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What’s your TV set up when you go /out/, /out/?
my people, if I have good enough cell service while camping I will watch baseball if it's on, or listen to games while hiking.
I was camping in the channel islands (santa cruz) during the world series and I walked a short way to the visitors center to catch the wifi and watch the game a couple of nights.
I have a projector and 8 foot screen. We watch movies by the campfire.

REEEEEEE about not being out. I don’t give a fuck.
So you’re not actually going outside
Put em on clutch
I have a monitor mounted on a dental arm
False. You can't afford a dental arm.
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One of my friends a few miles away from me will stream a game to me via smoke signals.
If you drove there you're not /out/.
and you use it to watch gay porn?
>Brought his TV just to watch Seattle lose
Why else?
>didn't post a picture of the dental arm
Are you stupid or something?

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