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I was once out hiking in the winter, wanted to make a shortcut to a road and stepped on the edge of a swamp that hadn't properly frozen but was covered in a deep layer of snow.
If I had taken a step too far or in a different place I probably would have drowned as I can't swim
got lost in the woods for a couple hours once. you feel the fear, start to panic a little. I'm a retard and thought I could remember the route in my head. wasn't even that far out kek. didn't bring anything to help navigate. now I do.
I got lost in the woods a couple of years ago. Nearly died from dehydration. I really had accepted I was going die, but luckily I found a dirt road with a house on it, and the owner helped me. I never go in the woods without a gps anymore.
>2 days deep
>going up a hill
>fallen log across steep slopes
>put hands on top to climb over
>bring face up level with log
>theres a rattlesnake not two feet from my face

They're polite for snakes what with the warning and all but that one was damn close
eating beef stew about a day drive + a day hike away from the nearest town
beef chunk gets stuck in my throat
begin choking
have to heimlich myself
front fall onto the log i was sitting on
throw up the beef

i also hurt myself pretty bad but i could breath again so the rest didnt matter.
never made beef stew again.
I got a flu-like sickness while backpack hunting and could barely walk the next morning. I stumbled into an agave and one of the tip spines went pretty far into my arm. Could've turned out worse. I only had to walk about 5 miles back to my truck.
Hunting on atv, following someone up a steep rocky path. Hit a rock and went over backwards, atv lands on me, other guy doesn't hear me yell. Took me 10 minutes to work my way out, have twisted ankle and have to get a branch to flip atv back over. Guy came back a few minutes later and asked what took me so long. Since then I hike instead of ride. He had a 650 with 4wd, I was on a borrowed 300cc without 4wd and didn't know the area.
hypothermia on a camping trip when i was young . a buddy had to save my ass apparently sleeping in a t shirt and jeans in 15 degree Fahrenheit weather is a bad idea
there was this one time that i rode my bike to a trail to go on a walk. i had food poisoning and didn't realize. on the way to the trail i pulled over to vomit a bunch. i arrived at the trail and immediately shit my pants. i cleaned it up with paper towels and started walking. when i arrived at the toilets i took a big diarrhea shit. i was feeling much better, so i started walking back to the trail head. when i got there i got back on my bike and rode about 50 meters before my legs stopped responding completely. it wasn't muscle fatigue - my nerves stopped working. i had completely run out of electrolytes. i nearly fell down trying to get off my bike. i could've rested and eaten the food i had in my pockets (sardines) - but instead i called someone to pick me up
and then there was this other time that i walked 30km to sleep in a cabin the day before a group walk. i accidentally hit myself right below the knee with an entrenching shovel trying to cut up wood for a fire and fractured the bone. i also had bloody blisters from BMJA combat boots that i hadn't worn in a year since i didn't have the callouses i used to. the next day i made it 11km into the 36km walk and then turned around and went back because i was crippled and didn't want to slow the group down. that was more of a jackass moment than an imminent death moment.
>flipped a whitewater kayak
>caught in hole
>couldnt roll back up
>tried to eject and swim couldn’t get skirt to release
>finally release
Not my favorite moment kaykaing
that wouldve been a hell of a way to go
I accidentally stepped off the bow of a gillnetter while catching a tie up line. I caught myself with a forearm, looked at my captain in slowmo while he was jogging the boat, and pressed myself up somehow. The tender would have crushed me or the 8knot current woulda taken me under quick
I've had times when I've caught myself from tripping, but the scariest was when I got stuck in mud while in a stream. I wasn't wearing waders, and I could've swam out. Regardless, I almost always carry a ski pole wading staff. I got stuck a year later while trying to get a fly I lost the day before, and I was in even deeper mud on the bank in a similar spot I got stuck in previously. Just before this, I had diarrhea in a wooded thicket next to the river. I got bit bad by mosquitos and flies in the few seconds I had my pants down. This shitting experience and one other recent one have given me the confidence to shit outside and to go /out/ when questioning my health.
The first time I went to a local national grassland I thought I could just go 9 entire miles of one of the trails when I was still inexperienced with doing 2. I ended up getting too far into it to make going back the way I came worth it so I ended up going through 2 liters of water in my canteens, wearing out my knees, and the sun going down since I started in the late afternoon. Not a single other person was on the trail the entire time and it was incredibly quiet so I knew I was on my own. I almost fainted once I reached my tent again at night and chugging a few more ounces from another bottle. Definitely dehydrated myself and I’ve learned not to overestimate myself because of it.
Woods really have a way of fucking you up, I'm not surprised we got so many creepy folk stories about shit happening/disappearing in the woods.
One time when looking for a place to solo camp, I was resting and left all my baggage near some rock. There was a good vista some 50 meters ahead in a straight line so I decide to check it out without my stuff. On the way back there were lots of densely placed small trees so I sort of had to zigzag around them and I end up missing my stuff by some 10 meters and got lost. Spent 1 hour walking in circles trying to remember all the rocks and trees until eventually finding my shit again. If I took an hour more it would have gotten dark too. (This was at the beginning of my solo camp attempts, hence the beginner mistakes. The panic really is something else.)
it was the worst and best experience of my life.
on one hand, knowing, and truly believing that you are 1 minute MAX away from death is a pretty insane feeling
and just as insane is having your life saved. taking that first breath, that first sip of water, saying my first word.
no one remembers their first breath, or water they drank or their first word.
but in that moment, isolated, alone, way the fuck out there i experienced all those things.
so i guess the silver lining is that from the brink of dead came some of the most unique experiences a person can have.

