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how much weight can a backpack made of 1000d cordura carry reliably for many years?
im looking for a backpack that can carry 45lbs reliably for years without breaking and i found one made of 1000d.
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*found one that looks good and need to know how strong it is.
i cant find anything on the actual weight the material can carry, everywhere it just says "super durable"
It'll be more abrasion resistant but what really matters is the stitching and construction between the fabric panels.
>45 lbs
A stock Alice will carry 100lbs easily, despite being made of thin polyester that's probably 250d or thereabout. Modern high-level military packs, made to carry 150lbs during jumps and also provide abrasion resistance, are made from 500d most of the time.
The only packs using 1000d are those made for civilian larpers, who just want "the best" without bothering to consider whether they actually need it.
The part that actually fails most of the time are the stitches, not the fabric.

tl;dr: 1000d is overkill. Just make sure the stitches are properly made (stitched 2-3 times, corners sewed back at least 1/2") and any pack will work.

Also, if you're actually going to "carry" (and not just throw in a truck) 45 lbs, you'll want a proper frame, so if you want to buy new, you'll be limited to Alice, Savotta L or XL. Any of those wll outlast you.
i was going for a berghaus, and 45lbs would be the absolute top weight i carry. thank you, i just wanted one that will last me many years.
i assume any company using 1000d cordura wont be cheap on the stitching.
Mate, 180d is enough for 45lbs.
It's look out of place if its more than 500d.
I would go with 300d for durability and weight.
Mine is 500d and I max 65-70lb. Feels extremely strong. Feels much thicker than I need.
500 is already overkill unless you bushwhack through miles of raspberry thickets and sharp rocks
lose weight first, online role player
working on it
im trans btw if that matters
my backpack is 500d. i've abused the shit out of it and it still looks the exact same as the day i bought it. lots of being thrown off cliffs, rolled down hills, brushing against sharp sticks and rocks for days straight, being sprayed with DEET. it looks exactly the same.

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