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Southwest chads... we win
AZ also has a huge amount of State Trust land. It's not exactly public, you need some kind of permit, but that's good because it gatekeeps the yahoos. For example, you can go on ST land if you're a licensed hunter in pursuit of game.
now show state owned land
You do have to include state forests and park systems to be fair. The southwest still mogs nonetheless
Only issue is it’s getting expensive out there. Wouldn’t recommend it for poors
The expensive parts aren't worth living in if you're /out/-minded anyway.
The most out and rural/secluded places in the SW are all $100,000 an acre or more. Unless you want to live in some juniper forest or HOA shithole in NM.
>Unless you want to live in some juniper forest
isnt that the best place to live?
No. Probably the shittiest biome to live in next to hot or cold open desert.

-High elevation UVs with no canopy cover.
-deep water table
-30% or more lower average precipitation versus a normal ponderosa pine forest
-junipers are all giant shrubs that block views, have no canopy cover, make the air drier and hotter than pine forests, grow extremely slow (10 ft in 50 years), are a pain in the ass to remove, prevent other canopy trees from growing and most useful berry shrubs from growing near them.
Nearly forgot, the only honorable true juniper is the alligator juniper, and open forests of alligator juniper and pinyon and oaks mostly only occurs in central AZ. Everywhere else is shitty giant shrub junipers (mostly one seed).
the only thing ill give you is the water table (although i dont know if that is true or not), but here i just see people using water tanks because its 10x easier
juniper is just better imo because they look nice and smell nice and the mushrooms and animals you get there are nice
Juniper forest is a valid biome description, it is biological life zone that is dominated by junipers. And for the reasons I mentioned, it sucks ass compared with any real canopy forest biome. Juniper forest is a bit of an oxymoron if the dominant species is anything other than alligator juniper, because they completely lack tree canopies. They are exclusively shrub "forests" but with a shittier climate than other shrub zones like much more diverse chaparral. That's why they are so cheap, you've seen one you've seen them all.
>you've seen one you've seen them all
Much like your posts
The only thing juniper shrubland anons can do is cope on their poor mans shitty land and drive tens of miles to real forests.
It entirely depends on the state. In new Mexico, juniper dominated land is often just one step above the high plains. But in utah? Juniper dominated biomes are at the same elevations as the best of canyon country; cedar mesa, Wingate, entrada, all of the rock layers that make some of the most fantastic landscapes in the country are solidly in the juniper zone
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Our weather is superior :^)
On the plus side though, if you have enough mature junipers, you get to laugh at extremely drunk pinion jays flopping around :)
Literally just an empty flat desert tho.
looks like a lovely place to die in a flash flood
Friendly reminder that state-level managed land is not included in that map. Nor are things like county parks or locally managed wilderness.
>state land
>no dispersed camping

many such cases, NF and BLM land is superior
That is a huge wide ass wash with lots of easy access uphill, if someone were to die in a flash flood there they deserve it.
You are right that it isn't, but the southwest still has way more public land even with state stuff included for other states (and the southwest states have lots of state land too). And a lot of state and local wilderness is not held to the same standard of wilderness quality that federally designated wilderness is
Are you sure about that?
>still has way more public land
almost like that's because you can't farm a desert
deserts and snowy mountains and 100ft tall trees are cool and A LOT of people can go their entire lives without seeing that shit

meanwhile everybody on planet fucking earth has seen rolling hills and oak trees

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