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Anyone out here have some cool animal encounter stories? I kind of want to fight a mountain lion and I want to know how fucked you think I would be. I also want to know how I would go about finding one.

I'll share a story of my own to get started
>be me
>hunting in Arizona mountains with gramps and uncle
>We pull into a small glade to eat lunch
>There's a little "pond", not much more than a dirty puddle honestly
>Start to hear some galloping sounds
>Look around confused, we can't really see anything
>A minute or two a group of wild horses come to drink the water
>Surprised how soon we could hear them
>They're kind of nervous, but eventually start to drink
>They probably should be a little scared lol, my uncle's dog very clearly wants to chase them down but we keep him restrained
>Cool moment, we just vibe and watch the horses

Let's year (you)rs, anon
I was backpacking alone in the mountains in southern AZ when I heard a strange grunting sound from behind a bush. It turned out to be a huge black bull (bovine) with its dick almost touching the ground.
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>be me
>go out to some dual pond water reservoir
>see some white tails
>pretty nice
>trail leading up to the lakes is pretty massive and there are a lot of other places to explore
>spend about an hour just vibing and walking around
>final get to the ponds
>take some pics
>walk back
>hour walk back to the car
>Fucking hogs across the river that i didnt see squeals and runs away scared

thing was massive
i dont blame it for running away
id run away too if i saw me sneak up on myself

i was unarmed too
i think i got lucky and that it got scared.
Im october i had a second """encounter""" while bow hunting except the hogs just looked at us
snorted and then walked away
there was no stand off
>huge black bull (bovine)
>be me
>go camping with friends
>after a good night go to sleep
>get woken up around 4am by a very deep thud
>it repeats, getting faster and faster, like a big engine trying to start, but it's deep thudding that seems to come from the ground i'm sleeping on
>i picture a cow or bull or elk outside my tent stamping the ground
>it repeats the start-up cycles for about 5 mins then stops
>go back to sleep
i found out later it was a grouse.
probably in a similar place to where I was then.
yeaaaaaaah. out is a cut above but it's still 4chan
do you reckon your bow or carry gun could take down a hog if it charged at close range or would you be in trouble
how'd you find out? did yall trail cam your own campsite?
>Be me
>In Nepal, on my way to climb Ama Dablam
>Trekking through the Himalayas
>Finally get off the crowded Everest Base Camp route and into some truly beautiful mountain trails.
>That's when the food poisoning kicks in. Every day becomes a desperate battle not to shit myself. Altitude sickness is nothing in comparison.
>Day three since the food poisoning hit finds me squatting behind a boulder, spraying last night's dhal like an Italian grandfather pressure-washing his driveway, while my watch beeps warnings about low blood oxygen levels.
>Hear someone stumbling over the rocky ground towards me
>Shout that this boulder is taken.
>They stumble closer, sounds like multiple people.
>Warn them again.
>And again.
>If they step into the firing line, I can't be responsible for what happens.
>I hear someone climbing onto the boulder.
>I hear another person walking around the boulder.
>I look up.
>I see them.
>It's a pair of fucking yaks.
>One standing on top of the boulder looking down at me. Another beside me, about 10 inches away.
>Continue shitting in waves
for another 5 minutes as they stand there, chewing their cud and snorting in my face until I finish my business.
>Make it back to the trail. Catch up to my wife who's stopped a polite distance down the trail for me to catch up.
>"Hey, anon, did you see those two wild yaks? They walked right by us!"
>how'd you find out?
Talking to people after the fact. Not many things make a thumping sound out there.
This is copy pasta but it's OC I posted a few years back:
>be me
>living in my rural redneck hometown for a couple years while "between things"
>really into camping, nature photography, field recording
>one summer night decide to record the wildlife at a swamp in a 1000-acre nature reserve a few miles down the road
>hop on my mountainbike
>huff down there just at twilight
>lock my bike to a tree and take my pack of gear into the woods
>dark and spoopy, no moon at all this night
>hike about 30mins through the reserve until I get to the swamp
>hastily setup all my recording gear at the edge of the swamp; so full of frogs and crickets and insects and beavers and birds, perfect
>once it's recording it's basically completely dark out
>hike about 15mins away from the recorder so I don't interfere with any wildlife
>get to the big rockā„¢, a giant boulder about the size of a single car garage
>scuttle up the side and sit atop to just wait in silence, want to get at least an hour+ recording
>dark as fuck, can't see my hand in front of my face, looking up through the trees I can see a few stars peeking through, that's it
>after about 30mins or so I get bored, pull out a ciggie
>flick my lighter
>there's a big fucking lion face right in front of me
>it runs away, crashing through the woods
>a fucking mountain lion was skulking up the boulder about to fucking neck me
>turn all my lights on and book it back to the recorder
>packup as fast as I can, still takes like 45mins before I get back to my bike, horrified I'm being stalked the whole time