these days when i go out i never bring or cook anything that could get stuck in my throat.
the less chewable things the better.
also rice is a no go, you can choke on rice pretty easy.
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perfect thread something happened to me yesterday
>bé me with my waifu
>bé a frog living in Taiwan for 2 years
>watch outdoor boys cook on YT
>french waifu and I want to do the same and cook /out/
>buy maybe 300USD of gear (2 bags, tent, lamps gas etc etc) and tons of food for 2 days /out/
>The bag is literally 30Kg[66lb] for me and 20Kg[40lb] for waifu. (we are both 65Kg[145lb] and 45Kg[100lbs])
>Find a local hot spring lost in the rainforest on Google maps
> lessgo.png
> Find an old guy in flip flops with big dick energy at the very entrance of the trail
> The guy insists that the entrance is not there and points to another faded path.
>1h of walk, very very difficult trail, averaging 60deg, have to use the rope a lot of go down
>See one couple that is going back to the parking lot, telling us they think the trail is way too hard
>sunkencost.exe is loading
>decide to still go down because we're already that far in
>take a huge shit in the forest
>1h later we lose the trail path
>decide to go down to the river and try to see if we can reach the original hot springs from there
>walk 3H more in the rainforest
>the river bed is literally a 90deg wall, impossible to walk down there.
>Down the path we found 0 (zero) places to plant our tent, it was really steep all the way
>we can't sleep, we have to go back to the parking
>it's now 4 in the afternoon, the sun is falling soon
>no data
>that's it, we are lost in the rainforest nobody knows it and nobody will find us
>Starts to panic
>Eat so energy bar
>energy levels 3000
>attempt to reach the car before the dark
>climb climb climb, it's very hard, see picrel
>it's dark now
>smells like shit, strange
>mfw we found the shit I left previously, we are saved, we found the trail
Never watching outdoor boys ever again anons, I really thought that was it for real this time. We didn't even cook in the forest after all...
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I fucked up the picrel I wanted to put this on
Fell about thirty feet when I was new to winter mountaineering. A tree broke my fall.
I triggered a cornace fall and saved my self with my pole in the ground behind me. It would not have killed me but id have been chewed up good by the chunks of cornace.
smart to bring some pocket deenz.
I got soaked in freezing rain on the first night of a winter backpacking trip and couldn't get a fire going because it was pouring. I brought my dad's old sleeping bag and didn't test it before the trip and had no idea what it was rated for. I spent a cold, wet, miserable, sleepless night shivering uncontrollably in below freezing temperatures in a sleeping bag that would be great for a summer trip. I thought I was in serious trouble.
Nothing too bad

Have had a couple close calls climbing across dead trees on the steep areas of the trails where you can't go just go around them, especially in the rain where the barkless ones become like ice and the old ones where the branch nubs break off if you put any weight on them.

