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christmas gift thread / flashlight thread (?)

i wanna gift a flashlight for christmas to my dad, he's a scout guide and his use is just camping, searching for kids smoking weed in the woods, etc. i want something that either uses AA/AAA batts or is usb-rechargeable, no weird lithium batteries that require separate chargers. what can you suggest?
If my dad was a degenerate pot smoker I would cut contact. For my children's sake.
not him, but the kids under his command who sneak out of camp at night to do things they're not supposed to
buy a bottle of your dad's favourite whisky and take him for a walk innawoods
Why would you support narc habits? Let dumb kids have dumb fun. Also buy him a tacticool headlamp, he'll probably enjoy the idea more even if he never uses it or a regular flashlight
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Pelican 3410M

Head can switch to a right angle
Has a clip on the back for hip or shoulder strap
Has a magnet on the clip, will stick to metal walls, tables
Entire body glows in the dark
Takes 3x AAs, I keep spare rechargable AAs on me so I can swap them out when its dead
Has a spot and flood light, can switch to either or both
Has three brightness levels for power saving, and a strobe mode
Has a red/yellow/green indicator for battery level
Can be had for around $50
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I picked up this 3000lm spotlight recently HO LEE PHUC is it great. It recharges via usb, is basically completely waterproof, and is brighter than horsecocks. I keep in my bedside stand for self defense if someone breaks in at night. One belt with this beam and they'll be completely blind for like 2 minutes, which is enough time for me restrain and strip him down
Does anyone know any good but more broad outdoors-related gifts? Trying to shop for my dad who does a lot of hunting but he pretty much buys himself everything he needs already. Bought him a bootdryer and trail cams that send photos to your phone in years prior but I'm having a hard time thinking of stuff this year.

Only current idea is to get a shitton of jerky and gift that to multiple family members
perhaps more "edc" than "outdoor", but I personally quite like the Nitecore TIKI keychain flashlights. extremely small (about the same length and diameter as a AA battery), charged via USB. has a main light at the front and two little side lights integrated into the transparent housing. there's a variant where the main light is a 1 watt UV led (more powerful than pretty much any other keychain UV light I've seen) and the side lights are both floody, neutral white LEDs.that's the one I most recommend, especially if someone probably already has a flashlight.
Anyone tried boruit headlamps? Or a cheap aliexpress one. Besides nitecore
a black diamond headlamp or a streamlight macrostream.
>Restrain and strip him

Are you a scary rapist?
deepthroat onahole for them deep innawooxs adventures

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