a couple days later pic related was in the local paper, spotted about 1 mile from where I was
>do you reckon your bow or carry gun could take down a hog if it charged at close range or would you be in trouble

i shoot a 50lb so yes. I dont carry a secondary firearm(yet) but the person i went hunting with has a .40 s&w.
50lb recurve*
>be me
>half Swedish/Danish
>at my grandmothers farm (Swedish side)
>check the gate to the goats dont escape again
>casually walk down the road to the local fishing spot
>spend my time there, as you do
>start walking back to my grandmas farm
>female moose come out the brush
i am now in way more danger then i can comprehend, i was like 10-12 years old
>i just think the moose is being cute and wants to follow me home
>get to grandmas farm
>she lets me in, i tell her about the friendly moose i just met
>her first response is grabbing and racking the rifle by the door
>be me
>peacefully sleeping inna tent
>weird noise, something bumping me tent
>VERY stern man tells me to come out, slowly
apparently i was sleeping where the police and the army train their dogs and it was just a cute little german shepard pup

also one time i was just sleeping under a tarp, some lady lost control of her cocker spaniel and it woke me up by licking my face like it was ice cream
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pic rel
a bridge that was there
need to make plans to do mini hikes again now that the weather in texas is a lot cooler
no fucking clue why that came out sideways
hate phone posting
it's over
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>want to know how I would go about finding one
good luck. Most people use hounds to track them. Without hounds you need to get lucky and find fresh tracks in the snow/mud or a fresh kill but even then they will see/smell you a mile away. They roam far and wide.

>be me
>backpacking in Yellowstone by myself
>sit down in a pleasant meadow by the edge of a creek to eat lunch
>big bull mooses meaders out of the brush/marshy area about 30yards away
>sees me, cares not, keeps feeding
>I sit and eat my lunch and watch this big dude for 20 minutes.
>I get up to go and he tiptoes across the creek and fucks of.

the end.

picrel was cool too but technically I was /in
cute dog
>be me
>riding my bike 2 days ago
>pitbull leaps out of someone's backyard and comes straight for me
>I duel it with my bicycle for like 5 minutes before the owner comes

that's all, just a regular day living around poor people
>Be me
>middle of a French Guyana swamp while serving in the FFL
>out on patrol
>we have a pause in the march
>leave the boys to piss and find a couple wild watermelons as I'm drenched in sweat and dehydrated
>an unbearable stench assaults me
>dead body me thinks, ought to investigate
>go back to the boys
>they're nowhere to be found
>orders are to wait on spot if lost, in the meanwhile I decide to seek the corpse
>follow the ungodly stench to a massive hollow tree
>guttural growl shakes my bones
>out of it comes a fucking abomination: a hairy, lurid, ulcerated obese living cancer with a pink gash oozing a white viscous fluid
>it's OP's mother
>empty rifle in a single long burts and run
>trip over something, last thing I remember is a massive slimy tentacle grabbing my ankle and dragging me towards the opening in the tree
>wake up a week later in a military hospital
>officially my team got lost and succumbed to the elements, am only survivor
>for about three years, patrols in the area would sometimes receive a barely perceptible radio interference on our (reserved) frequency at odd hours of the night resembling faint screams of agony, some men swore they heard latin prayers
That's actually hilarios 10/10 OP
That's wild. How big did it seem in person
Still animals I guess, you pass
It could be worse
I guess a mountain lion would have no interest in fighting me
Unrequited love strikes again
Nice story though
Pitbulls are probably more "wild" than a lot of actual wild animals honestly
Honestly, decent greentext
>How big did it seem in person
Well when it was a few feet from my face in the dark I thought it was Simba's fucking mother. I guess it's the size of a large dog but with longer legs. Nasty face, it's eyeballs were like horse's eyes to me.

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