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Can we thermos thread?
Why am I so into milfs now? Is that just natural as we age?
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No, the algorithm has changed you
A certain percentage of us has been assigned this fetish
I warn you, it may progress into granny porn
I would store food and water in anything plastic over these damn things, you shit the plastic out, these just weigh you down and gather bacteria
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do you want me to start spamming the catalogue with boot threads?
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Why are you guys anti thermos?

Nice warm coffee or tea on a winters day to cheer you up?

Its nice guys, try it sometime
Why would you do that?
Are you saying there are already thermos threads?
I dont understand
What is the best soup for a thermos?
I presume something not too chunky? Maybe just straight beef broth?
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borscht, the kind like pic rel
Depends on the thermos, they have short squat thermi for soup specifically. You can put any soup in those
Kek do it
what was your point?
Is it time for shitpost bumpin already?
camelbak chute mag 1L. Lid design is well thoughtout. Compatible with other lids from the company. Holds liquids hot for up to 5-8 hours depending on how often you open it. Works well for me.
>camelbak chute mag 1L
How can it be a thermos and a camel bag at the same time?
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I like this one, Zojirushi SJ-JS10. Bit pricy by Europoor standards, paid like 50€ for it, but it's relatively compact for it's volume and holds temperature well. Comfortable click-to-open mechanism, but bit annoying to clean, if it was used for instant 3-in-1 coffee. Still, I like it.
Next time try the green stanley
what pasty was that?
"Kibinas". It's local thing, popularized my "Crimean Karaites" minorities. It's like a small, juicy meat pies.
very nice, thank you, i love making pasties, i should take them /out/ with me on Day hikes more often
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>a small, juicy meat pie
I ate your moms meat pie last knight if you know if which i speaketh
everything was there
what should I put in my thermos today?
would it be possilble to construct a thermos fleshlight that can stay warm all day?
I have been looking at getting a zojirushi for work, hiking and fishing. Was looking at the screw tops for ease of cleaning, but the latching lid looks much easier for one hand use.
Maybe I'm looking at it all wrong. If I want a coffee, I'll stop and make a small fire and make coffee. That's part of the fun of being out. I don't want a fucking solar hot dog warmer. I want to put one on a stick and heat it up over a fire. If you need a thermos for anything, just stay home.
Thats fine where you live, but there are fire restrictions where i live and you are not allowed to use the limited organic matter for fires anyway
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How often do you actually go /out/?
Thermoses are for day hikes bro. These people are talking about starting at home with hot coffee and then hiking around the shopping center. Thermoses are of course useless weight in an actual outdoor setting since you can't boil in them.
I have an SM-GA72 which is a twist off and here are my thoughts
>Amazing insulation, the best I've ever seen. Left it on the seat my car in 104* weather for 2 days and there was still ice inside
>Durable, I worried about the plastic top, but I've dropped it directly onto cement from like 4ft and it just has a little scratch on the top and a tiny dent on the side that didn't even scratch the paint
>Form, I really like that it's skinny and tall. It can fit into any cup holder, into the tiny ass car door cup holders, into folding chair cupholders, into any backpack bottle pouch.
>There is a pretty large lip inside of the bottle. It doesn't cause many issues when the bottle is full, but when it gets down to like 1/4 full, the water builds up on the lip then suddenly goes over so you have to drink slow or risk spilling a bunch of water on yourself. If you hate when ice suddenly slams you in the face while drinking water at a restaurant, then avoid this specific model.
>There is a silicon seal that interfaces with the metal that is pretty loud every time you screw or unscrew the top. I'm sure that you can just rub some food safe lube on the parts that rub, but it honestly doesn't bother me that much.
>Cleaning isn't easy or difficult, I mostly just do a basic scrub down followed by some boiling water and haven't had any mold pop ups.
I 100% recommend Zojirushi, I probably wouldn't get this same model as me, but its still 10x better than any stanley or hydroflask I have seen. I good and bad thing is there are like 100 different models that all have very minor differences so it's annoying trying to figure out what changes between models, but in the end you can probably find the exact model that fits what you want.
>If you need a thermos for anything, just stay home.
Some of us work far from a kitchen, it's no practical to go full comfy camping everytime I just want to sip some warm or at least not almost freezing water.
Thermos bermos bo dermos
>there was no response to this

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