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Official thread were we can hate, laugh at, mock or otherwise berate ultralight “outdoorsmen”
>bro you sure you need that [useful piece of gear] bro how many grams is that adding?
>yeah bro I got these UL pants for only $179.99 + tip, I know they’re fundamentally the exact same as your Walmart pants but mine weigh 5 ounces less
>have you looked at [product]? Should I buy [sale item]? Is [brand] good? Does [corporation] make good [consumer items]?
>yeah bro gotta hit 47 miles tomorrow
Why are they like this?
the chad animalistic primal nudist schizo with zero gear mogs both brutally
This is true. The main mockery of ultralarpers is their rampant consumerism. It’s like they enjoy buying gear more than actually going outside
rent free
Being an autist about it is lame, but lighter is just better if you the sacrifices are nominal. I don't get why you need to hate on something that has zero effect on you.
its all fun and games to larp with heavy gear until i realize my fatass cant hike for shit with all that on
the effect is made even worse as a poorfag with outdated milsurp gear that cant distribute the load properly
however, i always take a rifle hiking atleast
>inb4 just get more fit you fatass
thats why i'm fucking hiking
Obsessing over other people's gear decisions is pathetic.
having a lot of cool stuff is cool
a good idea is to need the least amount possible as you increase in knowledge
to make use of the surroundings
and to stretch the use of what you have in the most optimized way physically possible
albeit whoever is packing a lot of gear would be liked by others and would do well in a situation where they may need to hide from glowies in the woods
in the long run however knowledge of how to use whats around you will do more to keep you alive
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my hobo backpack is 11kg baseweight, is that ultra light or heavy? everything i own is in it.
Ultralighters are the ones obsessed with other people’s gear bro. Don’t believe me? Try telling one that you brought $1 bic lighter instead of a $300 ultralight lighter that is 7.3 grams less
bring a cast iron pan and watch them seeth
Lad, the only "heavyweight" thing you understand is how obese you are. You've never seen a hiking trail in person let alone any type of heavyweight or ultralight setup. You don't go outside. Yer terminal.
>my hobo backpack is 11kg baseweight
no ultralight is usually sub 4.5kg baseweight
best thing to do is get a normal backpacking bag and fill it with ultralight gear + comfy items
>be man
>over at a nice lady's house having a conversation, couple of drinks in the kitchen after dinner
>it starts to get romantic
>hand up her dress
>spread lips and find the button
>just then a door near the kitchen flings open
>oh boy this is embarassing
>his mom cant even get a word out
>"OP liste-
>he starts shrieking with eyes wide
>mom "OP PLEA-"
>this OP locks eyes with me and points
>op starts rambling
>”ultralight LARPer. Probably can’t even baton wood.”
>OP immediatley relaxes and smirks
>"incel faggot, enjoy that bussy"
>spins around and disappears back into room lit by a dim blue hue
>you slowly turn to look at your date
>quite in shock
>she is tearing up
>she cant even look at you
>"anon I am so sorry, that is my son OP. He*sniffs* he isn't well."
>she puts her face in her hands
>"it's ok, you can go if you want"
>you try to console and say we can hang for a little longer
>she says she actually insists to end the night as it is ruined for her already
>arrange to talk and meet again
>she calms a little but it is better left another time
>you give her a hug and a peck
>as you are walking out you pass the door you take a glance at it
>there is a marking
>it just simply reads
Too me its about sacrificing gear I know I wont need, and also investing in light and comfortable gear, e.g. wider sleeping mat, comfy sleep system.
Honestly it very much depend on the enviorment I'm entering. For dedicated trails I know arent far away from civilization I tend to go ultralight. For off-trail hiking and exploring I dont mind bringing redundancies and tougher gear. You are responsible for your own experience.
True, I hate buying shit, albiet it's due to my sheer laziness that looking for shit to buy and use feels like a fucking ultrachore. I just take whatever I have and reuse the same shit for years. Hell, I haven't bought ONE piece of clothing this year.
On you fatty, /fit/ is proud, just don't do SS or listen to ripptoe.
On my first major hike, we did the atlas mountain range to mt Toubkal, 5 days of walking with 13kg and I found it fine desu.
That YouTuber that recently froze to death in Sweden probably died because he was using ultralight gear lel. He seemed to be using that ultralight white/see through tent that all the ultralight hikers are using in some of his videos.

Ultralight gear was designed for people stomping around on American trails as basically 90% of the country is humid subtropical or med climate where the only thing that can hurt you is your lil muscles gets tired but it shouldn't be used in the rest of the world or during real innawoods expeditions.
Hating stuff is really cool
Doubt you've met one.
Newfag. $1 mini Bics are as much of an ultralight staple as SmartWater bottles or a cut toothbrush handle.

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