Slipped and fell on my ass right past the "x people have died falling from this waterfall" sign lol

One bad water crossing when it rained overnight and it was the only route back to the car. Went from knee high on the way in to waist high and moving a lot faster, dunno if it would have been lethal but it sucked enough even not falling with how cold it was out.
I was a few hours away from an EF3 tornado 160mph winds). Where I was camped was directly in its path; it destroyed 2,500 acres of forest.

>December 2019
>three day weekend, took Monday off because it was my birthday
>casual backpacking trip in central Louisiana (high temps in the 70’s because Louisiana weather lol)
>Wild Azalea Trail, near the spur to Kinkaid campground
>cold front to move through on Monday
>headed out a few hours early Monday morning, as the weather was already getting shitty when I woke up

I’m not sure what time it hit. All of the sources just say “afternoon”. I was at my car before lunch.

I didn’t know until a few weeks later, when I planned to go back but heard the trail was closed due to a tornado. It was 400 yards wide, was on the ground for 50 minutes, and had a 62 mile long path.
are you me
Did the same thing but in a C2 race boat in a grade 3/4 rapid in Finland in a race. After 60 miles (halfway on the first day). I had no business being there in any way, even if I could swim well which I couldn't.
Spraydeck really didn't want to come off, and I vividly remember staring at the outside world through about three feet of water and then that just carrying on and on. Still don't know how I got out, must have gone full retard under death stress.
I did the same thing a year later on the Liffey descent involving a bridge pier (couldn't see through that shit though) and then fucked canoeing off permenantly lol
>waist high
yeah plenty have not come back from that, don't do that without a rope/arm chain kids.
the scariest part was the power of the water holding the kayak in place upside down. There was nothing I could do except eject and when I couldnt do that...yikes.

Also had another less scary but potentially deadly episode
>going canoeing in boundary waters with brother
>choosing campsite for the first night before put in
>We start setting up in one site
>change mind and move over one
>later that evening big storm blows thru knocking over several trees exactly across where we would have put the tent in the first site
>raise a toast to fate
probably the time i hit a car head on riding oncoming. broke my back, my neck, my hit, and a rib.
you know, you're right, rattlesnakes are polite
>on trail
>bush jannies put up big gate over trail
>go off trail to go around gate
>walking over fallen tree, place foot on long grass
>grass gives way entirely
>it's a wombat hole entirely grown over
>its prime snake season
>pull foot out, peek in the hole
>brown snake city and they are waking up
I wear gaiters now and only step on visually confirmed soil.
Went on an overnight hike by myself in Appalachistan when I was 17. It was getting dark and while I was taking a break some guy pounced on me pinned me down and tried raping me. Luckily I was twice his height and weighed more I managed to throw him off, beat him and started kicking him in the ribs for several minutes and then took everything he had on him. I found on him some big ass knife condoms and zip ties
I miss that knife :(
My cousin stole the rape knife when he came over to my house last year
only in ohio
/out/ ladies and gentleman
I am Chechen living in Maine but ok
Falling out of a raft while shooting rapids without a life jacket. Got sucked under and my thigh slammed against a boulder, giving me a charlie horse. I had to swim to the side and crawl out of the river.
happened to me too.

