at that.
Highest amount of public forest east of the Mississippi
Highest population density in the US.
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There's mountains, sorta. You can wander up big hills in the Ozarks, but the best time to go is when the color change in the fall starts. Like the other anon said it's also a great place to canoe. You just won't have New Mexico vistas.
entirely in the north east and center east of the state. all forest have been untouched. the density just replaced the existing farmland.
see for yourself:https://newjersey.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/media/index.html?appid=fcad50ae41634cd1aa293e3e47ce1c00

northwest and entire south of the state is literally untouched and hasn't changed in 100 years
why do you think these means anything?
>literal mutt speak
yes i am a retard. so what
you faggots never elaborate or address any logical arguments on this question. you just want to shit on new jersey and keep your personal biases.
>Highest amount of public forest east of the Mississippi
What do you mean by this? Biggest NF east of the mississippi? Cuz that would be Superior NF in MN.
public is the keyword.
National forest is public land. Wtf? explain yourself.
largest amount of TOTAL public forest land. are you illiterate?
>largest amount of TOTAL public forest land
prove it. provide numbers and sources
>largest amount of TOTAL public forest land.
>NJ has 750,000 acres of public land
>PA has 2.2 million acres of public land
please explain
He's retarded, just ignore him.
the majority of this board is retarded

suck my fucking dick
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i havent posted in this thread since the summer and you just proved my point by being angry as my for no reason

you should try going outside
heres the quote:
>Sixty-two percent of New Jersey’s forest land is owned by an
estimated 88,700 private individuals and enterprises; federal,
state, and other public owners hold the remaining 38 percent.
New Jersey has the highest percentage of forest land in public
ownership of any state east of the Mississippi.
this thread was created a month ago. how could you have posted in it over the summer? retard
>highest percentage of forest land in public
ownership of any state east of the Mississippi

So now its percentage and not total amount like you were saying here >>2791460?
well then this must be a repost because i remember seeing a thread like this in the summer
>it's impossible for someone to make the same thread months later
>largest amount of TOTAL public forest land
not factual. quit lying.
if he hasn't posted in the thread what point could he be referring to? i wasn't even replying to him, it makes zero logical sense.
>largest amount of TOTAL public forest land. are you illiterate?
lol. my sides. seems like you are the one who is illiterate
me recalling something i read months ago slightly different than it was written is not being illiterate sir.my main point still stands the people who shit on nj for /out/ have never lived here or done /out/ shit here. all personal bias, zero truth.
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>slightly different
you're retarded
stop samefagging and doing damage control. you embarrassed yourself.
if you find an argument against nj /out/ feel free to share it
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i am not the anon you've been arguing with.
I came in and called this board retarded
and then you proceed to prove my point my screaming about samefagging.
am i supposed to have a crystal ball to see what posts you have made. Me taking you at your word doesn't make me retarded.how about you learn to talk and communicate like a normal human being instead of expecting em to decipher you masturbatory horseshit

>I havent posted in this thread since summer
>actually i meant threads like this and not this thread specifically
>actually i did post in this thread before

you're out of your fucking mind
>if you find an argument against nj
its has very little public forests compared to its nieghbors.
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you're retarded
>slightly different
If you didn't eat breakfast this morning, how would you feel?
i dont think it invalidates the point i was making at all, you fools like to autistically obsess over one detail in an argument rather than open your mind to the whole truth someone is conveying and risk having to change your mind and learn something new. bitter apathetic irony posted people

yeah the breakfast meme was funny 8 months ago. every retard and their mother knows it by now.
turn your computer off and go outside
this isnt true
take your own advice. I have acquired a grand mass of knowledge of the complete history of nj that i could be a historian about it. i know every inch of it, which is why i protest in defense of it. come to nj and spend some time /out/ and tell me fi you changed your mind. people love to shit on this state and it reveals how evil they are at heart
Go touch grass, wait you live in the most densely populated state in the country.
>this isnt true
>NY 4.5 million acres of public land
>PA 2.2 million acres of public land
>NJ 750,000 acres of public land
which is concentrated in one part opf the state and we still have vast forest land despite being so dense. find a new argument. i guarantee i have spent a larger percentage of my life sleeping under the stars then you have.i spent my entire youth /out/
ok do it for public forests not public land. why is when you're sources dont match the exact wording you give its ok but when i do it its the greatest sin ever committed.
also nj has less overall landmass than both of those states so of course it would have less acres, do it. by percentages as well.

