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The soccer mom SUV vs the Chad Ferguson tractor
Based, im sat 50 feet from a 3708 right now.
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You're sat inside, because we both know you don't actually go /out/.
Great tractor. We had one at the golf course I worked at back in the 90's. Absolutely frightening how fast that thing would go in 4th gear. Front wheels shaking back and forth. Those things ran forever though.

The only thing I ever drove that was more frightening was a Cushman Meter Maid cart from the early 1970's. Those things could do 55 miles an hour. I took it out on the street one evening in front of the clubhouse. I was probably only going about 35 when I took my foot off the gas in utter terror. They might have been OK when all the parts were new and tight. But when every bearing and bushing is worn out to the max, oh my gosh.
I do actually.
man, if i could wind back time i would have finished getting my tractor license as a teen years ago, instead of being a dumbass, more focused on girls, booze etc etc
just think it would be funny as fuck today, as a 30 year old man who hasn't worked in manual labour in a decade, and doesn't have a drivers license, if i had a tractor license, but not for cars

also, no better feeling then going 30km/h-19 or whatever miles an hour, nice view, radio blaring, all the cute little cars on a one way road behind you, you can just feel the seething, yes i am an asshole
Put em on clutch
>tractor loicence
what kind of dystopian hellscape do you live in
>a tractor tall enough to watch a 3 story building in the living room
yea no, no loooicens needed, a "tractor" license, i forget the name, but its something like, heavy motorized vehicle certified or whatever
and on your land, you dont need a looooicsense for any motor vehicle, but as soon as you take that bad boy on the road, whole different story, i was driving tractors that were big, BIG, hauling two trailers.
True that. Out here in the country driving from farm to farm you can do it on a regular licence as long as you don't exceed 40kph, and 30kph for even heavier tractors. Pretty much a farming country though.
that's the thing, if you dont have a regular car licenses you need a tractor license
Pretty based actually. I drove through the city today and just wanted to be in a tractor. Awefull places.
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That's nice, but wouldn't you be happier on an 8n?
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So fresh. So clean.
fix or repair daily
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They probably wouldn't be all over the country if you had to fix them all the time. They just keep going.
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So many accesories too. This is an 8n thread now BTW.
God damn it this thread makes me want to buy a tractor
Fuckin love old tractors, post more.
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They come in blue.
One time when I was a kid my friend's drunk lunatic dad drove down the street on his ride-on lawn mower to pick his daughter up from daycare. Caused it big stir in the neighborhood and he up getting stopped by the cops on the way home and subsequently arrested for DUI with his daughter on the back.

Classic fucking small town rennek
Looks like tractors are back on the menu
reminds me of the shenanigans me and my grandpa did.
>out walking the poodle
>of course i have the parrot on my shoulder, because, yes
>come up to a big ass digger/backhoe
i look at the thing, wow huge machine! cool!
Grandpa goes, hey, wanna fire it up?
hell the fuck yes
asking a 7 year old if they want to pilot a machine that can move THE EARTH... yes
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The bigger ones even had row crop center wheels. Not to common on a Ford.
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More powah!
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I have both a MF399 (Perkins A6.354) and an MF285

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