>walked from campsite to the beach with only a towel and bottle of whiskey
>sun was going down and decide it's time to head back
>decide to take a "short cut" through the woods
>walk for about 1 hour in the woods in the direction i thought was right
>getting dark to where i can almost see nothing
>panic and think okay fuck i gotta get back to the beach and take the right way
>walk 1 hour to where i thought i came from
>pitch black at this point and i'm just aimlessly walking in the woods trying to find the beach
>take my shoes off for some reason cuz i was barefoot underneath and i was getting blisters
>now walking barefoot over twigs and rocks
>hear the water on the shore
>just walking in that direction based on sound
>considering drinking the water cuz im so fucking thirsty
>walked up and down the beach about 5 times just to find what path i should take
>took the wrong path and ended up at a road
>probably around 2am at this point
>cop driving down the road
>took my shirt off and waved it around like a maniac running barefoot at this cop
>cop turns around and asks me wtf i was doing
>explain situation and she says "you got about a 2 hour walk ahead of you"
>ask her if she can give me a ride to where i was staying at
>ends up giving me a ride back

lucked out big time and learned my lesson
>take my shoes off
you almost ended up missing 411
>take shoes of because you're compelled to
>drink stagnant water
>transported to fae realm
>raped for eternity
Many such cases. Anon is a very lucky man.
I have never been anywhere close desu. The only time somethings gone wrong for me outdoors was one time I was on an icy trail and my car slipped off of the trail into a ditch, but I was within pretty easy hiking distance of civilization. probably hasn't happen because I've never done anything really serious yet
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anon here again. i dug up a picture of my shoes at that time and you can see why it'd be more comfy to just go barefoot. they were broken in to perfection, unfortunately not for walking aimlessly forever.

>missing 411
>transported to fae realm raped for enternity

my sides
Larp. You live in Ohio.
Camping by myself sitting by the fire getting ready to warm up my dinner. A Toyota Camry comes speeding into my campsite in the middle of nowhere. This tall guy swings the door open and just marches over to my campfire with a beer in his hand and sits down. We have a weird but normal(ish) conversation. Keeps talking about how he really wants to show me something crazy in his trunk, curiosity peaked but knew better. The guy was weird and tall, could easily over power me. Eventually got him to leave when I told him I want to be alone.
Nothing particularly serious and I spend alot of time literally wading through wetlands. But ironically the worst thing that ever happened was one time in the evening I was in the yard and I hear a big cracking splitting noise. Around the house is a big area of pastures with oaks and hickories speckled around. Anyways one of the big oaks was splitting in two, so I went to go watch it and decided to hop a fence into the pasture. This is probably a 1/4 mile from the house. So I watched and listened to the noises by it for about 15 minutes then decided to go back. When I'm climbing over the fence, and this was like an old rough cut pine heart post hogwire fence... I'm up swinging my leg over it and the post I'm bracing myself on breaks and I go crashing onto the ground chin-first from probably about six feet up.

Anyways, I may have been out for 2 minutes or maybe 30 idk. I came to and got up (definitely concussed) and staggered back to the house lol and went and sat in the shower for a while. Went out the next morning and there was an old lightered over rock hard board half buried beneath the fence that I hit my chin on. I've stepped on moccasins, been around alligators, etc etc. and it was climbing a fence that fucked me up the worst.
>I can't swim
That's just asking to die, especially if you want to enjoy the outdoors. Go take some swimming lessons, lol.
>>decide to still go down because we're already that far in

I'm sure that one killed plenty of people. When it doubt, remember that sentence, and act by it.

I once ended soloing a cliff with no protection because I didn't adhere to it. I was on a hike around a local mountain. Fairly known territory, but that route was new to me. I came to a gradual forested cliff. It wasn't far up to the top, some 20m. Risky, but it should be fine, as long as I found the path further up there. It was up or return, retract, and find the correct path, and since I was already up there... Only at the middle of the climb I realised I was risking too much. Trees would help if I slipped, and it wasn't so steep in my reckoning to hurt me much. The problem was that there was no way back. I had no rope. It was too steep for descent. So, if I didn't find a path, I really was fucked. And there was nothing. Just a small wooded plateau, then naked stone walls all around me. Now, I could call for help, but then I would feel foolish, and since I was already up there... No helmet, hiking shoes, way too heavy backpack, and up I went. It wasn't a particularly hard climb, missing ropes and carabiners offset my backpacks weight, but one loose rock, and I'm dead. Then there was also uncertainty on what I'd find higher up. I succeeded to tell the tale, found the path, then returned by it.
What the fuck are knife condoms? Who who I have thought they required multiple sizes?

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