have you ever lived in nj?
top kek
you're retarded
post physique
my point is your fat shut in loser who spends his time trolling instead of doing anything productive. you are incapable of being genuine about anything.
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no im not a shutin
im just at work and incredibly good at my job to where i have a lot of free time

stop self projecting.
>no you
im 130lbs and homeless. i am /out everyday
now you're larping as a cope
this is just sad
imagine being proud of being homeless
top kek.

what is wrong with you people?
>have you ever lived in nj?
I was actually born there...but I will be honest and say we moved away before I was very old and remember very little.

>public forests
Why? NJ still pales in comparision to its nieghbors. Every single county is still deemed "urban"

>PA 2 million acres of public forest
>NY 3.2 million acres of public forest
>NJ less than 1 million acres.
60% of NJ forests are privately owned.

I am glad you like it. it is the garden state after all.
>Every single county is still deemed "urban"
nj is 4,707,863 acres.
pa is 28,991,096 acres
ny is 35 million acres,

stop being obtuse
You are the one who asked...now you are reeeing a coping lol. you should probably stop.


"New Jersey is the fifth-smallest state in land area, but with close to 9.3 million residents as of the 2020 United States census, it ranks 11th in population. The state capital is Trenton, and the state's most populous city is Newark. New Jersey is the only U.S. state in which every county is deemed urban by the U.S. Census Bureau"

go to warren county and tell me any part of it is urban and ill give you 50,000 dollars
>You are the one who asked...now you are reeeing a coping lol. you should probably stop.

i proved why are you are unreasonable and why it isnt a fair or logical comparison, but you would rather win the argument then be reasonable. how is me providing context for your bs argument me reeing? please explain that to me.
>i proved
lol. imagine being this retarded

take it up with the census bureau. I dont give a fuck. Its still a tiny miserable state any way you slice it with much less pubic forests than its neighbors muchless the east in general. Glad you like it. feel free to go get your machine stuck in the mud somewhere in the swamps
you're an evil ignorant pos
>lives in NJ
checks out lol
you know there was a time when this board and entire website was usable and constructive discussion occured. i havent had a single constructive discussion on here in 6 years. just trying to convey something that i know to be true to someone who has no interest in changing their opinion no matter what.
>weak sauce cope
>something that i know to be true
but it wasnt true. When pointed out you got incredibly butthurt and reeeed with cope. Just fucking give it up.
you're retarded
no. you just live in a retarded state and are butthurt about it.
thats not me
what state do you live in?i dont even live there anymore, i grew up there
Someone unleashed they bot in the comments
no, i just know how easy it is to mess with """self proclaimed""" geniuses
False. You're a bot. There are 22 unique IPs in the thread with 166 replies. Go ahead and compute that math.
Absolutely fucking not, new england is the most beautiful place on earth and this was obviously made by biased dirty west of rocky fags
maine and new hampshire are two of the best places in the nation to be /out/ and whoever made this has obviously never been there
the dakotas being so low is fucking infuriating fuck whoever made this fuck them fuck them
lawdt he seethin
anybody whos been to the dakotas and saw this god awful map should be seething
The Dakotas are awful. Hence the name the badlands.
Statistically, I believe so.
Kek. You got called out.
Its more like 25% burned in the last 10yrs.
Why are the Dakotas rated so high for outdoors? Because of the extreme cold?
Think you might be imagining the word total.
Because the map was modified by someone who actually goes outside and has been to the Dakotas.
Have you been to Alaska? If not then it doesn't matter.
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>Hello, 911? I would like to report a murder
Seething won't save you now.
>all that desertfaggotry
gtf/out/ of here
What a tranny thing to say after getting brutally btfo
The seething at this lmao.
Here's my informal Canada /out/ map based on provinces I've visited:
>British Columbia
Peak /out/ incredible coastline, temperate rainforest, mountains, extensive wilderness
Mixed bag; Rocky Mountains and foothills are incredible for outdoorsmanship, the prairies are meh
Meh, mostly cropfields and a few grasslands
It's alright, pretty comparable to US midwest inland East Coast, very similar to upstate New York
A bit better than Ontario due to mountains; some parts resemble Adirondacks in terms of geography and climate
>Nova Scotia
Highly underrated; Cabot Trail and Cape Breton National Park are incredible with amazing hikes and coastline, but not as impressive as BC
It's alright, PEI National Park is basically a long beach and it's pretty nice, the island itself is mostly hilly farmland
>New Brunswick
Has a few nice spots, especially along Bay of Fundy, inland is nothing special, mostly cropfields and shitty towns.
Thoughts, comments, suggestions?
Alberta needs to be lower
Quebec needs to be higher
I've been to Flin Flon in Northern Manitoba. That's the end of an 8 hour car ride through the most unpopulated wilderness I've ever been in. You get lost up there, it's literally 1000 miles from everywhere. You'll be long dead before you ever walk out. For the sheer remoteness of it, that's 11 out of 10.
It’s crazy that there was a time when /out/ would produce new memes instead of just constantly recycling old ones.
The Alaska schizo earlier who got banned was right. This board is dead and this thread is for faggots jerking each other off about useless and simple information.

