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Primitive hunting season edition.

Just got back from packing the freezer this winter, with my .60 cal fusil de chase.

What projects, events, or excursions have you been up to or have planned?
>fusil de chase.
why is the name in french, are you French?
Only convicted felons hunt with black powder.

If you want an actual challenge get a bow and learn to climb trees.
Weapons are for pussies. You should only hunt what you can chase down and kill with your bare hands
>b-b-but animals run faster than us
Learn what endurance hunting is
Based anon. I wish that I could own a boom stick here.... From what I've heard a black powder rifle isn't that hard to make.
So who knows? Maybe one day I'll accidentally put some explosives in a bored rifle and stick some pellets there too for good measure. Who knows what'll happen.
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Because it's a copy of an 18thC French gun, I'm from a state that was originally a French colony, and yes, I am partially French.

I'm sorry that this confuses and scares you, my mentally recessive anglo friend.

I also hunt with a bow, and with a modern firearm as well (That's how the turkey got in the oven this Thanksgiving). I don't climb trees because I actually hunt rather than lazily bait and wait like a faggot dressed as a bush in a tree

Where do you live that you can't own a gun?
>I'm sorry that this confuses and scares you, my mentally recessive anglo friend.
Nah that's cool fren, asked because I'm a frog myself.
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I just finished a whole new hunting bag, and started getting things ready to go out myself. I'm using a repro English trade gun though in .65.

Snacks will be transferred into linen poke bags before going out though of course.

Convicted felons use modern black powder. History nerds use repros. Don't be an idiot.

NTA, but most Anglo-Americans can't comprehend anything outside of the movie "the patriot".
Fucking awesome, Anon. How far was the shot?
I recognize that pocket knife! Spoon-mogging anon from the EDC thread?
Lol, yeah, that was me.>>2793357

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