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West coast
>dozens of unique mountain ranges with their own special charm and flavor
>towering snow capped peaks, volcanic ruins and jagged landscape
>vast deserts with alien like landscape stretching for hundreds of miles
>massive canyons and plateaus carved by thunderous rivers
>ancient old growth forests untouched by human hands
>vast expanses of savanna and prarie teaming with wildlife
East coast
>here’s some replanted trees and shit with a McDonald’s right down the road
>btw we built a staircase and a bridge to get to the cool part
How is it even a competition?
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does the "west coast" include the rockies?
Even if it didn’t the west coast would still be superior. Hell just the state of California BTFOs the entire eastern half of America
go back and stay there.
Just say you don’t go out bro
>How is it even a competition?
It isn't a competition, dunno why you're making it into one.
This. Its
a continent, not two different sports teams.
says you who makes these dogshit threads ona daily basis
What about just going outside and making the best of the wilderness you have instead of jerking off over East vs West coast?
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Here in Canada we have Cape Breton in Nova Scotia it's pretty impressive; generally undeveloped, extensive coastlines, forests, and small mountains, it's really beautiful. It's not all secondary forests and McDonalds'.
>>here’s some replanted trees and shit with a McDonald’s right down the road
lol I actually enjoy that you can have 800 ft deep slot canyons AND have a mcdonalds 15 min drive away when you are hungry at the end.

>>btw we built a staircase and a bridge to get to the cool part
i really appreciate stairs and walkways, do you not?
I appreciate environments untrammeled by man. Not stairs and walkways, no.

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