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Is it accurate?
Let me guess you live in Texas?
I like the amount of nature in Florida even though it's very urban there's a lot of trails and stuff everywhere. It's kind of boring because there's not much seasonal change. New England is nice too because of the seasons you get hot and humid summer weather, cool breezy fall, and winter is kind of variable now, if it's above freezing it's icy but wet, if it's below it's nicer. Spring is just like mud and dead grass until May.
With cuts to the UAS, a lot of those positives will likely be dipping by two points within the year.


If you like long, moderate-strenuous hikes and mountain scrambles then this is the place for you. Enjoy these areas before they eventually catch fire and close. And when they re-open, you can scramble over the fire damage no one is going to maintain.

A lot of non strenuous hiking trails are overgrown and graffitoed, mostly serving as bait for paint huffers, thieves, and bluetooth speaker bro's.
Hasn't most of California'd wilderness burned down already
ah yes my favorite thread :^)
No, but some good chunks of norcal were fucked throughout summer. There's still a lot of good desert spots that get overlooked because "zomg it's hot you guys."
I’m flattered that my home state is one point above minnesota, michigan, and south dakota, but I don’t really see why
I guess it does have some cool cliffs on the lake michigan and lake superior coasts
1+ months of /out/ activities in: CA, OR, UT, NV, NC, WV, NH, ME, TN, VA.

1+ weeks of /out/ stuff in WA, ID, MA, PA.

Yes, this is very accurate from what I've seen. California would be a 10 if it had the population density of Wyoming.
>the 111th largest National Forest in the US
>a couple square miles with some interesting topography and a bunch of tourists
>a canyon 300 feet deep and a mile long
Almost every state has all of these or better
>White tail deer capital
The ones in that region are bigger, and I'm sure that's part of why it's a 1 and not a 0, but every state in the lower 48 has whitetail deer. It's not particularly special.
Forgot 1+ month in AZ and CO and 1+ week in NM
ah, yes, the literal bait thread, containing the image that was literally made as a joke, that is continually reposted asking if its "legit"
how about you get some new material?
maybe remake the image, but not as bait?
oh, wait, you don't go /out/, so you wouldn't know where to start...
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Kansas has free campgrounds in almost every county, often near a beautiful lake. Zero my ass.
Michigan and Minnesota are better than Wisconsin.
Why are North and South Dakota so high? The Black Hills and Badlands are only a small portion of the state at large. North and South Carolina should both get bumped down a point.
Pennsylvania has great wild spaces, mostly state forest.
arkansas and missouri both have some decent long distance trails. the canoeing in arkansas though is legit. makes it a 6 minimum for me
It's very accurate, only east copers disagree.
Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, California and Alaska : 10
Everything else: If you find the right spots it's a 10

There you go, it's been answered. You can stop being autistic now.
I'd say Arkansas is a generous 3
your spindly ass ankles couldn't handle hiking the northeast
Brugly chill your "mountains" are like 6k feet tall
Even if we take that as fact, how does "easier to break an ankle" in any way make for better /out/ lmao?
It doesn't.
California is a hard 4 imo
texas has some good parks, it's just the campers here that suck
camping is considered a family activity and cheap vacation option here in texas
this means every park is filled with a hoard of retards
>this means every park is filled with a hoard of retards
I have yet to find a camp ground where this isn't the case.
it's simple
it doesn't exist
in texas at least
there's a lot wrong if you look at the fine details but the big picture it paints is accurate.

my fixes:
hawaii increased to 6.5
california decreased to 7.5
washington and oregon increased to 8
montana increased to 8.5
alaska increased to 9
michigan might deserve to be bumped up slightly
florida deserves a bump the hiking isn't great but the other /out/ shit to do there is being under valued
most of california is mids but it also has some of the best /out/ in the country. big state.
What are the best small to medium size towns in appalachia to be centrally located to a lot of great out stuff?
There's no way California is below Montana, let alone Washington or Oregon which are both basically smaller subsets of what California is.
washington is the only state in the country with every biome on earth in its borders. there's no way california comes close i've spent a lot of time in both.

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