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For those of you who don't know, massive discoveries have been made in the Amazon over the past couple years using "LIDAR" imaging technology from the air. We now know that the Amazon was once home to a sprawling and sophisticated civilization.

However, I'm hearing that there's a shortage of manpower to undertake the ground exploration of these sites. Is there any way for an American like me to volunteer for this? This would be a dream come true and I would expect no payment.
For that matter, would there even be any law stopping me from just flying to Brazil and going out there myself somehow?
You need to be indoctrinated by Big Archeology first. Have you sit through 4 years of useless classes? You can be an unpaid intern.
How long until this is called fake and pseudo scientific by archaeologists world wide?

The science community has a horrible habit of dismissing anyone who doesnt state obvious 8th grade science like neil degrasse tyson
All science is fake and gay. These discoveries are not "science", they're just photographs taken with technology that can see through the forest canopy. All we need is people to hike out to the spots and take photos and samples and go into the temple to kill the minotaur or whatever. We need a guy with a greying crewcut and a cigar to turn on everyone at the last minute.
>All we need is people to hike out to the spots and take photos and samples and go into the temple to kill the minotaur or whatever. We need a guy with a greying crewcut and a cigar to turn on everyone at the last minute.

where do i sign up?

I can forward $1million cash to you to join you in your journey nigerian prince
LIDAR has actually found sites, so it's provably non-bs.
I'm not so sure about that. I volunteered on a dig and didn't have any significant archaeology training. There was lots of encouragement to do other digs. The vibe was very open and welcoming. This can vary, but I think archaeology is quite accessible.
There is a very high chance that they will think you're stealing stuff. LIDAR exploration isn't only about finding above ground monuments. Some of this stuff is buried, and excavation cannot be conducted without permits and whatnot.
Look into the amyloid hypothesis and how the scientific establishment set us back by decades with regards to Alzheimer’s research. It’s not a conspiracy theory.


Basically any deviation from the theory that Alzheimer’s was caused by amyloid beta plagues was immediately dismissed. A 2006 study was supposed to be definitive proof of the AB theory, and The Science! really clamped down on dissenting opinion. But that 2006 study was fraudulent.
What are they going to do about it? If they can send people in to arrest me why couldn't they send people in to do the exploration?
I wouldn't recommend getting nowhere close to that shithole
>full of natives subsidized by the commie government that can kill without repercussions
>full of illegal miners/loggers/poachers that will kill you just in case
>residents are just as violent
>some places are used by drug traffickers and cartels for smuggling
>local fauna is made up of poisonous animals or carnivores that will fuck you up at the first opportunity
>don't even think about getting in the rivers
The list goes on, but there's all sorts of horrible shit going on there, including parents whoring their kids for a pack of cigarettes and moonshine. You wouldn't last a day.
So what? We're all going to die anyway. I want to do something cool first. There's nowhere else left unexplored except space and that probably isn't happening. The only thing I'd be afraid of is Malaria, human and carnivore threats will never deter me from anything.
i dont have to look into it
i believe you.

with how snoody the scientific community is i believe you.
You cant tell a scientist anything even if it's theoretical without them having a bitch fit.
Even if they deal in theoretics they'll have a bitch fit
Everyone knows that science and medicine are completely ruined. It's hilarious how fucked we are.

Here's how you access this world:

>Go to school for archaeology / anthropology / world religion
>spent the next 6 years planning out every meticulous detail and $ number value required to make an expedition into the remote amazon
>recieve grant money or participate in existing grant-funded research
>go do it with the intent of publishing completely opinion-free objective observations. leave your personal feelings about human history out of it.

otherwise you've got nothing to work with that will put you in any official context to explore these sites or publish any form of observations on them.
sucks, but adulthood is understanding that, like it or not, wealthy entities and people with expensive pieces of paper are the ones who are actually going and doing meaningful intellectual work and getting paid for it. you have to pass through a filter of bullshit in order to hold the actual authority to have any form of intellectual freedom or ownership of your work.

you can spend your whole life researching this for fun and publishing books on it. it'll be fun, fun to read, etc, but your life's work will be nullified the MOMENT someone with a degree shows up and publishes even slight lazy official research on it. they'll get away with dismissive, opinionated conclusions and speculations while you get laughed at for thinking you've got any authority to have persona opinions or speculation on it. You will be publically mocked by archaeologists who have not and will not step foot near these sites.

this goes for all fields of science, academia is a racket. you have to want that end-game life of being a well-funded independent researcher, otherwise it's wasted time.

