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We are recruiting for an innawoods homesteading community, building from the ground up (literally) in rural Appalachia. We use natural/reclaimed materials wherever possible and focus on prepping, bushcraft, survival, self-sufficiency, self-development, and enjoying life innawoods. 50 wooded mountainous acres with several flat sites accessible on foot. Completely off-grid with solar/gas electric & running water. Big plans for the place including sawmill, blacksmith shop, greenhouse, etc. Far from major cities. Build something before winter or wait til spring. No RV/camper hookups available. No junkies, no trannies, no vaxxies allowed.

Just gauging interest, also wondering how best to recruit?
I don't think you want to recruit. Start your community and see who buys in.
/b/tardsk attempts never go anywhere, but I support it nonetheless because building camp in the middle of nowhere is peak /out/ism.
Can this just be a normal appalachia hiking thread and we ignore the crazies?
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Yeah fuck off glowie.
I'll continue to go outside and enjoy nature.
spergz about technology
uses AI slop
yeah places like that always work out and dont end with standoffs with the atf. i'll pass
sweet, is this the schizo thread ?
I bet your wife is so happy.
You're right we need to keep this thread on page 1
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playing pretend to the exclusion of living a real life is incredibly self-destructive son.
Unless you seriously know what you're doing, you should have everything planned out beforehand
>how best to recruit
>recruit on 4chan for idealised fantasy community (kek)
>no vaccinations
at least all the kids will die before they get molested
Just go join the yellow bus cult. They will even give you one or two free teens as long as you give them babies and your labour. That's how they "recruit" new members because if you fuck one of their kids they own you for life. Worth the trade off? Land, trad wife and a simple life for your freedom? You can find them out in appalachia there.
I don’t know how you can recruit good people for that. The people I’ve found who were interested in this and competent were too old plus a little crazy. Like, we don’t need guys having heart attacks while shoveling poop or snow or whatever. Younger people who were interested, though lacking skills, had drug problems and liked to couch surf. I have the means to begin building a modest community, within reasonable driving distance of civilization, but I don’t want to build something and fill it with old folks, hipster layabouts, and crazies. I also don’t want to get Ruby Ridged.
chlorine dioxide: general health
vitamin d3 and k2: dental
borax: arthritis
pretty much all you need
Are potheads considered junkies?
I smoke & I drink, I don't do anything else and never will. No pharmaceuticals either.
>too old
you're too young and naive
OP here. We already own the land and have been here for a year and a half. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

We are aware of IC but we don't want to broadcast our details publicly yet.

As long as people are physically healthy we dont really care about how old they are. Health has little to do with age; there are 70 year olds in better health than some 20 year olds. There are certainly difficulties finding the right people though. We have had our fair share, thus this post. To be fair, everyone who wants to go live innawoods is a little crazy in some way though, lol. We are reasonably close to civilization.

That's fine, as long as it's not your entire personality. We smoke too. We also smoke cigs, drink once or twice a month, shroom trip once or twice a year. Just meant no methheads/dope fiends/pill poppers.
No, I want to live alone. Good luck though.
Do you guys hike in Appalachia?
not worth it to get too many ppl involved. {they} will send clowns in to screw everything up if it gets big enuf.

And as someone who's lived in voluntary communities and talked to people who've lived in same, your boggeyman doesn't have to send clowns. The clowns show up on their own.

What you need is strong defences against the leeches and sabboteurs. You need clear goals, clear values and clear rules of conduct and conflict resolution. You need an ordnung, to borrow a word from the Mennonites.
I don't know how best to recruit for a commune from a "community" of people who mostly want to be left the fuck alone. Seems like a recipe for disaster but I hope you record it on video and upload it somewhere for the content.
It's always just a hippie cult. No exceptions. It's always a hippie cult with some narcissist theater kid at the top. Anybody who shows up with some skills will be drummed right the hell out at the expense of everyone else because they offended the Dear Leader and threatened his authority.
Why are you so proud of being ignorant?
Let me know how it works out for you.
I'm looking forward to OP posting the recruitment link so I can show up, impregnate all the women, and leave with whoever the hottest one is.
>wanting to fuck the one ugly abusive fat chick who'd show up for this.
weird flex but you do you son.
>chlorine dioxide
Kike, I'm not going to drink bleach faggot
>competent were too old plus a little crazy
I noticed this when I was looking for people to join in on 30ish acres in Maine with me. Most responders were in their 50s or to crazy to be worth the risk. Not that I wouldn't take a 55 year old who has skills. Lots.of lighter work is needed and I've worked with plenty of guys in that age range and older that were fit, healthy and functional.
It took like 75 years for throwaway culture to become normalized,, and people still arent completely dependant on the system.
I live in Bongland and have been trying to amass a group of friends for sometime who would be interested in this sort of thing so I could actually get some people involved. Visas would be an issue but I guess being innawoods that wouldn't really matter would it?

I personally would love to help because the experience would be really invaluable to me as I would like to start my own rural community too one day as I think it is neccessary for the future

Here is my email
None of that treating sickness with herbs worked
None of it
why specifically no trannies, is it because they need estrogen?
>no vaxxies allowed
You are going to fail so spectacularly that 15 years from now Hollywood is going to make a movie about it.
You do know whole civilizations were built before vaccines?
Also you have to be a special kind of faggot to care what jewlywood does
>none of it

>what is honey
>what is wormwood
>what is sunflower
>what is aloe
>what is tea
>what is coneflower
exaggeration of benefits does not mean benefits do not exist.
wish this wasn't a honeypot. sorry mr fed/homo-sex-cultist/schizo-larper. if it were closer you might've got me.
>treat sickness with food and herbs
Is that why they had that great 40% child mortality rate going?
the irony of this picture being made using a machine that will remove humanity's ability to draw within two generations, despite it being one of our oldest skills
>removing the corpo cash incentives that have ruined art is a bad thing!
No thanks I'm a westerner.
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imagine some /fit/-browsing autists going up to the noble rural rednecks of Appalachia like
>yeah we're a self-improvement community from the tibetan basket weaving forum 4chan dot org
>we're here to do some trad labor out in the sticks cause self-improvement is the best amirite
>like socrates said "no man has the right to not do physical training" or something. you guys ever read marcus aurelius?
>damn bro you got a nice hairline
>no trannies, no vaxxies allowed.

it's always some hitlerite
This is my life. Being even somewhat well educated and read and right leaning is torture. Nobody knows anything besides football and how to change a fuel pump here. The useful knowedge is there like how to treat wood against termites and everybody knows basic electrical. But if you ask if somebody has read a book or seen anything from criterion at all the answer is no. Then if you go hang out with your liberal friend in a city you have a bunch of men who couldn't do a single pull up and couldn't change a tail light.
Sirs oh my god such sexy

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