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anyone else agree it's the best time of year for /out/? it's 3-6C right now and all I wanna do is go on hikes because it's comfy, quiet and you sweat less, but it's not so frigid you need special gear.
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i unironically despise anything under 60f/15c (though 55f/12c can feel "okay" with the sun shining good)
it just makes my body hurt straight to my bones, and my joints ache like hell, with the only thing able to warm me up being a hot shower
i know you can wear cold weather clothes, but that includes a skimask, gloves, and thermals as a default for me, and if i'm not constantly on the move, then i start sweating, but if i'm moving, then i start getting cold because airflow, and it just ends up being miserable
plus, daylight passes so quickly this time of year, i miss the sun not setting until like 10pm, i could do so much outside, but instead its down by 5pm & cold
bro what the heck is with you, maybe you have circulation issues because even a southeast asian won't get that cold. maybe the warm clothes you were wearing were not the right kind and got cold easily especially if there is water. best way to keep warm is multiple thin layers, especially merino wool.
i'm in tennessee, its 66f/18c right now, not that bad, but its wet here, so the winters can get shitty
plus, i'm in the hills, so you could walk up or down a hill, and get a 20/10 degree temperature difference, which makes wearing warm clothes go from cozy to baking then back again
also, i actually have really good circulation, but i have naturally low blood pressure, so the cold is my mortal enemy, just always been that way
if it's wet you absolutely need quick dry materials like merino and a shell with pit zips, gore tex shoes are a no go desu if you are doing any serious hiking, cotton only works in a perfectly dry day.
do you know any online places off the top of your head that sell merino wool clothes in small? specifically pants?
i'm a tiny guy, so finding fitting clothes is hard, and finding pants that aren't made for children or women is also hard
usually everything is cheapshit / purely stylish, having no pockets, purposeful holes, stupid designs, etc when its small too, and the rise of pants is always too short since most is made for kids/women
i know theres plenty of stores online, but i've gone through a few before, and a lot of the clothes they had didn't even have small on the list, and when they did, they were out, so i just gave up
not sure if it's american or just canadian but there are 2 sites called the last hunt and altitude that have discount and last season technical clothing of very good brands, and usually small is what's left too because most people get medium/large
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First snow just hit lads, Truels best season
-2 Celsius today, dipping to -5 tomorrow, been snowing most of the day yesterday

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