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File: British Army 100L Bergen.png (2.26 MB, 1445x1085)
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Best backpack and why is it the British Army 100L Bergen?
>mid level framed pack
already better than 99% of the packs here, but a well modified alice is better
>doesn't rise above your shoulders, meaning you can wear a hat or look behind you
>straps go all the way around the bag, giving a minimum amount of functionality even if the fabric ever fails, unlikely as that is
>Alice or Molle loops (depending on the exact model) allow any configuration of pouches, or to simply pass straps through them
Not saying the Bergen is bad, and for the price they used to run for they were actually pretty good. certainly better than a 1990s issue alice.
But compared to an Alice with the aluminum frame, a proper waist belt and better shoulder straps, the Bergen is a pain.

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