ultimately, archaeology as a rule will dictate that you don't disturb any of this stuff at all without extensive SA govt. presence, poltiics and indigienous activism will get in your wa, yand this will all remain unresearched for decades.
That's not true anymore. Today with the Internet random YouTube celebrities are now considered more credible than anyone with degrees and funding. If some complete nobody with a little backpacking experience saved up for plane tickets and made a video showing the inside of some Amazonian temple he would get millions of views and inform everyone's opinion meanwhile the college grad would be completely ignored. That's how the world works today. Especially after the COVID fiasco nobody gives a shit what scientific institutions think anymore.
>We're all going to die anyway
Imagine being this cucked. JFC
Is it true that teflon can contribute to it?
because the way trump and biden handled covid was a complete joke.
It still spread even when we did all the procedures and they couldnt even figure out what they wanted to say
when it first hit they said
>it survives on any surface
>it survives direct sunligjt
>it survives deep heating and freezing

and then they completely back tracked on it a year later and said different things. and liberals tried to keep everyone scared
it's now the equivalent of the flu at this point
and more people got sick post vaccine than pre.

that's just some of the reason no one trusts academics now
>Today with the Internet random YouTube celebrities are now considered more credible than anyone with degrees and funding. If some complete nobody with a little backpacking experience saved up for plane tickets and made a video showing the inside of some Amazonian temple he would get millions of views and inform everyone's opinion meanwhile the college grad would be completely ignored.
and then arrested by the brazilian government
>>Go to school for archaeology / anthropology / world religion
>>spent the next 6 years planning out every meticulous detail and $ number value required to make an expedition into the remote amazon
>>recieve grant money or participate in existing grant-funded research
>>go do it with the intent of publishing completely opinion-free objective observations. leave your personal feelings about human history out of it.
the irony is you have to do this, while also having a savant youtube channel where you give out all your psuedo and real research for FREE and lgbt nigger jew aids anal sex friendly at the same time while doing a basedjak face to 10 neil degrasse tyson tier documentary you made yourself
academia is not about teaching a middle class anymore, but filtering for savant slaves that the upper tier fruitcake women and cringe incel schizo working men can milk you for your work at an absolute pittance
>YouTube celebrities are now considered more credible than anyone with degrees
only if you drink the kool-aid of retardation
>only if you drink the kool-aid of retardation
only if you drink the koolaid the US government isn't stealing your taxes to kill you and your children and your childrens' children
I never had better archaeology lectures than going on youtube and getting a full rundown of native americans
What flavor was it?
>and then arrested by the brazilian government

most of the amazon is unexplored you fucking retard
>most of the amazon is unexplored you fucking retard
ok then go explore it and make a youtube video, but don't come crying to me when interpol arrests you for desecrating some aztec toilet
The entire medical community went along with the hoax. People who went through college indoctrination cannot be trusted.
Unfortunately, this is a dangerously radical opinion and you need to be silenced.
Yes, put the money together, buy the equipment and fly down. Simple.
This anon gets it
Higher education is designed to ensure advancement in history or technology is almost impossible within the system. Ghastline Maxwell's das published college science books for decades to make sure what you learned lead to dead ends. Why do you think straight white males with high IQs opt out of higher education? It's obviously a waste of time which is why it's now dominated by midwits and woman.
You don't get tenyear for being smart, you get it because you parrot the narrative. The purpose of education hasn't been education in decades: it's to enforce subservience to authority and to punish questions that go against approved right think.
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It's only because of the department of education and this country can't stop to think about the children for 5 years without screeching they will fall behind internationally on being an international goy rather than seeing the strengths of domestic USA
I just started posting some general appealing out shorts to seed a yt channel and all my viewers are 65+ and 55+ .. 2000 views of 65 year olds? wtf... they act like there are children but all the parents are hostages in a concentration camp, amish people will outperform a muttified race of gay cancer patients
We need to destroy the department of education, we might be "competing" on international charts but only because the "expert" stats people are lying and skewing on every chart in favor of holocaust believers, meanwhile china can train 500000 real human beings to be expert programmers when they aren't hindered
They should just flush every school in the USA and restart from scratch.. they already emptied most of the tech labs and everything is sitting in the backrooms
A good 90% of teachers are complicit in circumcision and mutilation of men and even women, I now realize after k-3rd year of college after that crap how twisted some of them really were
They want 2nd year undergrads to perform 10 year PhD miracles now to get their degree or dance to the tune of gay faggot anal beads, instead of just letting people learn their field..

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