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I find walking through snow uncomfortable. I prefer dry ground. Snow is nice to look at, from afar.
i like sliding down snow on my ass
Get snowshoes
Do I look made of money?
You look like a retarded frogposter desperate for human interaction.
There’s some snow here, but not a lot, and getting new gear for the 10 weeks where snow is possible in the mountains kinda sucks
Ok so state that in your first post. Don't try to be a cutesy redditor. I refuse to help you beyond that advice. I genuinely hope you die.
No fun allowed.
You are literally everything wrong with society.

I love fun. I'm drunk in a national forest right now. But your idea of fun is acting like a faggot on the internet?
My point is more there’s definite downsides to ultra snowy climates.
And just about everyone believes exactly that. You simply want attention. You aren't interesting. You aren't bringing up any good points. You are simply saying what literally everyone instinctually knows.

But you know this. It's the attention that you want.
No, a lot of people here hype up extreme climates but probably don’t even hike them in the winter.
GAHDAMN you didn't have to do it to em like that
Snow is extremely hard and tiring to walk in, deadly, in fact. Based OP for speaking his mind and letting us know his preferences.
And its scary to drive on and most cars come with cheapo economy tires and dedicated all terrain or winter tires aren’t cheap either.
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Didn't ask. Don't care
Tell me you're a whiny little fairy who thinks he should be/deserves to be comfortable...
You can make a pair out of thin mahogany plywood and a couple of velcro straps from the dollar store. Paint them and then coat them with wax so the snow doesn't stick. Cut up an old plastic toboggan, garbage can lids, a couple of Tupperware lids, you can literally make them out of any flat piece of plastic you find laying around.
You should try xc skiing. After doing it once I see snowshoeing as some form of masochism
Buy or steal a pair of tennis rackets
How poor can you be? I know /out/ is considered an expensive hobby but only if you don't know what you're doing
this. its worth the trudge

costco unironically
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I don't care for snow, it just turns everything grey.
Its pretty when it has just fallen and sticks to the trees but not after that
it only turns things grey if you live somewhere that is already fundamentally grey.
bright sunlight ruins outdoor photos
what you want is mostly cloudy with the sun behind a thick cloud but diffused light in beams here and there to highlight the colors, but that's fucking rare, usually its just sunny or cloudy here so i'll take cloudy
>I find walking through snow uncomfortable
it's why i have snowmobiles in the garage
you are gonna lose your penis in an accident
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I hope that you have steel walls in your garage, because this mofo will wreak your house and shit on your snowmobile.

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