Within 4.5 hours of NYC you can be in upstate NY, central PA, northern VA, MD, CT, even MA. Plenty of hiking in those spots.

I will agree that LA has more public land, but most of that is barren BLM land that people just use for shooting or illegally dumping garbage. Not something you would want to go hiking through.
>New York is a better megacity to live in than Los Angeles if you like hiking in lush, deciduous forests
>New York is a better /out/ state than California
California is literally the best out state, Alaska is a close second.
>he doesn't go out in WSAs on BLM land
Also shooting is an out activity and access to do it should be part of any rating
Tell me you don't travel without telling me.
Montana, West Virginia, North Carolina, Colorado and California from what I've seen had the best views

I agree California is overcrowded though and most people don't like that
Bumping a quality discussion
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What retard gave Missouri and Arkansas a 3 but Tennessee a 2?
>California somehow is on par with Montana and Idaho
>Alaska is only 8.5
>Nevada being anywhere close to 6
>Arizona is only a 6.5
>Florida is a 4 but Mississippi and Louisiana are 2s
>Iowa is a 0 but Indiana and Ohio are 1s
AL could be higher.
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It couldn't.
What does this mean?
That's literally the cycle that the local flora and fauna need to properly propagate.

Wiki: Fire Ecology
A big percentage of small is still small
wrong and thats not the context of the conversation/statement
No. NV is at minimum a solid 8. Anyone who says its less, has never been the Nevada.
If you know the right spots, you are legitimately 30-60 min away from any outdoor activity you can possibly think of bar ice fishing probably could but i would not.
But nevada has some of the most beautiful
Single track for dirt bikes
Water skiing
Snow boarding/skiing
Anything you can really think of.

Also the beauty of the desert especially at night is one that can only be experienced.
reread the thread
>Highest amount of public forest east of the Mississippi
ok its still the highest percentage. faggot new nigga
thats not how states are evaluated on the chart nor does that make any sense
>still the highest percentage.
>A big percentage of small is still small
doesnt matter in the assessment of the /out/ value of a state nor does it make logical sense
>gets BTFO
>it doesnt matter anyways
>palpable cope
this is a witty retort if you're an immature underage faggot
no it does matter which is why i am right. every original claim I addressed was wrong
>still coping
you have anything serIous to say or are you just gonna parrot and embarrass yourself like the subhuman loser that you are
>every original claim I addressed was wrong
>Highest amount of public forest east of the Mississippi
you're low iq and lack basic reading comprehension
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>seething butthurt
you miss the part where google said exactly that. also that isnt an original claim i was responding to number 1 and number 2 the correction still proved the other person false
dont pick on the Jersey Tard. He's very sensitive when you point out his state sucks
i think you're vacuum of a life is more embarrassing. you have nothing serious to say to anyone
you have something to say or an argument to make at all
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>coping reeeee

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